How to render a markdown on Haykll index.html default example - hakyll

After hakyll-init, it creates an example template.
This is pretty much base on index.html file
title: Home
<img src="/images/haskell-logo.png" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" />
<p>Welcome to my blog!</p>
<p>I've reproduced a list of recent posts here for your reading pleasure:</p>
<p>…or you can find more in the archives.</p>
I just wonder what if I want to show a whole markdown file after Hello? After the <h2>Hello</h2>, can I show the article from a markdown file.
I tried to add $body$ in there, but the body embed another index.html inside this index.html
How to replace this $body$ and let it show article from markdown file?
The default match "index.html" only apply templates/default.html. Is it possible apply it to templates/post.html, so it will allow the $body$ to show markdown article.
match "index.html" $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "posts/*"
let indexCtx =
listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend`
>>= applyAsTemplate indexCtx
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
>>= relativizeUrls


Specifying parameters in yml file for Quarto

I am creating a quarto book project in RStudio to render an html document.
I need to specify some parameters in the yml file but the qmd file returns
"object 'params' not found". Using knitR.
I use the default yml file where I have added params under the book tag
type: book
title: "Params_TEst"
author: "Jane Doe"
date: "15/07/2022"
pcn: 0.1
- index.qmd
- intro.qmd
- summary.qmd
- references.qmd
bibliography: references.bib
theme: cosmo
documentclass: scrreprt
editor: visual
and the qmd file looks like this
# Preface {.unnumbered}
This is a Quarto book.
To learn more about Quarto books visit <>.
1 + 1
When I render the book, or preview the book in Rstudio the error I receive is:
Quitting from lines 8-10 (index.qmd)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'params' not found
Calls: .main ... withVisible -> eval_with_user_handlers -> eval -> eval
I have experimented placing the params line in the yml in different places but nothing works so far.
Could anybody help?
For multi-page renders, e.g. quarto books, you need to add the YAML to each page, not in the _quarto.yml file
So in your case, each of the chapters that calls a parameter needs a YAML header, like index.qmd, intro.qmd, and summary.qmd, but perhaps not references.qmd.
The YAML header should look just like it does in a standard Rmd. So for example, your index.qmd would look like this:
pcn: 0.1
# Preface {.unnumbered}
This is a Quarto book.
To learn more about Quarto books visit <>.
1 + 1
But, what if you need to change the parameter and re-render?
Then simply pass new parameters to the quarto_render function
quarto::quarto_render(input = here::here("quarto"), #expecting a dir to render
output_format = "html", #output dir is set in _quarto.yml
cache_refresh = TRUE,
execute_params = list(pcn = 0.2))
For now, this only seems to work if you add the parameters to each individual page front-matter YAML.
If you have a large number of pages and need to keep parameters centralized, a workaround is to run a preprocessing script that replaces the parameters in all pages. To add a preprocessing script, add the key pre-render to your _quarto.yml file. The Quarto website has detailed instructions.
For example, if you have N pages named index<N>.qmd, you could have a placeholder in the YML of each page:
title: This is chapter N
Your pre-render script could replace yourparamplaceholder with the desired parameters. Here's an example Python script:
for filename in os.listdir(dir):
if filename.endswith(".qmd"):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
txt =
f.replace('yourparamplaceholder', 'params:\n\tpcn: 0.1\n\tother:20\n')
with open(filename, "w") as ff:
I agree with you that being able to set parameters centrally would be a good idea.

