I don't even know if it's mathematically feasible, but let's say I have a tower at (Tx, Ty) shooting at a monster located at (Mx(t),My(t)).
The thing is, the path followed by the monster is jagged and swirly, meaning that predictive aiming from a distance based on velocity/direction at -that exact time- would be useless. The monster would've changed directions two times over by the time the bullet reached its target.
To solve this, I have a function to fast forward the monster for (t) frames and get its position as (Mx(t), My(t)) assuming its velocity remains constant. I can get the monster's position at t = 0 (current position) or t = 99999, or anything in between. Think of it as a lookup table.
The hard part is having the turret predictably aim at a position derived from that function.
I have to know t beforehand to know what to put into (Mx(t), My(t)). I have to know (Mx(t), My(t)) to know the distance and calculate the t from that. Is this even possible? Are there alternatives?
Any kind of pseudocode is welcome.
It is, if I understand your problem correctly, basically the transformation for euclidian to polar coordinate system
If you have the relative position x=Mx(t)-Tx and y=My(t)-Ty which is
distance= sqrt(x^2+y^2)
phi = arctan(y/x)
this assumes infinite speed of the shoot. However you can first calculate the approximate time for the projectile using the current position. Calculate the flying time based on the estimated distance and iterate this process.
If convergence speed is to slow (not much difference in projectile/monster speed) You can also use the idea of Divide and conquer.
You calculate the maximum distance the monster runs if it maximises distance. Calculate the distance for now, the max distance and the middle. Then you can decide in which half the monster is and calculate again distance in the middle.
I think everything else would require more information on how you plan to calculate Mx(t) and My(t)
You want the atan2 function.
If the tower is at tx,ty and the monster's predicted position is mx, my then the angle of the tower's gun has to be:
angle = atan2(my - ty, mx - tx)
This should be available in most languages.
Distance is, of course:
square-root((my - ty)^2, (mx - tx)^2)
where ^2 is "squared".
I would like to write a small program simulating many particle collisions, starting first in 2D (I would extend it to 3D later on), to (in 3D) simulate the convergence towards the Boltzmann distribution and also to see how the distribution evolves in 2D.
I have not yet started programming, so please don't ask for code samples, it is a rather general question that should help me get started. There is no problem for me with the physics behind this problem, it is rather the fact that I will have to simulate at least 200-500 particles, to achieve a pretty good speed distribution. And I would like to do that in real time.
Now, for every time step, I would update first the position of all the particles and then check for collisions, to update the new velocity vector. That, however, includes a lot of checkings, since I would have to see if every single particle undergoes a collision with every other particle.
I found this post to more or less the same problem and the approach used there was also the only one I can think of. I am afraid, however, that this will not work very well in real time, because it would involve too many collision checks.
So now: Even if this approach will work performance wise (getting say 40fps), can anybody think of a way to avoid unnecessary collision checks?
My own idea was splitting up the board (or in 3D: space) into squares (cubes) that have dimensions at least of the diameters of the particles and implement a way of only checking for collisions if the centres of two particles are within adjecent squares in the grid...
I would be happy to hear more ideas, as I would like to increase the amount of particles as much as I can and still have a real time calculation/simulation going on.
Edit: All collisions are purely elastic collisions without any other forces doing work on the particles. The initial situation I will implement to be determined by some variables chosen by the user to choose random starting positions and velocities.
Edit2: I found a good and very helpful paper on the simulation of particle collision here. Hopefully it might help some People that are interested in more depth.
If you think of it, particles moving on a plan are really a 3D system where the three dimensions are x, y and time (t).
Let's say a "time step" goes from t0 to t1. For each particle, you create a 3D line segment going from P0(x0, y0, t0) to P1(x1, y1, t1) based on current particle position, velocity and direction.
Partition the 3D space in a 3D grid, and link each 3D line segments to the cells it cross.
