How to add category to column in Power BI? - matrix

I have data similar to this format:
customerName | Type of Sale | Sales Amount | Unit Purchased
A | Online | 1500 | 4
B | Offline | 2000 | 5
C | Online | 3000 | 4
D | Offline | 4000 | 4
and I want data in following format in Power BI in Matrix Format
Metric | Sales Amount | Units Purchased
Customer Name | Online | Offline | Online | Offline
A | 15000 | 0 | 4 | 0
B | 0 | 2000 | 0 | 5

We can achieve this kind of visualization, but this needs some steps (more effort, Lower performance compared to the standard design.)
First we need an additional table with lables "Sales Amount" and "Units Purchased".
Relationship many to many.
Add additional measures:
Offline =
var sale = CALCULATE(sum('Sales'[Sales Amount]), FILTER(ALL('Sales'[Type of Sale]), 'Sales'[Type of Sale] = "Offline"))
var purch = CALCULATE(sum('Sales'[Unit Purchased]), FILTER(ALL('Sales'[Type of Sale]), 'Sales'[Type of Sale] = "Offline"))
if (SELECTEDVALUE('Lables'[LableName]) = "Purchase",purch,sale)
Online =
var sale = CALCULATE(sum('Sales'[Sales Amount]), FILTER(ALL('Sales'[Type of Sale]), 'Sales'[Type of Sale] = "Online"))
var purch = CALCULATE(sum('Sales'[Unit Purchased]), FILTER(ALL('Sales'[Type of Sale]), 'Sales'[Type of Sale] = "Online"))
if (SELECTEDVALUE('Lables'[LableName]) = "Sales Amount", sale,purch)


How to get multiple rows data from a subquery into multiple columns - Oracle SQL

I have a sub-select in my code which returns a discount a product has. The product might in some instance have multiple discounts (discount on discount for a special promo). When I run the code, I get single row sub-query returns more than one row error. I want it to return all 3 rows but in different columns as discount 1, discount 2 and discount 3.
My code is as follows:
select prod.prod_id,
(select from discounts dis
where prod.prod_id = dis.prod_id
and st.store_cd = dis.store_id
and dis.reg_cd = reg.reg_cd
and dis.eff_dt <= :dt
and (dis.xpir_dt is null or dis.xpir_dt > :dt)
and rownum = 1) as discount
from products prod,
stores st,
region reg
where prod.prod_id = st.prod_id
and st.reg_cd = reg.reg_cd
so I want to get rid of the rownum = 1 as it forces only one discount to be returned and return all the 3 discounts in separate columns.
Edit: there are other sub-queries connected to this (it is a longer code and I only put a segment of it). So removing the subquery and then putting it in the main join clause does not work well when joining to the other subqueries.
Edit 2: Sample data:
products table
| prod_id | prod_name|
| ------- | ---------|
| 1 | mangoes |
| 2 | apples |
discounts table
| prod_id | discount |
| ------- | ---------|
| 1 | 10% |
| 1 | 5% |
| 2 | 3% |
| 2 | 8% |
| 2 | 2% |
There is store and regions table which all have single row entries similar to products table.
The ideal output should be
| prod_id | prod_name| store | region | Discount 1| Discount 2| Discount 3 |
| ------- | ---------| ----- | ------ | --------- | ----------| -----------|
| 1 | mangoes | Mega | GP | 10% | 5% | 0% |
| 2 | apples | Mini | GP | 3% | 8% | 2% |
Just join the table:
SELECT prod.prod_id,
FROM products prod,
stores st,
region reg,
discounts dis
WHERE prod.prod_id = st.prod_id
AND st.reg_cd = reg.reg_cd
AND dis.prod_id = prod.prod_id
AND dis.store_id = st.store_cd
AND dis.reg_cd = reg.reg_cd
AND eff_dt <= :dt
AND (xpir_dt is null OR xpir_dt > :dt)
Try the below using PIVOT:
FROM (SELECT pr.prod_id AS pr_id, pr.PROD_NAME, d.DISCOUNT AS disc
FROM products pr JOIN discounts d ON pr.prod_id = d.prod_id) PIVOT (count (
AS tw
IN ('2%',

Laravel 5.2 Select Where Has Related Count Data

I have a table called 'templates' and 'details' that has relation templates has many details at my model.
i create a list template table with a filter number or detail, when i input 5 to the filter box, then table only show the templates that has 5 details.
how to do this?
this is my table structure :
id | name | width | heigh
1 | A-5 | 112 | 100
2 | A-4 | 225 | 200
template_id | x | y
1 | 10 | 10
1 | 20 | 10
2 | 10 | 10
2 | 20 | 10
$templates = Template::whereHas( 'details', function( $detail ) {
$detail->selectRaw( 'count(id) as aduh' )->whereRaw( 'count(id) = 100' )->groupBy( 'id' );
} );
I think this should work:
$templates = Template::has('details', '=', 5)->get();
This will return all Templates that has 5 details.

