custom method in .filterHandler not being called - dc.js

I'm trying to implement a custom filter handler for a single number display on a dashboard. I'm trying to use the .filterHandler method to define my own handler, but it doesn't seem to be calling that method at all.
Here is how I'm initializing the NumberDisplay
const dim = => e.mrn);
const currentEnrollmentsSingleStat = dc
.reduceSum((d: Enrollment) =>
d.type === "ACTIVE_ENROLL" && d.activeNow ? 1 : 0
.valueAccessor((d) => d)
currentEnrollmentsSingleStat.filterHandler(function (dimension, filter) {
console.debug("[EnrollmentDashboard] - activeEnrollments filter handler:", dimension, filter)
return 0
No matter what filters I apply, via clicking on other charts' bars, I can't seem to get the console log inside the .filterHandler function to display.


How to override 'data-testid' in the 'findByTestId function from Cypress Testing Library

Most of my existing codebase uses a 'id' only in few places 'data-testId' attribute present.
tried this code
import { configure } from '#testing-library/cypress';
configure({ testIdAttribute: ['data-testId','id'] });
But, still its not working.
Is there any way to use 'id' value in any of the testing-library functions.
My HTML code is something like:
<div class="some random class name" id="userprofile-open" role="button">SB</div>
I want click that element with this code:
cy.findByTestId("userprofile-open", { timeout: 120000 }).click();
I don't think you can configure testing-library with an array of ids, ref API configuration,
import { configure } from '#testing-library/cypress'
configure({ testIdAttribute: 'id' })
But even this fails. Instead you have to use the Cypress command to change the attribute name (only one name is allowed).
cy.configureCypressTestingLibrary({ testIdAttribute: 'id' })
To use either/or attribute name you can change the attribute name on the fly, wrapping it in a custom command (based on Custom Queries)
Cypress.Commands.add('findByTestIdOrId', (idToFind) => {
let result;
const { queryHelpers } = require('#testing-library/dom');
let queryAllByTestId = queryHelpers.queryAllByAttribute.bind(null, 'data-testId');
result = queryAllByTestId(Cypress.$('body')[0], idToFind)
if (result.length) return result;
queryAllByTestId = queryHelpers.queryAllByAttribute.bind(null, 'id');
result = queryAllByTestId(Cypress.$('body')[0], idToFind);
if (result.length) return result;
throw `Unable to find an element by: [data-test-id="${idToFind}"] or [id="${idToFind}"]`
.should('have.attr', 'id', 'my-id')
// passes and logs "expected <div#my-id> to have attribute id with the value my-id"
Note this custom command works only for synchronous DOM.
If you need to have Cypress retry and search for either/or attribute, don't use testing-library in the custom command.
Instead use Cypress .should() to enable retry
Cypress.Commands.add('findByTestIdOrId', (selector, idToFind) => {
.should('satisfy', $els => {
const attrs = [...$els].reduce((acc, el) => {
const id = || el.getAttribute('data-test-id') // either/or attribute
if (id) {
return acc
}, [])
return attrs.some(attr => attr === idToFind); // retries when false
.first(); // may be more than one
cy.findByTestIdOrId('div', 'my-id')
.should('have.attr', 'id', 'my-id')
// passes and logs "expected <div#my-id> to have attribute id with the value my-id"
The usual cypress way - which has an inherent check on the element visibility and existence as well as included retries for a period of time is using cy.get()
If you want to select element using property like data-id you need this sintax: cy.get('[propertyName="propertyValue"]')
If you want select an element by CSS selector you just pass CSS selector like this:

Accessing reactive properties with vee-validate 4

I am getting my head around Vee-Validate next (v4) and how I might incorporate it in a Vue 3 project without loosing Vue's reactivity (i.e. not relying on the values simply being passed to the Form submit event).
By way of example, if I were making a hypothetical component which has autocomplete functionality, and sent a get request to the server once 3 letters had been typed, but for the input itself to be valid it required 8 letters, how would I get the value associated with the input?
using plain Vue, with pseudo-code something like:
setup () {
const myVal = ref('')
const options = ref([])
watchEffect(() => if (myVal.value.length > 3) {
axios.get(...).then(serverVals => options.value = serverVals))
return { myVal, options }
how would I achieve this with vee-validate 4.x?
setup () {
const schema = yup.object({ myVal: yup.string().required().min(8) })
// ???? what now to watch myVal
please note this is not about autocomplete - a range slider where I wanted a server call when the value was greater than 10 but a validation message if greater than 90 would also suffice as an example.
You could employ useField here to get a reactive value that's automatically watched.
const { value: myVal, errorMessage } = useField('myVal', undefined, {
initialValue: ''
const options = ref([])
watchEffect(() => if (myVal.value.length > 3) {
axios.get(...).then(serverVals => options.value = serverVals))
return { myVal, options }
Documentation has an example of using useField:
Note that you don't have to use useForm, if you are using <Form> component and passing schema to it then that should work just fine.

RxJs: How to return an Observable<T> from an Observable<T[]>?

