Changing value of existing valuelabels via Syntax - syntax

I'm currently transforming my survey results for analysis. The survey program I used (limesurvey) automatically generates value labels, but I need to change the value the labels corresponds with. SPSS sadly doesn't do that automatically with the recode command, which only changes the values but doesn't change the value labels that correspond to it (They keep pointing at the old value which doesn't have any data entries anymore).
Basically I want to change the value labels from this:
Value labels before change
to this: Value labels after (Changing the labeled Values from A1,A2,A3,A4,A5 into 1,2,3,4,5)
And I don't just want to do it for a single variable, but dozens of variables. While this can actually be accomplished by the search/replace function via the User Interface of SPSS (that's actually how I did it in the example), I would like to do this via Syntax, so I don't have to handcraft every dataset and don't risk screwing up my data with typing mistakes.
Does anyone know how it can be done with Syntax? (Or alternatively some plugin)

So I've found a solution to my problem.
I did the recodes and the relabeling with Python.
import spss, spssaux, re
sDict = spssaux.VariableDict() #Get a copy of the Variable Dictionary
infotext = "Variables processed: " # begin infotext
#Iterate through all variables (in the dictionary - all variables in this case)
for var in sDict:
#Only Adress variables which are of type String and have value labels.
if spss.GetVariableType(var.index) > 0 and var.ValueLabels != {} :
infotext += spss.GetVariableName(var.index) + ', ' #Add processed variable to infotext
#Begin Value Labels and Recode commands for active variable
commandlab = 'Value Labels ' + spss.GetVariableName(var.index) + ' '
commandrecode = 'Recode ' + spss.GetVariableName(var.index) + ' '
#commandalter = 'Alter Type ' + spss.GetVariableName(var.index) + '(f2).'
#Open entry for each value of valuelabels
for key,val in var.ValueLabels.items():
newkey = re.findall(r'\d+', key)[0] #Get first number in key (value of label)
newkey = re.sub(r'0+(.+)', r'\1', newkey) #Cut leading zeros from number
#Add entry to recode and Value labels command:
commandlab = commandlab + newkey + ' ' + '"' + val + '"' + ' '
commandrecode = commandrecode + '("' + key + '"="' + newkey + '") '
#Complete commands for SPSS:
commandlab = commandlab + '.'
commandrecode = commandrecode + '.\n Execute.'
#Execute recode and relabel.
#Print Infos
print("Warning: Only Values with value labels have been recoded. Please check your dataset to make sure all entries have been affected.")
end program.
Basically this program is finding all string variables with value labels, gets the numbers from the value/key and recodes and relabels the variables. It can also automatically turn all variables numeric, but I wouldn't recommend doing that without checking all values got converted first. In my case I merged several datasets and one variable had a value without label as a result.
Does anyone know how to get the values (or frequencies) of a variable? If possible, I'd like to catch that problem by doing the recode independent of the value labels.


