VS code Hidden folder permission denied - macos

Visual Studio code is not able to open files or folder within hidden folders. If I go to the file within the hidden folder .sfdx and try opening the file sfdx-config.json then Vs code opens with below error
{"name":"sfdx","hostname":"blr-ffefe","pid":21322,"log":"Login","level":50,"msg":"[\n 'ERROR running auth:web:login: ',\n "EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/usernname/.sfdx/sfdx-config.json'"\n]","time":"2022-04-07T08:58:22.413Z","v":0}
I have also removed all the files.exclude , this is happening in Mac OS Monterey.
Steps to reproduce :
Mac OS Monterey
navigate the hidden folder
right click on any file within the hidden folder and select open with Visual Studio Code

Looks like you can solve this problem by creating a hidden folder
(with .) and a hidden file using the VS Code itself. By using file -> Open -> create any hidden folder/file in the open window.


Visual Studio Code - Open file with folder from terminal (code)

i'm trying to make a bash script that basically creates a new directory and opens it directly through visual studio code
i've managed to do that, however, now i want to make it automatically add a 'README.md' file, and open it WITH the new folder
thank you
i couldn't find anything on the internet, nor with the code help command.
solved - run:
code /path/to/folder/ /path/to/file/
documentation for vsc cli

How to resolve the access is denied error in RStudio?

I just installed RStudio on a new desktop PC that has Windows 10 installed. Then I synced my OneDrive to this PC and opened a RStudio project which is in OneDrive. Whenever I click on a script file to open it from within RStudio, I see the following error:
What I tried
I have tried pausing OneDrive and reopening RStudio but get the same error. Please guide me on how to fix this.
This was a OneDrive issue. By unchecking the last option in the settings (shown below), all the files were downloaded. Now I can open the script files in RStudio.

How to completely uninstall VS Code on Windows?

What is the way to totally uninstall Visual Studio Code and its extensions, including all configurations, etc.) on Windows 10?
I tried uninstalling and installing but it remembered its previous settings.
Open Run (Win + R)
Type %appdata%
Press Enter
Delete the folder Code
Voila! Restart Visual Studio Code and it is reset!
Here is a bat script which does the same thing:
explorer.exe %appdata%
del Code
Here is the complete solution you can apply:
Go to where Visual Studio Code is installed and invoke 'uninst000.exe'.
In my case it is installed in C:\Users\Shafi\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
Delete directory C:\Users\Shafi\AppData\Roaming\Code
Delete directory C:\Users\Shafi\.vscode
Turns out the extensions are stored under %USER%.vscode\extensions. Deleting that gets rid of them.
%USER%\\.vscode\extensions (or) %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
Go to Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code
Double Click
This will uninstall VS Code from Your Windows OS
After uninstallation delete code folder also.
Open Run (Win + R) and Enter %appdata% Press Enter
Delete the folder code.
Easy way to remove it
Step1: to find VSCode path
Example: C:\Users\Willie\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
Step2: to run unins000.exe
Find the location C:\Users\ (your username) Shah907\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code Insiders.
Click on "unins000.exe" and open it to uninstall.
Now find C:\Users\Shah907 and delete " .vscode-insiders " folder.
Now delete " Code - Insiders " in location " C:\Users\Shah907\AppData\Roaming ".
Now Reinstall the Visual Studio Code again.
Since you use the word Completely, I would say
Do the regular Uninstall in "Apps & features."
In strat, search "environment variable" and remove all the references for `Visual Studio Code or any installation path.
In file Explore, type %APPDATA% and remove the folder called Code.
And got to %LOCALAPPDATA% and deleted the folder code if it exists.
Got to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming and remove the folder code
This will remove all your configurations and the extensions
FYI: Uninstall Visual Studio Code by code.visualstudio.com

Opening visual studio solution from a linux drive

I just upgraded from Win7 to Win10 and I noticed the following change, that I don't explain for now.
I used to checkout my source code on in a mounted linux drive (\myremote\myaccount\ as X:)
before I was able to open visual studio 2008 solution (.sln file) and build but since the upgrade to Win10, devenv fails when I double click on a sln, saying that:
The following files were specified on the command line:
These files could not be found and will not be loaded
but I can open and save that sln file using a text editor.
Note that my devenv run as Administrator.
Any idea ?

Cannot open source file: '..\..\basic-tutorial-1.c': No such file or directory

I have SDK that installed on my computer and I run it with visual studio 2010. it also has directory of examples of codes.
when I launch the code from the original directory, its fine.
but when I copy the entire directory of the examples to
C:\....\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects
and try to open the .sln from there, I get this error:
error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\..\basic-tutorial-1.c': No such file or directory
am I doing something wrong here..?
May be you are not copying the entire directory, just the entire directory containing the solution? Because ....\basic-tutorial-1.c is situated in a directory that is parent of a parent of a directory with a solution.
