The HEVC Media Foundation Encoder in Windows will only encode 8-bit video. My GFX NVidia card also supports 10-bit HDR and alpha-mode video encoding, so I decided to create my own IMFTransform to use the NVidia SDK.
I 've registered my DLL using MFTRegister:
{ MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_ARGB32 },
{ MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_RGB32 },
{ MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_RGB32 },
{ MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_RGB10 },
{ MFMediaType_Video, MyFakeFmt },
{ MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_H264 },
{ MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_H265 },
{ MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_HEVC },
// Size of the array.
const DWORD cNumMediaTypesI = ARRAY_SIZE(aMediaTypesIn);
const DWORD cNumMediaTypesO = ARRAY_SIZE(aMediaTypesOut);
hr = MFTRegister(
GUID_NVidiaEncoder, // CLSID.
The MyFakeFmt is a non existing input type to fool the Sink Writer to pick my encoder when calling SetInputMediaType instead of the predefined Microsoft's transform. This works OK.
int wi = 1920;
int he = 1080;
int fps = 30;
int br = 4000;
auto fmt = MFVideoFormat_H264;
bool Our = 1;
const wchar_t* fil = L"r:\\1.mp4";
std::vector<DWORD> frame;
frame.resize(wi * he);
// Test
CComPtr<IMFSinkWriter> wr;
CComPtr<IMFAttributes> attrs;
MFCreateAttributes(&attrs, 0);
auto hr = MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL(fil, 0, attrs, &wr);
DWORD str = (DWORD)-1;
CComPtr<IMFMediaType> mt2;
mt2->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video);
mt2->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, fmt);
MFSetAttributeRatio(mt2, MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, fps, 1);
hr = MFSetAttributeSize(mt2, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE,wi, he);
MFSetAttributeRatio(mt2, MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, 1, 1);
mt2->SetUINT32(MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE, MFVideoInterlace_Progressive);
mt2->SetUINT32(MF_MT_VIDEO_NOMINAL_RANGE, MFNominalRange_Normal);
mt2->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AVG_BITRATE, br*1000);
hr = wr->AddStream(mt2, &str);
CComPtr<IMFMediaType> mt1;
mt1->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video);
mt1->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFVideoFormat_ARGB32);
hr = MFSetAttributeSize(mt1, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, wi, he);
// Force our selection
if (Our)
mt1->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MyFakeFmt);
hr = wr->SetInputMediaType(str, mt1, 0);
mt1->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFVideoFormat_ARGB32);
hr = wr->SetInputMediaType(str, mt1, 0);
hr = wr->BeginWriting();
for(int i = 0 ; i < 15 ; i++)
auto i2 = i % 5;
if (i2 == 0) Frm(frame, wi, he, 0xFFFFFFFF);
if (i2 == 1 || i2 == 4) Frm(frame, wi, he, 0xFF0000FF); // some colors
if (i2 == 2) Frm(frame, wi, he, 0xFFFF00FF); //
if (i2 == 3) Frm(frame, wi, he, 0xFF00FFFF); //
CComPtr<IMFSample> s;
int secs = 1;
hr = s->SetSampleDuration(10 * 1000 * 1000 * secs);
hr = s->SetSampleTime(10 * 1000 * 1000 * i);
CComPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> b;
MFCreateMemoryBuffer((DWORD)(frame.size() * 4), &b);
b->SetCurrentLength((DWORD)(frame.size() * 4));
BYTE* by = 0;
DWORD ml = 0, cl = 0;
b->Lock(&by, &ml, &cl);
memcpy(by,, frame.size() * 4);
hr = s->AddBuffer(b);
b = 0;
hr = wr->WriteSample(str, s);
hr = wr->Finalize();
wr = 0;
The problems start with the call to Finalize to end the writing. At that point, everything seems to work normally. Note that I have tested the NVidia IMFTransform I 've created with input frames and it encodes and outputs them correctly as raw data.
When I call Finalize and the type is MFVideoFormat_H264 , the call succeeds. However the generated mp4 plays weirdly:
For some reason also, MediaInfo shows 1 FPS. Why?
When the output is MFVideoFormat_HEVC, then Finalize fails with `0xc00d4a45 : Sink could not create valid output file because required headers were not provided to the sink.'.
