How to update a Swagger UI after a Liquibase Changelog was done - spring-boot

I use springdoc-openapi-ui in my demo spring boot project. To play around with Liquibase, I created a dummy Entity
public class DummyEntity {
// with field "dummyNumber"
// with field "dummyText"
// with field "phone"
My Swagger UI works perfectly here.
Ok, now I add a changeset to liquibase master changelog. Let say I add
//add column dummy_boolean
This also worked perfectly, after spring boot reboot I take a look into my DB.
But the problem is, when I visit my Swagger UI again, there are no change its still the same. I understand that this Swagger UI is generated on my Entity Class but how I can solve this issue? I need to see the new column in my Swagger Ui also.


How to get the value of Azure App Configuration Feature Flag with specific label from Spring boot?

I started using Azure App Configuration service and Feature Flags functionality in my project. I followed this documentation and was able to create a Spring boot project. I also created a FeatureFlagService class and autowired the FeatureManager class in it as shown below :
public class FeatureFlagService {
private FeatureManager featureManager;
public FeatureFlagService(FeatureManager featureManager) {
this.featureManager = featureManager;
public boolean isFeatureEnabled() {
return featureManager.isEnabledAsync("scopeid/MyFeature").block();
With this I get the value of the feature flag 'MyFeature' but with no label.
I have the same feature defined with different labels in Azure App Configuration as shown below.
I need to fetch the feature flag with specific label. How can I achieve it at runtime?
I don't see a way to do it using the FeatureManager class.
They only way to load from a label is by using[0].feature-flags.label-filter, the Feature Management Library itself has no concept of a label.

How does springboot JPA knows which database will be used?

I got to know Java spring JPA a couple days ago and there is one question which really makes me confused.
As I create a repository and use 'save()' method to save some objects into it. How does it know what type of database I am using and which local location to save.
I know I can config database (h2) like:
Then JPA will know: ok you are using h2 database and url is "jdbc:h2:mem/mydb"
However, some people said this config is not mandatory. If without this config, how does JPA knows which database I gonna use?
From the spring-boot documentation:
You should at least specify the URL by setting the spring.datasource.url property. Otherwise, Spring Boot tries to auto-configure an embedded database.
The following class is responsible for providing default settings for embedded DB: org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties
public String determineDatabaseName() {
if (this.embeddedDatabaseConnection != EmbeddedDatabaseConnection.NONE) {
return "testdb";
This answer can also be helpful: Where does the default datasource url for h2 come from on Spring Boot?

How to update Auto generated time stamp in Spring boot

I am making use of Auditing with Spring Data JPA to automatically update the created by time stamp. I have a requirement, where i have to migrate some data for which the created by date should be updated with the value am setting through the application. I have debugged the code, the values are setting properly. But while calling
The created by is getting overridden by the auto generated time stamp.
Is it possible to override the value?
I am also having a #Transactional annotation in Service level. While debugging i can see the date is getting replaced on the Entity returned by the save repository method.
It is not a better way but you can follow.
First, create the entity
and then update the createdAt data then save the entity again.
Create new enity without #CreatedDate and new repository for that new entity.
Only use that new repository when you need to edit CreatedDate or LastModifiedDate
This seems to be a bad solution but is the only solution I can think of now.
I am looking for better solution to this problem

(Spring) How to force jpa to update with If-Match "*"?

I have an (put) endpoint in some micro service lets call it A which can call from outside of the domain and from another micro service inside the same domain.
I implemented if-match header with #Version annotation and working just fine but i need additional feature such as; they want to call this endpoint from another micro service at the same domain with "*" and i have to tell JPA to accept request without optimistic-locking.
How could i force JPA to update if the request come from same domain with "*"?
Ok i just fixed this. We were using JPA totaly wrong when updating entity. When update some entity you should just get this entity from repo and set its fields. For example;
FooData comes service layer from controller and FooEntity comes from repo. You should use FooData to just check fields of FooEntity and set null to (#Version) tagged row_version. This means jpa can automaticaly increase number and worked well to me.
Wrong Behaviour: Convert FooData into BarEntity type-> Set new values to BarEntity and repository save the new entity.
If i'm still doing wrong please update me, I'll be appreciated.

generate sample example in swagger UI (in Spring boot project)

I am using a spring boot application and have configured using Swagger UI.
I want to know whether we could pre-populate the example value with sample value so we can hit the "Try it out!" button without having to type in some sample values to get a response.
It must be present there.
Is there a way we can do this using annotations or a separate file which Swagger uses?
I am using a spring boot project with springfox-swagger2:2.7.0 and springfox-swagger-ui:2.7.0 with dependencies added using gradle.
Since the #ApiParam properties example and examples are not working (see this issue on GitHub), support for adding examples is limited/non existing.
What you can do for simple parameters (#RequestParam) is to add the #ApiParam annotation with the defaultValue property, like this:
public List<Foo> findAll(
#RequestParam(required = false)
#ApiParam(defaultValue = "foo") // Put the default value here
String input) {
// ...
However, there is no support yet for doing this with #RequestBody parameters.
A possible workaround for #RequestBody parameters is by clicking on the code box at the right side of the Swagger tester, where it says Example value. If you click on it, it will insert that example into the field itself.
Here is a workaround for providing an example:
Inject html into swagger
defaultValue="none</p><p>Example: xyz</p>"
They don't protect against it in the latest version 2.9.2.
