Mixing JPA strategies and moving DiscriminatorFormula downward hierarchy - spring

I'm investigating inheritance in Spring JPA and looking for possibility of mixing different strategies. I want to build super class that defines columns and relations (also to itself so #MappedSuperClass can't be used). Physical tables/entities are built upon the class and can defined own inheritance strategy.
Starting point of hierarchy. Sub class should take in account all annotated properties but not construct physical table.
public class Process {
private Long id;
// other common columns and relations (also to itself)
Constructing phisical table with defined inheritance strategy.
#Table("dummy name")
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
#DiscriminatorFormula("dummy formula")
public class AdministrationProcess extends Process{
Sub entities distinguished by discriminator formula.
#DiscriminatorValue("dummy value")
public class AdministrationProcessVariant1 extends AdministrationProcess{
#DiscriminatorValue("dummy value")
public class AdministrationProcessVariant2 extends AdministrationProcess{
This approach allows me to build multiple analogous tables but split my domain from businesses point of view. Definition of Process -> AdministrationProcess, FinansialProcess etc -> Different variants of parent process.
I've been spending few hours trying to implement that pattern, but without result. Problem is probably correct preparation of Process class.


Cyclic dependency with JPA/Hibernate and Jackson [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue
(29 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I have a Spring Boot application using JPA/Hibernate in its persistence layer. The application has read-only access to a database and basically has three entities Article, Category, and Field, which have the following relationships.
Article (*) -> (1) Category (*) <-> (1) Field
That is, an Article has a Category, and a Category always belongs to a single Field, however, multiple Category instances can belong to the same Field.
The application provides two REST endpoints, which give a single Article and a single Field by their IDs, respectively. Of course, this cannot work when using Jackson for serialization due to the cyclic dependency Category <-> Field.
What I want is when I retrieve an Article, it should give me its Category including the category's Field, but not all the other Category instances that belong to the this same Field. On the other hand, when I retrieve a Field, it should give me the Field including all Category instances that belong to this Field.
How can I achieve this?
I basically have a similar question as Jackson infinite loops many-to-one one-to-many relation
You can use interface-based projections, to only retrieve needed properties, since Spring Data allows modeling dedicated return types, to more selectively retrieve partial views of the managed aggregates.
Let's assume the entities are declared as shown below. For simplicity, only the id attribute is defined alongside association-mapping attributes.
public class Article {
private Long id;
private Category category;
public class Category {
private Long id;
private Set<Article> articles;
private Field field;
public class Field {
private Long id;
private Set<Category> categories;
For the first endpoint where the Article is fetched by id, the projections should be declared as follows:
public interface ArticleDto {
Long getId();
CategoryDto1 getCategory();
interface CategoryDto1 {
Long getId();
FieldDto1 getField();
interface FieldDto1 {
Long getId();
The important bit here is that the properties defined here exactly
match properties in the aggregate root.
Then, the additional query method should be defined in ArticleRepository:
interface ArticleRepository extends JpaRepository<Article, Long> {
Optional<ArticleDto> findDtoById(Long id);
The query execution engine creates proxy instances of that interface
at runtime for each element returned and forwards calls to the exposed
methods to the target object.
Declare additional projections to retrieve properties needed for the second case:
public interface FieldDto2 {
Long getId();
Set<CategoryDto2> getCategories();
interface CategoryDto2 {
Long getId();
Lastly, define the following query method in FieldRepository:
interface FieldRepository extends JpaRepository<Field, Long> {
Optional<FieldDto2> findDtoById(Long id);
With this approach, the infinite recursion exception would never appear, as long as projections don't contain attributes causing recursion.

MappedSuperclass produces 'has an unbound type and no explicit target entity'

I have this entity. It should work on both, internal and external, users.
#Entity(name = "TokenAuthentication")
class TokenAuthenticationEntity<T>(
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
var id: Long? = null,
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
val user: T,
) : BaseEntity()
When I run this, I get
Property TokenAuthenticationEntity.user has an unbound type and no explicit target entity. Resolve this Generic usage issue or set an explicit target attribute
So Hibernate tells me to f*** off with my generics, it needs explicit definitions. Any of you have an idea how to get this running with generics?
This is not possible. The reason being T type erasure at compile-time. This T type is used at compile-time to check types and guarantee type safety, but then it is removed. Having said that, each instance of TokenAuthenticationEntity can have a different value for T, and as explained before this information is lost.
What you can actually do is the following:
public abstract class TokenAuthenticationEntity<T> {
private T user;
Now you can create your entities based on this generic superclass:
public class InternalUser extends TokenAuthenticationEntity<IUser> { }
public class ExternalUser extends TokenAuthenticationEntity<EUser> { }
Why? Because each concrete subclass of TokenAuthenticationEntity has a type T which is defined and is retained and unique inside the subclasses. In this case, JPA will store your subclasses in one or more tables, depending on the chosen #InheritanceStrategy (if the Inheritance annotation is not specified or if no inheritance type is specified for an entity class hierarchy, the SINGLE_TABLE mapping strategy is used). Additional details at https://www.baeldung.com/hibernate-inheritance#single-table.

