How to do configure deploy task on GLPI with Fusioninventory - asset-management

GLPI version : 9.5.4
Fusion Inventory : FusionInventory 9.5+3.0
I have a problem of doing automatic deploy on all devices even though i have fusioninventory deploy package installed in my node.


Get VMWare tags in Ansible Controller

Currently using Ansible Controller (Ansible Automation Platform v4.2). I can import virtual machines from our VMWare environment with no issue. However, when I add "with_tags: true" to my inventory script I get the following error when running the inventory sync:
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /runner/inventory/vmware_vm_inventory.yml with
auto plugin: Unable to find 'vSphere Automation SDK' Python library which is
required. Please refer this URL for installation steps -
I have checked what documentation I can find and ran the following to download the prequisites:
pip install -r ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/vmware/requirements.txt
This appears to install everything fine including vSphere Automation SDK.
Any ideas? Has anyone successfully setup their Ansible Controller to import vmware tags?
View vmware tags when running inventory sync.

How can i configure Ansible and Jenkins if both are not on same machine?

I have Jenkins and Ansible Server installed on different window machines .But how to trigger ansible playbook from jenkins
I added Ansible server as a Slave in Jenkins Server . I need solution on how to trigger anisble playbook
from jenkins
Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins >Available > search Ansible. If you are already installed Ansible Plugin on your Jenkins It will display in the Installed section. Now we can see the Invoke Ansible Playbook option in the Build Environment section but we need to configure Ansible path for Jenkins

Trying to setup Windows Jenkins slave, but can't find "Windows Slave" plugin available

Trying to follow to setup Windows Jenkins slave. On that instruction, Windows Slave plugin is specified to be installed, but it is not available from plugin "Available" tab. Any idea? Should WMI Windows Agent be installed instead? But that is an agent plugin.
Many thanks!
I think you need this -
The plugin name is "WMI Windows Agents" and Id is "windows-slave".
You need to make sure you Jenkins can reach this plugin URL.
Once the plugin is installed, a new launch type is available in the agent configuration. Once the agent configuration is saved, Jenkins will reconnect the agent(slave) using the plugin

What docker images does DCOS Flink package require?

I have built a DCOS local universe and installed it into a cluster behind a firewall - there is no internet access to the cluster. One of the packages installed in the universe is Flink. I have installed DCOS using the cluster_docker_registry_url variable pointing at a local Docker registry which has a very small number of packages on it; it is not a mirror of the main Docker Hub.
When I try to install the Flink package into DCOS, I get 404 errors in the Mesos logs relating to missing docker images that I assume the package tries to download from the local Docker registry. The Flink cluster fails to start.
What Docker images does the Flink package try to download? I thought the build process of a local universe pulled all dependencies down when it is built, so there should be no external dependencies once it's built? What do I need to do to be able to install DCOS when there is no internet access?
That depends on the scala version you are using:
scala 2.10: mesosphere/dcos-flink:1.2.0-1.4
scala 2.11: mesosphere/dcos-flink-2-11:1.2.0-1.4
See here
Furthermore, it requires
openjdk:8-jre ,see here
For more details feel free to refer to the universe specification for the Apache Flink service (or ping me directly):

Nexus OSS auto stop

My environment is Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and java version 1.7.0_79, Apache Maven 3.0.5, nexus 2.10.0-02.
I had execute ./nexus start and it seems be ok. But ten seconds later, i check the status of nexus, it is not running. And i always can't visit the site "http://localhost:8081/nexus".
root#iZ94lnn03ejZ:/opt/nexus-2.10.0-02/bin# ./nexus start
Starting Nexus OSS...
Started Nexus OSS.
root#iZ94lnn03ejZ:/opt/nexus-2.10.0-02/bin# ./nexus status
Nexus OSS is not running.
You should not run Nexus as root as the error message indicated. Beyond that you can check the log file in sonatype-work/nexus/logs/nexus.log to see what is going wrong at startup in detail.
Also you should use Java 1.8 and a newer version of Nexus (2.11.4 is latest at the moment).
Update: Evidently the log showed that the server is out of RAM so it must have been a very low spec virtual machine or server.
First check #java -version, if this command gives nothing then install Java: yum install openjdk-8* -y
NO i think you need to give permissions to execute nexus repo.
i.e give chown 777 nexus-
