Find better algorithm for partial sorting problem - algorithm

Given an array A[1..n] and an integer k with k ≪ n, the partial sort problem is to return the k smallest numbers in order from the given n numbers. What is an efficient algorithm for the partial sort problem. Is there any other way which is better than selection algorithm???


count the number of subarrays in a given array with its average being k

Given an integer array a, and an integer k, we want to design an algorithm to count the number of subarrays with the average of that subarray being k. The most naive method is to traverse all possible subarrays and calculate the corresponding average. The time complexity of this naive method is O(n^2) where $n$ is the length of a. I wonder whether it is possible to do better than O(n^2).
Usually for this kind of problem, one uses prefix sum together with a hashmap, but this technique does not seem to apply here.
Consider a prefix sum array, call it a.
You want to find all such pairs (i, j) that (a[j]-a[i])/(j-i) == k.
Now watch the hands:
(a[j]-a[i])/(j-i) == k
a[j]-a[i] == k*(j-i)
a[j]-a[i] == k*j-k*i
a[j]-k*j == a[i]-k*i
So if you subtract k*j from jth element of the prefix sum array, you are left with the task of counting identical pairs.

Find an algorithm for sorting integers with time complexity O(n + k*log(k))

Design an algorithm that sorts n integers where there are duplicates. The total number of different numbers is k. Your algorithm should have time complexity O(n + k*log(k)). The expected time is enough. For which values of k does the algorithm become linear?
I am not able to come up with a sorting algorithm for integers which satisfies the condition that it must be O(n + k*log(k)). I am not a very advanced programmer but I was in the problem before this one supposed to come up with an algorithm for all numbers xi in a list, 0 ≤ xi ≤ m such that the algorithm was O(n+m), where n was the number of elements in the list and m was the value of the biggest integer in the list. I solved that problem easily by using counting sort but I struggle with this problem. The condition that makes it the most difficult for me is the term k*log(k) under the ordo notation if that was n*log(n) instead I would be able to use merge sort, right? But that's not possible now so any ideas would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance!
Here is a possible solution:
Using a hash table, count the number of unique values and the number of duplicates of each value. This should have a complexity of O(n).
Enumerate the hashtable, storing the unique values into a temporary array. Complexity is O(k).
Sort this array with a standard algorithm such as mergesort: complexity is O(k.log(k)).
Create the resulting array by replicating the elements of the sorted array of unique values each the number of times stored in the hash table. complexity is O(n) + O(k).
Combined complexity is O(n + k.log(k)).
For example, if k is a small constant, sorting an array of n values converges toward linear time as n becomes larger and larger.
If during the first phase, where k is computed incrementally, it appears that k is not significantly smaller than n, drop the hash table and just sort the original array with a standard algorithm.
The runtime of O(n + k*log(k) indicates (like addition in runtimes often does) that you have 2 subroutines, one which runes in O(n) and the other that runs in O(k*log(k)).
You can first count the frequency of the elements in O(n) (for example in a Hashmap, look this up if youre not familiar with it, it's very useful).
Then you just sort the unique elements, from which there are k. This sorting runs in O(k*log(k)), use any sorting algorithm you want.
At the end replace the single unique elements by how often they actually appeared, by looking this up in the map you created in step 1.
A possible Java solution an be like this:
public List<Integer> sortArrayWithDuplicates(List<Integer> arr) {
// O(n)
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(arr);
Map<Integer, Integer> freqMap = new HashMap<>();
for(Integer i: arr) {
freqMap.put(i, freqMap.getOrDefault(i, 0) + 1);
List<Integer> withoutDups = new ArrayList<>(set);
// Sorting => O(k(log(k)))
// as there are k different elements
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(Integer i : withoutDups) {
int c = freqMap.get(i);
for(int j = 0; j < c; j++) {
// return the result
return result;
The time complexity of the above code is O(n + k*log(k)) and solution is in the same line as answered above.

Given a n x n matrix where each of the rows and columns are sorted in ascending order, find the kth smallest element in the matrix

There a O(kLogN) solution of this using heap.In worst case k=N^2.
so time complexity becomes O(N^2LogN). Is there is any better algo for this problem.

Finding the kth smallest element in a sequence where duplicates are compressed?

