openapi-generator-maven-plugin:3.2.1:generate(1 errors) - openapi-generator-maven-plugin

I am getting the following error while importing a project into sts 4-4.14.0 as well as in eclipse 2022-03-R
openapi-generator-maven-plugin:3.2.1:generate(1 errors)
No marketplace entries found to handle /soft-pos-api-contract/pom.xml in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information.
by the way the same project get imported successfully in netbeans 13


lombok issue with springtoolsuite

i installed lombok-1.18.20.jar to my gradle project
lombok install screen
but log / getMethod() / contructor build error occured.
my enviorment is sts 4.14.0 and using adoptopenjdk-11
error console
i already tried changing javaagent value to "lombok.jar" or "..somePath/lombok.jar" in /Applications/
sry to my poor english skill
if u know what is problem, plz give a blessing to me

Automatic call recording on MS Teams using GraphApi

I am trying to create a bot that would automatically join and record calls and meetings on teams for auditing purposes for my company.I did come across a GitHub repo on teams from Microsoft however there are no clear instructions on how to implement it.
Also I get a lot of errors while trying to build the project
Please let me know if anyone of you has done it at your end by any chance or if you have any detailed documentation on how to implement it.
Below is the link to the GitHub Repo.
Error Details
While building the project , I get the below errors
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'Calls' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.Graph.Communications' (are you missing an assembly reference?) CRFrontEnd F:\MITL Training\microsoft-graph-comms-samples-master\Samples\V1.0Samples\LocalMediaSamples\PolicyRecordingBot\FrontEnd\Bot\Bot.cs 14 Active
Error Screenshot
I have installed framework 4.6 and 4.8 Developer and runtime , no luck
I also tried to change the target framework , However could not find .vscproj file.
Also modified Visual Studi 2019 installation and unchecked the target framework and selected it back again after completing the installation , but the error persists
I would be extremely grateful if you could help me with this.

Xcode 8 archive upload error 434, then Application Loader error: Java heap space

I have experienced similar problem to this (error 434 when uploading an archive to App Store with Xcode 8)
Strange Errors on Archive Validation
so I switched to the Application Loader and got following error:
I double-checked on everything regarding the provisioning stuff, code signing etc. Also, I did all usual troubleshooting steps like clean build, deleting derived data, restarting etc. Still no success. Anyone has dealt with it with success?

Error importing build in iTunes Connect for tvOS binary

I'm trying to submit a new app but every binary that I upload to iTunes Connect is marked with the following error:
There was an error importing this build. We are working to resolve the issue.
I've tried uploading through both xCode and Application Loader but the error persists.
Is anyone experiencing this?
Forgot to mention that I also found people experiencing the same issue on the Apple Developer Forum:

error in Dundas Dashboard not working

I just installed Dundas dashboard 4.0.2 and it installed successfully. However when I try to open the program, the webpage shows me error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0009: Metadata file 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Web.Services\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Web.Services.dll' could not be opened -- 'An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. '
Source Error:
{No relevant source lines]
Source File: Line: 0
Looks identical to the error message in the following link:
Based on that, it would seem like some prerequisite was not installed. Please post if the solution proposed there resolves your issue.
Hi i had the same problem not to long ago. I resolved it by uninstalling the latest release of Microsoft Silverlight and installing version 4 of it. Solved my problem instantly. There does seem to be an issue regarding the new version of Silverligh and Windows.
I would recommend re-installing the .NET 4.0 framework on the server.
After doing this, check IIS and make sure the application pool which is running Dundas Dashboard is set up to use ASP.NET 4.0 (not 2.0).
