Keep getting an error when showing or hiding rows using segmented control- Eureka - eureka-forms

I'm using a segmented control to hide or show rows and I keep getting an error.
The error:
Eureka/Section.swift:247: Fatal error: Section: Index out of bounds.
The code:
func drop() {
global.communityTitle = "Posting"
global.containerHeight.constant = screenSize.height/1.4
tableView.isScrollEnabled = true
form = Section()
<<< SegmentedRow<String>("type"){
$0.options = ["Hiring", "Looking for work"]
$0.value = "Hiring"
} .onChange { [unowned self] (row) in
+++ Section(){
$0.tag = "Hiring"
$0.hidden = "$type != 'Hiring'"
<<< TextRow(){
$0.title = "Job Title"
$0.placeholder = "Enter text here"
$0.add(rule: RuleRequired())
$0.validationOptions = .validatesOnChangeAfterBlurred
$0.hidden = "$type != 'Hiring'"
} .cellUpdate { cell, row in
if !row.isValid {
cell.titleLabel?.textColor = .systemRed
+++ Section(){
$0.tag = "Looking for work"
$0.hidden = "$type != 'Looking for work'"
<<< TextRow("Posting Title"){
$0.title = $0.tag
$0.placeholder = "Enter text here"
$0.add(rule: RuleRequired())
$0.validationOptions = .validatesOnChangeAfterBlurred
} .cellUpdate { cell, row in
if !row.isValid {
cell.titleLabel?.textColor = .systemRed
I think it is either of both of these lines of code:
global.containerHeight.constant = screenSize.height/1.4
tableView.isScrollEnabled = true
Every time I remove them, the code works. But I want them in the code. Any ideas why this is crashing my app?
Eureka error in hiding/showing rows


How to show duplicates in a UI when searched in google sheets?

I am developing a tracking system for candidates
Attached a search button.
But I want a UI to pop up which will show the duplicates if present.
And when one of the duplicates is clicked, it will fill the required details in the form
I have made this.
But the results are the first row which matches the search text in B4
function Search()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var formS = ss.getSheetByName("Form");
var dataS = ss.getSheetByName("Data");
var str = formS.getRange("B4").getValue();
var values = dataS.getDataRange().getValues();
var valuesFound = false;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
var rowValue = values[i];
if (rowValue[0] == str) {
formS.getRange("B7").setValue(rowValue[0]) ;
formS.getRange("B9").setValue(rowValue[1]) ;
formS.getRange("B11").setValue(rowValue[2]) ;
formS.getRange("B13").setValue(rowValue[3]) ;
formS.getRange("E7").setValue(rowValue[4]) ;
formS.getRange("E9").setValue(rowValue[5]) ;
formS.getRange("E11").setValue(rowValue[6]) ;
formS.getRange("E13").setValue(rowValue[7]) ;
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.alert("No record found!");
You could get all the first name matches and show them in a dialog, numbered so its easier to pick. Once the user picks the name you can fill out the form.
To use a dropdown and pick a name, that would require a custom dialog. Doable but more complex.
This script is executed from a menu item.
function search() {
try {
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let dataS = spread.getSheetByName("Data");
let str = "John";
let values = dataS.getDataRange().getValues();
let rowValue = values.filter( row => row[0] === str );
let ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
let prompt = "";
rowValue.forEach( (row,i) => prompt = prompt.concat((i+1).toString(),": ",row[0], " ",row[1],"\n"));
if( rowValue.length === 0 ) {
ui.alert("Name not found ["+str+"]");
else if( rowValue.length > 1 ) {
let response = ui.prompt("Pick a name",prompt,ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
if( response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK ) {
str = response.getResponseText();
str = parseInt(str)-1;
rowValue = rowValue[str];
else {
rowValue = rowValue[0];
// Now you can fill out your form with rowValue
catch(err) {
SpreadsheetApp Ui prompt
So I decided to show how a custom dialog can be used to display a list of names to pick from. First a Ui dialog is displayed to use a filter name. If no name is specified all names will be listed.
Using HTMLService a custom dialog is build using the the pushed variable option for an HTM Template.
Once a name is picked from the list is used to return the name to the server and the form can be built from there.
function onOpen(e) {
var menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu("My Menu");
function showTest() {
try {
let ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
let response = ui.prompt("What name do you want to search for",ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
if( response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK ) {
var name = response.getResponseText();
if( name === "" ) name = "__All";
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let dataS = spread.getSheetByName("Data");
let data = dataS.getRange(1,1,dataS.getLastRow(),2).getValues(); // Get range A1:B
if( name !== "__All" ) {
data = data.filter( row => row[0] === name );
if( data.length === 0 ) {
ui.alert("No names mathcing ["+name+"] found");
let html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('HTML_Test'); = data;
html = html.evaluate();
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html,"Show Test");
catch(err) {
function pickName(name) {
try {
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let dataS = spread.getSheetByName("Data");
// Build your form here
catch(err) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<select id="selectName">
<? for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { ?>
<option><?= data[i][0]+" "+data[i][1] ?></option>
<? } ?>
<input type="button" onclick="buttonOnClick()" value="Submit">
function buttonOnClick() {
let name = document.getElementById("selectName").value;;;
HTML Template