Now, each grid cell should be checked. If it's linked to 0 or 1 segments, it need no further check (mark it as checked). If it contains 2 or more segments, you need to check for collision between them: compute the 3D collision point Pt, shorten the two segments to end at this point (and remove link to cells they doesn't cross anymore), create two new segments going from Pt to newly computed P1 points according to the new direction/velocity of particles. Add these new line segments to the grid and mark the cell as checked. Adding a line segment to the grid turn all crossed cells to unchecked state.
When there is no more unchecked cells in your grid, you've resolved your time step.
For 3D particles, adapt above solution to 4D.
Octrees are a nice form of 3D space partitioning grid in this case, as you can "bubble up" checked/unnchecked status to quickly find cells requiring attention.
A good high level example of spatial division is to think about the game of pong, and detecting collisions between the ball and a paddle.
Say the paddle is in the top left corner of the screen, and the ball is near the bottom left corner of the screen...
|▌ |
| |
| |
| ○ |
It's not necessary to check for collision each time the ball moves. Instead, split the playing field into two right down the middle. Is the ball in the left hand side of the field? (simple point inside rectangle algorithm)
Left Right
|▌ | |
| | |
| | |
| ○ | |
If the answer is yes, split the the left hand side again, this time horizontally so we have a top left and a bottom left partition.
Left Right
|▌ | |
| | |
----------- |
| | |
| ○ | |
Is this ball in the same top-left corner of the screen as the paddle? If not, no need to check for collision! Only objects which reside in the same partition need to be tested for collision with each other. By doing a series of simple (and cheap) point inside rectangle checks, you can easily save yourself from doing a more expensive shape/geometry collision check.
You can continue splitting the space down into smaller and smaller chunks until an object spans two partitions. This is the basic principle behind BSP (a technique pioneered in early 3D games like Quake). There is a whole bunch of theory on the web about spatial partitioning in 2 and 3 dimensions.
In 2 dimensions you would often use a BSP or quadtree. In 3 dimensions you would often use an octree. However the underlying principle remains the same.
You can think along the line of 'divide and conquer'. The idea is to identify orthogonal parameters with don't impact each other. e.g. one can think of splitting momentum component along 2 axis in case of 2D (3 axis in 3D) and compute collision/position independently. Another way to to identify such parameters can be grouping of particles which are moving perpendicular to each other. So even if they impact, net momentum along those lines doesn't change.
I agree above doesn't fully answer your question, but it conveys a fundamental idea which you may find useful here.
Let us say that at time t, for each particle, you have:
P position
V speed
and a N*(N-1)/2 array of information between particle A(i) and A(j) where i < j; you use symmetry to evaluate an upper triangular matrix instead of a full N*(N-1) grid.
MAT[i][j] = { dx, dy, dz, sx, sy, sz }.
which means that in respect to particle j, particle j has distance made up of three components dx, dy and dz; and a delta-vee multipled by dt which is sx, sy, sz.
To move to instant t+dt you tentatively update the positions of all particles based on their speed
px[i] += dx[i] // px,py,pz make up vector P; dx,dy,dz is vector V premultiplied by dt
py[i] += dy[i] // Which means that we could use "particle 0" as a fixed origin
pz[i] += dz[i] // except you can't collide with the origin, since it's virtual
Then you check the whole N*(N-1)/2 array and tentatively calculate the new relative distance between every couple of particles.
dx1 = dx + sx
dy1 = dy + sy
dz1 = dz + sz
DN = dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1+dz1*dz1 # This is the new distance
If DN < D^2 with D diameter of the particle, you have had a collision in the dt just past.
You then calculate exactly where this happened, i.e. you calculate the exact d't of collision, which you can do from the old distance squared D2 (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) and the new DN: it's
d't = [(SQRT(D2)-D)/(SQRT(D2)-SQRT(DN))]*dt
(Time needed to reduce distance from SQRT(D2) to D, at a speed that covers the distance SQRT(D2)-SQRT(DN) in time dt). This makes the hypothesis that particle j, seen from the refrence frame of particle i, hasn't "overshooted".
It is a more hefty calculation, but you only need it when you get a collision.
Knowing d't, and d"t = dt-d't, you can repeat the position calculation on Pi and Pj using dx*d't/dt etc. and obtain the exact position P of particles i and j at the instant of collision; you update speeds, then integrate it for the remaining d"t and get the positions at the end of time dt.
