How can i handle storage issue while writing data into cache? - spring

suppose i have 3 million users and i store 100 KB/user data in cache for soft ttl 30 mins.
so at a time cache data could go 3000000x0.1 MB = 300 GB.
but my storage capacity is 100 GB.
does write policy could help me in any way ?


How to speed up big query in ClickHouse?

I submitted a local query in ClickHouse (without using cache), and it processed 414.43 million rows, 42.80 GB.
The query lasted 100+ seconds.
My ClickHouse instances were installed on AWS c5.9xlarge EC2 with 12T st1 EBS
During this query, the IOPS is up to 500 and read throughput is up to 20M/s.
And as a comparison, st1 EBS max IOPS is 500 and max throughput is 500M/s.
Here is my question:
Does 500 IOPS actually limit my query (file-reading) speed? (never mind the cache) Should I change EBS volume type to gp2 or io1 to increase IOPS?
Is there any setting can improve throughput under the same IOPS? (as I can see, it's far from ceiling actually)
I tried increasing 'max_block_size' to read more file at one time, but it doesn't seem to work.
How to extend the cache time?Big query took minutes. Cache took seconds. But cache doesn't seem to last very long.
How can I warm-up columns to meet all requirements? Please show sqls.
Does 500 IOPS actually limit my query (file-reading) speed?
Should I change EBS volume type to gp2 or io1 to increase IOPS?
Is there any setting can improve throughput under the same IOPS?
tune max_bytes_to_read
reduce number of columns (in select)
reduce number of parts (in select)
How to extend the cache time?
How can I warm-up columns to meet all requirements? Please show sqls.
select a,b,c,d from T Format Null

HBase: Why are there evicted blocks before the max size of the BlockCache is reached?

I am currently using a stock configuration of Apache HBase, with RegionServer heap at 4G and BlockCache sizing at 40%, so around 1.6G. No L2/BucketCache configured.
Here are the BlockCache metrics after ~2K requests to RegionServer. As you can see, there were blocks evicted already, probably leading to some of the misses.
Why were they evicted when we aren't even close to the limit?
Size 2.1 M Current size of block cache in use (bytes)
Free 1.5 G The total free memory currently available to store more cache entries (bytes)
Count 18 Number of blocks in block cache
Evicted 14 The total number of blocks evicted
Evictions 1,645 The total number of times an eviction has occurred
Mean 10,984 Mean age of Blocks at eviction time (seconds)
StdDev 5,853,922 Standard Deviation for age of Blocks at eviction time
Hits 1,861 Number requests that were cache hits
Hits Caching 1,854 Cache hit block requests but only requests set to cache block if a miss
Misses 58 Block requests that were cache misses but set to cache missed blocks
Misses Caching 58 Block requests that were cache misses but only requests set to use block cache
Hit Ratio 96.98% Hit Count divided by total requests count
What you are seeing is the effect of the LRU treating blocks with three levels of priority: single-access, multi-access, and in-memory. For the default L1 LruBlockCache class their share of the cache can be set with (default values in brackets):
hbase.lru.blockcache.single.percentage (25%)
hbase.lru.blockcache.multi.percentage (50%)
hbase.lru.blockcache.memory.percentage (25%)
For the 4 GB heap example, and 40% set aside for the cache, you have 1.6 GB heap, which is further divided into 400 MB, 800 MB, and 400 MB for each priority level, based on the above percentages.
When a block is loaded from storage it is flagged as single-access usually, unless the column family it belongs to has been configured as IN_MEMORY = true, setting its priority to in-memory (obviously). For single-access blocks, if another read access is requesting the same block, it is flagged as multi-access priority.
The LruBlockCache has an internal eviction thread that runs every 10 seconds and checks if the blocks for each level together are exceeding their allowed percentage. Now, if you scan a larger table once, and assuming the cache was completely empty, all of the blocks are tagged single-access. If the table was 1 GB in size, you have loaded 1 GB into a 400 MB cache space, which the eviction thread then is going to reduce in due course. In fact, dependent on how long the scan is taking, the 10 seconds of the eviction thread is lapsing during the scan and will start to evict blocks once you exceed the 25% threshold.
The eviction will first evict blocks from the single-access area, then the multi-access area, and finally, if there is still pressure on the heap, from the in-memory area. That is also why you should make sure your working set for in-memory flagged column families is not exceeding the configured cache area.
What can you do? If you have mostly single-access blocks, you could tweak the above percentages to give more to the single-access area of the LRU.