Why is one label updating quicker then the other?

I am making my own Spotify controller to learn how to interact with AppleScript and Swift (using Objective-C as a bridge) to make a bigger project later on. The only issue is the current progress time seems to update slightly faster then the time left.
This is what my application looks like:
The time on the left seems to update slightly faster then the time on the right, this means it is not accurate and can be bit strange to look at. How would I be able to fix this so both the progress time and time left update at the same time?
Here is my code:
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var statusLabel: NSTextField!
#IBOutlet weak var songProgress: NSProgressIndicator!
#IBOutlet weak var lblCurrentProgress: NSTextField!
#IBOutlet weak var lblTrackLength: NSTextField!
//let debugger = Debug(appName:"Spotify Menu", debugable: )
var previousScript:String = ""
var toggleScript:String = ""
var nextScript:String = ""
var statusScript:String = ""
var artistScript:String = ""
var songNameScript:String = ""
var trackPosScript:String = ""
var trackLengthScript:String = ""
var trackIDscript:String = ""
var trackName:String = "unknown"
var artistName:String = "unknown"
var playerStatus:String = "unknown"
var trackID:String = "unknown"
var playerPosistion:Double = -1.0
var trackLength:Double = -1.0
var percentThrough:Double = -1.0
let timeFormatter = twoDiffrentTimes()
func main()
percentThrough = (playerPosistion/trackLength)*100
if(playerStatus == "playing" && trackName != "unknown" && artistName != "unknown")
statusLabel.stringValue = "Spotify is currently playing the song \"\(trackName)\" by \"\(artistName)\""
} else if(playerStatus == "paused"){
statusLabel.stringValue = "Spotify is currently paused"
} else if(playerStatus == "stopped") {
statusLabel.stringValue = "Spotify is not playing any music"
} else {
statusLabel.stringValue = "There is currently an error"
//NSLog("The song is currently \(percentThrough.toDecimalPlace("2"))% the way in")
songProgress.doubleValue = percentThrough
timeFormatter.update(playerPosistion, timeTwo: trackLength-playerPosistion)
lblCurrentProgress.stringValue = timeFormatter.timeOneString
lblTrackLength.stringValue = timeFormatter.timeTwoString
override func viewDidLoad() {
previousScript = readFile("previousTrack")
if(previousScript == "")
NSLog("Error finding previous track script")
toggleScript = readFile("playPause")
if(toggleScript == "")
NSLog("Error finding toggle script")
nextScript = readFile("nextTrack")
if(nextScript == "")
NSLog("Error going forwared a track")
statusScript = readFile("playerStatus")
if(statusScript == "")
NSLog("Error going back a track")
statusLabel.stringValue = "Spotify is in an unknown status"
artistScript = readFile("getArtist")
if(artistScript == "")
NSLog("Cannot get artist script")
songNameScript = readFile("getSongName")
if(songNameScript == "")
NSLog("Cannot get song name script")
trackPosScript = readFile("playerPosition")
if(trackPosScript == "")
NSLog("Error getting track posistion script")
trackLengthScript = readFile("durationOfSong")
if(trackLengthScript == "")
NSLog("Error getting track length script")
trackIDscript = readFile("trackID")
if(trackIDscript == "")
NSLog("Error getting")
NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.3, target: self, selector: Selector("main"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
override var representedObject: AnyObject? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
#IBAction func previous(sender: AnyObject)
#IBAction func toggle(sender: AnyObject)
#IBAction func next(sender: AnyObject)
let nextFile = readFile("nextTrack")
if(nextFile == "")
NSLog("Error going forwared a track")
} else {
func getPlayerPos()
playerPosistion = runAppleScript(trackPosScript).toDouble()
func getTrackLength()
trackLength = runAppleScript(trackLengthScript).toDouble()
func getSongName()
trackName = runAppleScript(songNameScript)