Note that if we stopped here this method would break if a three-particle collision took place, and would only handle two-particle collisions.
So instead of running the calculations we just mark that a collision occurred at d't for particles (i,j), and at the end of the run, we save the minimum d't at which a collision occurred, and between whom.
I.e., say we check particles 25 and 110 and find a collision at 0.7 dt; then we find a collision between 110 and 139 at 0.3 dt. There are no collisions earlier than 0.3 dt.
We enter collision updating phase, and "collide" 110 and 139 and update their position and speed. Then repeat the 2*(N-2) calculations for each (i, 110) and (i, 139).
We will discover that there probably still is a collision with particle 25, but now at 0.5 dt, and maybe, say, another between 139 and 80 at 0.9 dt. 0.5 dt is the new minimum, so we repeat collision calculation between 25 and 110, and repeat, suffering a slight "slow down" in the algorithm for each collision.
Thus implemented, the only risk now is that of "ghost collisions", i.e., a particle is at D > diameter from a target at time t-dt, and is at D > diameter on the other side at time t.
This you can only avoid by choosing a dt so that no particle ever travels more than half its own diameter in any given dt. Actually, you might use an adaptive dt based on the speed of the fastest particle. Ghost glancing collisions are still possible; a further refinement is to reduce dt based on the nearest distance between any two particles.
This way, it is true that the algorithm slows down considerably in the vicinity of a collision, but it speeds up enormously when collisions aren't likely. If the minimum distance (which we calculate at almost no cost during the loop) between two particles is such that the fastest particle (which also we find out at almost no cost) can't cover it in less than fifty dts, that's a 4900% speed increase right there.
Anyway, in the no-collision generic case we have now done five sums (actually more like thirty-four due to array indexing), three products and several assignments for every particle couple. If we include the (k,k) couple to take into account the particle update itself, we have a good approximation of the cost so far.
This method has the advantage of being O(N^2) - it scales with the number of particles - instead of being O(M^3) - scaling with the volume of space involved.
I'd expect a C program on a modern processor to be able to manage in real time a number of particles in the order of the tens of thousands.
P.S.: this is actually very similar to Nicolas Repiquet's approach, including the necessity of slowing down in the 4D vicinity of multiple collisions.
Until a collision between two particles (or between a particle and a wall), happens, the integration is trivial. The approach here is to calculate the time of the first collision, integrate until then, then calculate the time of the second collision and so on. Let's define tw[i] as the time the ith particle takes to hit the first wall. It is quite easy to calculate, although you must take into account the diameter of the sphere.
The calculation of the time tc[i,j] of the collision between two particles i and j takes a little more time, and follows from the study in time of their distance d:
We study if there exists t positive such that d^2=D^2, being D the diameter of the particles(or the sum of the two radii of the particles, if you want them different). Now, consider the first term of the sum at the RHS,
Δx(t)^2=(x[i](t0)-x[j](t0))^2+2(x[i](t0)-x[j](t0))(u[i]-u[j])t + (u[i]-u[j])^2t^2
where the new terms appearing define the law of motion of the two particles for the x coordinate,
and t0 is the time of the initial configuration. Let then (u[i],v[i],w[i]) be the three components of velocities of the i-th particle. Doing the same for the other three coordinates and summing up, we get to a 2nd order polynomial equation in t,
b=(x[i](t0)-x[j](t0))(u[i]-u[j]) + (y[i](t0)-y[j](t0))(v[i]-v[j]) + (z[i](t0)-z[j](t0))(w[i]-w[j])
c=(x[i](t0)-x[j](t0))^2 + (y[i](t0)-y[j](t0))^2 + (z[i](t0)-z[j](t0))^2-D^2
Now, there are many criteria to evaluate the existence of a real solution, etc... You can evaluate that later if you want to optimize it. In any case you get tc[i,j], and if it is complex or negative you set it to plus infinity. To speed up, remember that tc[i,j] is symmetric, and you also want to set tc[i,i] to infinity for convenience.