Same entity for two different aggregate

My schema will be something similar to the above picture.
I am planning to use Spring data JDBC and found that
If multiple aggregates reference the same entity, that entity can’t be part of those aggregates referencing it since it only can be part of exactly one aggregate.
Following are my questions:
How to create two different aggregates for the above without changing the DB design?
How to retrieve the Order / Vendor list alone? i.e. I don't want to traverse through the aggregate root.
How to create two different aggregates for the above without changing the DB design?
I think you simply have three Aggregates here: Order, Vendor and ProductType. A mental test that I always use is:
If A has a reference to B and I delete an A, should I automatically and without exception delete all Bs referenced by that A? If so B is part of the A Aggregate.
This doesn't seem to be true for any of the relationships in your diagram, so let's go with separate Aggregates for each entity.
This in turn makes each reference in the diagram one between different Aggregates.
As described in "Spring Data JDBC, References, and Aggregates" these must be modelled as ids in your Java code, not as Java references.
class Order {
Long orderid;
String name;
String description;
Instance created;
Long productTypeId;
class Vendor {
Long vid;
String name;
String description;
Instance created;
Long productTypeId;
class ProductType {
Long pid;
String name;
String description;
Instance created;
Since they are separate Aggregates each gets it's own Repository.
interface Orders extends CrudRepository<Order, Long>{
interface Vendors extends CrudRepository<Vendor, Long>{}
interface ProductTypes extends CrudRepository<ProductType, Long>{}
At this point I think we fulfilled your requirements. You might have to add some #Column and #Table annotations to get the exact names you want or provide a NamingStrategy.
You probably also want some kind of caching for the product types since I'd expect they see lots of reads with only few writes.
And of course you can add additional methods to the repositories, for example:
interface Orders extends CrudRepository<Order, Long>{
List<Orders> findByProductTypeId(Long productTypeId);

Is there a way to create one JPA entity based on many database tables and do I really have to do this or is it a bad practice?

I'm quite new to Spring Data JPA technology and currently facing one task I can't deal with. I am seeking best practice for such cases.
In my Postgres database I have a two tables connected with one-to-many relation. Table 'account' has a field 'type_id' which is foreign key references to field 'id' of table 'account_type':
So the 'account_type' table only plays a role of dictionary. Accordingly to that I've created to JPA entities (Kotlin code):
class Account(
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
var amount: Int,
#ManyToOne var accountType: AccountType
class AccountType(
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
var type: String
In my Spring Boot application I'd like to have a RestConroller which will be responsible for giving all accounts in JSON format. To do that I made entities classes serializable and wrote a simple restcontroller:
#GetMapping("/getAllAccounts", produces = [APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE])
fun getAccountsData(): String {
val accountsList = accountRepository.findAll().toMutableList()
return json.stringify(Account.serializer().list, accountsList)
where accountRepository is just an interface which extends CrudRepository<Account, Long>.
And now if I go to :8080/getAllAccounts, I'll get the Json of the following format (sorry for formatting):
But what I really want from that controller is just
Of course I can create new serializable class for accounts which will have String field instead of AccountType field and can map JPA Account class to that class extracting account type string from AccountType field. But for me it looks like unnecessary overhead and I believe that there could be a better pattern for such cases.
For example what I have in my head is that probably somehow I can create one JPA entity class (with String field representing account type) which will be based on two database tables and unnecessary complexity of having inner object will be reduced automagically each time I call repository methods :) Moreover I will be able to use this entity class in my business logic without any additional 'wrappers'.
P.s. I read about #SecondaryTable annotation but it looks like it can only work in cases where there is one-to-one relation between two tables which is not my case.
There are a couple of options whic allow clean separation without a DTO.
Firstly, you could look at using a projection which is kind of like a DTO mentioned in other answers but without many of the drawbacks:
name = "accountSummary",
types = { Account.class })
public Interface AccountSummaryProjection{
Long getId();
Integer getAmount();
String getType();
You then simply need to update your controller to call either query method with a List return type or write a method which takes a the proection class as an arg.
#GetMapping("/getAllAccounts", produces = [APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE])
fun getAccountsData(): List<AccountSummaryProjection>{
return accountRepository.findAllAsSummary();
An alternative approach is to use the Jackson annotations. I note in your question you are manually tranforming the result to a JSON String and returning a String from your controller. You don't need to do that if the Jackson Json library is on the classpath. See my controller above.
So if you leave the serialization to Jackson you can separate the view from the entity using a couple of annotations. Note that I would apply these using a Jackson mixin rather than having to pollute the Entity model with Json processing instructions however you can look that up:
class Account(
//in real life I would apply these using a Jacksin mix
//to prevent polluting the domain model with view concerns.
#JsonDeserializer(converter = StringToAccountTypeConverter.class)
#JsonSerializer(converter = AccountTypeToStringConverter.class
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
var amount: Int,
#ManyToOne var accountType: AccountType
You then simply create the necessary converters:
public class StringToAccountTypeConverter extends StdConverter<String, CountryType>
implements org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<String, AccountType> {
private AccountTypeRepository repo;
public AccountType convert(String value) {
//look up in repo and return
and vice versa:
public class AccountTypeToStringConverter extends StdConverter<String, CountryType>
implements org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<AccountType, String> {
public String convert(AccountType value) {
return value.getName();
One of the least complicated ways to achieve what you are aiming for - from the external clients' point of view, at least - has to do with custom serialisation, what you seem to be aware of and what #YoManTaMero has extended upon.
Obtaining the desired class structure might not be possible. The closest I've managed to find is related to the #SecondaryTable annotation but the caveat is this only works for #OneToOne relationships.
In general, I'd pinpoint your problem to the issue of DTOs and Entities. The idea behind JPA is to map the schema and content of your database to code in an accessible but accurate way. It takes away the heavy-lifting of managing SQL queries, but it is designed mostly to reflect your DB's structure, not to map it to a different set of domains.
If the organisation of your DB schema does not exactly match the needs of your system's I/O communication, this might be a sign that:
Your DB has not been designed correctly;
Your DB is fine, but the manageable entities (tables) in it simply do not match directly to the business entities (models) in your external communication.
Should second be the case, Entities should be mapped to DTOs which can then be passed around. Single Entity may map to a few different DTOs. Single DTO might take more than one (related!) entities to be created. This is a good practice for medium-to-large systems in the first place - handing out references to the object that's the direct access point to your database is a risk.
Mind that simply because the id of the accountType is not taking part in your external communication does not mean it will never be a part of your business logic.
To sum up: JPA is designed with ease of database access in mind, not for smoothing out external communication. For that, other tools - such as e.g. Jackson serializer - are used, or certain design patterns - like DTO - are being employed.
One approach to solve this is to #JsonIgnore accountType and create getType method like
var getType() {
return accountType.getType();

