UnknownHostException when trying to connect using websocket - websocket

I have a use case where I need to send 2 requests to the server. The output of first request is used in second request so the calls have to be synchronous. I am using ktor (OkHttp)client websocket for this. I am failing at first attempt to even connect to the server with this error
Exception in thread "main" java.net.UnknownHostException: https: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
I suspect I haven't split my url properly and thats why its not able to connect to host.
Couple of qns
Is there any benefit to using websocket instead of using 2 separate Http requests?
Is there a way I can just pass URL to the websocket request?
Best and easiest way to get response and send another request?
I have been able to find very limited documentation on ktor client websocket.
const val HOST = "https://sample.com"
const val PATH1 = "/path/to/config?val1=<val1>&val2=<val2>"
const val PATH2 = "/path/to/config?val=<response_from_first_req>"
fun useSocket() {
val client = HttpClient() {
runBlocking {
client.webSocket(method = HttpMethod.Get, host = HOST, path = PATH1) {
val othersMessage = incoming.receive() as? Frame.Text
Thanks in advance.


grpc custom load balancer not detecting new server addition in cluster

I am building a distributed workflow orchestrator, grpc is used to communicate with the server cluster by workers.If a new server is added to the server grpc client is not able to detect this change. However i have done a workaround by adding a max connection age to the server options
MaxConnectionAge: time.Minute * 1,
We have two implementation of workers, one in golang and other in java this workaround works perfectly in golang client. Every minute the client makes new connection and is able to detect new servers in cluster. But this is not working with java client.
public CustomNameResolverFactory(String host, int port) {
ManagedChannel managedChannel = NettyChannelBuilder
.forAddress(host, port)
.withOption( ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 10000 )
GetServersRequest request = GetServersRequest.newBuilder().build();
GetServersResponse servers = TaskServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(managedChannel).getServers(request);
List<Server> serversList = servers.getServersList();
LOGGER.info("found servers {}", servers);
for (Server server : serversList) {
String rpcAddr = server.getRpcAddr();
String[] split = rpcAddr.split(":");
String hostName = split[0];
int portN = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
addresses.add(new EquivalentAddressGroup(new InetSocketAddress(hostName, portN)));
Java client code- https://github.com/Mohitkumar/orchy-worker-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/orchy/client/CustomNameResolverFactory.java
Golang client code- https://github.com/Mohitkumar/orchy/blob/main/worker/lb/resolver.go

Closing connection to client in Vertx without restarting the server

I am using Vertx for my backend.
This is a TCP server and the server is connected to several clients.
I am trying to disconnect the client when reaching a certain condition.
The code that I used is as follows.
vertx.createNetServer(new NetServerOptions().setIdleTimeout(601))
.connectHandler(socket -> {
Instant start = Instant.now();
writerId = socket.writeHandlerID();
log.info("[TCPServerVerticle] first Tcp Server Instance Id : {}", serverId);
socket.handler(input -> { // input을 받았을 때 실행
writerId = socket.writeHandlerID();
SocketAddress localAddr = socket.localAddress();
SocketAddress remoteAddr = socket.remoteAddress();
byte[] bytes = input.getBytes();
String inputString = Utils.byteArrayToHex(bytes);
central.inputMessage(inputString, writerId, vertx, localAddr, remoteAddr, versionMap).onComplete(ok -> {
String result = ok.result();
if (result.equals("nak")) {
When I execute this code, when the condition for "nak" is met, the server seems to restart and not the client.
Would there be a way to close the connection to the client without restarting the server?
Thank you in advance

How to connect to RSK public nodes over websockets?

I am trying to connect to RSK Mainnet or RSK Testnet over websockets.
Here's what I tried for Mainnet:
const wsProvider = new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://public-node.rsk.co');
const web3 = new Web3(wsProvider);
web3.eth.subscribe('newBlockHeaders', function(error, blockHeader){
if (!error) {
console.log("new blockheader " + blockHeader.number)
} else {
with this result:
connection not open on send()
Error: connection not open
And I did the same with Testnet but using ws://public-node.testnet.rsk.co, getting similar outcome.
Neither of these work, as seen in the errors above.
How can I connect?
I am not sure, but I think websocket is not enabled in public nodes.
Usually it is not enabled in others public blockchain nodes that I know.
RSK public nodes expose JSON-RPC endpoints only over HTTP.
They do not expose JSON-RPC endpoints over websockets,
so unfortunately, you are not able to do exactly what you have described.
However, you can achieve something equivalent
by running your own RSK node,
and use this to establish websockets connections.
Here are the RSK
configuration options for RPC .
Also, you can see the default configuration values
in the "base" configuration file, for
ws {
enabled = false
bind_address = localhost
port = 4445
Additionally, you should include the /websocket suffix in your endpoint. Default websocket endpoint when running your own node is: ws://localhost:4445/websocket.
Therefore, update the initial part of your code,
such that it looks like this:
const wsProvider = new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://localhost:4445/websocket');
const web3 = new Web3(wsProvider);

Examples of integrating moleculer-io with moleculer-web using moleculer-runner instead of ServiceBroker?