Is it possible to reuse hyperlink defined in another file in restructuredtext (or sphinx)

Suppose I have two files a.rst and b.rst in the same folder, and a.rst looks like this
.. _foo:
`foo`_ is a website
It seems using foo in b.rst is not allowed. Is there a way to define hyperlinks and use them in multiple files?
I used the extlinks extension as Steve Piercy suggested. Its implementation and docstring can be seen here on github.
In my case, I define wikipedia link in my
extlinks = {'wiki': ('', '')}
and in the .rst files, use them like
:wiki:`Einstein <Albert_Einstein>`
where Einstein will be displayed as a link to
There are at least four possible solutions.
1. repeat yourself
Put your complete reST in each file. You probably don't want that.
2. combined rst_epilog and substitution
This one is clever. Configure the rst_epilog value, in your along with a substition with the replace directive:
rst_epilog = """
.. |foo| replace:: foo
.. _foo:
and reST:
|foo|_ is a website
<a class="reference external" href="">foo</a>
3. extlinks
For links to external websites where you want to have a base URL and append path segments or arguments, you can use extlinks in your
extensions = [
extlinks = {'so': ('', None)}
Then in your reST:
<a class="reference external"
4. intersphinx
For external websites that are documentation generated by Sphinx, then you can use intersphinx, in your
extensions = [
intersphinx_mapping = {
'python': ('', None),
Then in your reST:
<a class="reference external"
title="(in Python v3.6)">
<code class="xref py py-mod docutils literal">
<span class="pre">doctest</span>
This might come a bit late but I have found a solution that works very neatly for me and it is not among the answers already given.
In my case, I create a file with all the links used in my project, save it as /include/links.rst, and looking something like:
.. _PEP8:
.. _numpydoc:
.. _googledoc:
Then there are the files a.rst and b.rst looking like:
.. include:: /include/links.rst
File A.rst
Click `here <PEP8_>`_ to see the PEP8 coding style
Alternatively, visit either:
- `Numpy Style <numpydoc_>`_
- `Google Style <googledoc_>`_
.. include:: /include/links.rst
File B.rst
You can visit `Python's PEP8 Style Guide <PEP8_>`_
For docstrings, you can use either `Numpy's <numpydoc_>`_ or `Google's <googledoc_>`_
The produced output for both cases is:
Moreover, I would like to emphasize the fact of which I was actually really struggling to achieve, to use different names (displayed text) for the same link at different locations and which I have achieved with the double _, one inside the <..._> and another outside.
This is another solution: it is a bit hacky and a little bit different respect to the officially supported way to share external links.
First complete the Setup then:
in add the commonlinks entry in extensions
in configure the map of common links:
For example:
extensions = [
commonlinks = {
'issues': '',
'github': ''
Then in .rst files you can do these:
The :github:`_url_` url is aliased to :github:`GitHub` and also to :github:`this`
All that is needed is to copy into sphinx/ext directory the file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extension to save typing and prevent hard-coding of common URLs in the reST
This adds a new config value called ``commonlinks`` that is created like this::
commonlinks = {'exmpl': '', ...}
Now you can use e.g. :exmpl:`foo` in your documents. This will create a
link to ````. The link caption depends on the
role content:
- If it is ``_url_``, the caption will be the full URL.
- If it is a string, the caption will be the role content.
from six import iteritems
from docutils import nodes, utils
import sphinx
from sphinx.util.nodes import split_explicit_title
def make_link_role(base_url):
def role(typ, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
text = utils.unescape(text)
if text == '_url_':
title = base_url
title = text
pnode = nodes.reference(title, title, internal=False, refuri=base_url)
return [pnode], []
return role
def setup_link_roles(app):
for name, base_url in iteritems(app.config.commonlinks):
app.add_role(name, make_link_role(base_url))
def setup(app):
app.add_config_value('commonlinks', {}, 'env')
app.connect('builder-inited', setup_link_roles)
return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}
To locate the sphinx installation directory one way is:
$ python 3
> import sphinx
> sphinx
<module 'sphinx' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/sphinx/'>
% cp /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/sphinx/ext

Removing the view source link when using Read The Docs & Sphinx with ReadTheDocs Theme