func getArtist()
artistName = runAppleScript(artistScript)
func getID()
trackID = runAppleScript(trackIDscript)
func getStatus()
let resultData = runAppleScript(statusScript)
if(resultData == "playing" || resultData == "paused" || resultData == "stopped")
playerStatus = resultData
} else {
playerStatus = "unknown"
import Foundation
class twoDiffrentTimes
var timeOne:Double = 0.0
var iMinuteOne:Int = 0
var iSecondsOne:Int = 0
var minuteOne:String = ""
var secondsOne:String = ""
var timeOneString:String = ""
var uSecondsOne:Double = 0.0
var temp:Int = 0
var timeTwo:Double = 0.0
var iMinuteTwo:Int = 0
var iSecondsTwo:Int = 0
var minuteTwo:String = ""
var secondsTwo:String = ""
var timeTwoString:String = ""
var uSecondsTwo:Double = 0.0
func update(timeOne:Double, timeTwo:Double)
//First Time
self.temp = Int(timeOne)
self.iMinuteOne = temp / 60
self.iSecondsOne = temp % 60
self.minuteOne = "\(iMinuteOne)"
if(self.iSecondsOne < 10)
self.secondsOne = "0\(self.iSecondsOne)"
} else {
self.secondsOne = "\(self.iSecondsOne)"
self.timeOneString = "\(self.iMinuteOne).\(self.secondsOne)"
//Second Time
self.temp = Int(timeTwo)
self.iMinuteTwo = temp / 60
self.iSecondsTwo = temp % 60
self.minuteTwo = "\(iMinuteTwo)"
if(self.iSecondsTwo < 10)
self.secondsTwo = "0\(self.iSecondsTwo)"
} else {
self.secondsTwo = "\(self.iSecondsTwo)"
self.timeTwoString = "\(self.iMinuteTwo).\(self.secondsTwo)"
import Foundation
extension String {
func toDouble() -> Double {
if let unwrappedNum = Double(self) {
return unwrappedNum
} else {
// Handle a bad number
print("Error converting \"" + self + "\" to Double")
return 0.0
extension Double {
func toDecimalPlace(f: String) -> String {
return NSString(format: "%0.\(f)f", self) as String
func decimalValue() -> Int
if let decimalString = String(self).componentsSeparatedByString(".").last, decimal = Int(decimalString) {
return decimal // 535
} else {
return -1
import Foundation
func readFile(fileName: String) -> String{
if let filepath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(fileName, ofType: "txt") {
do {
let contents = try NSString(contentsOfFile: filepath, usedEncoding: nil) as String
return contents
} catch {
NSLog("Content Could Not Be Loaded")
return ""
} else {
NSLog("File \(fileName).\("txt") could not be found")
return ""
func runAppleScript(script:String) -> String
let theResult:String
let errorInfo = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>()
let startAtLoginScript: NSAppleScript = NSAppleScript(source: script)!
let theDiscriptor:NSAppleEventDescriptor = startAtLoginScript.executeAndReturnError(errorInfo)
if let _ = theDiscriptor.stringValue
theResult = theDiscriptor.stringValue!
} else {
theResult = ""
return theResult
import Foundation
enum MyAppleScriptError: ErrorType {
case ExecutingScriptFailed
case GettingStringValueFailed
Last but not least durationOfSong.txt (AppleScript)
tell application "Spotify"
set songLength to (duration of current track) / 1000 as string
return songLength
end tell
And playerPosition
tell application "Spotify"
set currentPosistion to player position as string
return currentPosistion
end tell
Updated code
I recommend you learn how to call AppleScript handlers directly from Swift via the AppleScript-ObjC bridge. That will work vastly better than mucking about with code strings and NSAppleScript, which is slow and nasty and not a good way to do it. Tutorial here:
"I have successful moved NSAppleScript to Swift2. Only thing is that still doesn't fix the issue. it is still out of timing."
Well, that's annoying. FWIW, I'd ditch that twoDiffrntTimes class as it doesn't do anything that can't be done in a single-line function, and change the end of main() to this:
func main() {
lblCurrentProgress.stringValue = formatTime(Int(playerPosistion))
lblTrackLength.stringValue = formatTime(Int(trackLength-playerPosistion))
func formatTime(secs: Int) -> String {
return NSString(format: "%i.%02i", secs / 60, secs % 60) as String