Get average value for every N tuples in Apache Pig

Assuming I have a table with two columns CUSTTYPE and AMOUNT. I want to add a third column NTILE which I can then group on and use to get my averages, something like below:
RETAIL | 78.00 | 1
RETAIL | 234.00 | 1
RETAIL | 249.00 | 1
RETAIL | 278.00 | 2
RETAIL | 392.00 | 2
RETAIL | 498.00 | 2
RETAIL | 500.00 | 3
RETAIL | 738.00 | 3
RETAIL | 1250.00 | 3
RETAIL | 2029.00 | 4
RETAIL | 2393.00 | 4
RETAIL | 3933.00 | 4
Essentially, I am trying to take the average of every n terms (here, n=3):
RETAIL | 187.00 | 1
RETAIL | 389.33 | 2
RETAIL | 829.33 | 3
RETAIL | 2785.0 | 4
From the Pig reference here, it seems this could be achieved using Over() but I could not find an example of how this could be done. Thoughts?
You can rank every record of your data using RANK operator:
like this:
A = LOAD 'path' AS (schema);
and then divide each rank by 3:
C = FOREACH B generate ($0 + 1) / 3 as NTILE, CUSTTYPE, AMOUNT;

Multiple Tables Group and substract sum of columns using linq sql

Here i have two tables
Table One
| Raw Material | Size | Qty |
| A | 1 | 5 |
| A | 2 | 2 |
| A | 1 | 2 |
| B | 0 | 5 |
| B | 0 | 1 |
Table Two
| Raw Material | Size | Qty |
| A | 1 | 2 |
| A | 2 | 1 |
| A | 1 | 1 |
I want out put like
| Raw Material | Size | Qty |
| A | 1 | 4 |
| A | 2 | 1 |
| B | 0 | 6 |
Want to get substract first two tables sum of qty by grouping Rawmaterial and Size
Something like this should do the job
var result = tableA.Select(e => new { Item = e, Factor = 1 })
.Concat(tableB.Select(e => new { Item = e, Factor = -1 }))
.GroupBy(e => new { e.Item.RawMaterial, e.Item.Size }, (key, elements) => new
RawMaterial = key.RawMaterial,
Size = key.Size,
Qty = elements.Sum(e => e.Item.Qty * e.Factor)
First we create a union of the two tables using Concat, including the information which one is additive (in Factor field), and then just do the normal grouping.
If you want the result to be List<YourTableElementType>, just replace the final anonymous type projection (new { ... }) with new YourTableElementType { ... }.

Codeigniter Datamapper save as new id

I'm new to datamapper. I have a problem on trying to duplicate a result into a new id.
This is a simplified table for my database:
Job Table
| id | property_id | name | type |
| 1 | 1 | abc | i |
| 2 | 2 | def | ii |
Property Table
| id | job_id | size |
| 1 | 1 | 90 |
| 2 | 2 | 40 |
How can I automatically duplicate a new job based on job id 1 into new job/property id like
Job Table
| id | property_id | name | type |
| 1 | 1 | abc | i |
| 2 | 2 | def | ii |
| 3 | 3 | abc | i |
Property Table
| id | job_id | size |
| 1 | 1 | 90 |
| 2 | 2 | 40 |
| 3 | 3 | 90 |
Thanks for helping! :)
In the documentation for DataMapper Overzealous Edition: There's clone and copy, copy will clear the id. Here's their example, just skip the part of making changes:
// Let's save a new hosting plan
$p = new Plan();
$p->name = 'The 100GB Plan';
$p->storage = 1000;
$p->bandwidth = 2000;
$p->databases = 5;
$p->domains = 5;
$p->emails = 50;
// Now, lets make a copy of that saved plan and base a new one off of it
$p = $p->get_copy();
// Change only what we need to
$p->name = 'The Big 150GB Plan';
$p->storage = 1500;
$p->bandwidth = 2500;
// And now save a new record
You can also just modify the object you retrieve, and then use save_as_new() to save it as a new record.