Then you take the minimum tmin of the array tw and of the matrix tc, and integrate in time for the time tmin.
You now subtract tmin to all elements of tw and of tc.
In case of an elastic collision with the wall of the i-th particle, you just flip the velocity of that particle, and recalculate only tw[i] and tc[i,k] for every other k.
In case of a collision between two particles, you recalculate tw[i],tw[j] and tc[i,k],tc[j,k] for every other k. The evaluation of an elastic collision in 3D is not trivial, maybe you can use this
About how does the process scale, you have an initial overhead that is O(n^2). Then the integration between two timesteps is O(n), and hitting the wall or a collision requires O(n) recalculation. But what really matters is how the average time between collisions scales with n. And there should be an answer somewhere in statistical physics for this :-)
Don't forget to add further intermediate timesteps if you want to plot a property against time.
You can define a repulsive force between particles, proportional to 1/(distance squared). At each iteration, calculate all the forces between particle pairs, add all the forces acting on each particle, calculate the particle acceleration, then particle velocity and finally the particle new position. Collisions will be handled naturally in this way. But dealing with interactions between particles and walls is another problem and must be handled in other way.
Is there a way better than a brute force comparison to get the max and min length diagonals of a polygon? To be more specific, I would like to find the ratio, so I can sort polygon on their "skinniness."
The polygons aren't too large (usually 4-8 faces per polygon), but there's a lot of them. I thought I'd just check with SO to see if there was a better way of doing this.
Thanks in advance
The polygons aren't too large (usually 4-8 faces per polygon), but there's a lot of them.
I don't know if there's a faster solution than O(n^2), but for n <= 8 it's not gonna matter. If n = 8, you just have to check 20 diagonals (8 * 5 / 2). It's not so big multiplier itself, and any complex algorithm is likely to have a lot of computational overhead (data structures, sophisticated loops and checks).
One thing you can do to speed it up, though, is to throw away square root in the formula of distance between two points. First find min/max of (xi-xj)*(xi-xj) + (yi-yj)*(yi-yj), then apply square root. It's quite expensive operation and doing it 2 times instead of 20 could make a difference.
What is the best way to check collision of huge number of circles?
It's very easy to detect collision between two circles, but if we check every combination then it is O(n2) which definitely not an optimal solution.
We can assume that circle object has following properties:
Velocity is constant, but direction can change.
I've come up with two solutions, but maybe there are some better solutions.
Solution 1
Divide whole space into overlapping squares and check for collision only with circles that are in the same square. Squares need to overlap so there won't be a problem when a circle moves from one square to another.
Solution 2
At the beginning distances between every pair of circles need to be calculated.
If the distance is small then these pair is stored in some list, and we need to check for collision in every update.
If the distance is big then we store after which update there can be a collision (it can be calculated because we know the distance and velocitites). It needs to be stored in some kind of priority queue. After previously calculated number of updates distance needs to be checked again and then we do the same procedure - put it on the list or again in the priority queue.
Answers to Mark Byers questions
Is it for a game?
It's for simulation, but it can be treated also as a game
Do you want to recalculate the new position every n milliseconds, and also check for collisions at this time?
Yes, time between update is constant.
Do you want to find the time at which the first/every collision occurs?
No, I want to find every collision and do 'something' when it occures.
How important is accuracy?
It depends on what do you mean by accuracy. I need to detect all collisions.
Is it a big problem if very small fast moving circles can pass through each other occasionally?
It can be assumed that speed is so small that it won't happen.
There are "spatial index" data-structures for storing your circles for quick comparison later; Quadtree, r-tree and kd-tree are examples.
Solution 1 seems to be a spatial index, and solution 2 would benefit from a spatial index every time you recalculate your pairs.
To complicate matters, your objects are moving - they have velocity.
It is normal to use spatial indexes for objects in games and simulations, but mostly for stationary objects, and typically objects that don't react to a collision by moving.
