Laravel Vapor queue sqs doesn't run jobs synchronously - laravel

We have an external service which processes a specific task on given data. Because this takes a while per task, and we have ten thousand of tasks we decided to put processing into jobs and a queue otherwise we will get an timeout.
Processing all the tasks can be take 15 hours.
So, we decided to split them into chunks and put processing the chunk into a job. So the job will only take about 1 minute.
Considering that the receiving service has limited resources it is important to process each job after each other without a synchronicity.
We put these jobs into a specific named queue to divide this jobs from other jobs like email submitting.
In the local test environment, it works properly with sync, database and sqs.
Now I will explain the issue with the live environment:
When I run the jobs in my local test environment with sqs, invoked by php art queue:listen --queue=name of the queue, all jobs will be written in the "message available" column and one by one will be removed from "message available" column and added to the "message in flight" column.
The "message in flight" column has never more than one message.
After deploying everything to production the following happens:
The command to add the jobs to the queue will invoked by a scheduler, instead of invoking in console on my local environment.
Then all jobs will be added to "message available" column and immediately dozens of jobs will be moved to "messages in flight". That means all jobs from "message available" will be moved to "messages in flight". So that it seems that the jobs won't be processed step by step instead of a kind of brute force.
The other thing is that only 5 jobs will be executed. After that nothing happens, the receiving service gets no requests, the failed_jobs table is empty, and the jobs still remains in "messages in flight".
I have no idea what I do wrong!
Is there another way to process thousands of jobs?
I've set the "queue-concurrency" to 1 and all queues are listed below the "queues" section in vapor.yml.
Furthermore, I've set timeout for cli, general and queue to 900 (seconds).
After checking the sqs log file in cloud watch I see that the job has been executed about 4 times.
The time between first job and last job in the log file is about 6 minutes max.
Does anybody has any ideas?
Thank you in advance.


How do I debug an exit code 12 between jobs in queue:work

We have a job MyPrettyJob, that is queued through redis from a controller. When we run this job from the command like so, the job does succeed. When we run the job with little data the queue stays online, but when we run the job with a lot of data the queue crashes with an exit code of 12, which suggests an "Out of Memory" error.
The large job processes about 300.000 items, who mostly depend on each other. To that end, we cannot really split up this job without causing severe performance impact. In some extreme cases it could take up to hours instead of the few minutes it currently takes.
For the large job, the queue outputs the following:
$ php artisan queue:work --queue=myqueue
Processing: App\Jobs\MyPrettyJob
Processed: App\Jobs\MyPrettyJob
$ echo $?
The queue worker even crashes regardless if something is queued behind that job. That seems to suggest that the queue crashes through cleanup of the large job, but it does not seem to give any indication of what that is. The queue worker also crashes regardless if any database interactions are done, which rules anything related to the database.
What is the queue doing in-between jobs? Can I debug in any way why it is getting out of memory after completing the job? Does the queue write something to a log maybe, or is it doing something in redis in between jobs? It seems like a really weird time for that process to crash.
Exit code 12 happens when the queue worker system determines that it has used more memory than is allowed (see for the specific section of code). If you run php artisan queue:work --memory=<digit> where memory is enough to fully run your job (for example, 1024 for 1GB), you should be able to allow your job to complete and continue running after the fact.

How can I associate a queued job with a particular user in Laravel?

I've built a system based on Laravel where users are able to begin a "task" which repeats a number of times, with a delay between each repetition. I've accomplished this by queueing a job with an amount argument, which then recursively queues an additional job until the count is up.
For example, I start my task with 3 repetitions:
A job is queued with an amount argument of 3. It is ran, the amount is decremented to 2. The same job is queued again with a delay of 5 seconds specified.
When the job runs again, the process repeats with an amount of 1.
The last job executes, and now that the amount has reached 0, it is not queued again and the tasks have been completed.
This is working as expected, but I need to know whether a user currently has any tasks being processed. I need to be able to do the following:
Check if a particular queue has any jobs started by a particular user.
Check the value that was set for amount on that job.
I'm using the database driver for a queue named tasks. Is there any existing method to accomplish my goals here?
You shoudln't be using delay to queue multiple repetitions of the same job over and over. That functionality is meant for something like retrying a failed network request. Keeping jobs in the queue for multiple hours at a time can lead to memory issues with your queues if the count gets too high.
I would suggest you use the php artisan schedule:run functionality to run a command every 1-5 minutes to check the database if it is time to run a user's job. If so, kick off that job and add a status flag to the user table (or whatever table you want to keep track of these things). When finished you mark that same row as completed and wait for the next time the cron runs to do it again.

Laravel Queue start a second job after first job

In my Laravel 5.1 project I want to start my second job when first will finished.
Here is my logic.
\Queue::push(new MyJob())
and when this job finish I want to start this job
\Queue::push(new ClearJob())
How can i realize this?
If you want this, you just should define 1 Queue.
A queue is just a list/line of things waiting to be handled in order,
starting from the beginning. When I say things, I mean jobs. -
To get the opposite of what you want: async executed Jobs, you should define a new Queue for every Job.
Multiple Queues and Workers
You can have different queues/lists for
storing the jobs. You can name them however you want, such as “images”
for pushing image processing tasks, or “emails” for queue that holds
jobs specific to sending emails. You can also have multiple workers,
each working on a different queue if you want. You can even have
multiple workers per queue, thus having more than one job being worked
on simultaneously. Bear in mind having multiple workers comes with a
CPU and memory cost. Look it up in the official docs, it’s pretty

Laravel Queues for multi user environment

I am using Laravel 5.1, and I have a task that takes around 2 minutes to process, and this task particularly is generating a report...
Now, it is obvious that I can't make the user wait for 2 minutes on the same page where I took user's input, instead I should process this task in the background and notify the user later about task completion...
So, to achieve this, Laravel provides Queues that runs the tasks in background (If I didn't understand wrong), Now for multi-user environment, i.e. if more than one user demands report generation (say there are 4 users), so being the feature named Queues, does it mean that tasks will be performed one after the other (i.e. when 4 users demand for report generation one after other, then 4th user's report will only be generated when report of 3rd user is generated) ??
If Queues completes their tasks one after other, then is there anyway with which tasks are instantly processed in background, on request of user, and user can get notified later when its task is completed??
Queue based architecture is little complicated than that. See the Queue provides you an interface to different messaging implementations like rabbitMQ, beanstalkd.
Now at any point in code you send send message to Queue which in this context is termed as a JOB. Now your queue will have multiple jobs which are ready to get out as in FIFO sequence.
As per your questions, there are worker which listens to queue, they get a job and execute them. It's up to you how many workers you want. If you have one worker your tasks will be executed one after another, more the workers more the parallel processes.
Worker process are started with command line interface of laravel called Artisan. Each process means one worker. You can start multiple workers with supervisor.
Since you know for sure that u r going to send notification to user after around 2 mins, i suggest to use cron job to check whether any report to generate every 2 mins and if there are, you can send notification to user. That check will be a simple one query so don't need to worry about performance that much.

Sidekiq queue name

In sidekiq you can specify the name of the queue you want to add that job into, so what's the benefit from separating jobs in multiple queues? why do we need to not put all jobs in the default queue?
In my current project we send a lot of jobs to Sidekiq. One type of job we submit about 200,000 jobs a day. For another type (sending email to users) we send maybe 100. If they were all in the same queue then there is a very good chance that "please confirm your account" email will be in the 200,001st spot and won't get run for a long time (hours?). By having multiple queues I can ensure that those 100 get sent out promptly.
