What is the best way to accept multiple objects as input for a CLI? - terminal

Let's say I have a CLI which talks to a banking server to create a bank account. A bank account has a few properties, and a list of users associated with the account. If the bank account is represented as a json, it'll be
"accountType": "Savings",
"Balance": 500,
"Users": [
"firstName": "tony",
"lastName": "stark",
"nickName": "ironman"
"firstName": "Peter",
"lastName": "Parker",
"nickName": "spiderman"
I want to create this account object using a CLI, and I want to pass all the users at create time. Like
bank-cli account create --acount-type Savings --balance 500 <And the users>
How do I go about adding the users in the CLI? Adding the values like --firstName1 --lastName1 --firstName2 --lastName2 does not seem like a good UX. My current implementation is that this CLI opens up another editor, which accepts multiple lines of these parameters as
--firstName tony --lastName stark --nickname ironman
--firstName peter --lastName parker --nickname spiderman
And this is converted to an array of objects in the code. Is there a better way to do this?
I have considered accepting the parameters as json/toml or other formats. They didn't look too clean.


Is there a way to write an Expression in Power Automate to retrieve item from SurveyMonkey?

There is no dynamic content you can get from the SurveyMonkey trigger in Power Automate except for the Analyze URL, Created Date, and Link. Is it possible I could retrieve the data with an expression so I could add fields to SharePoint or send emails based on answers to questions?
For instance, here is some JSON data for a county multiple choice field, that I would like to know the county so I can have the email sent to the correct person:
"id": "753498214",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "4963767255",
"simple_text": "Williamson"
"family": "single_choice",
"subtype": "menu",
"heading": "County where the problem is occurring:"
And basically, a way to create dynamic fields from the content so it would be more usable?
I am a novice so your answer will have to assume I know nothing!
Thanks for considering the question.
Overall, anything I have tried is unsuccessful!
I was able to get an answer on Microsoft Power Users support.
Put this data in compose action:
"id": "753498214",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "4963767255",
"simple_text": "Williamson"
"family": "single_choice",
"subtype": "menu",
"heading": "County where the problem is occurring:"
Then these expressions in additional compose actions:
To get choice_id:
To get simple_text:
Reference link here where I retrieved the answer is here.

What is the proper format to expect when using an api to create a resource that references another resource

I am adding a feature that allows users to select from a list of people of a certain type, Type1 and Type2. A type would be chosen from a dropdown, and the data from the API would look like
"id": 1,
"name": "TYPE1",
"desc": "Type 1 Person"
I am creating a POST endpoint that allows an admin user to insert more people into the list, but I'm unsure on the best way for the admin to include the person's type. In other languages/frameworks, I would do something like this:
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"type_id": 1
then handle adding the entry in my own SQL. In Spring though, I'm trying to leverage an object being created from the data automatically. For this to be successful, I've need to send the data as:
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"type": {
"id": 1,
"name": "TYPE1",
"desc": "Type 1 Person"
My question is in two parts.
In Spring, is there anything I can leverage that would allow me to just pass an identifier for person type when creating a new person entry? (I've looked into DTOs, but I've never used them, so I don't know if that is the proper solution)
In REST in general, how much data should be required when adding a resource that references another resource?

ACID update of ElasticSearch Document

I'm trying to build a Tinder-like system right now. Here I need to know which cards have already been seen.
If I save the cards in ElasticSearch, and then have such a document:
{ nama: David, location: {lat, lon}, seenFromUsers: [] }
I'm just wondering if it makes sense to create a list in the object itself. Probably there are 2000 entries in it.
But if I do an update in ElasticSearch, then I always have to pass all 2000 entries. If two users do this at the same time, does one get lost? How can I simply add another ID to the array? Is that even possible?
What other solutions are there?
One other solution would be a complete different approach. Instead if creating documents like this
"name": "David",
"location": { "lat": ..., "lon": ...},
"seenFromUsers": ["Laura", "Simone"]
think in Relations like this:
"name": "David",
"seenBy": "Laura"
"name": "David",
"seenBy": "Simone"
this approach will give you simpler queries, and the ACID problem is solved. New profile views are simply new documents...
As a benefit, you´ll get rid of inner objects and it will be more easy to add additional data to this relation:
"name": "David",
"seenBy": "Laura",
"timestamp": ...,
"liked": true
"name": "David",
"seenBy": "Simone",
"timestamp": ...,
"liked": false
And now you´ll be able to do a simple query for all positive likes of a profile, or bi-directional likes/matches...

