How to delete nifi flowfiles from the queue? - apache-nifi

PDF files flow to routeOnAttribute which filters files in file size. So now I have greater than file size and less than file size. With the greater than file size going to S3 bucket and than flow to success.
So what I want is to delete / remove the flowfiles from the queue as we are not doing anything with the flowfiles.
Can anyone able to guide me on which processor should I use.
If a Relationship is auto-terminated, any FlowFile that is routed to that Relationship will be removed from the flow and its processing considered complete.


Does the events in the same partition go to the same FlowFile using Kafka Consumer in NiFi

The post sets the Max Poll Records to 1 to guarantee the events in one flow file come from the same partition.
Does that mean if using Message Demarcator, the events in the same FlowFile can be from different partitions?
from the source code I think the above thinking is true?
When using a demarcator it creates a bundle per topic/partition, so you will get flow files where all messages are from the same topic partition:
The reason that post set max pool records to 1 was explained in the post, it was because the key of the messages is only available when there is 1 message per flow file, and they needed the key in this case. In general, it is better to not do this and to have many messages per flow file.

How to wait for GenerateTableFetch queries to finish

My use case is like this. I have some X tables to be pulled from MySQL. I am splitting them using SplitText to put each table in a individual flow file and pull using GenerateTableFetch and ExecuteSQL.
And I want to be notified or put some other action when import is done for all the tables. At SplitText text processor I have routed original relationship to Wait on ${filename} with target count ${fragment.count}. This will track how many tables are done.
But now I am not able to figure out how to know when a particular table is done. GenerateTableFetch forks flow file into multiple based on Partition Size. But it does not write attributes like fragment.count which I can use to wait on for each table.
Is there a way I can achieve this? Or maybe is there a way to know at the end of the entire flow if all flow files in the flow have been processed and nothing is in queue or being processed?
If you have a standalone instance of NiFi (or are not distributing the flow files among a cluster to ExecuteSQL nodes), then you could use QueryDatabaseTable instead, it (by default) will only issue all flow files when the entire result set is processed. If you have all the rows go into a single flow file, then the fact that the flow file has been transferred downstream is an indication that the fetch is complete.
I have written NIFI-5601 to cover the improvement of adding fragment.* attributes to flow files generated by GTF.
Till NiFi add's support for this, I managed to make it work using MergeContent. Use table_name as Correlation attribute name and then use merged relation to Wait processor using ${merge.count} as target. Refer screenshots if someone is looking to do the same.

How to handle small files problem in Nifi

My current flow in Nifi is like
Hourly input JSON files would be max of 10GB.
Single file size would be 80 -100MB.
Splittext & JoltTransform -> transform the text and sent it as 4KB files . Hence the hourly job is taking 50 to 1.20 minutest to complete the flow . How can I make this faster. What would be the best flow to handle the use case.
Have tried to use Mergecontent , didnt worked out well .
Thanks All
You can use MergeRecord processor After JoltTransfromJson Processor and
keep your maximum number of records to make flowfile eligible to merge into single flowfile.
Use Max Bin Age property as wildcard to force eligible the bin to be Merged.
Then use record oriented processor for HBase i.e PutHBaseRecord processor and configure your Record Reader controller service(JsonTree Reader) to read the incoming flowfile and tune the Batch size property value to get maximum performance.
By using this process we are processing chunks of records which eventually increase the performance of storing data into HBase.
ListHDFS->FetchHDFS->SplitText->JoltransformJSon->MergeRecord ->PUTHBaseRecord
Refer to these links for Merge Record configs and Record Reader configs

Apache Nifi - Consume Kafka + Merge Content + Put HDFS to avoid small files

I am having around 2000000 messages in Kafka topic and I want to put these records into HDFS using NiFi,so I am using PutHDFS processor for this along with ConsumeKafka_0_10 but it generates small files in HDFS, So I am using Merge Content processor for the merging the records before pushing the file.
Please help if the configuration needs changes This works fine for small number of messages but writes a single file for every record when it comes to topics with massive data.
Thank you!!
The Minimum Number of Entries is set to 1 which means it could have anywhere from 1 to the Max Number of Entries. Try making that something higher like 100k.

Creating larger NiFi flow files when using the ConsumeKafka processor

I've created a simple NiFi pipeline that reads a stream of data from a Kafka topic (using ConsumeKafka) and writes it to the HDFS (using PutHDFS). Currently, I'm seeing lots of small files being created on the HDFS. A new file is created about once a second, some with only one or two records.
I want fewer, larger files to be written to the HDFS.
I have the following settings in ConsumeKafka:
Message Demarcator = <new line>
Max Poll Records = 10000
Max Uncommitted Time = 20s
In the past I've used Flume instead of Nifi, and it has batchSize and batchDurationMillis, which allow me to tweak how big HDFS files are. It seems like ConsumeKafka in Nifi is missing a batchDurationMillis equivalent.
What's the solution in NiFi?
Using the Message Demarcator and Max Poll Records is the correct approach to get multiple messages per flow file. You may want to slow down the ConsumeKafka processor by adjusting the Run Schedule (on the scheduling tab) from 0 sec which means run as fast as possible, to something like 1 second or whatever makes sense for you to grab more data.
Even with the above, you would likely still want to stick a MergeContent processor before PutHDFS, and merge together flow files based on size so that you can wait til you have the appropriate amount of data before writing to HDFS.
How to use MergeContent will depend on the type of data you are merging... If you have Avro, there is a specific merge strategy for Avro. If you have JSON you can merge them one after another, or you can wrap them with a header, footer, and demarcator to make a valid JSON array.