I 've also tried to convert the raw .h264 file I 'm saving with ffmpeg to mp4, and this works. The mp4 generated plays correctly.
Adding a MF_MT_MPEG_SEQUENCE_HEADER didn't help (besides, I think this is only needed for H.264)
const char* bl4 = "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x67\x42\xC0\x28\x95\xB0\x1E\x00\x89\xF9\x70\x16\xC8\x00\x00\x03\x00\x08\x00\x00\x03\x01\xE0\x6D\x04\x42\x37\x00\x00\x00\x01\x68\xCA\x8F\x20";
mt2->SetBlob(MF_MT_MPEG_SEQUENCE_HEADER, (UINT8*)bl4, 39);
What do you make of all that?
I am using ffmpeg as a library (libavcodec, libavformat) in my C++ application to put a raw h264 stream (from a camera) into an mp4 container. Essentially I am trying to mimic the behavior of the following call to the ffmpeg executable: ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i camera.h264 -c copy -f mp4 -movflags frag_keyframe+empty_moov -
The code below works more or less and there are no warnings or errors from libavformat/libavcodec printed to stderr. It seems to create an acceptable mp4 file, however all players fail to show it. VLC shows the first frame or so a bit distorted and then stops, other players complain, that the file has an invalid format. File size from ffmpeg and my code slightly differ.
I create the input stream like this (every call is checked in the real code but for simplicity I removed the error handling):
_io_buffer_size = getpagesize();
_io_buffer = std::shared_ptr<unsigned char>((unsigned char *) av_malloc(_io_buffer_size), [](unsigned char *ptr) { av_free(ptr); });
_io_context = std::shared_ptr<AVIOContext>(
avio_alloc_context(_io_buffer.get(), _io_buffer_size, 0, this, H264Stream::on_read_buffer, nullptr, nullptr),
[](AVIOContext *ctx) { av_free(ctx); }
_format_context = std::shared_ptr<AVFormatContext>(
[](AVFormatContext *ctx) { avformat_free_context(ctx); }
const auto h264_input_format = av_find_input_format("h264");
_format_context->pb = _io_context.get();
std::stringstream fps_stream;
std::stringstream size_stream;
fps_stream << fps;
size_stream << width << "x" << height;
AVDictionary *input_options = nullptr;
av_dict_set(&input_options, "framerate", fps_stream.str().c_str(), 0);
av_dict_set(&input_options, "r", fps_stream.str().c_str(), 0);
av_dict_set(&input_options, "s", size_stream.str().c_str(), 0);
auto formatPtr = _format_context.get();
auto res = avformat_open_input(&formatPtr, "(memory file)", h264_input_format, &input_options);
AVCodec* decoder = nullptr;
res = av_find_best_stream(formatPtr, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, 0, -1, &decoder, 0);
And the output format context is created like this:
_io_buffer_size = getpagesize();
_io_buffer = std::shared_ptr<unsigned char>((unsigned char *) av_malloc(_io_buffer_size), [](unsigned char *ptr) { av_free(ptr); });
_io_context = std::shared_ptr<AVIOContext>(
avio_alloc_context(_io_buffer.get(), _io_buffer_size, 1, this, nullptr, H264Conversion::on_write_data, nullptr),
[](AVIOContext *ctx) { av_free(ctx); }
auto output_format = av_guess_format(output_extension.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr);
AVFormatContext* format_context = nullptr;
const auto rc = avformat_alloc_output_context2(&format_context, output_format, nullptr, nullptr);
const auto codec = avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
log->info("Output format: {}", codec->name);
auto video_stream = avformat_new_stream(format_context, codec);
video_stream->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
video_stream->codecpar->width = _stream->width();
video_stream->codecpar->height = _stream->height();
video_stream->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_H264;
AVStream** streams = new AVStream*[1];
streams[0] = video_stream;
format_context->nb_streams = 1;
format_context->streams = streams;
_format_context = std::shared_ptr<AVFormatContext>(format_context, [](AVFormatContext* ctx) { avformat_free_context(ctx); });
_format_context->pb = _io_context.get();
_converter_thread = std::thread{[=]() { process_conversion(); }};
The method process_conversion essentially performs a read packet -> write packet loop that looks like this:
AVDictionary* dict = nullptr;
av_dict_set(&dict, "movflags", "frag_keyframe+empty_moov", 0);
av_dict_set(&dict, "r", "30", 0);
av_dict_set(&dict, "framerate", "30", 0);
auto rc = avformat_write_header(_format_context.get(), &dict);
auto did_complete_regularly = false;
std::shared_ptr<AVPacket> packet = std::shared_ptr<AVPacket>(av_packet_alloc(), [](AVPacket *packet) { av_packet_free(&packet); });
while(_is_running) {
if (!_stream->read_next_packet(*packet.get())) {
did_complete_regularly = true;
av_write_frame(_format_context.get(), packet.get());
if(did_complete_regularly) {
I'm developing an application which needs to transform NV12 frames from h264_cuvid decoder to RGB in order to modify those frames. I checked this question but I don't not the 'Stride' value.