I'm calling a web service that returns a List. I want to return one item from that List, in a method. Essentially, when some function requests an instance of CollectorIssueBase, I want to retrieve ALL of them, cache them and return the one requested. But I can't figure out how to do it.
Here's my code:
public getByID(collectorID: string, id: string): Observable<CollectorIssueBase> {
return this.getAllMinimized(collectorID).pipe(
single(items => {
var item = items.find(i => i.ID == id);
return item;
The compiler keeps complaining that "Argument of type 'CollectorIssueValue[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'CollectorIssueValue' which tells me right off the bat that I'm still returning an Array.
The value returned to the subscribing function is, indeed, an Array.
So what am I doing wrong? "single" seemed like the proper operator to I using it wrong?
single callback takes CollectorIssueValue[] form each observable tick. If you want to change CollectorIssueValue[] to CollectorIssueValue i suggest use filter and map. Filter will filter empty arrays, and map will transform not empty array of CollectorIssueValue into CollectorIssueValue.
filter(arr => arr.length > 0),
map(arr => arr.find(...),

RxJS: Setting default value for observable from another observable

I'm trying to create observable stream which takes user id from cookie and, if not found in cookie, fetches it from API. How can I do it in RxJS?
var userIdRequest = Rx.Observable.bindCallback(generateIdAsync);
var cookieUserIdStream = Rx.Observable.of(getCookieValue("user_id"))
.filter(x => x !== null);
var userIdStream = cookieUserIdStream.__ifEmptyThen__(userIdRequest()); // <<< ???
// Emulating async request for user id
// Will be a JSONp call in real app
function generateIdAsync(cb) {
setTimeout(() => {
cb(`id_${new Date().getTime()}`);
}, 300);
function getCookieValue(name) {
var regexp = new RegExp(`${name}=([^;]*)`);
var match = document.cookie.match(regexp);
return match && match[1];
There's a defaultIfEmpty method which works with simple values only, not with observables. In Bacon.js there's or method for streams, which works perfectly fine, but I don't see anything similar in RxJS. Do I miss something or do I need to implement a custom observer?
You may concat the 2 observables and get the first emitted value:
var userIdStream = Rx.Observable.concat(cookieUserIdStream, userIdRequest).first();

Observables and fetching paged data?

I need to create an observable, which I can "pull" data from, to work with a pageable api. I can only fetch 100 items per request, I want to be able to use observable as a generator function (on which I can call .next() to issue a request to get next 100 items.
I can't unfortunately find a way to do it with Rx. I suppose it's possible using controlled observable or a subject. Can you guys show me an example.
this is what I've gotten so far:
function list(entityType, viewName, fetchAll = false) {
var skip = 0,
total = 0;
const subject = new Rx.Subject(),
response$ = subject
.takeWhile(() => skip <= total)
.flatMap((skip) => fetchPagePromise(skip)),
next = () => subject.onNext(skip);
if (fetchAll) {
Rx.Observable.timer(100, 100).subscribe(() => next());
return {
data$: response$.map(response => response),
next: fetchAll === true ? undefined : next
function fetchPagePromise() {
let limit = 100,
obj = {
viewName, limit, skip
qs = objectToQueryString(obj);
return $http.get(`${apiBase}/api/data/${entityType}${qs}`).then((res) => {
total =;
skip += limit;
this kinda works like a generator. it returns an Observable and next handler. Whenever next is called it pulls next 100 items from api and pushes into the Observable. Also if there’s a third parameter fetchAll passed, then it will keep fetching data until there’s no more. What scares me though that there are 2 mutating vars in function's closure - skip and total, and I don't know if managing them like this in asynchronous/unpredictable environment is ok.
One of the things you generally want to avoid is trying to make Rx into a plain old event emitter. Usually it is an indicator when you try and just trigger Observables manually by passing around a Subjects observer interface.
You should ask yourself, where is my data coming from? What calls next(), what calls that, etc. After enough of these you will generally find that this will lead you to something that can be wrapped by an Observable directly rather than explicitly calling next(). Also, I think the fetchAll flag should really be kept externally. You are only making the interface confusing by essentially turning it into a void method just by passing in a flag.
So I would recommend refactoring like so:
Rx.Observable.prototype.lazyRequest = function(entityType, viewName, limit = 100) {
var source = this;
return Rx.Observable.create(obs => {
var response = source
//Skip is really just the (limit * index)
.map((x, i) => i * limit)
.flatMap((skip) => {
let obj = {viewName, skip, limit},
qs = objectToQueryString(obj);
//Handle promises implicitly
return $http.get(`${apiBase}/api/data/${entityType}${qs}`);
//Return this with our skip information
(skip, res) => {skip, res})
//Publish it so the stream get shared.
//This will emit once once you are out of data
var stop = response.first(x => x.skip >=;
return new CompositeDisposable(
//Complete this stream when stop emits
//Downstream only cares about the data rows
.map(x =>
//Hook everything up
Then you can use it like so:
//An example of a "starting point", a button click
//Update the rows every time a new event comes through
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($button, 'click')
.startWith(0) //Inject some data into the pipeline
.lazyRequest(entityType, viewName)
.subscribe(/*Do something with the returned rows*/);
//Get all of the rows, will keep hitting the endpoint until it completes
.lazyRequest(entityType, viewName)
//Gather all the values into an array and emit that.
