Python-GitLab Unprotect master - python-gitlab

In the previous version of Python-GitLab after creating the project and adding a user as a developer, we have been using:
# Unprotect master
branch = project.branches.get('master')
as we wish to allow developer access to the master.
unprotect is no longer available in version 3.2.0 can anyone guide me on how to achieve the same result using the new version
Thank you

You need to use the Protected Branches API (python-gitlab docs) for this.
protected_branch = project.protectedbranches.get("master")
# or simply
Note: the delete() method in this case simply unprotects it, it does not delete the branch.
To re-protect it, you can then create it again. You can also control access levels directly:
protected_branch = project.protectedbranches.create({
'name': 'master',
'merge_access_level': gitlab.const.DEVELOPER_ACCESS,
'push_access_level': gitlab.const.MAINTAINER_ACCESS


ASP.NET Core 6 MVC : adding identity failing

I'm using VS 2022, ASP.NET Core 6 MVC and Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (v15).
Git project: []
I'm trying to add --> new scaffolded item --> identity.
Default layout page, override all files and mine Data context
when I click add, I get this error:
There was an error running the selected code generator:
'Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'MyProjectName'
I cleared NuGet Package cache as I saw it may help, but all it do is just prolong and this same error is visible after trying to install Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer, which is installed. I checked the packages and made sure they are the same version (6.0.11).
I cloned your project to test, and the problem you mentioned did appear. Not sure why, but I finally got it working by updating the NuGet package:
I updated the two packages Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational to version 7.0.1 (you need to pay attention to the sequence when updating), then add scaffolded Identity, and I succeeded.
You can try my method, if the Identity is successfully added, but the following exception is encountered at runtime:
You need to add builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyBookContext>(); before
builder.Services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)
MyBookContext is the Data context class selected when you add Identity:
In addition, if there is a 404 error in your area routing, you can refer to this document to modify it.
Hope this can help you.
I think it might be a problem caused by naming duplication. Please try to change the name of the context generated by Identity.
As you can see, the ApplicationDbContext generated by Identity is consistent with the ApplicationDbContext namespace in your MyBook.DataAccess:
So naming the same will cause conflict:
So you need to change the naming to avoid conflicts. For example:
builder.Services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(
builder.Services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)
As I mentioned in the original answer, if you get a 404 error, you can try to refer to this link to fix the area routing.
The easiest way is to directly change the routing settings in Program.cs:
name: "Customer",
areaName: "Customer",
pattern: "{area:exists}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Then add the Area property to the controller:
public class HomeController : Controller{}
There seems to be a problem with your Repository.cs, so I changed the Index to only output a string to test the result.
public string Index()
return "success";
Test Result:
If your Repository.cs also has problems when you test it, you can make a new post for everyone to help you fix this problem(Because this question strays so far from your original question, one post is better off addressing only one question).
Good Luck.

No active configuration. Make sure GIDClientID is set in Info.plist

I am very new to app development. I was trying to configure my GoogleSignInButton Callback function.
I get the error:
No active configuration. Make sure GIDClientID is set in Info.plist.
However, my Info.plist defines GIDClientID along with the value generated as advised here
OS: Version 13.0 Beta
Xcode: Version 14.1 beta 3
In order to resolve this issues, you don't need to add anything into the info.plist. you need to setup GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.configuration = config
guard let clientID = else { return }
// Create Google Sign In configuration object.
let config = GIDConfiguration(clientID: clientID)
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.configuration = config
Google documentation at Firebase Login methods is worse than....
So, if you are using 8.6.0 you can use GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.signIn(withPresenting: presentingVC), but add ClientID in Info.plist like here:
enter image description here
Regarding the main issue, from your picture I see that you put the URLSchema at GIDClientID, they are a little bit different.
Eg. GIDclientID:
URLSchema: com.googleusercontent.apps.xxxx-xxxxxx.
Try like that.
I get my clientId using this line of debug in my code
guard let clientID =
Same error. I'm newbie too, it helped for me to reinstall packages (GoogleSignIn and FirebaseAuth) with older versions (6.0.0 and 8.6.0) so GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.signIn(with: config, presenting: self) is available. This is a temporary solution till we find working way.
Don't add new property named "GIDClientID" into the Info.plist of target project, use CLIENT_ID which is defined in GoogleService-Info.plist instead.
Find more details here:
This changes in google sign is new. Also GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.signIn(with: config, presenting: self) is not available anymore. GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.signIn(withPresenting: presentingVC) replaced it. But I got same error. Hope to someone find an answer