I am having fun with using moleculer-runner instead of creating a ServiceBroker instance in a moleculer-web project I am working on. The Runner simplifies setting up services for moleculer-web, and all the services - including the api.service.js file - look and behave the same, using a module.exports = { blah } format.
I can cleanly define the REST endpoints in the api.service.js file, and create the connected functions in the appropriate service files. For example aliases: { 'GET sensors': 'sensors.list' } points to the list() action/function in sensors.service.js . It all works great using some dummy data in an array.
The next step is to get the service(s) to open up a socket and talk to a local program listening on an internal set address/port. The idea is to accept a REST call from the web, talk to a local program over a socket to get some data, then format and return the data back via REST to the client.
BUT When I want to use sockets with moleculer, I'm having trouble finding useful info and examples on integrating moleculer-io with a moleculer-runner-based setup. All the examples I find use the ServiceBroker model. I thought my Google-Fu was pretty good, but I'm at a loss as to where to look to next. Or, can i modify the ServiceBroker examples to work with moleculer-runner? Any insight or input is welcome.
If you want the following chain:
localhost:3000/sensor/list -> sensor.list() -> send message to local program:8071 -> get response -> send response as return message to the REST caller.
Then you need to add a socket io client to your sensor service (which has the list() action). Adding a client will allow it to communicate with "outside world" via sockets.
Check the image below. I think it has everything that you need.
As a skeleton I've used moleculer-demo project.
What I have:
API service api.service.js. That handles the HTTP requests and passes them to the sensor.service.js
The sensor.service.js will be responsible for communicating with remote socket.io server so it needs to have a socket.io client. Now, when the sensor.service.js service has started() I'm establishing a connection with a remote server located at port 8071. After this I can use this connection in my service actions to communicate with socket.io server. This is exactly what I'm doing in sensor.list action.
I've also created remote-server.service.js to mock your socket.io server. Despite being a moleculer service, the sensor.service.js communicates with it via socket.io protocol.
It doesn't matter if your services use (or not) socket.io. All the services are declared in the same way, i.e., module.exports = {}
Below is a working example with socket.io.
const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");
const SocketIOService = require("moleculer-io");
const io = require("socket.io-client");
const IOService = {
name: "api",
// SocketIOService should be after moleculer-web
// Load the HTTP API Gateway to be able to reach "greeter" action via:
// http://localhost:3000/hello/greeter
mixins: [ApiGateway, SocketIOService]
const HelloService = {
name: "hello",
actions: {
greeter() {
return "Hello Via Socket";
const broker = new ServiceBroker();
broker.start().then(async () => {
const socket = io("http://localhost:3000", {
reconnectionDelay: 300,
reconnectionDelayMax: 300
socket.on("connect", () => {
console.log("Connection with the Gateway established");
socket.emit("call", "hello.greeter", (error, res) => {
To make it work with moleculer-runner just copy the service declarations into my-service.service.js. So for example, your api.service.js could look like:
// api.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "api",
// SocketIOService should be after moleculer-web
// Load the HTTP API Gateway to be able to reach "greeter" action via:
// http://localhost:3000/hello/greeter
mixins: [ApiGateway, SocketIOService]
and your greeter service:
// greeter.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "hello",
actions: {
greeter() {
return "Hello Via Socket";
And run npm run dev or moleculer-runner --repl --hot services

Vapor 3 Websocket with Sessions

In Vapor 2 it was possible to access a session when connecting a new websocket.
For example:
socket("ws") { request, websocket in
let session = try request.assertSession()
guard let userId = session.data["user_id"]?.string else {
In Vapor 3 configure.swift:
let wss = NIOWebSocketServer.default()
wss.get("ws") { websocket, request in
--get session information--
websocket.onText { websocket, text in
services.register(wss, as: WebSocketServer.self)
With Vapor 3 the SessionMiddleware will not be invoked before passing the HTTP upgrade request to the WebsocketServer.
So how can I access session information?
So, I'm super aware that this thread is old and the OP probably found an answer or gave up months ago. Just in case anyone comes across this still looking, can't you use websocket.session to access the session?
This would make the Vapor 3 code
let wss = NIOWebSocketServer.default()
wss.get("ws") { websocket, request in
guard let userID = (try? websocket.session).data["user_id"]?.string else {
websocket.onText { websocket, text in
services.register(wss, as: WebSocketServer.self)
