Object is pause moving when switch tab browser - three.js

how to fix on start I'm moving object with Clock.getDelta() in UseFrame like this
but when I switch to another tab some 10 sec and switch back object is pause and play the wrong position like this
my code


TTaskBar: Setting ProgressState to "Indeterminate" does not work as expected

I use the TTaskbar component in my Delphi application to show the progress of the current operation in the TaskBar.
At the beginning it should show a "Indeterminate" progress (known as pbsMarquee in the context of a ProgressBar).
If I set the status the "indeterminate" animation is only display a single time. I expect it to animate all the time until I change the ProgressState:
tbTaskBar.ProgressState := TTaskBarProgressState.Indeterminate;
Any thing I am missing? What I need to do to dislay the animation all the time?

Creating a pause menu in Xcode SpriteKit

I have been developing by game for some time now and I am now trying to code in a pause menu. I have been looking through forums and videos but i still do not understand how to implement in a pause menu. I have a little pause button in the top left corner which i want to click to pause. Then it to overlay a menu, such as changing the z position of items so they are now visible. And then there be buttons such as resume and main menu which respectively do what they are called. I am still quite new to coding so any help would be appreciated. I am working with falling objects and a moving player so if i need to freeze them all, then unfreeze once resumed that might be a solution I am not sure. Thanks :D
I've tried various ways to do this, but not found a satisfactory method that works for any app/game. A lot of it will depend on how your game works. As a starting point, you probably need to look at someway of pausing the SKScene - this should halt a lot of the animation (but you may have to do extra work).
You could add some kind of blur effect or overlay and then add an unpause button and then pause the scene. Touches will still be detected when paused, but you won't have any animation or updates happening after the pause. The following code should work to pause the scene.
let pauseAction = SKAction.run {
self.isPaused = true
The reason to pause the scene in an action is that any addChild calls won't be processed if you set isPaused directly. actuallyPaused is just a bool variable to keep track of wether the scene should be paused or not (if the parent view is un-paused, the scene would also be un-paused). Btw, You do not need to use an action to set isPaused to false.
You probably also should look at implementing observers for
as you will also need to know when your game has been sent to background either via control center or the home button.

Unity 5.2 Animator window / tab

When I double-click on an animator controller to launch it, the animator tab appears, but when I run the editor, I don't get the usual flow, operations, etc... I only get a static view of the states and transition arrows between them. My parameters do not show the changes they go through either.
I have multiple animations and can switch between them when certain game conditions occur, but nothing really shows when I do so, to see the flow of control, what happens, what goes wrong, the switching, the progress bar, etc...
I have the latest Unity 5.2.0f3 so I wondered if it is just me or others are having a similar problem...
What we need to do is this: Once we hit the play in the editor mode (and have the animator window docked on one side, of course) we just go and click the object in the hierarchy for which we want to analyse the animation flow. And the animator window will start showing the states and the progress bar.
Also, after upgrading to Unity 5.2, it is worth checking the values that were previously set for transition states, for example if vSpeed is greater than 0.1 then start walking. All my set values were messed up; i.e. changed.

Windows command script that moves mouse cursor N pixels?

I am trying to find out how to move the mouse cursor N pixels to some direction.... through a command script, since I cannot install anything on my computer.
I basically try to keep the screen active forever, until I kill the script.
(Yes, I've been searching high and low for a way to do it by a command script.... but could not find anything. I hope it's possible.)
The most straightforward way to manipulate mouse with batch file is with
rundll32 user32.dll,SetCursorPos
But this is not very useful - just sets the mouse to 0,0 position.
Check the mouse.bat - it is a self compiled C#/batch file and does not require external tools and the source is visible and editable.
//clicks at the current position
call mouse click
//double clicks at the current position
call mouse doubleClick
//right clicks at the current position
call mouse rightClick
//returns the position of the cursor
call mouse position
//scrolls up the mouse wheel with 1500 units
call mouse scrollUp 150
//scrolls down with 100 postitions
call mouse scrollDown 100
//relatively(from the current position) moves the mouse with 100 horizontal and 100 vertial postitions
call mouse moveBy 100x100
//absolute positioning
call mouse moveTo 100x100
//relative drag (lefclick and move)
call mouse dragBy 300x200
//absolute drag
call mouse dragTo 500x500
Search for NirCmd, and install it in C:\windows, and do:
nircmd setcursor 100 50
nircmd movecursor 10 10
or another commands for clicks etc.
(Late answer but can still be useful for others)
If you just want to keep your computer from falling asleep, the software "Caffeine" does this quite well.
You could try installing AutoHotKey. It makes controlling mouse very simple. Example script:
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
Toggle := !Toggle
If (!Toggle)
Sleep 1000 ; Make this number higher for slower clicks, lower for faster.
After running script for this example press control+g and it will click every second to keep screen awake. ctrl+g again to stop.
install at: https://www.autohotkey.com/
found solution: https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=19846
try setting sleep mode to 'none', but if you want to move your mouse without even touching it, download memz clean and let the "random cursor movement" to be bluish. now enjoy. (if it doesn't work, the payloads must be disabled. try doing shift+esc to enable/disable payloads. try doing ctrl+shift+s to skip some time because in some minutes the mouse will shake more better.)

RBSplitView has delayed reload of autosaved view positions

I really enjoy using RBSplitView, an open source replacement for NSSplitView, but I have a problem in my shipping app and am experiencing it again in a new project.
The problem is I'm telling the RBSplitView to autosave its position state by giving it an autosave name. When my app launches the RBSplitView doesn't seem to honor the saved state till a second after the window is drawn.
I've spent the night trying to debug the behavior but have had little success. Anyone out there use this lib and have some advice?
You can scrub this quicktime movie to the issue at work:
I've still been unable to figure out why this is happening but I do have a workaround.
First, make sure your main window is not visible at launch and then at the end of applicationDidFinishLaunching in your app delegate add something like:
[mainWindow performSelector:#selector(makeKeyAndOrderFront:) withObject:self afterDelay: 0.1];
The delay is the key. If you just tell the window to makeKeyAndOrderFront: I still see the issue. However as long as it has a beat of time it looks good.
This likely is happening because the RBSplitView instance needs to wait until it's first moment to get to set its frame to the autosaved value, which happens to be after the user can see it. This 0.0-delay trick simply delays showing the window until the very next runloop, which gives the split view a chance to do its magic (and other views) so that when the user sees the window, it's already nice and sexy. So just do the delay at 0.0 and you'll be fine.
I have a similar, but slightly different workaround in my app that uses RBSplitView. In applicationDidFinishLaunching:, I call adjustSubviews on the split view before calling makeKeyAndOrderFront: on the window that contains it. This seems to knock the split view in to order before it gets displayed on the screen.