FHIR Questionnaire - questions order

In my application I want to use FHIR Questionnaire resource.
On the server side I am trying to generate questionnaire with different types of questions and send it to the application where user (patient) can fill in answers and send them back.
However in some cases I would like from user to answer only specific questions of the questionnaire and not all of them. For example if questionnaire consists of two questions:
Do you smoke or drink alcohol?
Measure your heart rate.
I would like that user answers second question only if he has answered on the first question with 'yes'. The second question is skipped if he has answered 'no'.
The problem is that I do not know how to add these rules, which will tell which question is next, inside the Questionnaire resource.
I came along to some extensions like ordinalValue, but I couldn't find out how/where to use them and where to define if user's answer must be equal / less / greater than some value.
So I would like to know which extension i need to use (and how) to achieve what I've written before? Is this even possible with existing extensions or I would have to define a new one?
I am adding simple representation (with only relevant data) of mentioned questionnaire in the JSON form:
"resourceType": "Questionnaire",
"item": [
"linkId": "1",
"text": "Do you smoke or drink alcohol?",
"type": "boolean"
<< ??? extension ???>>
"linkId": "2",
"text": "Measure your heart rate.",
"type": "integer"
You could use the Questionnaire.item.enableWhen element for this:
"linkId": "2",
"text": "Measure your heart rate.",
"type": "integer"
"enableWhen": [{
"question": "1",
"answerBoolean": "true",

Pull public event data from Google Calendar

I may be over thinking this a bit. On my web site, I would like to user certain data from my public google calendar. My plan is to pull it on the server side so I can do things like process it, cache it and format it the way I want.
I've been looking at using the Google Api libraries, but I can't get past any of the authorization hurdles. A service account sounds like what I really want, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how that works in this situation.
The old GDATA apis would be ok, but I'm not very keen on using them because they look fairly deprecated at this point by the newer libraries.
Since it is all public data, I'm hoping there is a simpler way to get to the event data that I'm looking for.
In case it matters, my site is Asp.Net (MVC).
Ok, I was definitely way over thinking it. See my answer.
Now that RSS has been removed from Google Calendar, I've been in search of an easy replacement. I dug around and found the following in the Google Calendar API that seems to do the trick: calendar.events.list
Calendar Events List in Google API Explorer is a good place to get started with the different parameters and options - and it'll build you an example request string. You can see that I specified a minimum time of 2/5/2016, sort it by the start time, and show deleted events.
GET https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/[CALENDAR ID HERE]/events?
Results are in JSON so you can parse it in your favorite programming language, ASP.NET or whatever. Result looks like:
"kind": "calendar#events",
"etag": "\"123456789123456\"",
"summary": "My Public Calendar",
"updated": "2016-01-29T14:38:29.392Z",
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"accessRole": "reader",
"defaultReminders": [ ],
"items": [ {
"kind": "calendar#event",
"etag": "\"9876543210987654\"",
"id": "sfdljgsdkjgheakrht4sfdjfscd",
"status": "confirmed",
"htmlLink": "https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=sdgtukhysrih489759sdkjfhwseihty7934hyt94hdorujt3q95uy689u9yhfdgnbiwe5hy",
"created": "2015-07-06T16:21:59.000Z",
"updated": "2015-07-06T16:21:59.329Z",
"summary": "In-Service Day",
"location": "Maui, HI",
"creator": {
"email": "abra#cadabra.com",
"displayName": "Joe Abra"
"organizer": {
"email": "cadabra.com_sejhrgtuiwerghwi4hruh#group.calendar.google.com",
"displayName": "My Public Calendar",
"self": true
"start": {
"date": "2016-02-08"
"end": {
"date": "2016-02-09"
"transparency": "transparent",
"iCalUID": "isdt56y784g78ty86tgsfdgh#google.com",
"sequence": 0
One good answer to this (the one I'm going with) is to simply use the calendar's public address to get the data. This is an option that I had forgotten about and it works fine for this particular situation.
You can find the url for the data if you go to the settings for a particular calendar and pick the format you want (I went with xml for this situation.)
The data that you get out of this service is very human-reader optimized, but I can make it work for what I'm doing.