My code is the following:
uint8_t *inData[2] = { videoFrame->data[0], videoFrame->data[0] + videoFrame->width * videoFrame->height };
int inLinesize[2] = { videoFrame->width, videoFrame->width };
sws_scale(convert_yuv_to_rgb, inData, inLinesize, 0, videoFrame->height, aux_frame->data, aux_frame->linesize);
But it does not work. Although the problem is on colours because I can see the luminance plane correctly.
I ended up using a video filter based on this example.
char args[512];
int ret;
AVFilter *buffersrc = avfilter_get_by_name("buffer");
AVFilter *buffersink = avfilter_get_by_name("buffersink");
AVFilterInOut *outputs = avfilter_inout_alloc();
AVFilterInOut *inputs = avfilter_inout_alloc();
AVFilterGraph *filter_graph = avfilter_graph_alloc();
AVBufferSinkParams *buffersink_params;
enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmts[] = { AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE };
/* buffer video source: the decoded frames from the decoder will be inserted here. */
snprintf(args, sizeof(args),
inStream.width, inStream.height, inStream.pix_fmt,
inStream.time_base.num, inStream.time_base.den,
inStream.sample_aspect_ratio.num, inStream.sample_aspect_ratio.den);
ret = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&buffersrc_ctx_to_rgb_, buffersrc, "in", args, NULL, filter_graph);
if (ret < 0) {
throw SVSException(QString("Could not create filter graph, error: %1").arg(svsAvErrorToFormattedString(ret)));
/* buffer video sink: to terminate the filter chain. */
buffersink_params = av_buffersink_params_alloc();
buffersink_params->pixel_fmts = pix_fmts;
ret = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&buffersink_ctx_to_rgb_, buffersink, "out", NULL, buffersink_params, filter_graph);
if (ret < 0) {
throw SVSException(QString("Cannot create buffer sink, error: %1").arg(svsAvErrorToFormattedString(ret)));
/* Endpoints for the filter graph. */
outputs -> name = av_strdup("in");
outputs -> filter_ctx = buffersrc_ctx_to_rgb_;
outputs -> pad_idx = 0;
outputs -> next = NULL;
/* Endpoints for the filter graph. */
inputs -> name = av_strdup("out");
inputs -> filter_ctx = buffersink_ctx_to_rgb_;
inputs -> pad_idx = 0;
inputs -> next = NULL;
QString filter_description = "format=pix_fmts=rgb32";
if ((ret = avfilter_graph_parse_ptr(filter_graph, filter_description.toStdString().c_str(), &inputs, &outputs, NULL)) < 0) {
svsCritical("", QString("Could not add the filter to graph, error: %1").arg(svsAvErrorToFormattedString(ret)))
if ((ret = avfilter_graph_config(filter_graph, NULL)) < 0) {
svsCritical("", QString("Could not configure the graph, error: %1").arg(svsAvErrorToFormattedString(ret)))
I created another one to convert from RGB to YUV420P before encoding in a similar way.
i am able to convert image from AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P to jpeg format (below Code) but the resultant image having green shade on complete bottom half plz suggest where i am doing wrong.
