found ValueObject on KEY position in Map property 'MapType{ baseType: 'java.util.Map<javax.xml.namespace.QName, java.lang.String>' }'. Please change the key class mapping to Value or Entity
I assume, I need to register a mapper, not sure however how to do it?
I am trying to map a json object to a Spring boot model class now the contract says for a property it have only a certain set of allowed values(not more than 3).
Suppose that json has field "name" and the contract says allowed values for field "name" are john,todd,phil
Anything other than john,todd,phil wont be accepted.
Is there any way to achive this constraint using any annotations
You can use following solutions
Solution 1:
Using #Pattern annotation with regex , if you want to use case insensitive use appropriate flags
#Pattern(regexp = "john|todd|phil", flags = Pattern.Flag.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
Solution 2:
By creating a enum class type with allowed values
public enum {
In your model class use #Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) on name filed
I wrote the following object type class.
public class ResponseType<T> : ObjectType<ResponseEntry<T>>
protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<ResponseEntry<T>> descriptor)
I want to use it like this as the outermost type in the resolver definition.
descriptor.Field<SharedResolvers>(r => r.GetObject1(default, default, default, default))
descriptor.Field<SharedResolvers>(r => r.GetObject2(default, default, default, default))
This code works if I only implement object1 however as soon as I add object2 I get the following error.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: 'The given key 'HotChocolate.Configuration.RegisteredType' was not present in the dictionary.'
It seems as though there may be some issue with declaring two resolvers of the same class type. Is that the case? And if so, what are my options?
I was able to resolve the issue by setting the descriptor.Name to a unique value based on T.
Then I realized my real issue was that I was defining the name at all. If you don't override the name it automatically comes up with a unique name/key based on the type definition.
I am working on Spring JPA. As part of it, I have to update an entity ignoring few attributes. The following code is in effort to implement the update operation.
public void updateDMove(DTCRto jsonRto){
//copyProperties(Object source, Object target, String[] ignoreProperties)
DMove dMoveDB = dMoveRepo.findDMove(jsonRto.getLn(), jsonRto.getDriver(), jsonRto.getType());
DMove dMoveRto = jsonRto.convertToDMove(jsonRto);
BeanUtils.copyProperties(dMoveRto,drayMoveDB, new String[] {"moveId", "created","lastchange","locations","status"});
DMove : Model class which needs to be updated.
dMoveRepo : respective repository class.
dMoveRto : incoming object.
dMoveDb : object existing in the database.
moveId : is the PK in the DMove class.
Can anyone suggest me what is the way to implement the update operation in Spring JPA ?
detached entity passed to persist means that hibernate doesn't recognize the entity you passed to update, because dMoveDB isn't a persistent object, you lost that when you used this line BeanUtils.copyProperties(dMoveRto,drayMoveDB, new String[] {"moveId", "created","lastchange","locations","status"});
I suggest you remove the moveId so the entity you try to update keeps its orginal primary key and remains as a persistent object.
One last thing, you have to make sure that the object you get from dMoveRepo.findDMove(...) isn't null
I have a viewmodel with a property of type int?.
If the send value is an integer or is empty it works fine. When the value is a string an exception is thrown 'Could not convert string to integer'
Would it be possible to change the behavior of the binding that instead of throwing a error it would bind the null value ?
I've created a modelbinder class for typeof(int?), but the ModeBind function doesn't get called. I guess the validation happening before the model binding.
Any ideas ?
When you say you have a view model are you referring to the parameter that is being passed to your action method? E.g.
public Foo Bar(MyViewModel vm)
If so then your modelbinder should be of type MyViewModel. You can additionally use a ValueProvider to extract an int from a random string to override the default value provider functionality.
if (settings.Contains("myDetailsObject"))
settings["myDetailsObject"] = myDetails;
settings.Add("myDetailsObject", myDetails);
Tried doing the below, however it gave me error. those save values are in strings and is a custom object. tried even saving an integer instead and is still not working
Type 'SharedLibary.Object.MyDetailsObject' cannot be serialized. Consider marking it with the DataContractAttribute attribute, and marking all of its members you want serialized with the DataMemberAttribute attribute.
Add the attribute [DataMember] on all properties that you want to serialize in your MyDetailsObject class.
Mark class with [DataContractAttribute] attribute and all members that you want to serialize with [DataMemberAttribute]. Note, that marked properties must be public.
Also, don't forget to add reference to System.Runtime.Serialization