Use median value of array as parameter in query - jsonata

I want to use the resulting median as the parameter for calculating "larger". How can I do this?
"h": {
jsonata expression:
"median" : $sort([5],
"larger" :$ > 5)

Solution - The key you're missing is the usage of variables. Also, the median of your set is 4.5, not 5 because the count of values is even, so the median becomes an average of two middle numbers.
In my solution, I calculate median, assign it to a variable using $variable_name := <calculation> syntax, and refer to that result further in the array filtering.
Keep in mind that if you're using variables, whole expression must be wrapped in parenthesis ( ... ).


JSONata prevent array flattening

Q: How do I prevent JSONata from "auto-flattening" arrays in an array constructor?
Given JSON data:
"w" : true,
"x":["a", "b"],
"y":[1, 2, 3],
"z": 9
the JSONata query seems to select 4 values:
[$.w, $.x, $.y, $.z]
The nested arrays at $.x and $.y are getting flattened/inlined into my outer wrapper, resulting in more than 4 values:
[ true, "a", "b", 1, 2, 3, 9 ]
The results I would like to achieve are
[ true, ["a", "b"], [1, 2, 3], 9 ]
I can achieve this by using
[$.w, [$.x], [$.y], $.z]
But this requires me to know a priori that $.x and $.y are arrays.
I would like to select 4 values and have the resulting array contain exactly 4 values, independent of the types of values that are selected.
There are clearly some things about the interactions between JSONata sequences and arrays that I can't get my head around.
In common with XPath/XQuery sequences, it will flatten the results of a path expression into the output array. It is possible to avoid this in your example by using the $each higher-order function to iterate over an object's key/value pairs. The following expression will get what you want without any flattening of results:
$each($, function($v) {
This just returns the value for each property in the object.
UPDATE: Extending this answer for your updated question:
I think this is related to a previous github question on how to combine several independent queries into the same question. This uses an object to hold all the queries in a similar manner to the one you arrived at. Perhaps a slightly clearer expression would be this:
"1": t,
"2": u.i,
"3": u.j,
"4": u.k,
"5": u.l,
"6": v
} ~> $each(λ($v){$v})
The λ is just a shorthand for function, if you can find it on your keyboard (F12 in the JSONata Exerciser).
I am struggling to rephrase my question in such as way as to describe the difficulties I am having with JSONata's sequence-like treatment of arrays.
I need to run several queries to extract several values from the same JSON tree. I would like to construct one JSONata query expression which extracts n data items (or runs n subqueries) and returns exactly n values in an ordered array.
This example seems to query request 6 values, but because of array flattening the result array does not have 6 values.
This example explicitly wraps each query in an array constructor so that the result has 6 values. However, the values which are not arrays are wrapped in an extraneous & undesirable array. In addition one cannot determine what the original type was ...
This example shows the result that I am trying to accomplish ... I asked for 6 things and I got 6 values back. However, I must know the datatypes of the values I am fetching and explicitly wrap the arrays in an array constructor to work-around the sequence flattening.
This example shows what I want. I queried 6 things and got back 6 answers without knowing the datatypes. But I have to introduce an object as a temporary container in order to work around the array flattening behavior.
I have not found any predicates that allow me to test the type of a value in a query ... which might have let me use the ?: operator to dynamically decide whether or not to wrap arrays in an array constructor. e.g. $isArray($.foo) ? [$.foo] : $.foo
Q: Is there an easier way for me to (effectively) submit 6 "path" queries and get back 6 values in an ordered array without knowing the data types of the values I am querying?
Building on the example from Acoleman, here is a way to pass in n "query" strings (that represent paths):
(['t', 'u.i', 'u.j', 'u.k', 'u.l', 'v'] {
$: $eval('$$.' & $)
}).$each(function($o) {$o})
and get back an array ofn results with their original data format:
"L": "LL"
It seems that using $each is the only way to avoid any flattening...
Granted, probably not the most efficient of expressions, since each has to be evaluated from a path string starting at the root of the data structure -- but there ya go.

how can I get the location for the maximum value in fortran?

