Minimize the difference between maximum and minimum of the chosen elements - algorithm

Suppose given m sorted array with the total number of n elements. our goal is, to choose one element from each sorted array such that the difference between the maximum and the minimum of chosen elements is minimized.
I think we can solve the above problem in O(m log n) and I read this post, but I can't use that reference to solve the above problem.


Maximally set-covering set of k elements

Given a universe of elements U={e_1....e_n}, I have a collection of subsets of these elements C={s_1...s_m}. Now given a positive integer k, I want to find a solution of k elements which cover a maximal number of subsets.
A concrete example: I have a collection of songs. each song is composed of notes. if i only know how to play k distinct notes - which k notes would allow me to play the maximal number of songs, and what is this maximal number?
How is this problem called?
Brute force approach:
First find all distinct permutations of size k from n.
Then for every permutation find ,number of subsets it cover.
And remember, if you are taking one element that cover subset 's_1' for example then you have to take all elements from that subset, else greedy approach will cover only some part of subset not whole.
And then pick that permutation which gives maximum answer.
But brute force approach only works when k is less than 10.
As the order goes exponentially and there is no better solution than this, thus this question goes to np_hard. It can be shown that that your problem reduces to vertex cover problem.
Consider subsets as trees and elements as nodes.
Now your problem is to select k elements such that it covers maximum number of trees fully.

Comparison-based algorithm that pairs the largest element with the smallest one in linear time

Given an array of integers. I want to design a comparison-based algorithm
that pairs the largest element with the smallest one, the second largest one with the second smallest one and so on. Obviously, this is easy if I sort the array, but I want to do it in O(n) time. How can I possibly solve this problem?
Well i can prove that it does not exists.
Let`s proof by contradiction: suppose there was such algorithm
When we could get an array of kth min and kth max pairs.
We could when get sorted array by taking all mins in order then all max in order,
so we could get original array sorted in O(n) steps.
So we could get a comparision based sorting algorithm that sorts in O(n)
Yet it can be proven that comparision based sorting algorithm must take atleast n
log n steps. (many proofs online. i.e.
Hence we have a contradiction so such algortihm does not

Finding number of length 3 increasing (or decreasing) subsequences?

Given an array of positive integers, how can I find the number of increasing (or decreasing) subsequences of length 3? E.g. [1,6,3,7,5,2,9,4,8] has 24 of these, such as [3,4,8] and [6,7,9].
I've found solutions for length k, but I believe those solutions can be made more efficient since we're only looking at k = 3.
For example, a naive O(n^3) solution can be made faster by looping over elements and counting how many elements to their left are less, and how many to their right are higher, then multiplying these two counts, and adding it to a sum. This is O(n^2), which obviously doesn't translate easily into k > 3.
The solution can be by looping over elements, on every element you can count how many elements to their left and less be using segment tree algorithm which work in O(log(n)), and by this way you can count how many elements to their right and higher, then multiplying these two counts, and adding it to the sum. This is O(n*log(n)).
You can learn more about segment tree algorithm over here:
Segment Tree Tutorial
For each curr element, count how many elements on the left and right have less and greater values.
This curr element can form less[left] * greater[right] + greater[left] * less[right] triplet.
Complexity Considerations
The straightforward approach to count elements on left and right yields a quadratic solution. You might be tempted to use a set or something to count solders in O(log n) time.
You can find a solder rating in a set in O(log n), however, counting elements before and after will still be linear. Unless you implement BST where each node tracks count of left children.
Check the solution here:*-n)

Find maximum sum contiguous subarray such that the length of the subarray is less than equal to k?

If more than two subarrays exist we need to return the subarray that has lesser length.
We are only concerned with length of the subarray and its sum.
I know this can be solved in O(n^2) using brute force ,but i am looking for a efficient way to do this.
I also tried solving this in O(n) using the sliding window concept , but i later realized it fails for some cases.
How can this be done efficiently?
I would suggest you to look at Kadane's algorithm. It finds a contiguous subarray with the largest sum from a given array. It does so in O(n). Your problem restrains the length to "k". So you simply need to put a check for length <= k in Kadane's.

Finding a k element subset in a set of real numbers (Programming Pearls book)

I am solving problems from Column2 of Programming Pearls. I came across this problem:
"Given a set of n real numbers, a real number t, and an integer k, how quickly can you determine whether there exists a k-element subset of the set that sums to at most t?"
My solution is to sort the set of real numbers and then look at the sum for the first k elements. If this sum is less than or equal to t, then we know there exists at least one
set that satisfies the condition.
Is the solution correct?
Is there a better or different solution?
Note: Just to make it clear, do not assume the input to be already sorted.
Because you need only first k elements sorted as per your problem , I suggest following:-
Select the kth element in array using randomised select O(N)
Take sum of first k elements in array and check if its less than t
Time complexity O(N + k) = O(N) as k is O(N)
Randomized Selection
Note:- when k is very small as compared to N then max heap can be very efficient as the storage does not cost that much and it can solve problem in worst case O(Nlogk).