VB Control Naming by Variable

Dim LineNo as Integer
LineNo = CStr(channel) 'This can have a value of 1 to 100
If LineNo = 1 then
Text1.Text = "Line one selected"
Elseif LineNo = 2 then
Text2.Text = "Line one selected"
'Etc etc
End if
I need to replace the number "1" in Text1.Text and every other TextBox with the value of LineNo? For example:
So I would not have to do a repeated "If" and have a smaller one line code like this:
Text{LineNo}.Text = "Line " & LineNo & " selected"
How would I do this?
Look into a Control array of text boxes. You could have txtLine(), for example, indexed by the channel number.
LineNo = CStr(channel)
txtLine(channel).Text = "Line " & LineNo & " selected"
To create the array, set the Index property of each of the text boxes to an increasing integer, starting at 0.
If you have a finite and relatively small number, you can use a property. I've used this approach with up to 30+ elements in a pinch. Super simple, easy pattern to recognize and replicate in other places. A bit if a pain if the number of elements changes in the future, but extensible nevertheless.
It uses the Choose statement, which takes an index N and returns the Nth element (1-based), hence, the check makes sure that N is > 0 and <= MAX (which you would configure).
Public Property Get TextBox txt(ByVal N As Long)
Const MAX As Long = 10
If N <= 0 || N > MAX Then Exit Property ' Will return a "Nothing". You could return the bound element if you prefer
set txt = Choose(Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4, Text5, Text6, Text7, Text8, Text9, Text10)
End Property
Then, you can simply reference them with the Property, much like an alias:
txt(1).Text = "Line 1 text"
txt(2).Text = "Line 2 text"
If you have an arbitrary number, then you are likely using a control array already, which is simpler because it can be referenced by Index already, so you can directly reference it.
If neither of these work for you and you have a very large number of controls, you can scan the Controls collection in a similar Property, attempting to match ctrl.Name with the pattern of your choice (e.g., matching the first 4 characters to the string "Text", thus matching Text1, Text2, etc, for an unlimited number). Theoretically, this should be future-proofed, but that's just theoretical, because anything can happen. What it does do for you is to encapsulate the lookup in a way that "pretends" to be a control array. Same syntax, just you control the value.
Public Property Get TextBox txt(ByVal N As Long)
Dim I As Long
For I = 0 To Controls.Count - 1 ' Controls is zero-based
' Perform whatever check you need to. Obviously, if you have a "Label" named
' "Text38", the assignment will throw an error (`TextBox = Label` doesn't work).
If Left(Controls(I).Name, 4) = "Text" Then
set txt = Controls(I)
End If
' If you want the Property to never return null, you could uncomment the following line (preventing dereference errors if you insist on the `.Text` for setting/getting the value):
' If txt Is Nothing Then Set txt = Text1
End Property
Use the same way as above: txt(n).Text = "..."

Get all arguments after args[0] discord.js

I was trying to make a mute command, and I was adding a system where you can mute them for a reason. The bot would reply "(Username of user) was muted. Reason: (The reason)". For me args[0] is just mentioning the user that you want to mute, but I can't figure out how to get all after args[0]. I've tried doing something like this'I have muted' + (mutedUser) + 'Reason: ' + args[1++]. But that obviously didn't work - I was kind of guessing - I turned to listing 4 arguments like this.'I have muted ' + taggedUser.user.username + ' Reason: ' + args[1] + ' ' + args[2] + ' ' + args[3] + ' ' + args[4])
But obviously, that's not very efficient - Does anyone know how to get all arguments after args[0]?
Take the array of args and slice() the number of arguments you want to delete, then join() the remaining array elements into a single string
Quick Tip
Use Template literals for easier formatting with strings and variables
const reason = args.slice(1).join(' ');`I have muted ${mutedUser}, Reason: ${reason}`);
You can use Array.prototype.join() and Array.prototype.slice()
const str = 'first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh...';
const args = str.split(' ');
console.log(args[0]); // first
console.log(args.slice(1).join(' ')); // everything after first
console.log(args[3]); // fourth
console.log(args.slice(4).join(' ')); // everything after fourth
// basically, `Array.prototype.join()` can join every element of an array (with an optional separator- in this case a space)
console.log(args.join(' ')); // join all elements with a space in between
// and `Array.prototype.slice()` can slice off elements of an array
console.log(args.slice(5)); // slice off 5 elements
// now you can combine these two :)
In a generic scenario, you can use destructuring assignment as so:
const [foo,] = args;
Here, foo is equal to args[0] and the rest of args is contained within bar as an array.
Specific to your case you could probably do this within your command:
const [mutedUser, reason] = args;
And then as Elitezen suggested, use template literals to send your message.`I have muted ${mutedUser}, Reason: ${reason}`);

Can a variable act as a space in VBS?

