Variable in library path with JMeter is not working - jmeter

My JMeter plan config looks like this:
as you can see from the picture the mypath variable has a default value /somehwere which may change based on the machine that hosts JMeter.
So I added it as variable in the ${mypath}/bin below for Library.
However if I run a command like:
jmeter -n ... -Jmypath=/newpath/elsewhere
it is not working. Is there any way to put that path as variable?

You need to amend the variable using __P() function like:
This way you will be able to override the value using -J command-line argument and if you don't provide the override value it will default to /somepath
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
Overriding Properties Via The Command Line

I answer myself as the solution required is using the parameter -Juser.classpath=some_path which avoid the need to create an external parameter for that case.


JMeter parametrization $URL

I have problem with set parametrize $url variable in Jmeter.
I must set parametrize because I will run my project test in three other URL addresses, because application is deployed for 3 others such as production, development and I also would like testing in local.
I have the following CSV file:
${dev} http://10.200.XXX.XX/{$url}
How can I set this in JMeter, set parametrization my URL variable?
Your question is not very clear, moreover my expectation is that you shouldn't have JMeter variables reference in form of ${variable} in the CSV file, only "plain" data should go there.
With regards to running test on different servers I would go for creating 3 separate CSV files, i.e.
dev.csv with the following contents:
trial.csv with the following contents
product.csv with the following contents
Once done you can add a CSV Data Set Config and set it up like:
And finally add HTTP Request Defaults to your Test Plan to read the values from the relevant CSV file:
So when you run JMeter without any parameters it will pick up dev.csv file and will go to 10.200.XXX.XX host
If you run JMeter like:
jmeter -Jenvironment=trial
it will pick up trial.csv and will go to host
If you run JMeter like:
jmeter -Jenvironment=product
it will pick up product.csv and will go to host
More information:
__P() function
Overriding Properties Via The Command Line

How to write Jmeter Regex into a file after extraction

In my Jmeter test, I am able to use REGEX Extraction, After extraction I want to write the value of the REGEX variable into a file
I found a workaround as using beanshell as mentioned here
Is there any clean way of doing it, May be some inbuilt features, which I am not aware of
It is possible to write variable values into JMeter .jtl results file. There is a JMeter Property called sample_variables
Optional list of JMeter variable names whose values are to be saved in the result data files.
Use commas to separate the names.For example:
So if you run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode as follows:
jmeter -Jsample_variables=myVariable -n -t /path/to/your/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/testresults.jtl
You'll get the output like
1425978657207,368,HTTP Request,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,1591,1,1,367,YOUR_VARIABLE_VALUE
In above example column names are given for reference, they are not included into csv results file by default. This behavior is controllable via property, set it to "true" to get column names printed along with results data.
You can also set sample_variables property value in file which lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation or uncomment it in file (same location)
For more information on JMeter properties and ways of setting and/or overriding them refer to Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Writing to a file named with variables in distributed JMeter testing

Okay I've been having an issue with writing results to folders in JMeter.
I have set 2 variables, one for the name of the test and one for the submit date. I want the reports to be written to the folder named with these two variables.
Here's the variables:
TestRun = "Name of test"
DateRun = $__{time(dd-MMM-yyyy}
The path of the folder to be written to looks like this:
When I run it on the master machine, it's fine. It saves to the correct file and folder path, and ends up looking something like this:
C:\Tests\TestEnvironment\Results\Test Run 1 - 08-May-2014 08.55.47\file.csv
However, when I run it on remote machines, it saves it literally as below:
So I end up with a folder named "${TestRun}${DateRun}"
Am I missing something blindingly obvious, or is this an actual JMeter issue?
As per JMeter help:
-G, --globalproperty <argument>=<value>
Define Global properties (sent to servers)
e.g. -Gport=123
You need to use -G key so your variables could be distributed across remote clients.
so something like:
jmeter -r -n GTestRun=SomeName -GDateRun=SomeTime -t /path/to/your/plan
should help.
Alternatively you can create a .properties file and pass it to remote JMeter Engines via the same "-G" option.
I expect that if you want to use JMeter __time() function you'll need to wrap it with __eval, elsewise it will be treated as a string. Alternatively you can use operating system commands to retrieve current date and time.
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on dealing with JMeter Properties.

Using user defined variables in the path of a results file in JMeter

I want to write a results CSV file in JMeter which contains a variable in path of the file I write.
But I only seem to be able to use predefined variables like ${__time(ddMMyyHHmmss)}
Is there a way to use user defined variables in the path? I have successfully done this to find input files by defining the variable in the test plan node as a User Defined Variable.
I managed to use user defined variable in the path of result file using JMeter 2.9. REPORT is a user defined variable with value REPORT. It gives me file named REPORT.csv
In JMeter 3.1(?) (or Windows?) a double slash is required in the path.
I have used the following successfully:
${testId} is a User Defined Variable configured in the Test Plan and set to ${__time(yyyyMMddHHmm)}

Jmeter global properties and Simple Data Writers

I am setting a Jmeter global property on the command line with the -G option. I try to use this property to alter the file name of a Simple Data Writer. However, In the data writer the __P function returns only the default.
jmeter -t ... --nongui ... -GFileName=MyFile.xml ...
So, I know that I am setting the global property correctly. Both the jmeter log and the Jmeter server log show that the value is being captured from the command line. However it still refuses write a file name with anything other than the default.
I use the following command
How do I pass in a value at the command line so that I can use it as the file name for a Simple Data Writer?
Notes: I am using remote servers, so I must use -G, and I already have a primary data file output, so I cannot use -l .
Why not to use -J or -D directives to set your property?
Everything will work as you want in case of
In both the cases you can than further refer to this property in Simple Data Writer as ${__P(FileName,)}.
Well, I've got the same negative result as your while trying to use global (-G) property but I cannot find in your situation described any prerequisites to use global (-G) properties instead of local (-J) or system (-D) ones.
Global properties are defined to be sent to remote servers... are you executing test in client-server mode (jmeter-server started)?
Than, as per 18.3.9 Simple Data Writer
When running in non-GUI mode, the -l flag can be used to create a data file.
I.e. running
jmeter -n -t ... -l MyFile.xml
will give you the same result in MyFile.xml.
As additional note.
You can try to use JMeterPlugins solutions:
Flexible File Writer - instead of native Simple Data Writer.
