Algorithms to find shapes among random points - algorithm

Let's assume we have: A) a large set of random 2D points, and B) a small set of 2D points representing a simple geometric shape of choice, e.g. a triangle (3 x 2D points). I want to perform search over the A set of random points and find sub-sets in A similar to the shape of B.
I wander if there are smart ways or known methods to approach this problem beyond brute force. What would be thoughts, recipes, links, suggestions?
EDIT: added schematics hoping to explain better. Random points are open-circles (the set A in the explanation above). For example, that random mess of points potentially has 3 adjacent points with their configuration very close to a triangle, or 4 adjacent points to a square. In brute force approach I imagine I would do random translation and rotation of a set B (a triangle, or a square, or any other configuration of points in the set B) and estimate sum of residuals. If the residual close to zero or below certain threshold we can claim a shape is a triangle, square, etc. But what could be a smart approach ?


Finding random k points at least d apart in 3D confined space

For my simulation purposes, I want to generate a randomly distributed k number of spheres (having the same radii) in a confined 3D space (inside a rectangle) where k is in order of 1000. Those spheres should not impinge on one another.
So, I want to generate random k points in a 3D space at least d distance away from one another; considering the number of points and the frequency at which I need those points for simulation, I don't want to apply brute force; I'm looking for some efficient algorithms achieving this.
How about just starting with some regular tessellation of the space (i.e. some primitive 3d lattice) and putting a single point somewhere in each tile? You'd then only need to check a small number of neighboring tiles for proximity.
To get a more statistically uniform, i.e. less regular, set of points, you could:
perturb points in space
generate an overly dense lattice and reject some points
"warp" the space so that the lattice was more dense in certain areas
You could perturb the points sequentially, giving you a monte-carlo chain over their coordinates, and potentially saving work elsewhere. Presumably you could tailor this so that the equilibrium distribution was what you wanted.

Polygon congruence algorithm

Does anyone know an algorithm which checks for congruence between two sets of polygons? To be more specific, see the figure below.
I'm looking for a way to check whether a given set of colored triangles is congruent to another set, i.e. whether a given set (e.g. the blue triangles) via a number of translations, rotations or reflections can be superimposed on another set (e.g. the red triangles). In the example above, all 3 sets of triangles (blue, red and green) are congruent.
The actual triangle I'm working on is larger than this and has more sets.
I've googled and found this paper, but it concerns 3-D polygons and isn't directly (in my view) implementable.
Any constructive ideas or links would be welcome.
Just to clarify, each set of triangles must be treated as a whole connected figure, i.e. each triangle in the set is fixed in it's position relative to the other triangles in the set.
Also, I only need an algorithm which could determine whether one set of triangles is congruent to another set, but with a much larger triangle than the one above and with many more sets. Imagine a triangle with side length N and a total of N^2 smaller triangles, divided into N differently colored sets of N triangles.
A combination of rotations and reflections can be represented by a rotation and at most one reflection, so you can ignore reflections if you run a rotation-only algorithm twice, once with the original figure and once with a reflected figure.
The centre of gravity of the triangles (or, easier, the centre of gravity of a figure which has mass only at the vertices of the triangles) is not affected by rotation, so I would start by computing the centre of gravity of each figure. Now represent the figure by a list giving the direction and distance of each point in the figure from its centre of gravity.
If the set of distances are different the figures cannot be rotations of each other, and I guess most non-congruencies will be spotted at this stage. For total cost N^2 you can consider rotating a vertex in one figure to each possible vertex of the other figure and then applying this calculated rotation to all of the other vertices and seeing if they match up. Possibly some version of could be used to speed this up. It may help to represent directions by the angle between the directions to vertices after sorting them into order.

Two closest points in Manhattan distance

I'm wondering about Manhattan distance. It is very specific, and (I don't know if it's a good word) simple. For example when we are given a set of n points in this metric, then it is very easy to find the distance between two farthest points, in linear time. But is it also easy to find two closest points?
I heard, that there exists universal algorithm for finding two closest points in any metric, but it's complicated. I'm wondering if in this situation (Manhattan metric) it is possible to use special properties of this distance and come up with an easier algorithm, that will be more friendly in implementation?
EDIT: n points on a plane, and lets say -10^9 <= x,y <= 10^9 for all points.
Assuming you're talking about n points on a plane, find among the coordinates the minimal and maximal values of x and y coordinates. Create a matrix sized maxX-minX x maxY-minY, such that all points are representable by a cell in the matrix. Fill the matrix with the n given points (not all cells will be filled, set NaN there, for example). Scan the matrix - shortest distance is between adjacent filled cells in the matrix (there are might be several such pairs).

Algorithm: Find 2d orientation from constellation of known points?

