Import external sass or scss variables with Svelte and Vite - sass

I've created a big sass stylesheet with all sorts of colors. Following vite's guide for sass, I got sass working in my components. Now I'd like to use these external variables in my Svelte components' stylesheets as well.
So far I've tried:
#use "./test.sass" // along with "./test"
p {
color: $testColor
As well as
#import url("./test.sass") // along with "./test"
// ... same as above
It gives me an error Error: Undefined variable. And my variable is defined properly in test.sass

#use wraps imported variables in a namespace, so instead of $testColor you have to explicitly state that these variables come from a module.
#use "./test.sass"
p {
color: test.$testColor
#use "./test.sass" as *
p {
color: $testColor


Loading module with #use in SASS imported file causes SassError: Undefined variable

I have styles.scss file which loads variables from variables.scss and pass them to all imported stylesheets (according to docs)
// style.scss
#use "variables" as *;
#import "test";
// variables.scss
$body-color: red;
If I use simple _tests.scss then it works fine.
// _tests.scss
body {
color: $body-color;
But when I try to use other modules inside imported file, I get an error:
// _tests.scss
#use "sass:math"; // this line causes "Undefined variable" error
body {
color: $body-color;
What am I doing wrong?

importing outside style to scss main page

I have a main.scss file that I want to import colors into from a _colors file.
I have defined a body color in the color file, when I try to import it, I see no changes in the webpage. They are both in the same scss folder but neither #include or #import seem to make a difference. I have tried with and without the underscore in my import statement, both single and double quotes and both import and include keywords. Please tell me what stupid mistake I am making that will rectify this problem as I have researched the problem and think I have been able to copy the examples with no success.
body {
$background-color: maroon;
#include 'colors';
Partials are used with #use directive. Then,
background-color: maroon;
#use "_colours";
The reuse of code is done through the #mixin directive.
#mixin body--background{
#use "_colours.scss" as so;
#include so.body--background;
But, if you want to just define just colours use variables instead. Example below,
$lightblue=//et cetera.
#use "_colours";
If you have a main.scss file which will be the file that gets compiled, and you want to import variables, mixins etc from another partial file, such as _colors.scss. You could do so by loading the members from the partial _colors.scss into main.scss with a #use at-rule. This allows loaded members from the module to be referenced with dot-notation throughout your main.scss stylesheet.
Let's say your _colors.scss file looked like this:
$bodyColor: maroon;
$someOtherColor: #f06;
/* adding a mixin for demo */
#mixin highlight($c, $bg) {
color: $c;
background: $bg;
/* some extra styles pertaining to _color.scss */
.some-styles {
color: $someOtherColor;
Note: The syntax for #use is #use <url> as <namespace>;.
You could load the variables/mixins etc into main.scss with a #use rule and reference the namespace throughout your program:
#use "./colors" as c;
body {
background-color: c.$bodyColor;
.highlighted {
#include c.highlight(#fff, #f06);
or without defining a namespace like:
#use "./colors" as *;
body {
background-color: $bodyColor;
.highlighted {
#include highlight(#fff, #f06);
You certainly can include a body {} declaration inside _colors.scss and load it the same way as discussed above, but I think your wanting to place the body style block inside main.scss and simply reference loaded variables from _color.scss. If you have a directory of many partials and want to load them into main.scss without writing separate #use rules for each load, then introduce a index file with #forward rules to load an entiry directory of partials into main.scss using a single #use rule.

Ionic4 build error: Undefined SCSS variable in page.scss

I created a blank Ionic4 app and in the src/global.scss, I declare a variable $padding: 16px. I then tried to use the $padding in an element in as follows:
.highlight {
padding: $padding;
I expected it to output the following as it does in Ionic3:
.highlight {
padding: 16px;
Instead in Ionic4 I am getting an undefined variable on the $padding during the build process. Can we not use global SCSS variables within the page styles anymore or am I missing something obvious here?
You need to import the global.scss file in your page.scss file to get it work
#import '../../global.scss';
Since global.scss already include for the project. So the solution is that you make a new file common.scss and import it inside page.scss with
#import '../../common.scss';
And inside common.scss you can type
$padding: 16px

Is it possible to use variables from an import in another import?

For example:
#import "variables";
#import "page";
$color-a: #FFFFFF;
div.test {
background: $color-a;
Or does variables have to be imported on every sheet that wants to use a variable from it?
Currently, I'm getting Error: Undefined variable: "$color-a"
Edit I should add that I'm using sassc to compile the files in a clojure project:
:sass {:sass-file "main.scss"
:source-maps false
:output-style "compressed"
:output-dir "css/"}}

How do I share variables between different imported files?

I want to use SASS in a modular way. In the code segment below you can see a way I consider organizing some of the layouts of a page.
What I have in mind is the external variables in languages like C.
// file: some_page.scss
// I want some variables from the fonts, colors partials
// to be visible to the buttons partial
// Is it possible?
// error: _buttons.scss (Line X: Undefined variable: "$color_blue")
#import "colors"
#import "fonts"
#import "buttons"
// in file: _colors.scss
$color_blue: blue;
// in file: _buttons.scss
.button {
background-color: $color_blue;
Yes, that's how it works.
As long as _colors.scss is imported before the other files.
You can check out the port of Twitter Bootstrap to Sass here: it uses variables in a similar fashion.
You need to add a ; at the end of the #import line.
