Got Max Value Correct But Date Corresponding to this is wrong - powerquery

I need your guidance. I have a table in this table I have 3 columns
The issue i am facing
I got Id correct,Max(forum) correct but the date against id and max forum is wrong .
In short i want to say Id 221 fill 170 forms in 30-07-2021 but the date i got is wrong please check below image enter image description here


Job Scheduler timestamps

enter image description here
enter image description here
Hi, could you please help clarify what is the difference between timestamp shown on Job ID column and timestamp column? I saw some timestamps in Job ID column is earlier than that in timestamp column, but some are not. Thanks in advance!

DAX - Month Name column error when dropped in value field

I have a simple date table (marked as a Date Table)
the Date column is native to it, the rest are calculated columns.
This issue will be about these of them:
Month Name = FORMAT(Dates[Date], "Mmmm")
Month = Month(Dates[Date])
Both set to "Don't summarize".
I dropped them into value field of a visual out of curiousity, and a curious thing happened - despite "don't summarize" they took MIN form of value to display, but Month Name came out incorrect.
Image 1: 3 out of 4 lines in the column First Month Name are wrong, unlike Month which is fine.
Image 2: added Date to the row fields to check - line by line it's fine, but subtotal still wrong:
Image 3: I filtered Month Name in data view for February, to see which lines are for Month value of 1 - there is none.
This is a blank new report, no measures, no filters - that's all it is.
If someone can explain why this happens, thanks in advance
The columns with "Earliest"/"First"/"Min" are summarizing because they are implicit measures in a matrix visual. Since there are multiple months in one quarter it has to aggregate somehow.
The month name is a text field, so it sorts alphabetically by default. If you want it to sort by month number instead, you can use the Sort by Column feature to sort Month Name by Month.

Duplicate values being created for same column value in a crosstab

I am trying to create a crosstab in webi reports that should look something like this:
Use link for the image
That is there is a person 'a' occupying a room 'Room1' for a certain date 01/01/2020 and also a person 'b' occupying 'Room2' for the same date. Have a oracle table from where i am fetching the data into the report.
But instead of that it is being displayed as:
Use link 2 for this image
Please help me with this issue.
Thanks in advance! :)
What object represents the values of 'a' and 'b'? Let's say it is Person. Create a variable called MaxPerson defined as follows and use that in place of Person.
Does that work for you?

Problem with Oracle BI Answers Calendar Prompt

I have a calendar prompt which when selected is in the format 'MM/DD/YYYY' but when the filter is applied the timestamp gets appended to it.
Please see the attached picture.
I do not want the timestamp to be appended after applying the filter.
Figured out the problem - The data type of the selected column was DATETIME in the physical layer. Once I changed it to DATE everything was fine

Subtracting between two dates for total days

i have three columns for Date In, Date Out, Total Days. If in Date In: 8/1/2011 and Date Out: 8/12/2011 Then the Total Days would be: 11 days. If Date Out is empty then Total Days = Current Date - Date In.
Problem: i cout get the total days if Date out is empty and using current date just fine, but getting total between date out and date in is giving me an error.
In the textbox in the reportviewer i have this expression:
=IIf(Fields!DateOut.Value=" "," ",Fields!TotalDays.Value)
The TotalDays is Current Date - Date In which i calculate in a stored procedure and just return the results.
I was thing of doing this but still i am getting an #Error in the textbox if i tried subtracting between date out and in if they are not empty.
=IIf(Fields!DateOut.Value=" ",DateDiff("d",Fields!DateOut.Value,Fields!DateIn.Value),Fields!TotalDays.Value)
Any suggestions.... Thanks
I know this is a little late, but i came up with the same issue. Here's what I did:
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the info. Just wanted to share as I am not a programmer and this might be helpful to someone who is in my shoes that is required to write code.
I was able to create my formula from Answer 1. I had a requirement to have the Period End Date display the date 6 days prior. IE. EndDate = 06/24/2012 Field needs to display as 06/18/2012
