The bytecode size of LendingPool.sol is over 24k - compilation

I used the "npm run compile" command to compile the protocol-v2 in the aave. I found that bytecode size of LendingPool.sol is 43,892 bytes. It exceeds the 24k of the contract's max limit of evm. But the protocol-v2 can deploy this contract to ethereum by using hardhat-deploy. I want to know the reason.

The Aave LendingPool.sol was compiled with the optimizer configured for 200 runs, see the Settings JSON under the link.
Solidity optimizer removes unused bytecode, optimizes paths, replaces multiple chunks of the same bytecode with links to just one copy of it, ... and one of its effects is reducing the bytecode size.


Arduino Verify Issue storage

I am trying to practice a bit using FreeRTOS on my Arduino. I believe I installed the libraries correctly as well as executed the code. When I try to verify on my IDE Arduino, I get the following error. At first, I thought
I needed to update the IDE on my macOS and all the libraries to help with storage, but I am still getting the error.
"text section exceeds available space in boardSketch uses 46768 bytes (144%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 1572 bytes (76%) of dynamic memory, leaving 476 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
Sketch too big; see for tips on reducing it.
Error compiling for board Arduino Uno."

Can gcc be configured to compile position-independent code for the code but position-dependent code for the data?

I'm trying to build bootable code for an ARM M7-based embedded system that is able to execute in place at two different locations in the QSPI, so that if one version gets corrupted, the backup version of the image can be executed in a different place.
Compiling with -fpic seems to produce a relocatable code image that is (nearly) able to execute in both places fine. However, the problem is that the data/bss the code refers to is also getting offset by the same amount - that is, the compiler is assuming that the .data and .bss segments live immediately after the .text segment, which isn't true for XIP embedded systems (where the RAM is separate).
As a result, if the original binary was linked to run at 0x60000000 (and using a fixed ram area at 0x20000000) but is then executed in place at 0x60100000 instead , the ram addresses will be shifted by 0x100000 as well (i.e. to 0x20100000), which isn't what I want at all.
Clearly, what I'd like to do is to modify gcc's behaviour so that references to the code (executing in place in two different places in the QSPI) are position-independent, while references to the .data/bss segments (in a fixed position in RAM) are position-dependent (as per normal).
Is this something that gcc can be tweaked to achieve (e.g. by some obscure linker attribute flag)? Or is this just out of its reach? Thanks!

Why doesn't the Linux kernel see the cache sizes in the gem5 emulator in full system mode?

I want to play around with cache sizes in my gem5 simulator to see how it affects performance of programs, and possibly tune programs at runtime.
As a sanity check, I tried to check that the command lines arguments I used were working , and so I tried the various methods proposed at:
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index2/size
But I observed that:
the file /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index2/size does not exist
getconf is empty
Why is that?
I am certain however that the caches are being, since I've benchmarked simple programs, and the cycle counts increase when I decrease the caches.
For example, my base command is:
M5_PATH='/data/git/linux-kernel-module-cheat/gem5/gem5-system' '/data/git/linux-kernel-module-cheat/gem5/gem5/build/ARM/gem5.opt' '/data/git/linux-kernel-module-cheat/gem5/gem5/configs/example/' --command-line='earlyprintk=pl011,0x1c090000 console=ttyAMA0 lpj=19988480 rw loglevel=8 mem=512MB root=/dev/sda nokaslr norandmaps printk.devkmsg=on printk.time=y' --disk-image='/data/git/linux-kernel-module-cheat/buildroot/output.arm-gem5~/images/rootfs.ext2' --dtb-file='/data/git/linux-kernel-module-cheat/gem5/gem5/system/arm/dt/armv7_gem5_v1_1cpu.dtb' --kernel='/data/git/linux-kernel-module-cheat/buildroot/output.arm-gem5~/build/linux-custom/vmlinux' --machine-type=VExpress_GEM5_V1 --num-cpus=1 --caches --l1d_size=1024 --l1i_size=1024 --l2cache --l2_size=1024 --l3_size=1024 --cpu-type=HPI
With those tiny caches, running the following:
m5 resetstats && dhrystone 10000 && m5 dumpstats
takes 175M cycles, and only 16M cycles if I use the exact same command but with huge caches of size 1024MB.
I observe a similar behavior for x86.
I'm using this testing infrastructure: which implies:
gem5 commit: fbe63074e3a8128bdbe1a5e8f6509c565a3abbd4
Linux kernel v4.15 with configuration:
Related thread on the mailing list:
For comparison, QEMU v2.11.0 x86 did show the cache sizes, but not the ARM one.
Maybe for ARM we would need to modify the bootloaders to tell that to kernel? But I don't know how those things work very well:
I have been told that:
gem5 doesn't implement the cache size discovery registers.
The problem is that it is really hard to configure them in the general case, and they might not even be able to represent the hierarchy in gem5.