It is normal in games and such that you compute everything at set time intervals (discrete), so it might be that two objects pass through each other but you fail to notice because they moved so fast. Many games actually don't even evaluate collisions in strict chronological order. They have a spatial index for stationary objects e.g. walls, and lists for all the moving objects that they check exhaustively (although with relaxed discrete checks as I outlined).
Accurate continuous collision detection and where the objects react to collisions in simulations is usually much more demanding.
The pairs approach you outlined sounds promising. You might keep the pairs sorted by next collision, and reinsert them when they have collided in the appropriate new positions. You only have to sort the new generated collision list (O(n lg n)) for the two objects and then to merge two lists (the new collisions for each object, and the existing list of collisions; inserting the new collisions, removing those stale collisions that listed the two objects that collided) which is O(n).
Another solution to this is to adapt your spatial index to store the objects not strictly in one sector but in each that it has passed through since the last calculation, and do things discretely. This means storing fast moving objects in your spatial structure, and you'd need to optimise it for this case.
Remember that linked lists or lists of pointers are very bad for caching on modern processors. I'd advocate that you store copies of your circles - their important properties for collision detection at any rate - in an array (sequential memory) in each sector of any spatial index, or in the pairs you outlined above.
As Mark says in the comments, it could be quite simple to parallelise the calculations.
I assume you are doing simple hard-sphere molecular dynamic simulation, right? I came accros the same problem many times in Monte Carlo and molecular dynamic simulations. Both of your solutions are very often mentioned in literature about simulations. Personaly I prefer solution 1, but slightly modified.
Solution 1
Divide your space into rectangular cells that don't overlap. So when you check one circle for collision you look for all circles inside a cell that your first circle is, and look X cells in each direction around. I've tried many values of X and found that X=1 is the fastest solution. So you have to divide space into cells size in each direction equal to:
Divisor = SimulationBoxSize / MaximumCircleDiameter;
CellSize = SimulationBoxSize / Divisor;
Divisor should be bigger than 3, otherwise it will cause errors (if it is too small, you should enlarge your simulation box).
Then your algorithm will look like this:
Put all circles inside the box
Create cell structure and store indexes or pointers to circles inside a cell (on array or on a list)
Make a step in time (move everything) and update circles positions inside on cells
Look around every circle for collision. You should check one cell around in every direction
If there is a collision - do something
Go to 3.
If you will write it correctly then you would have something about O(N) complexity, because maximum number of circles inside 9 cells (in 2D) or 27 cells (in 3D) is constant for any total number of circles.
Solution 2
Ususaly this is done like this:
For each circle create a list of circles that are in distance R < R_max, calculate time after which we should update lists (something about T_update = R_max / V_max; where V_max is maximum current velocity)
Make a step in time
Check distance of each circle with circles on its list
If there is a collision - do something
If current time is bigger then T_update, go to 1.
Else go to 2.
This solution with lists is very often improved by adding another list with R_max_2 > R_max and with its own T_2 expiration time. In this solution this second list is used to update the first list. Of course after T_2 you have to update all lists which is O(N^2). Also be carefull with this T and T_2 times, because if collision can change velocity then those times would change. Also if you introduce some foreces to your system, then it will also cause velocity change.
Solution 1+2
You can use lists for collision detection and cells for updating lists. In one book it was written that this is the best solution, but I think that if you create small cells (like in my example) then solution 1 is better. But it is my opinion.
Other stuff
You can also do other things to improve speed of simulation:
When you calculate distance r = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) + ...) you don't have to do square root operation. You can compare r^2 to some value - it's ok. Also you don't have to do all (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) operations (I mean, for all dimentions), because if x*x is bigger than some r_collision^2 then all other y*y and so on, summed up, would be bigger.
Molecular dynamics method is very easy to parallelise. You can do it with threads or even on GPU. You can calculate each distance in different thread. On GPU you can easly create thousends of threads almost costless.