I'm teaching myself VBS and I decided to write a message encryption program. It uses the left and right functions in a loop to read every individual character.
wscript.sleep 100
if Az=0 then
end if
From there, it sets every character equal to a different letter based on an encryption keyword and moves onto the next character. My problem is I don't know how to deal with spaces in the message. Is there a way to make a variable have the value of a space? I've tried:
set var=space(1)
set var="&"" ""&"
set var=""
set var=" "
set var=""" """
I'm certain there are things I'm not thinking of
set statement assigns an object reference to a variable or property, or associates a procedure reference with an event. That isn't our case.
var=space(1) ' var contains one space character
var="&"" ""&" ' var contains &" "&
var="" ' var contains a string of zero length
var=" " ' var contains one space character
var=""" """ ' var contains " "
Or, if you would like, declare a constant for use in place of literal value of space (anywhere in your script) as follows:
Const vbSp=" "
Constants are public by default. Within procedures, constants are always private; their visibility can't be changed. Within a script, the default visibility of a script-level constant can be changed using the Private keyword. There are variations:
Private Const vbSp=" "
Public Const vbSp=" "
The problem is that you use Set (cf. here) when assigning a simple/non-object value to a variable. If you loose it, your experimental statements will 'work' (compile & run without error). Look at the output and you'll see that
var = " "
is the correct and most efficient way to assign a (string containing one) space to a variable.

JQgrid - escape ':' in searchoptions (value part)

How to set the values for filter is explained here link text. I have two requirements.
1. the default value needs to be empty. I expect, if defaultValue is not set, the filter is empty, but that is not happening in my case.
2. How to escape ':' in my value. The character ':' and ';' are used to seperate the index and values. But, in my value string it contains a ':' (eg: searchoptions:{value:"1:'Level: 1'"} , where Level: 1 is my first value). How to escape : in the value part. I tried \ , / etc.
Edit: Item 1 may be solved if there is no other way. I may set an additional item ALL in the values, and use it default.
You are right, it seems impossible to use any escape character to place ':' inside of value of searchoptions if you define it like a string:
searchoptions:{value:"1:'Level: 1'"}
There is another form of setting of value of searchoptions - object form, which is also described under For example you can use following syntax
searchoptions:{value:{'1:': 'Level: 1;', ':2:;': 'Level: 2;'}}
It defines a select with the texts "Level: 1;" and "Level: 2;" displayed and the corresponding values "1:" and ":2:;". It works.
I had the same issue and the only option was to use searchoptions object.
However, I had to programmatically build the list so I couldn't use define the objects.
Therefore, I decided to use build the list as an JSON string and then parse it, as shown below:
searchoptions: {
value: $.parseJSON("{" + searchSelectFormat.join(",") + "}"),
sopt: ['eq']
where searchSelectFormat is in the format of
'"' + data + '":"' + data + '"';
'"' + item+ '":"' + item+ '"'

How to Find Record Set Value is Number or String?

Using VB6
If rsCardEvent(4).Value = Str Then
TimOut = rsCardEvent(4)
TimeOut = Left(TimOut, 2) & ":" & Mid(TimOut, 3, 2) & ":" & Right(TimOut, 2)
End If
Getting Type MisMatch Error.
How To Find Record Set Value is String or Number
Exactly i need
If Number means print number like Time Format (HH:MM:SS)
print string value
Coding Help for the above condition
Edited Version:
I'm working with an ADO.Recordset object and am trying to determine the data type of a column at run-time. I need to handle the column value differently in my code depending on its underlying data type. If the column value is a string, I want to work with the value as-is. If it is a number, I want to treat the number as an packed time and convert it to HH:MM:SS format (i.e. the number 120537 would be converted to the string "12:05:37").
Below is some example code that demonstrates what I want to achieve. However, when I run this code I get a "Type Mismatch" error:
If rsCardEvent(4).Value = Str Then
TimOut = rsCardEvent(4)
TimeOut = Left(TimOut, 2) & ":" & Mid(TimOut, 3, 2) & ":" & Right(TimOut, 2)
End If
Have a look at the Visual Basic 6 function library. There are functions that can help you determine the underlying type of a value.
There are quite a few but you might find these useful:
Based on this article, if rsCardEvent is an ADO recordset, you could check the Type property. Something like this:
Select Case rsCardEvent(4).Type
Case adBSTR, adChar, adVarChar, adWChar, _
adVarWChar, adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar
' It is a string '
Case Else
' It is not a string '
End Select
You can use the IsNumeric function available in VB6.
How about:
If TypeName(rsCardEvent(4).Value) = "String" then