Multiple Repositories for the Same Entity in Spring Data Rest

Is it possible to publish two different repositories for the same JPA entity with Spring Data Rest?
I gave the two repositories different paths and rel-names, but only one of the two is available as REST endpoint.
The point why I'm having two repositories is, that one of them is an excerpt, showing only the basic fields of an entity.
The terrible part is not only that you can only have 1 spring data rest repository (#RepositoryRestResource) per Entity but also that if you have a regular JPA #Repository (like CrudRepository or PagingAndSorting) it will also interact with the spring data rest one (as the key in the map is the Entity itself).
Lost quite a few hours debugging random load of one or the other. I guess that if this is a hard limitation of spring data rest at least an Exception could be thrown if the key of the map is already there when trying to override the value.
The answer seems to be: There is only one repository possible per entity.
I ended up using the #Subselect to create a second immutable entity and bound that to the second JpaRepsotory and setting it to #RestResource(exported = false), that also encourages a separation of concerns.
Employee Example
#Table(name = "employee")
public class Employee {
Long id
String name
public interface EmployeeRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Employee, Long> {
#Subselect(value = 'select id, name, salary from employee')
public class VEmployeeSummary {
Long id
#RestResource(exported = false)
public interface VEmployeeRepository extends JpaRepository<VEmployeeSummary, Long> {
Two packages in the monolithic application had different requirements. One needed to expose the entities for the UI in a PagingAndSortingRepository including CRUD functions. The other was for an aggregating backend report component without paging but with sorting.
I know I could have filtered the results from the PagingAndSorting Repository after requesting Pageable.unpaged() but I just wanted a Basic JPA repository which returned List for some filters.
So, this does not directly answer the question, but may help solve the underlying issue.
You can only have one repository per entity... however, you can have multiple entities per table; thus, having multiple repositories per table.
In a bit of code I wrote, I had to create two entities... one with an auto-generated id and another with a preset id, but both pointing to the same table:
public class LineItemWithAutoId {
#GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid")
#GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid")
private String id;
public class LineItemWithPredefinedId {
private String id;
Then, I had a repository for each:
public interface LineItemWithoutId extends Repository<LineItemWithAutoId,String> {
public interface LineItemWithId extends Repository<LineItemWithPredefinedId,String> {
For the posted issue, you could have two entities. One would be the full entity, with getters and setters for everything. The other, would be the entity, where there are setters for everything, but only getters for the fields you want to make public. Does this make sense?