For hard-spheres there is also effective algorithm that doesn't do steps in time, but instead it looks for nearest collision in time and jumps to this time and updates all positions. It can be good for not dense systems where collisions are not very probable.
one possible technique is to use the Delaunay triangulation on the center of your circles.
consider the center of each circle and apply the delaunay triangulation. this will tesselate your surface into triangles. this allows you to build a graph where each node stores the center of a triangle, and each edge connects to the center of a neighbour circle. the tesselation operated above will limit the number of neighbours to a reasonable value (6 neighbours on average)
now, when a circle moves, you have a limited set of circles to consider for collision. you then have to apply the tesselation again to the set of circles which are impacted by the move, but this operation involves only a very small subset of circles (the neighbours of the moving circle, and some neighbours of the neighbours)
the critical part is the first tesselation, which will take some time to perform, later tesselations are not a problem. and of course you need an efficient implementation of a graph in term of time and space...
Sub-divide your space up into regions and maintain a list of which circles are centred in each region.
Even if you use a very simple scheme, such as placing all the circles in a list, sorted by centre.x, then you can speed things up massively. To test a given circle, you only need to test it against the circles on either side of it in the list, going out until you reach one that has an x coordinate more than radius away.
You could make a 2D version of a "sphere tree" which is a special (and really easy to implement) case of the "spatial index" that Will suggested. The idea is to "combine" circles into a "containing" circle until you've got a single circle that "contains" the "huge number of circles".
Just to indicate the simplicity of computing a "containing circle" (top-of-my-head):
1) Add the center-locations of the two circles (as vectors) and scale by 1/2, thats the center of the containing circle
2) Subtract the center locations of the two circles (as vectors), add the radii and scale by 1/2, thats the radius of the containing circle
What answer is most efficient will depend somewhat on the density of circles. If the density is low, then placing placing a low-resolution grid over the map and marking those grid elements that contain a circle will likely be the most efficient. This will take approximately O(N*m*k) per update, where N is the total number of circles, m is the average number of circles per grid point, and k is the average number of grid points covered by one circle. If one circle moves more than one grid point per turn, then you have to modify m to include the number of grid points swept.
On the other hand, if the density is extremely high, you're best off trying a graph-walking approach. Let each circle contain all neighbors within a distance R (R > r_i for every circle radius r_i). Then, if you move, you query all the circles in the "forward" direction for neighbors they have and grab any that will be within D; then you forget all the ones in the backward direction that are now farther than D. Now a complete update will take O(N*n^2) where n is the average number of circles within a radius R. For something like a closely-spaced hexagonal lattice, this will give you much better results than the grid method above.
A suggestion - I am no game developer
Why not precalculate when the collisions are going to occur
as you specify
We can assume that circle object has following properties:
Velocity is constant, but direction can change.
Then as the direction of one object changes, recalculate those pairs that are affected. This method is effective if directions do not change too frequently.
As Will mentioned in his answer, spacial partition trees are the common solution to this problem. Those algorithms sometimes take some tweaking to handle moving objects efficiently though. You'll want to use a loose bucket-fitting rule so that most steps of movement don't require an object to change buckets.
I've seen your "solution 1" used for this problem before and referred to as a "collision hash". It can work well if the space you're dealing with is small enough to be manageable and you expect your objects to be at least vaguely close to uniformly distributed. If your objects may be clustered, then it's obvious how that causes a problem. Using a hybrid approach of some type of a partition tree inside each hash-box can help with this and can convert a pure tree approach into something that's easier to scale concurrently.
Overlapping regions is one way to deal with objects that straddle the boundaries of tree buckets or hash boxes. A more common solution is to test any object that crosses the edge against all objects in the neighboring box, or to insert the object into both boxes (though that requires some extra handling to avoid breaking traversals).
If your code depends on a "tick" (and tests to determine if objects overlap at the tick), then:
when objects are moving "too fast" they skip over each other without colliding
when multiple objects collide in the same tick, the end result (e.g. how they bounce, how much damage they take, ...) depends on the order that you check for collisions and not the order that collisions would/should occur. In rare cases this can cause a game to lock up (e.g. 3 objects collide in the same tick; object1 and object2 are adjusted for their collision, then object2 and object3 are adjusted for their collision causing object2 to be colliding with object1 again, so the collision between object1 and object2 has to be redone but that causes object2 to be colliding with object3 again, so ...).