ARTEFACT download from nexus failing because the data is cached

I am using curl to publish to maven:
const curlOptions = [
'--output', '/dev/stderr',
'--write-out', '"%{http_code}"',
'--upload-file', fileLocation,
'--noproxy', options.noproxy ? options.noproxy : '',
const curlCmd = ['curl', curlOptions.join(' '), targetUri].join(' ');
const childProcess = exec(curlCmd, execOptions, function (error) {
if (error) {
This works for the upload but the artefact gets cached and I cannot get the artefact from curl without going to nexus and running rebuild metadata on the affected artifact.
Can i programmatically invalidate the cache?
To answer your question directly, it should be possible to invalidate cache in later versions of NXRM3 using the REST API and the "/beta/repositories/{repositoryName}/invalidate-cache" endpoint.
It should also be possible to do the same and run the scheduled task (rebuild metadata; /v1/tasks/{id}/run endpoint) though that seems a less desirable route as that is generally used for repair.
You can see more on the REST API in the NXRM3 documentation though the intent of some is that it's self documenting by using the Swagger UI in the application. Note at time of this answer, only those with the nx-admin privilege can access the Swagger UI (though people with proper permission can use the endpoints). You can find the Swagger UI in the Admin section under System -> API.
That being said, I think there's likely something else going on. I don't think it should be necessary to invalidate your cache like that each time. I didn't want to go too far from the question however. I encourage you to look at for answers to what else might be going on and ask there if you don't see one.

Xamarin.Auth - Google authentication won't open in browser

I'm trying to do authentication on my Android application using Xamarin.Auth. Some time ago, Google made the policy that you cannot do this in an embedded web view (for totally valid reasons).
I'm trying to open the account authentication page in a browser, but keep getting the embedded web view. I understand that isUsingNativeUI needs to be true in the following code:
_auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientId, string.Empty, scope,
new Uri(Constant.AuthorizeUrl),
new Uri(redirectUrl),
new Uri(Constant.AccessTokenUrl),
isUsingNativeUI = true);
At every point in my application, this always equals true.
Elsewhere, I have code that redirects to what should be a browser:
var authenticator = Auth.GetAuthenticator();
Intent intent = authenticator.GetUI(this);
Regardless, I keep getting a dreaded 403 disallowed_useragent error whenever I try to run the project. Is there another element to this that I'm missing?
To my knowledge, setting auth.IsUsingNativeUI = true in the constructor should dictate that it must open in a browser. I've been following this example to try and debug with no success. I even pulled the guy's repo down to my machine and ran it - the Intent variable at the moment of redirection is almost identical.
Could there be something stupid that I'm missing? What else might be going wrong?
I realize this is an old question, but I had the same issue.
You have to install version of the Xamarin.Auth Nuget package. The newest one (version 1.7.0 right now) doesn't work. You'll have to also install the PCLCrypto nuget package in order to get that version to work.

CRM: What is the difference between update Plugin and Update in XrmServiceToolkit

Is there any difference between updating an entity using a Plugin vs Updating an entity using XrmServiceToolkit?
var entityA= new XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.BusinessEntity("entA", id);
entityA.attributes["attrA"] = { value: attrValue1, type: "OptionSetValue" };
entityA.attributes["attrB"] = { value: attrValue2, type: "Money" };
I know plugin can be used to connect to external databases but for a very basic update, is there any difference?
Thank you!
Operations in plugins are seemless integrated with the business logic of your CRM platform. Plugins are invoked in any scenario, regardless if they are triggered by a webpage (Javascript calls, e.g. using XrmServiceToolkit), workflow, external systems, integration tools or even other plugins.
An update done on your web page by Javascript only works on that form. If you only need it there, it's fine. If you need to cover other scenarios as well, you may have to look for another solution.
