Can't open/test Vue-native app in web browser or on android simulator - vue-native

I want to build an mobile app using Vue-native but I can't seem to run and test the code in web browser or on android simulator.
I am using Windows 10.
I have been following the tutorials on and
Before testing I have installed vue-native and expo-cli as well as cd into the folder I've created called "vuenative-test".
npm install -g vue-native-cli
npm install --global expo-cli
vue-native init vuenative-test
cd vuenative-test
npm start
Testing in web browser
First i run "npm start".
After this I go to http://localhost:19002 and from there click "Run in web browser" and it opens a new tab http://localhost:19006/ but the page is just white.
What do I need to do in order to be able to see my vue-native code so I can test it?
Testing on android simulator
When in my folder "vuenative-test" I run "npm run android". This will load the android emulator but I can't find the app on the simulator phone.
I am guessing that the app should be called "vuenative-test" on the android emulator, is that correct?
What do I need to do in order to see the app on the android emulator?
If anyone have any tips on how I can test the code in web browser or on android emulator that would be very helpful.
(If needed I can attach images if that makes more sense)


How can I test a standalone watchOS application?

I can't figure out how to test running my watchOS app as a standalone app. When I run it on the simulator it never works unless I also have the associated iOS app. Running the watch scheme shows that the iOS app is running along with the watchOS app. I created a scheme which just builds the watch and it will cause the watch app to start, but it doesn't actually update the compiled binary.
First of all, you have to create certificates for all project targets and upload on Testflight, Through Testflight (mobile application) you can install the app and it will sync automatically in the watch.
The second option will, Connect your watch with mobile and install that watch application via Xcode on mobile, it will sync automatically in the watch.

Dart DevTools showing "Connect to a running app"

I can't start the Dart Dev Tools in VS Code, when I launch in debugging mode it opens a chrome window says Connect to a running app
Enter a port or URL to a running Dart or Flutter application.
When I hover over the Dart DevTools button, it shows a port but I still can't connect to it.
Any ideas?
Start your flutter app with --observatory-port option. For example,
flutter run --observatory-port=9200
Once the app starts, you’ll see a message in your terminal that looks like:
An Observatory debugger and profiler on Android SDK built for x86 is available at:
Paste the URL you got from running your app ( into the connect dialog to connect your app to DevTools.
Hope this helps.
On Visual Studio Code: click the letter (v) while the app is running. that's it!
In Run flutter in Terminal with port you want. It can 9200 or 9300 or 9301 etc
flutter run --observatory-port=9200
On the logcat you will see message look like
"An Observatory debugger and profiler on Android SDK built for x86 is available at:"
After that copy and past url ( to dialog connect your app to DevTools
Hi run your app on emulator or real device.
On bottom of android studio you will find a run tab
on run tab there will be a message like below:
Debug service listening on ws://
copy (ws:// and paste it on Dart DevTools input field.
It will be connected to your running device or emulator
In my case the above answers did not work due I had another problem: PATH: the enviroment variables. This was because I couldn't execute flutter command in the terminal at my folder app project , so enviroment variables at system level it's necessary and I was doing this at user level for Windows. So I run flutter doctor o whatever to see if alredy the path was working and then I used the answer of #Hayeong Choi.

React Native Debugger app will not open - debugger-ui opens in Chrome instead

My project is a create react native app project, using expo. I installed the react-native-debugger app a while back to debug redux and it was working fine. Recently, for an unknown reason, when debugging JS remotely it will only open http://localhost:19001/debugger-ui/ in Chrome, and will not connect to the React Native Debugger App. I have no idea why this has suddenly broken. This doesn't work for me as I can't use redux dev tools this way
My package.json has the following:
"devDependencies": {
"jest-expo": "30.0.0",
"react-native-debugger-open": "^0.3.17"
OS: Mac OS Mojave
Any ideas on how I can get expo to start using the desktop app again? I don't know what else to do beyond setting up the package.json correctly.
Can't comment cause my rep is under 50,
but I face the same issue on ubuntu 16.04 since this week.
You can still use Reactotron in the meantime.
Here is the quick start section for react-native

Why is the React Native Packager not creating a new bundle when changes are saved?

On Mac, I created a React Native project via create-react-native-app and then ejected the app. Then I ran npm run ios, which is an alias for react-native run-ios. At that point, I can see it start up in the simulator and the packager opens in a new terminal window. It looks like it is watching for any changes on JS files in my project directory, yet when I make a basic edit in the JSX in the App.js file, I don't see anything happening in the packager terminal window and it doesn't reload the app in the simulator.
Edit: I just tested it on the react-native CLI and it happens there as well. I'm at a loss what the issue could be.​​
Am I missing something or is there another issue?
For the app to refresh, you need to do Cmd + R which refreshes the packager and lets it watch the refreshed bundle. For Realtime Loading, use Cmd + D to enable the devtools and enable Hot Reloading. Hope it helps!

How to solve this error in Xcode when testing your app on the Apple Watch

I've tested my Apple Watch app on the simulator and it runs perfectly...However I couldn't test my app on the actual Apple Watch device:
I ran my iPhone app in Xcode.... Once completed it will install the app on Apple Watch.
Then, Apple watch app will launch and stuck on launching screen with "loading" spinner on the Apple Watch device.
The Apple watch will just close itself and this error will appear in Xcode:
You need to run the your iphone app scheme not the watchapp or extension scheme, once you will installed your iOS application on your device with watch kit support.
After installing the iPhone, you need to check your watch, application will automatically installed on Watch. If still you are not able to see the application then you need to visit application "Apple Watch" and scroll down to see your application and turn on apple watch support for your application.
If you are running the Watch OS2 app then after deploying the app on the Watch, you will need to reboot the Watch. Once rebooted, the Watch app will now run and not stuck anymore, loading time is about a few seconds only.