Note: In theory this second problem can be solved by "recursive tick sub-division" (if more than 2 objects collide, divide the length of the tick in half and retry until only 2 objects are colliding in that "sub-tick"). This can also cause games to lock up and/or crash (when 3 or more objects collide at the exact same instant you end up with a "recurse forever" scenario).
In addition; sometimes when game developers use "ticks" they also say "1 fixed length tick = 1 / variable frame rate", which is absurd because something that is supposed to be a fixed length can't depend on something variable (e.g. when the GPU is failing to achieve 60 frames per second the entire simulation goes in slow motion); and if they don't do this and have "variable length ticks" instead then both of the problems with "ticks" become significantly worse (especially at low frame rates) and the simulation becomes non-deterministic (which can be problematic for multi-player, and can result in different behavior when the player saves, loads or pauses the game).
The only correct way is to add a dimension (time), and give each object a line segment described as "starting coordinates and ending coordinates", plus a "trajectory after ending coordinates". When any object changes its trajectory (either because something unpredicted happened or because it reached its "ending coordinates") you'd find the "soonest" collision by doing a "distance between 2 lines < (object1.radius + object2.radius)" calculation for the object that changed and every other object; then modify the "ending coordinates" and "trajectory after ending coordinates" for both objects.
The outer "game loop" would be something like:
while(running) {
frame_time = estimate_when_frame_will_be_visible(); // Note: Likely to be many milliseconds after you start drawing the frame
while(soonest_object_end_time < frame_time) {
for each object {
Note that there are multiple ways to optimize this, including:
split the world into "zones" - e.g. so that if you know object1 would be passing through zones 1 and 2 then it can't collide with any other object that doesn't also pass through zone 1 or zone 2
keep objects in "end_time % bucket_size" buckets to minimize time taken to find "next soonest end time"
use multiple threads to do the "calculate_object_position_at_time(frame_time);" for each object in parallel
do all the "advance simulation state up to next frame time" work in parallel with "render()" (especially if most rendering is done by GPU, leaving CPU/s free).
For performance:
When collisions occur infrequently it can be significantly faster than "ticks" (you can do almost no work for relatively long periods of time); and when you have spare time (for whatever reason - e.g. including because the player paused the game) you can opportunistically calculate further into the future (effectively, "smoothing out" the overhead over time to avoid performance spikes).
When collisions occur frequently it will give you the correct results, but can be slower than a broken joke that gives you incorrect results under the same conditions.
It also makes it trivial to have an arbitrary relationship between "simulation time" and "real time" - things like fast forward and slow motion will not cause anything to break (even if the simulation is running as fast as hardware can handle or so slow that its hard to tell if anything is moving at all); and (in the absence of unpredictability) you can calculate ahead to an arbitrary time in the future, and (if you store old "object line segment" information instead of discarding it when it expires) you can skip to an arbitrary time in the past, and (if you only store old information at specific points in time to minimize storage costs) you can skip back to a time described by stored information and then calculate forward to an arbitrary time. These things combined also make it easy to do things like "instant slow motion replay".
Finally; it's also more convenient for multiplayer scenarios, where you don't want to waste a huge amount of bandwidth sending a "new location" for every object to every client at every tick.
Of course the downside is complexity - as soon as you want to deal with things like acceleration/deceleration (gravity, friction, lurching movement), smooth curves (elliptical orbits, splines) or different shaped objects (e.g. arbitrary meshes/polygons and not spheres/circles) the mathematics involved in calculating when the soonest collision will occur becomes significantly harder and more expensive; which is why game developers resort to the inferior "ticks" approach for simulations that are more complex than the case of N spheres or circles with linear motion.
Given a set of several million points with x,y coordinates, what is the algorithm of choice for quickly finding the top 1000 nearest points from a location? "Quickly" here means about 100ms on a home computer.
Brute force would mean doing millions of multiplications and then sorting them. While even a simple Python app could do that in less than a minute, it is still too long for an interactive application.