Following step i have taken
Initially i have AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422 image from camera, i have convert it in AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P format and able to see this image on the parameters shown by website is size 2448X2050, Bpp1= 8,Bpp2 = 8 and Bpp3 = 8,alignment 1, SubSampling H =2, and SubSampling V = 1, format: YUV422P
so input image is Correct AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P format. & also able to see on "YUV image viewer Software" using YUV422 format.
Now i am trying to convert it in jpeg format using below Code and attached is the resultant Image having green shade on complete bottom half.
AVFormatContext* pFormatCtx;
AVOutputFormat* fmt;
AVStream* video_st;
AVCodecContext* pCodecCtx;
AVCodec* pCodec;
uint8_t* picture_buf;
AVFrame* picture;
AVPacket pkt;
int y_size;
int size;
int got_picture=0;
int ret=0;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
FILE *in_file = NULL;
unsigned int in_width = 2448;
unsigned int in_height = 2050;
const char* out_file = "encoded_pic.jpg";
in_file = fopen("c:\\test_Planar.yuv","rb");
if(in_file == NULL) { printf("\n\tFile Opening error...!!"); exit(1); }
else printf("\n\tYUV File Open Sucessfully...!!\n\n");
av_register_all(); // Loads the whole database of available codecs and formats.
pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
fmt = NULL;
fmt = av_guess_format("mjpeg",NULL,NULL);
pFormatCtx->oformat = fmt;
//------Output URL-------------------------
if (avio_open(&pFormatCtx->pb,out_file, AVIO_FLAG_READ_WRITE) < 0)
printf("Couldn't open output file.");
return -1;
video_st = avformat_new_stream(pFormatCtx, 0);
if (video_st==NULL) return -1;
pCodecCtx = video_st->codec;
pCodecCtx->codec_id = fmt->video_codec;
pCodecCtx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
pCodecCtx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P;
//--------------------------MY SOURCE PIXEL FORMAT--------------
pCodecCtx->width = in_width;
pCodecCtx->height = in_height;
pCodecCtx->time_base.num = 1;
pCodecCtx->time_base.den = 1;//25;
//Output some information
av_dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, out_file, 1);
// Determine if desired video encoder is installed
pCodec = avcodec_find_encoder(pCodecCtx->codec_id);
if (!pCodec)
printf("Codec not found.");
return -1;
printf("\nCodec Identified done\n");
if (avcodec_open2(pCodecCtx, pCodec,NULL) < 0){
printf("Could not open codec.\n");
return -1;
picture = av_frame_alloc();
size = avpicture_get_size(pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height);
picture_buf = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(size);
if (!picture_buf) return -1;
avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)picture, picture_buf, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height);
printf("\t\nWrite Header..");
y_size = pCodecCtx->width * pCodecCtx->height;
//Read YUV
if (fread(picture_buf, 1, y_size*3/2, in_file) <=0)
printf("Could not read input file.");
return -1;
//--------------------------------------------input image format UYVY
picture->data[0] = picture_buf; // Y
picture->data[1] = picture_buf+ y_size; // U
picture->data[2] = picture_buf+ y_size*5/4; // V
printf("\t\n Encode the image..\n");
ret = avcodec_encode_video2(pCodecCtx, &pkt,picture, &got_picture);
if(ret < 0)
printf("Encode Error.\n");
return -1;
if (got_picture==1)
pkt.stream_index = video_st->index;
ret = av_write_frame(pFormatCtx, &pkt);
//Write Trailer
printf("Encode Successful.\n");
if (video_st)
printf("\n\tYUV File Close Sucessfully...!!");
Resultant output jpeg encoded image from yuvj422p image having green shade
Changing the input Pixel format from AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P to AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P resolve the issue.