Size of exe file vs available memory

I have gone through How does a PE file get mapped into memory?, this is not what i am asking for.
I want to know which sections (data, text, code, ...) of a PE file are always completely loaded into memory by the loader no matter whatever the condition is?
As per my understanding, none of the sections (code,data,resources,text,...) are always loaded completely, they are loaded as and when needed, page by page. If few pages of code (in the middle or at the end), are not required to process user's request then these pages will not always get loaded.
I have tried making exe files with lots of code with/without resources both of which are not used at all, but, every time the exe loads into memory, it takes more memory than the file size. (I might have been looking at the wrong column of Memory in Task Manager)
Matt Pietrek writes here
It's important to note that PE files are not just mapped into memory
as a single memory-mapped file. Instead, the Windows loader looks at
the PE file and decides what portions of the file to map in.
A module in memory represents all the code, data, and resources from
an executable file that is needed by a process. Other parts of a PE
file may be read, but not mapped in (for instance, relocations). Some
parts may not be mapped in at all, for example, when debug information
is placed at the end of the file.
In a nutshell,
1- There is an exe of size 1 MB and available memory (physical + virtual) is less than 1 MB, is it consistent that loader will always refuse to load because available memory is less than the size of file?
2- If an exe of size 1 MB takes 2 MB memory when loaded (starts running first line of user code) while available memory (physical + virtual) is 1.5 MB, is it consistent that loader will always refuse to load because there is not enough memory?
3- There is an exe of size 50 MB (lots of code, data and resources) but it requires 500 KB to run the first line of user code, is it consistent that this exe will always run first line of code if available memory (physical + virtual) is 500 KB atleast?

Cuda kernel launch failure

I am trying to call two kernels as shown below
for (t=0; t<=time_total; t++)
//kernel calls
kernel1<<<noOfBlocks,noOfThreadsPerBlock>>>(** SOME PARAMETERS **);
kernel2<<<noOfBlocks,noOfThreadsPerBlock>>>(** SOME PARAMETERS **);
And the structure of the second kernel is
var[index+0]=**SOME CALCULATION**
var[index+1]=**SOME CALCULATION**
var[index+2]=**SOME CALCULATION**
Now when I execute this code, checkCudaError does not report anything and the code is executed giving some output but visual studio gives the following exception
First-chance exception at 0x7640c41f in **.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cudaError_enum at memory location 0x0039f9c4..
First-chance exception at 0x7640c41f in **.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cudaError_enum at memory location 0x0039f9c4..
And when I check on Nsight it says kernel 2 is having the following error
Now the problem is that var array in kernel 2 is giving some of the rows correct some are copies of other row values and some are garbage.
Also when I do this
All the values of var are set to 3
A few side notes:
cudaThreadSynchronize() is deprecated in favor of cudaDeviceSynchronize().
The fact that nsight is reporting an error on the 2nd kernel launch, but your error checking code is not, leads me to believe your error checking code is broken.
Now, regarding your issue, out of resources is frequently due to a code requesting too many registers (too many registers per thread times the number of threads per threadblock requested.) Try re-compiling your code specifying -Xptxas -v to get verbose output, and then recompiling again with -maxrregcount 20 (or something like that) to try to work around this for test purposes.
If this "fixes" your problem, you may then want to consider the following:
See if there is a way you can re-order or restructure your code to reduce the register pressure
If not, then adjust your maxrregcount value upwards to approximately the highest value that will allow your code to compile and run according to the launch configurations (number of threads per block) that you care about. You may also want to benchmark your code at different levels of this setting, as it can affect occupancy. Usually if you have it set to the highest value that will compile and run, then you are limiting yourself to one threadblock per SM at execution time. This may be OK, or there may be a lower setting that is better, allowing two threadblocks per SM residency, and possibly higher performance. Only benchmarking your code will tell.