I've been asked to write a program to find the kth order statistic of a data set consisting of character and their occurrences. For example, I have a data set consisting of
Here I have A with 3 occurrences, B with 2 occurrences C with 2 occurrences and D with on occurrence. They can be grouped in pairs (characters, number of occurrences), so, for example, we could represent the above sequence as
(A,3), (B,2), (C,2) and (D,1).
Assuming than k is the number of these pairs, I am asked to find the kth of the data set in O(n) where n is the number of pairs.
I thought could sort the element based their number of occurrence and find their kth smallest elements, but that won't work in the time bounds. Can I please have some help on the algorithm for this problem?
Assuming that you have access to a linear-time selection algorithm, here's a simple divide-and-conquer algorithm for solving the problem. I'm going to let k denote the total number of pairs and m be the index you're looking for.
If there's just one pair, return the key in that pair.
Using a linear-time selection algorithm, find the median element. Let medFreq be its frequency.
Sum up the frequencies of the elements less than the median. Call this less. Note that the number of elements less than or equal to the median is less + medFreq.
If less < m < less + medFreq, return the key in the median element.
Otherwise, if m ≤ less, recursively search for the mth element in the first half of the array.
Otherwise (m > less + medFreq), recursively search for the (m - less - medFreq)th element in the second half of the array.
The key insight here is that each iteration of this algorithm tosses out half of the pairs, so each recursive call is on an array half as large as the original array. This gives us the following recurrence relation:
T(k) = T(k / 2) + O(k)
Using the Master Theorem, this solves to O(k).

Very hard sorting algorithm problem - O(n) time - Time complextiy

Since the problem is long i can not describe it at title.
Imagine that we have 2 unsorted integer arrays. Both array lenght is n and they are containing interegers between 0 - n^765 (n power 765 maximum) .
I want to compare both arrays and find out whether they contain any same integer value or not with in O(n) time complexity.
no duplicates are possible in the same array
Any help and idea is appreciated.
What you want is impossible. Each element will be stored in up to log(n^765) bits, which is O(log n). So simply reading the contents of both arrays will take O(n*logn).
If you have a constant upper bound on the value of each element, You can solve this in O(n) average time by storing the elements of one array in a hash table, and then checking if the elements of the other array are contained in it.
The solution you may be looking for is to use radix sort to sort your data, after which you can easily check for duplicate elements. You would look at your numbers in base n, and do 765 passes over your data. Each pass would use a bucket sort or counting sort to sort by a single digit (in base n). This process would take O(n) time in the worst case (assuming a constant upper bound on element size). Note that I doubt anyone would ever choose this over a hash table in practice.
By assuming multiplication and division is O(1):
Think about numbers, you can write them as:
Number(i) = A0 * n^765 + A1 * n^764 + .... + A764 * n + A765.
for coding number to this format, you should just do Number / n^i, Number % n^i, if you precompute, n^1, n^2, n^3, ... it can be done in O(n * 765)=> O(n) for all numbers. precomputation of n^i, can be done in O(i) since i at most is 765 it's O(1) for all items.
Now you can write Numbers(i) as array: Nembers(i) = (A0, A1, ..., A765) and know you can radix sort items :
first compare all A765, then ...., All of Ai's are in the range 0..n so for comparing Ai's you can use Counting sort (Counting sort is O(n)), so your radix sort is O(n * 765) which is O(n).
After radix sort you have two sorted array and you can simply find one similar item in O(n) or use merge algorithm (like merge sort) to find most possible similarity (not just one).
for generalization if the size of input items is O(n^C) it can be sorted in O(n) (C is fix number). but because the overhead of this way of sortings are big, prefer to using quicksort and similar algorithms. Simple sample of this question can be found in Introduction to Algorithm book, which asks if the numbers are in range (0..n^2) how to sort them in O(n).
Edit: for clarifying how you can find similar items in 2-sorted lists:
You have 2 sorted list, for example in merge sort how do you can merge two sorted list to one list? you will move from start of list 1, and list 2, and move your head pointer of list1 while head(list(1)) > head(list(2)), and after that do this for list2 and ..., so if there is a similar item your algorithm will stop (before reach the end of lists), or in the end of two lists your algorithm will stop.
it's as easy as bellow:
public int FindSimilarityInSortedLists(List<int> list1, List<int> list2)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (i < list1.Count && j < list2.Count)
if (list1[i] == list2[j])
return list1[i];
if (list1[i] < list2[j])
return -1; // not found
If memory was unlimited you could simply create a hashtable with the integers as keys and the values the number of times they are found. Then to do your "fast" look up you simple query for an integer, discover if its contained within the hash table, and if found check that the value is 1 or 2. That would take O(n) to load and O(1) to query.
I do not think you can do it O(n).
You should check n values whether they are in the other array. This means you have n comparing operations at least if the other array has just 1 element. But as you have n element it the other array as well, you can do it just O(n*n)