Given a set of known cartesian points (set A), and a 2d transformation (rotation, translation, scale) of some subset of those points (set B), find the orientation of the subset (rotation, translation, scale) relative to the original set of points.
I.E. Suppose I take a "picture" of a known set of 2d points on a wall. I want to know what position the camera was in relative to "upright and centered" when the picture was taken. Some of the points may not be visible in the picture (they may be occluded). (in this analogy, assume the camera is orthoganal and always pointed directly at the plane of the wall, so you don't need to take distortion or perspective into account)
Proposed approach:
Step 1: Scale B to the same "range" as A
Don't know how; open to suggestions. Maybe take the area of a convex hull around all the points in B, and scale it to nearly that of the convex hull around A. This is tricky, because points may be missing from B.
Step 2: Match some arbitrary point in "B" to its twin in "A"
Pick some random point in set B. Call this point K. Somehow take a "fingerprint" of K relative to all the other points in B (using distance only). Find its match in A by fingerprinting all points in A and taking the point with the most similar fingerprint of K.
Step 3: Rotate B (around K) until all points in B are aligned with a point in A
Multiple solutions are possible, so keep rotating though 360d looking for solutions.
That's just shooting from the hip, I may be way off base. Anyone have any ideas?
Assuming you don't actually know the correspondence between the points in the two clouds, you could try a statistical approach.
First, compute the mean x0 of the original cloud, then compute the mean x1 of the subset cloud. The difference of the mean vectors, x1-x0, is a good estimate of the required translation.
Now, subtract the relevant mean vector from each set to give two clouds centered at the origin. Compute the covariance matrix for each cloud and find its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The required rotation can be found from the eigenvectors, while the scaling corresponds to the eigenvalues.
Compose all of this and you should have a good statistical estimate of the desired transform. Obviously, its quality will be a function of how well the subset spans the original set.
"Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth" Archimede
I think we should follow the steps of Archimede
Arpi's algoritm:
We must choose a point (X1) of set A with coordinates (0, 0). (this will be the place to stand on)
Choose another point (X2) and put it on the OX vector (to simplify things)
All the other points' coordinates from set A will be calculated based on the coordinates of X1(0, 0) and X2(some_Coordinate, 0).
Now, choose a point from set B (Y1) and that will be the center of the B set. Choose another point from set B (Y2) and put it to OX of the B set. Now, we have a scale scalar and a rotation angle. If this will be a solution, than Y1 in the B set represents X1 from the A set and Y2 from the B set represents X2 from the A set. If we can find a map between the B set and A set based on this, using all the points of the B set and Yi <> Yj if i <> j, where i and j are the indexes of the points in our representation than we have a potential solution and we store that.
End of Arpi's algoritm
To find all the potential solutions you must do the following:
foreach point in A as X1 do
foreach point in A as X2 do
arpi's algoritm(X1, X2)
Of course, you can optimize this, but for the sake of simplicity I described it without optimizations (complications), it will be your job to optimize this and only if you need that.
I would attempt to minimize the deviation between the target points and the found points. Meaning I would pair each target point with a found point, and apply any transformation (rotation, scale or skew) to all the target points which decreases the sum of the deviations. I would repeat this for all potential pairs, eventually taking the match to be the set of pairs and the necessary transformations with the smallest total deviation.
The real question is how you optimize this so the performance to be better than O(n^2). I suppose some sort of heuristic matching, perhaps caching the intermediary results, or finding a method of eliminating some pairs earlier in the process.

How to perform spatial partitioning in n-dimensions?

I'm trying to design an implementation of Vector Quantization as a c++ template class that can handle different types and dimensions of vectors (e.g. 16 dimension vectors of bytes, or 4d vectors of doubles, etc).
I've been reading up on the algorithms, and I understand most of it:
here and here
I want to implement the Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) Algorithm, but I'm having difficulty figuring out the general algorithm for partitioning the clusters. I think I need to define a plane (hyperplane?) that splits the vectors in a cluster so there is an equal number on each side of the plane.
[edit to add more info]
This is an iterative process, but I think I start by finding the centroid of all the vectors, then use that centroid to define the splitting plane, get the centroid of each of the sides of the plane, continuing until I have the number of clusters needed for the VQ algorithm (iterating to optimize for less distortion along the way). The animation in the first link above shows it nicely.
My questions are:
What is an algorithm to find the plane once I have the centroid?
How can I test a vector to see if it is on either side of that plane?
If you start with one centroid, then you'll have to split it, basically by doubling it and slightly moving the points apart in an arbitrary direction. The plane is just the plane orthogonal to that direction.
But you don't need to compute that plane.
More generally, the region (i) is defined as the set of points which are closer to the centroid c_i than to any other centroid. When you have two centroids, each region is a half space, thus separated by a (hyper)plane.
How to test on a vector x to see on which side of the plane it is? (that's with two centroids)
Just compute the distance ||x-c1|| and ||x-c2||, the index of the minimum value (1 or 2) will give you which region the point x belongs to.
More generally, if you have n centroids, you would compute all the distances ||x-c_i||, and the centroid x is closest to (i.e., for which the distance is minimal) will give you the region x is belonging to.
I don't quite understand the algorithm, but the second question is easy:
Let's call V a vector which extends from any point on the plane to the point-in-question. Then the point-in-question lies on the same side of the (hyper)plane as the normal N iff V·N > 0