I'm trying to record audio in a wav format on windows. However the recorded bytes are always equal to zero. Am I misinterpreting somethings from the windows API?
void RecordSound(void)
static int ChannelOn = 0;
int err;
int fp;
static WAVEFORMATEX fmt;
static WAVEHDR hdr;
HWAVEIN hwi = 1;
fmt.nSamplesPerSec = 44100;
fmt.wBitsPerSample = 16;
fmt.wFormatTag= WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
fmt.nChannels= 2;
fmt.nBlockAlign = fmt.wBitsPerSample*fmt.nChannels/8;
fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec= fmt.nSamplesPerSec*fmt.nBlockAlign;
hdr.lpData = (LPSTR)buf;
hdr.dwBufferLength = BUF_SIZE;
if(!ChannelOn) {
err = waveInOpen(&hwi, 0, &fmt, 0, 0, 0);
printf("\nerr = %x\n", err);
if(!err) {
waveInAddBuffer(hwi, &hdr, 0);
puts("Record channel on\n");
ChannelOn = 1;
} else {
puts("Record channel off\n");
ChannelOn = 0;
puts("Writing wav to test.wav");
fp = open("test.wav" , "w");
write(fp, &fmt, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
write(fp, &buf, hdr.dwBytesRecorded);
memset(&hdr, 0 , sizeof(WAVEHDR));
memset(&fmt, 0 , sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
I'm trying to pass bitmap from ffmpeg to android.
It already works but it's displaying picture right on surface passed from java to native code.
How can i get frame buffer bitmap data to pass it to java?
I've tried to save out_frame buffer data:
unsigned char bmpFileHeader[14] = {'B', 'M', 0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 54, 0,0,0};
unsigned char bmpInfoHeader[40] = {40,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0, 24,0};
unsigned char bmpPad[3] = {0, 0, 0};
void saveBuffer(int fileIndex, int width, int height, unsigned char *buffer, int buffer_size) {
unsigned char filename[1024];
sprintf(filename, "/storage/sdcard0/3d_player_%d.bmp", fileIndex);
LOGI(10, "saving ffmpeg bitmap file: %d to %s", fileIndex, filename);
FILE *bitmapFile = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!bitmapFile) {
LOGE(10, "failed to create ffmpeg bitmap file");
unsigned char filesize = 54 + 3 * width * height; // 3 = (r,g,b)
bmpFileHeader[2] = (unsigned char)(filesize);
bmpFileHeader[3] = (unsigned char)(filesize >> 8);
bmpFileHeader[4] = (unsigned char)(filesize >> 16);
bmpFileHeader[5] = (unsigned char)(filesize >> 24);
bmpInfoHeader[4] = (unsigned char)(width);
bmpInfoHeader[5] = (unsigned char)(width >> 8);
bmpInfoHeader[6] = (unsigned char)(width >> 16);
bmpInfoHeader[7] = (unsigned char)(width >> 24);
bmpInfoHeader[8] = (unsigned char)(height);
bmpInfoHeader[9] = (unsigned char)(height >> 8);
bmpInfoHeader[10] = (unsigned char)(height >> 16);
bmpInfoHeader[11] = (unsigned char)(height >> 24);
fwrite(bmpFileHeader, 1, 14, bitmapFile);
fwrite(bmpInfoHeader, 1, 40, bitmapFile);
int i;
for (i=0; i<height; i++) {
fwrite(buffer + width * (height - 1) * 3, 3, width, bitmapFile);
fwrite(bmpPad, 1, (4-(width * 3) % 4) % 4, bitmapFile);
int player_decode_video(struct DecoderData * decoder_data, JNIEnv * env,
struct PacketData *packet_data) {
int got_frame_ptr;
struct Player *player = decoder_data->player;
int stream_no = decoder_data->stream_no;
AVCodecContext * ctx = player->input_codec_ctxs[stream_no];
AVFrame * frame = player->input_frames[stream_no];
AVStream * stream = player->input_streams[stream_no];
int interrupt_ret;
int to_write;
int err = 0;
AVFrame *rgb_frame = player->rgb_frame;
ANativeWindow_Buffer buffer;
ANativeWindow * window;
struct timespec timespec1, timespec2, diff;
#endif // MEASURE_TIME
LOGI(10, "player_decode_video decoding");
int frameFinished;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, ×pec1);
#endif // MEASURE_TIME
int ret = avcodec_decode_video2(ctx, frame, &frameFinished,
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, ×pec2);
diff = timespec_diff(timespec1, timespec2);
LOGI(3, "decode_video timediff: %d.%9ld", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_nsec);
#endif // MEASURE_TIME
if (ret < 0) {
LOGE(1, "player_decode_video Fail decoding video %d\n", ret);
if (!frameFinished) {