I have a 250*2001 matrix. I want to find the location for the maximum value for a(:,i) where i takes 5 different values: i = i + 256
I tried using MAXLOC, but since I'm new to fortran, I couldn't get it right.
Try this
but be warned, this call will return a value in the range 1..5 for the second dimension. The call will return the index of the maxloc in the 2001*5 array section that you pass to it. So to get the column index of the location in the original array you'll have to do some multiplication. And note that since the argument in the call to maxloc is a rank-2 array section the call will return a 2-element vector.
Your question is a little unclear: it could be either of two things you want.
One value for the maximum over the entire 250-by-5 subarray;
One value for the maximum in each of the 5 250-by-1 subarrays.
Your comments suggest you want the latter, and there is already an answer for the former.
So, in case it is the latter:
b(1:5) = MAXLOC(a(:,256:1280:256), DIM=1)

xquery- how to obtain min/max value from a set of values that are obtained by subtracting consecutive members from a list

In an xquery expression, I have obtained a set of values within a for-expression, and one value is in a separate variable.
Now, I want to subtract the single value from first value of the list, and then subtract consecutive members of the list from each other-- and in the resulting set of difference values, I want to obtain the min/max values...
The query upto now looks like this--
let $value1:= 1998
let $rows_citations:=
for $pos in $rows_citations/position()
let $date2_c := customfn:dateconverter1($rows_citations[$pos]/td[3])
Now the subtraction I want is between first value of date2_c and value 1, and after that between consecutive members of date2_c... And from the resulting list I want the min/max values... How do I go about doing this?
I am esp. confused about creating a new list variable that stores all the differences, esp. when we are already inside a for loop, and are iterating over each value of a list (via variable date2_c)
I. This XQuery 3.0 query (which is also a pure XPath 3.0 expression):
let $pVal := 1,
$vList := (2,4,7,11,16),
$vList2 := ($pVal, subsequence($vList, 1, count($vList)-1)),
$vSubtactedList :=
map-pairs(function($m as xs:integer, $n as xs:integer) as xs:integer
$m - $n
(min($vSubtactedList), max($vSubtactedList))
produces the wanted result the minimum and maximum values from the list of subtractions:
1 5
II. XQuery 1.0 solution:
let $pVal := 1,
$vList := (2,4,7,11,16),
$vList2 := ($pVal, subsequence($vList, 1, count($vList)-1)),
$vSubtactedList :=
for $i in 1 to count($vList)
$vList[$i] - $vList2[$i]
(min($vSubtactedList), max($vSubtactedList))
This again produces the same correct result:
1 5

How to implement argmax in ruby?

Given a json array:
[{ "x":"5", "y":"20" },{ "x":"6", "y":"10" },{ "x":"50", "y":"5" }]
I'd like to find argmax(x), such that I can do puts argmax(arr, :arg => "x").y and get 5. How can I elegantly implement this in Ruby?
Edit: Clarified a bit. The idea is that you can specify the field of an element in a list that you want to maximize and the method will return the maximizing element.
I think you want Enumerable#max_by. To get y like you're saying, it would be:
arr.max_by {|hash| hash['x']}['y']
(Well, actually, you'll want the numbers to be numbers instead of strings, since '50' sorts lower than '6'. But I think you get the idea. You can to_i or do whatever processing you need in the block to get the "real" value to sort by.)

sorting using weird groovy code

I'm a beginner at groovy and I can't seem to understand this code. Can you please tell me how does this code operate?
def list = [ [1,0], [0,1,2] ]
list = list.sort { a,b -> a[0] <=> b[0] }
assert list == [ [0,1,2], [1,0] ]
what I know is the second line should return the value of 1 because of the spaceship operator but what is the use of that? and what type of sort is this? (there are 6 sort methods in the gdk api and i'm not really sure which is one is used here)
The code is using Collection#sort(Closure). Notice that this method has two variants:
If the closure is binary (i.e. it takes two parameters), sort uses it as the typical comparator interface: it should return an negative integer, zero or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal, or grater than the second parameter respectively.
This is the variant that is being used in that piece of code. It is comparing the elements of the list, which are, in turn, lists, by their first element.
If the closure is unary (i.e. it takes only one parameter) it is used to generate the values that are then going to be used for comparison (in some languages this is called a "key" function).
Therefore, the snippet of code you posted can be rewritten as:
def list = [[1,0], [0,1,2]]
list = list.sort { it[0] } // or { it.first() }
assert list == [[0,1,2], [1,0]]
Notice that using this unary-closure variant is very convenient when you want to compare the elements by some value or some "weight" that is calculated the same way for every element.
The sort in your code snippet uses the comparator argument method call - see
So, you are sorting the collection using your own comparator. Now the comparator simply uses the first element of the inner collection to decide the order of the outer collection.