NicEdit link creation doesn't work in IE 8 and FireFox if text wasn't selected

I have a problem with nicEdit link creation tool in IE and Firefox.
In general, I think the problem is related to the execCommand in IE and FireFox. It seems document doesn't get updated after execCommand executes.
This is an example of my problem with nicEdit create link command.
if(!this.ln) {
var tmp = 'javascript:nicTemp();';"createlink",tmp);
this.ln = this.findElm('A','href',tmp);
// set the link text to the title or the url if there is no text selected
if (this.ln.innerHTML == tmp) {
this.ln.innerHTML = this.inputs['title'].value || url;
The code above is called when no text is selected, Chrome returns 'javascript:nicTemp()' for the alert(this.ln), while IE 8 and Firefox return 'undefined', so the next line after the alert encounters an error in IE and Firefox.
it seems findElem can't find the newly created link by nicCommand which in turn calls execCommand
I had similar problems when I try to find and modify tags created with execCommand, it seems the dom isn't updated to include them.
Am I right? How can I solve this problem? how can I force the document to be updated ....
please help
my trick for nicEdit, in the situation when no text is selected, is to paste the title given via the Add Link form into the document and select it, then the rest code works as it works when a text is selected.
I used the function pasteHtmlAtCaret described in the following link to paste the title
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div
var url = this.inputs.href.value;
var selected = getSelected();
var B= 'javascript:nicTemp()';
if (selected == '')
var B = url;
pasteHtmlAtCaret(this.inputs['title'].value || url,true);
the getSelected is also a simple function as below
function getSelected()
if (document.selection)
return document.selection.createRange().text;
return window.getSelection();
Ahmad, just use this variation of the "submit" function to avoid the "insert/edit" problem with the link, it worked for me:
submit : function(e) {
var url = this.inputs['href'].value;
if(url == "http://" || url == "") {
alert("Introduce una URL valida para crear el Link.");
return false;
if(!this.ln) {
//**************** YOUR CHANGE WITH A BIT OF VARIATION **************
var selected = this.getSelected();
var tmp = 'javascript:void(0)';
if (selected == '') {
tmp = url;
this.pasteHtmlAtCaret(this.inputs['title'].value || tmp, true);
//**************** END OF YOUR CHANGE WITH A BIT OF VARIATION **************"createlink",tmp);
this.ln = this.findElm('A','href',tmp);
// set the link text to the title or the url if there is no text selected
if (this.ln.innerHTML == tmp) {
this.ln.innerHTML = this.inputs['title'].value || url;
if(this.ln) {
var oldTitle = this.ln.title;
href: this.inputs['href'].value,
title: this.inputs['title'].value,
target: '_blank'
// set the link text to the title or the url if the old text was the old title
if (this.ln.innerHTML == oldTitle) {
this.ln.innerHTML = this.inputs['title'].value || this.inputs['href'].value;
var url = this.inputs['href'].value;
var selected = getSelected();
var isChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor);
var tmp = "";
if(isChrome == true){
if (selected == '' && isChrome == false)
pasteHtmlAtCaret(this.inputs['title'].value || url,true);
if (!this.ln) {
//var tmp = this.inputs['title'].value == "" ? this.inputs['href'].value : this.inputs['title'].value;"createlink", tmp);
this.ln = this.findElm('A', 'href', tmp);
function getSelected()
if (document.selection)
return document.selection.createRange().text;
return window.getSelection();
function pasteHtmlAtCaret(html) {
var sel, range;
if (window.getSelection) {
// IE9 and non-IE
sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) {
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
// Range.createContextualFragment() would be useful here but is
// non-standard and not supported in all browsers (IE9, for one)
var el = document.createElement("div");
//create a link format
el.innerHTML = ''+ html +'';
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), node, lastNode;
while ( (node = el.firstChild) ) {
lastNode = frag.appendChild(node);
// Preserve the selection
if (lastNode) {
range = range.cloneRange();
} else if (document.selection && document.selection.type != "Control") {
// IE < 9