Spark cache inefficiency

I have quite powerful cluster with 3 nodes each 24 cores and 96gb RAM = 288gb total. I try to load 100gb of tsv files into Spark cache and do series of simple computation over data, like sum(col20) by col2-col4 combinations. I think it's clear scenario for cache usage.
But during Spark execution I found out that cache NEVER load 100% of data despite plenty of RAM space. After 1 hour of execution I have 70% of partitions in cache and 75gb cache usage out of 170gb available. It's looks like Spark somehow limit number of blocks/partitions it adds to cache instead to add all at very first action and have a great performance from very beginning.
I use MEMORY_ONLY_SER / Kryo ( cache size appr. 110% of on-disk data size )
Does someone have similar experience or know some Spark configs / environment conditions that could cause this caching behaviour ?
So, "problem" was solved with further reducing of split size. With mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize set to 100mb I got 98% cache load after 1st action finished, and 100% at 2nd action.
Other thing that worsened my results was spark.speculation=true - I try to avoid long-running tasks with that, but speculation management creates big performance overhead, and is useless for my case. So, just left default value for spark.speculation ( false )
My performance comparison for 20 queries are as following:
- without cache - 160 minutes ( 20 times x 8 min, reload each time 100gb from disk to memory )
- cache - 33 minutes total - 10m to load cache 100% ( during first 2 queries ) and 18 queries x 1.5 minutes each ( from in-memory Kryo-serialized cache )

Elastic Search and Logstash Performance Tuning

In a Single Node Elastic Search along with logstash, We tested with 20mb and 200mb file parsing to Elastic Search on Different types of the AWS instance i.e Medium, Large and Xlarge.
Environment Details : Medium instance 3.75 RAM 1 cores Storage :4 GB SSD 64-bit Network Performance: Moderate
Instance running with : Logstash, Elastic search
Scenario: 1
**With default settings**
Result :
20mb logfile 23 mins Events Per/second 175
200mb logfile 3 hrs 3 mins Events Per/second 175
Added the following to settings:
Java heap size : 2GB
bootstrap.mlockall: true
indices.fielddata.cache.size: "30%"
indices.cache.filter.size: "30%"
index.translog.flush_threshold_ops: 50000
indices.memory.index_buffer_size: 50%
# Search thread pool fixed 20 100
**With added settings**
20mb logfile 22 mins Events Per/second 180
200mb logfile 3 hrs 07 mins Events Per/second 180
Scenario 2
Environment Details : R3 Large 15.25 RAM 2 cores Storage :32 GB SSD 64-bit Network Performance: Moderate
Instance running with : Logstash, Elastic search
**With default settings**
Result :
20mb logfile 7 mins Events Per/second 750
200mb logfile 65 mins Events Per/second 800
Added the following to settings:
Java heap size: 7gb
other parameters same as above
**With added settings**
20mb logfile 7 mins Events Per/second 800
200mb logfile 55 mins Events Per/second 800
Scenario 3
Environment Details :
R3 High-Memory Extra Large r3.xlarge 30.5 RAM 4 cores Storage :32 GB SSD 64-bit Network Performance: Moderate
Instance running with : Logstash, Elastic search
**With default settings**
20mb logfile 7 mins Events Per/second 1200
200mb logfile 34 mins Events Per/second 1200
Added the following to settings:
Java heap size: 15gb
other parameters same as above
**With added settings**
20mb logfile 7 mins Events Per/second 1200
200mb logfile 34 mins Events Per/second 1200
I wanted to know
What is the benchmark for the performance?
Is the performance meets the benchmark or is it below the benchmark
Why even after i increased the elasticsearch JVM iam not able to find the difference?
how do i monitor Logstash and improve its performance?
appreciate any help on this as iam new to logstash and elastic search.
I think this situation is related to the fact that Logstash uses fixed size queues (The Logstash event processing pipeline)
Logstash sets the size of each queue to 20. This means a maximum of 20 events can be pending for the next stage. The small queue sizes mean that Logstash simply blocks and stalls safely when there’s a heavy load or temporary pipeline problems. The alternatives would be to either have an unlimited queue or drop messages when there’s a problem. An unlimited queue can grow unbounded and eventually exceed memory, causing a crash that loses all of the queued messages.
I think what you should try is to increase the worker count with the '-w' flag.
On the other hand many people say that Logstash should be scaled horizontally, rather that adding more cores and GB of ram (How to improve Logstash performance)
You have given Java Heap size correctly with respect to your total memory, but I think you are not utilizing it properly. I hope you have idea about what is fielddata size, the default is 60% of Heap size and you are reducing it to 30%.
I don't know why you are doing this, my perception might be wrong for your use-case but its good habit to allocate indices.fielddata.cache.size: "70%" or even 75%, but with this setting you must have to set something like "80%" to avoid Out Of Memory(OOM) exception. You can check this for further details on Limiting Memory Usage.

Cassandra key cache optimization

I want to optimize the key cache in cassandra. I know about the key_cache_size_in_mb: The capacity in megabytes of all key caches on the node. Now while increasing what stats I need to look in order to determine the increase is actually benefiting the system.
Currently with the default settings I am getting
Key Cache : entries 20342, size 17.51 MB, capacity 100 MB, 4806 hits, 29618 requests, 0.162 recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds.
I have opsCenter up and running too.
Look at number of hits and recent hit rate.