LOGI(10, "player_decode_video Video frame not finished\n");
return 0;
// saving in buffer converted video frame
LOGI(7, "player_decode_video copy wait");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, ×pec1);
#endif // MEASURE_TIME
window = player->window;
if (window == NULL) {
goto skip_frame;
ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(window, ctx->width, ctx->height,
if (ANativeWindow_lock(window, &buffer, NULL) != 0) {
goto skip_frame;
int format = buffer.format;
if (format < 0) {
LOGE(1, "Could not get window format")
enum PixelFormat out_format;
if (format == WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBA_8888) {
out_format = PIX_FMT_RGBA;
LOGI(6, "Format: WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBA_8888");
} else if (format == WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBX_8888) {
out_format = PIX_FMT_RGB0;
LOGE(1, "Format: WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 (not supported)");
} else if (format == WINDOW_FORMAT_RGB_565) {
out_format = PIX_FMT_RGB565;
LOGE(1, "Format: WINDOW_FORMAT_RGB_565 (not supported)");
} else {
LOGE(1, "Unknown window format");
avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) rgb_frame, buffer.bits, out_format,
buffer.width, buffer.height);
rgb_frame->data[0] = buffer.bits;
if (format == WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBA_8888) {
rgb_frame->linesize[0] = buffer.stride * 4;
} else {
LOGE(1, "Unknown window format");
"Buffer: width: %d, height: %d, stride: %d",
buffer.width, buffer.height, buffer.stride);
int i = 0;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, ×pec2);
diff = timespec_diff(timespec1, timespec2);
"lockPixels and fillimage timediff: %d.%9ld", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_nsec);
#endif // MEASURE_TIME
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, ×pec1);
#endif // MEASURE_TIME
LOGI(7, "player_decode_video copying...");
AVFrame * out_frame;
int rescale;
if (ctx->width == buffer.width && ctx->height == buffer.height) {
// This always should be true
out_frame = rgb_frame;
rescale = FALSE;
} else {
out_frame = player->tmp_frame2;
rescale = TRUE;
if (ctx->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUV420P) {
__I420ToARGB(frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0], frame->data[2],
frame->linesize[2], frame->data[1], frame->linesize[1],
out_frame->data[0], out_frame->linesize[0], ctx->width,
} else if (ctx->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_NV12) {
__NV21ToARGB(frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0], frame->data[1],
frame->linesize[1], out_frame->data[0], out_frame->linesize[0],
ctx->width, ctx->height);
} else {
LOGI(3, "Using slow conversion: %d ", ctx->pix_fmt);
struct SwsContext *sws_context = player->sws_context;
sws_context = sws_getCachedContext(sws_context, ctx->width, ctx->height,
ctx->pix_fmt, ctx->width, ctx->height, out_format,
player->sws_context = sws_context;
if (sws_context == NULL) {
LOGE(1, "could not initialize conversion context from: %d"
", to :%d\n", ctx->pix_fmt, out_format);
// TODO some error
sws_scale(sws_context, (const uint8_t * const *) frame->data,
frame->linesize, 0, ctx->height, out_frame->data,
if (rescale) {
// Never occurs
__ARGBScale(out_frame->data[0], out_frame->linesize[0], ctx->width,
ctx->height, rgb_frame->data[0], rgb_frame->linesize[0],
buffer.width, buffer.height, __kFilterNone);
out_frame = rgb_frame;
// TODO: (4ntoine) frame decoded and rescaled, ready to call callback with frame picture from buffer
int bufferSize = buffer.width * buffer.height * 3; // 3 = (r,g,b);
static int bitmapCounter = 0;
if (bitmapCounter < 10) {
saveBuffer(bitmapCounter++, buffer.width, buffer.height, (unsigned char *)out_frame->data, bufferSize);
but out_frame is empty and file has header and 0x00 bytes body.
How to get picture buffer data in ffmpeg?
Solved, in short: you should take buffer from ANativeWindow_Buffer - buffer.bits. Pay attention buffer is (rgba) but BMP is usually (rgb) - 3 bytes. To save it as BMP one need to add BMP header and save lines with padding.