Saving / Loading Images in Postgres using Anorm (Scala/PlayFramework 2)

I think I'm saving the image to Postgres correctly, but get unexpected results trying to load the image. I don't really know if the error is in save or load.
Here is my Anorm code for saving the image:
def storeBadgeImage(badgeHandle: String, imgFile: File) = {
val cmd = """
|update badge
|set img={imgBytes}
|where handle = {badgeHandle}
var fis = new FileInputStream(imgFile)
var imgBytes: Array[Byte] = Resource.fromInputStream(fis).byteArray
// at this point I see the image in my browser if I return the imgBytes in the HTTP response, so I'm good so far.
DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
try {
SQL(cmd stripMargin).on("badgeHandle" -> badgeHandle, "imgBytes" -> imgBytes).executeUpdate() match {
case 0 => "update failed for badge " + badgeHandle + ", image " + imgFile.getCanonicalPath
case _ => "Update Successful"
} catch {
case e: SQLException => e.toString()
...I get "update succesful", so I presume the save is working (I could be wrong). Here is my code for loading the image:
def fetchBadgeImage(badgeHandle: String) = {
val cmd = """
|select img from badge
|where handle = {badgeHandle}
DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SQL(cmd stripMargin).on("badgeHandle" -> badgeHandle)().map {
case Row(image: Array[Byte]) => {
"image = " + image
case Row(Some(unknown: Any)) => {
println(unknown + " unknown type is " + unknown.getClass.getName) //[B#11be1c6 unknown type is [B
...rather than going into the case "Row(image: Array[Byte])" as hoped, it goes into the "Row(Some(unknown: Any))" case. My println outputs "[B#11be1c6 unknown type is [B"
I don't know what type [B is or where I may have gone wrong...
It's an array of byte in Java(byte[]). > "I don't know what type [B".
And You can write match { case Row(Some(image: Array[Byte])) => } too in this case and that might be better.
Or you might be able to do that as follows.
val results: Stream[Array[Byte]] = SQL(cmd stripMargin)
.on("badgeHandle" -> "name")().map { row => row[Array[Byte]]("img") }
...Oops, got the following compile error.
<console>:43: error: could not find implicit value for parameter c: anorm.Column[Array[Byte]]
val res: Stream[Array[Byte]] = SQL(cmd stripMargin).on("badgeHandle" -> "name")().map { row => row[Array[Byte]]("img") }
Unfortunately, scala.Array is not supported by default. If you imitate the way of other types, It works.
implicit def rowToByteArray: Column[Array[Byte]] = {
Column.nonNull[Array[Byte]] { (value, meta) =>
val MetaDataItem(qualified, nullable, clazz) = meta
value match {
case bytes: Array[Byte] => Right(bytes)
case _ => Left(TypeDoesNotMatch("..."))
val results: Stream[Array[Byte]] = SQL(cmd stripMargin)
.on("badgeHandle" -> "name")().map { row => row[Array[Byte]]("img") }

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cannot find column

I am implementing gridview sorting which is part of a user control. Below code gives me Indexoutofrange error.
The error message is at
dtView.Sort = strSort;
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cannot find column TEXT_COUNTY_ID.
Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong?
protected void SortGridData_Hkl(Object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
GridView _dgd_work_onoff = (GridView)Page.FindControl("bodyuc$dgd_work_onoff");
DataSet dstemp;
DataView dtView;
if (ViewState["dsfetchResults"] != null)
dstemp = (DataSet)ViewState["dsfetchResults"];
string strSortOrder = ViewState["SortOrder"].ToString();
if (strSortOrder == "DESC")
strSortOrder = "ASC";
ViewState["SortOrder"] = strSortOrder;
strSortOrder = "DESC";
ViewState["SortOrder"] = strSortOrder;
string strSort = e.SortExpression.ToString() + " " + strSortOrder;
ViewState["SortString"] = strSort;
dtView = dstemp.Tables[0].DefaultView;
dtView.Sort = strSort;
if (dtView.Count != 0)
if (_dgd_work_onoff != null)
_dgd_work_onoff.DataSource = dtView;
'dsfetchResults' is suppose to contain the data from the database.
Got the solution. The column name was different from that of the database column.
