RStudio yellow function snippet keyboard shortcut - rstudio

The RStudio snippets are very useful. However, they disappear once I start writing parameters. Is there any keyboard shortcut to bring them up again while writing the parameters of the function?


How do you edit Text Editor (not Keyboard) shortcuts in VS 2019?

I know that you can edit the keyboard shortcuts via the Tools>Options>Keyboard, but it seems to be that if a shortcut is selected that's already being used by the Text Editor, VS won't override it. Also, I can't get to the source of where the Text Editor shortcuts are stored to override it at the source. I'm highly irritated by Ctrl+E,V as duplicate line shortcut and I'd like to do away with it. I tried to assign the Edit.Duplicate command to my preferred Ctrl+Down Arrow shortcut. No dice. I tried to reassign Ctrl+E,V to something else. No dice. Nothing I do at the Keyboard level is reaching the Text Editor.
Does anyone know how I can modify the Text Editor's Duplicate command? (as opposed to the Keyboard's)

RStudio Comment shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+C) not working

RStudio v. 1.4.1103
Trying to use keyboard shortcut to comment lines of code in R scripts and Notebook code chunks.
Ctrl+Shift+C has no effect on selected code lines.
Using the menu "Code", "Comment/Uncomment Lines" works as expected.
Checked keyboard shortcuts; "Tools", "Modify Keyboard Shortcuts..." and this shortcut appears to be set up properly. Tried "Reset..." in this dialog with out success.
This functionality was working as expected in a previous version of RStudio.

Is there R code for moving the focus to the RStudio console?

I am constantly typing into the edit window of RStudio after my code completes execution, when my intention is to provide some input in the console window. Is there R code that could be executed that would automatically move the focus to the console window of RStudio?
In RStudio, go to the menu: Tools > Global Settings. In Global Settings, choose "Code" on the left and check the box that says "Focus console after executing from source."
If you don't want to change this global option, these keyboard shortcuts can make switching between the console and editor in RStudio much faster:
Ctrl+1 moves focus to the source editor
Ctrl+2 moves focus to the console
In addition, Alt+Shift+k brings up a list of most keyboard shortcuts
If you not look for a shortcut but for code, RStudio has the following command
See also RStudio IDE Commands

visual studio shell F# keyboard shortcuts

I've started using F# with the visual studio shell and I like the capability to be able to send lines to fsi by highlighting them, but the alt+Enter shortcut is really awkward and I would be much happier with this being on shift+Enter. (mainly since shift+ up/down arrow is select lines already)
Does anyone know how to change this? Thanks.
You can alter the keyboard mappings within Visual Studio. If you go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard, you'll see a window like the image below.
In order to check existing bindings, place the cursor in the "Press shortcut keys:" box and hit "Shft+Enter". You'll then see any potential conflicts in the drop-down box as shown.
In the example below, I'm searching through Global, which means shortcuts for anything in the application. You can switch it to be just the console or whatever you like.
Once you're happy with the shortcut you want to use, you need to select the command from the window containing all of the Action.* lines and then press Assign.
So I don't mean to be trite, but have you tried mapping the key?
So for F# Interactive I see Alt+Enter mapped to:
Have your tried mapping Shift+Enter (or whatever) to that command?
You should be able to get it all working from there.

xcode function menu keyboard shortcut

I'm somewhat new to XCode and am very accustomed to using Visual Assist with Visual Studio. In XCode, I see the function menu above the text editor but can't seem to find a keyboard shortcut to pop it down. It seems to require a mouse click. It would be nice to have as this is yet another tool for better code navigation and is easily accomplished with Visual Assist using Alt-m.
Anyone know the magic incantation for XCode?
Ctrl + 6 opens the function menu for me.
Take a look under View > Editor for some related shortcuts. (See note below)
Unsurprisingly, you can start typing the name of the function to select it, instead of using the arrow keys.
I'm using Xcode 4, by the way.
The program CheatSheet lets you see a list of all keyboard shortcuts in the current program by holding down the command key (⌘) for 2 seconds.
Control 2
should do the trick