Is there any way to remove the "View page source" link from a sphinx generated read the docs theme page?
There is a similar question here and it recommends finding the breadcrumbs file, but I can't find one
In your file, try setting the variable html_show_sourcelink to False,
html_show_sourcelink = False
If it does not exist, just create it. Then, compile again the project,
$ make html
Don't be fooled by the configuration. You can see the source code.
In fact, from the HTML theming support of Sphinx, it introduced that the structure of a theme should look like this.
inherit = base theme
stylesheet = main CSS name
pygments_style = stylename
sidebars = localtoc.html, relations.html, sourcelink.html, searchbox.html
here is site-packages/sphinx_rtd_theme/theme.conf
inherit = basic
stylesheet = css/theme.css
pygments_style = default
So we know that its sidebars completely inherited from basic.
What is basic? One of the themes of the sphinx.
site-packages/sphinx/theme/ {basic, nature...}
The contents of site-packages/sphinx/themes/basic/sourcelink.html
{%- if show_source and has_source and sourcename %}
<div role="note" aria-label="source link">
<h3>{{ _('This Page') }}</h3>
<ul class="this-page-menu">
<li><a href="{{ pathto('_sources/' + sourcename, true)|e }}"
rel="nofollow">{{ _('Show Source') }}</a></li>
{%- endif %}
(If you are confused with this format, please reference here: jinja))
And then, we know that show if and only if the show_source, has_source, sourcename all the True.
What is show_source, has_source, sourcename ?
If your format is HTML, then it's coming from: StandaloneHTMLBuilder
Among them, he created a variable globalcontext, see below:
class StandaloneHTMLBuilder(Builder):
def prepare_writing(...):
self.globalcontext = {
'has_source': self.config.html_copy_source,
'show_source': self.config.html_show_sourcelink,
def get_doc_context(...):
# the name for the copied source
if self.config.html_copy_source:
sourcename = docname + source_suffix
if source_suffix != self.config.html_sourcelink_suffix:
sourcename += self.config.html_sourcelink_suffix
sourcename = ''
Click the link if you want to see the full code
Now, I think you already get it.
has_source is html_copy_source
show_source is html_show_sourcelink
and sourcename = ... if html_copy_source else ''
So, the close way has two, both ok.
html_copy_source = False (since has_source + html_copy_source)
html_show_sourcelink = False (since show_source + htm_show_sourcelink )
(or 3. both eq False ...)
It doesn't work in my side with #lucasrodesg's answer, my Sphinx vertion is 1.8.2, I just removed 'sphinx.ext.viewcode' of extensions variable in the and worked. Just like in the following code, uncomment the last line.
extensions = [
# 'sphinx.ext.viewcode',]

Pandoc: Using stylesheet causes unwanted numbers in generated table of contents

When I create an ePub file with pandoc for export to Kindle MOBI
format, naming a style sheet on the command line causes each chapter in the table of contents to be preceded by a number. Given files and with h1 headers Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, the generated TOC looks like this,
but only if you include a style sheet using --epub-stylesheet:
1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
Command line that causes the problem:
$ pandoc --table-of-contents --epub-stylesheet=epub.css *.md title.yaml -o foo.epub
If I do the same thing without specifying a style sheet, it doesn't happen:
$ pandoc --table-of-contents *.md title.yaml -o foo.epub
The generated table of contents then looks like this, which is what I want:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
It doesn't matter what the contents of the style sheet are. It happens even when it is completely empty.
Contents of file
# Chapter 1
hello, world.
Contents of file
# Chapter 2
Oh, I love Chapter 2!
Contents of file epub.css:
/* Empty */
Contents of file title.yaml:
title: 'My book'
author: 'Author name'
rights: © 2017 by Author
lang: en-US
By using --epub-stylesheet you provide your own CSS stylesheet instead of the default one. You'll have to copy the styles you want to keep fron the pandoc's default epub.css, namely:
ol.toc { padding: 0; margin-left: 1em; }
ol.toc li { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }

Shopify Theme with Compass and Sass

Does anyone have a workflow for developing Shopify themes with Compass and Sass? I am really close, I just need to figure out how to not make Sass barf on the CSS liquid tags.
Here's what I've got:
A sass/compass project in directory (ex:, "/newwebsite/)
A subdirectory containing my Shopify theme ("/newwebsite/newwebsite-theme/")
A Compass config.rb that points the css,_dir images_dir and javascripts_dir all to the them's assets folder ("/newwebsite/newwebsite-theme/assets/")
Compass watch on
shopify_theme gem also watch on, uploading theme files to shopify (
EDIT Sass interpolations (see anser below)
EDIT Compass callback to rename to .css.liquid
The problem: Compass barf's when you need to use Shopify's liquid templating tags, for example, a background image - example, background: url( "{{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}")
Does anyone know how to instruct Compass / Sass to spit out the liquid template tags as they are into the CSS? If I have that, then I have a solid workflow of editing Sass locally, and realizing the changes momentarily after on the shopify shop.
By using Hopper's answer below for the liquid tags in Sass, and renaming the Compass output .css file to .css.liquid, I now have an instantaneous workflow for designing a Shopify theme with Compass and Sass!
Here is the code for the Compass callback that goes in the config.rb:
on_stylesheet_saved do |filename|
s = filename + ".liquid"
puts "copying to: " + s
FileUtils.cp(filename, s)
puts "removing: " + filename
I'm not familiar with Shopify or liquid tags, but I do know that in SASS you can use interpolations to output plain CSS as-is. For example, the SASS here:
.test {
background: url( #{'{{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}'} )
Would be compiled to:
.test {
background: url({{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}); }
Does that get you close to what you're looking for?
How do you keep Compass from barfing on liquid logic between properties? E.g. any time there's a liquid if statement I get errors, and using #{'...'} doesn't seem to help.
This is a test I can't get to work:
#container {
margin:0px auto;
padding:0 40px;
{% if settings.page_bg_transparent %}
{% else %}
background:{{ settings.page_bg_color }};
{% endif %}
UPDATE weirdly, commenting liquid logic works:
#container {
margin:0px auto;
padding:0 40px;
/* {% if settings.page_bg_transparent %} */
/* {% else %} */
background:#{'{{ settings.page_bg_color }}'};
/* {% endif %} */
For asset url you can also use SCSS custom functions.
Put this in your config.rb file
module Sass::Script::Functions
def shopify_image_url(string)
assert_type string, :String"url({{'#{string.value}' | asset_url}})")
And then use it in your styles.scss like this
background: shopify_image_url('image.png');
I found it useful to remove the original output file after save so you don't have that extra, non liquid file floating in the assets dir.
on_stylesheet_saved do |filename|
s = filename + ".liquid"
puts "copying to: " + s
FileUtils.cp(filename, s)
puts "removing: " + filename
Building on hopper's answer, for anyone using autoprefixer to process sass output, you would need to add an additional pair of quotes because url( {{ ... }} ) causes autoprefixer's parser to choke.
Do this:
background: url( "#{'{{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}'}" )
Which becomes this in the *.css.liquid file :
background: url( '{{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}' )
If you wish to preserve the ".scss.liquid" extension for the new responsive checkout use:
on_stylesheet_saved do |filename| filename, "#{File.dirname(filename)}/#{File.basename(filename,'.*')}.scss.liquid"
It renames the files instead of copying and then removing.
I wrote an article describing the methods I used to get Compass and Sass working well with Shopify. This is the same approach of DOMUSNETWORK's answer. I go into a little more detail on file structure.
This worked for me, partially - however I found that the Shopify Theme app a lot of times didn't want to upload my edited .css.liquid file, because apparently it didn't recognize that the file had been edited.
What solved it for me was to use the following code in my config.rb, instead of the code in the question above:
on_stylesheet_saved do |filename|
move_to = filename + ".liquid"
puts "Moving from #{filename} to #{move_to}", move_to)
Shameless plug...
I think #nick is on the right track.
scss is better when it's compiled before sending to Shopify.
For others who find this answer, I think Quickshot is the tool you are looking for.
You will still need to interpolate for asset urls, but quickshot will automatically recompile your scss and upload the result to shopify in one step. Which also gives you the ability to use #include in your scss files.