The bounding box for the points will be known, so partitioning the space into a simple grid would be possible. However the points are distributed somewhat unevenly, so I suspect most grid squares would be empty and then suddenly some of them would contain a large portion of the points.
Edit: Does not have to be exact, actually can be quite inaccurate. It wouldn't be a huge deal if the top 1000 are actually just some random points from the top 2000 for example.
Edit: Set of points rarely changes.
How about using quadtree?
You divide area to rectangles, if area has low density of points, rectangles are large, and if area has high density of points, rectangles will be small. You recursively subdivide each rectangle to four sub rectangles until rectangles are small enough or contain few enough points.
You can then start looking at points in rectangles near the location, and move outwards until you have found your 1000 points.
Code for this could get somewhat complex, so maybe you should try first with the simple grid and see if it is fast enough.
Quadtrees are nice, but BSP trees are guaranteed to run in O(log n) time. I think quadtrees require a finite bounding volume, and and there are some degenerate cases where quadtrees fail miserably, such as when a large number of points occupy the same relatively small space.
That being said, Quadtrees are arguably easier to implement and quite effective in most common situations. It's what UPS uses in their routing algorithms, because it's drawbacks don't pose significant problems in practice, probably because cities tend to be spread out over the region of interest.
You want to use a structure like a Quad tree, or an RTree. These are multidimensional index structures.
The key is using a good "space filling curve", which is what helps define the nearness of points. A simple space filling curve is a Zorder, but you would be more interested in something like a hilbert curve.
I don't know of any prepackaged implementations of this stuff. I recently implemented my own RTree in 2 dimensions that only supports bulk loading and searches (via a provided bounding box).
One drawback here is that your points have to be contained in a finite region. There know there are space filling curves that work for spaces that are not finite, but I do not know anything about them.
In addition to the QuadTree and BSP tree suggestions, you should look up nearest neighbour searching. The choice of algorithm is based on how often you are adding to your base dataset. If you are adding and removing often, tree solutions are superior. If the data is more static, nearest neighbour searching and voronoi diagrams can be much faster and scale better.
If the set of points rarely changes, you could also consider using a voronoi diagram. I'm not sure if that helps finding the first point faster, but it should make it a lot easier to find the next 999 points.
I assume the points are in a database or some searchable indexed location? If so it should be pretty quick. From the given point you can have a range on the x and y axis and get all locations within that range (i.e. specify the top left most corner x(a) and y(b) and bottom most right corner x(c) and y(d)).
Then do a query where for points where y >= b AND y <= d AND x >= a AND x <=c. this will be quick assuming you have indexes on the x and y coordinates seperatly. (assuming origin is 0,0 at top left).
You can then increase (or decrease if result is huge) this range by z until the number of points within the result set is >= 1000. Through some trial runs you should be able to come up with a standard deviation and other statistical numbers that will help you determine the size of the rectangle to start with. Your program can also tune its self for this based on the results it gets.
Once you have the rough data set its pretty simple maths to work out the distance between each point and the source point.
i know its been said as not being the fastest if you want REALLY REALLY fast results by seeing i found this post from google i thought i'd add my SQL solution that i used a while ago in the form of a stored proc. It looks for locations close by the a coord and returns them by distance.
I hope it helps someone :)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[getstores] #lat float, #lng float AS
DECLARE #radius float, #DegToRad float
SET #DegToRad = 57.29577951
SET #radius = 25000
,ROUND((ACOS((SIN(#lat/57.2958) * SIN(sto_lat/#DegToRad)) +(COS(#lat/#DegToRad) * COS(sto_lat/#DegToRad) *COS(sto_lng/#DegToRad - #lng/#DegToRad))))* 6387.7, 2) AS distance
FROM store
WHERE (sto_lat >= #lat - (#radius/111))
And (sto_lat <= #lat + (#radius/111))
AND (sto_lng >= #lng - (#radius/111))
AND (sto_lng <= #lng + (#radius/111))
ISNUMERIC(sto_lat) = 1
ISNUMERIC(sto_lat) = 1
ORDER BY distance
NOTE: i have already stated that this is not the best solution for this question simply maybe for someone who found this on google like me