How can we get nginx access log on laravel - laravel

As title, I need to get data from nginx access log to handle and store in db. So anyone have any ideas about this ? Thank you for reading this post

You should not be storing nginx logs in the DB and trying to read them through Laravel, it will very quickly cause you performance and storage issues especially on production. Other issues will be if you have various servers, how would you aggregate all the logs?
Common practice is to use NoSQL for such tasks. So you can setup another dedicated server where you export all your logs and analyze them. You use an exporter that you install on every one of your servers, point them to your log file and they export the logs to a central logs server. You can set this up yourself using something like ELK stack. With ELK stack you can use filebeat and logstash for this.
Better would be to use some of the services out there such as GCP logging, splunk, etc. You have to pay for them but they offer a lot of benefits. Splunk would provide you with an exporter, with gcp you could use fluentd. If you are using containers, you can also setup a fluentd container and shared volumes to export the logs.


Showing crashed/terminated pod logs on Kibana

I am currently working on the ELK setup for my Kubernetes clusters. I set up logging for all the pods and fortunately, it's working fine.
Now I want to push all terminated/crashed pod logs (which we get by describing but not as docker logs) as well to my Kibana instance.
I checked on my server for those logs, but they don't seem to be stored anywhere on my machine. (inside /var/log/)
maybe it's not enabled or I might not aware where to find them.
If these logs are available in a log file similar to the system log then I think it would be very easy to put them on Kibana.
It would be a great help if anyone can help me achieve this.
You need to use kube-state-metrics by which you can get all pod related metrics. You can configure to your kube-state-metrics to connect elastic search. It will create an index for a different kind of metrics. Then you can easily use that index to display your charts/graphs in Kibana UI.

How to monitor connection in local network

I have a ton of services: Node(s), MySQL(s), Redis(s), Elastic(s)...
I want to monitor how they connect to each other: Connection rate, Number alive connection... (Node1 create 30 connection to Node2/MySQL/Redis per second...) like Haproxy stat image attached below.
Currently i have two options:
Haproxy (proxy): I want to use single service Haproxy to archive this but it's seem very hard to use ALC detect what connection need forward to what service.
ELK (log center): I need to create log files on each service (Node, MySQL, Redis...) and then show them on the log center. I see that a ton of works to do that without built-in feature like Haproxy stat page.
How to do this? Is log center good in this case?
The problem
I think your problem is not collecting and pipelining the statistics to Elasticsearch, but instead the ton of work extracting metrics from your services because most of them do not have metric files/logs.
You'd then need to export them with some custom script, log them and capture it with filebeat, stream to a logstash for text processing and metric extraction so they are indexed in a way you can do some sort of analytics, and then send it to elasticsearch.
My take on the answer
At least for the 3 services you've referenced, there are Prometheus exporters readily available and you can find them here. The exporters are simple processes that will query your services native statistics APIs and expose a prometheus metric API for Prometheus to Scrape (poll).
After you have Prometheus scraping the metrics, you can display them in dashboards via Grafana (which is the de facto visualization layer for Prometheus) or bulk export your metrics to wherever you want (Elasticsearch, etc..) for visualization and exploration.
The benefits of this approach:
Prometheus can auto-discover new nodes you add to your networks
Readily available exporters from haproxy, redis and mysql for
No code needed, each exporter requires minimal
configuration specific to each monitored technology, it can easily
be containerized and deployed if your environment is container
oriented, otherwise you just need to run each exporter in the
correct machines
Prometheus is very, very easy to deploy
Use ELK - elasticsearch logstash and kibana stack with filebeat. Filebeat -will share the log file content with logstash
Logstash-will scan, filter and share the needed content to elastic search
Elasticsearch- will work as a db, store the content from logstash in json format as documents.
Kibana- with kibana you can search the required info. Also you can plot graphs and other visuals with the relevant data.

ELK Stack using Docker on EC2 Container Service

I am contemplating setting up an ELK (ElasticSearch, LogStash and Kibana) stack on AWS using Docker images. But I am unsure about performance and persistent storage.
If I just deploy the docker images to the EC2 Container service with my configuration, then I guess I need to also point to a place for persistent storage for both LogStash and ElasticSearch. Is S3 storage fast enough, or does that even matter when I am talking about logs. I am pretty sure I can live with some minutes delay on the indexing, but using Kibana, I would like to get data reasonably fast.
Is this a viable solution for a production setup with a couple of gigs worth of logs daily. I expect the log volume to rise once we see the value of this and start logging more to get more insight.
Is it fast enough to use S3 for storage of log files?
Is it a viable solution for a production site that produces 5+ gigs of data a day?
You might take a look at AWS Elasticsearch Service. It's Elastic Search and Kibana as a service on AWS that you don't have to manually manage. I've just started using it for application-level events that my (desktop app) users are voluntarily reporting, and it's been really useful.

Can log data exposed as a web service be input to Elasticssearch?

I have a number of applications that are running in different data centers, developed and maintained by different vendors. Each application has a web service that exposes relevant log data (audit data, security data, data related to cost calculations, performance data, ...) consolidated for the application.
My task is to get data from each system into a setup of Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash so I can create business reports or just view data the way I want to.
Assume I have a JBoss application server for integration to these "expose log" services, what is the best way to feed Elasticssearch? Some Logstash plugin that calls each service? JBoss uses some Logstash plugin? Or some other way?
The best way is to set up the logstash shipper on the server where the logs are created.
This will then ship them to a Redis server.
Another logstash instance will then pull the data from Redis, and index it, and ship it to Elasticsearch.
Kibana will then provide an interface to Elasticsearch, which is where the goodness happens.
I wrote a post on how to install Logstash a little while ago. Versions may have been updated since, but its still valid
Do your JBoss application server writes logs to file?
In my experiences, My JBoss application(in multiple server) writes the logs to the file. Then I use logstash to read the logs file and ship all the logs to a central server. You can refer to here.
So, what can you do is setup a logstash shipper in different data center.
If you do not have permission to do this, maybe you want to write a program to get the logs from different web services and then save them to a file. Then setup the logstash to read the logs file. So far, logstash do not have any plugin that can call web services.

hadoop logging facility?

If I am to use zookeeper as a work queue and connect to it individual consumers/workers. What would you recommend as a good distributed setup for logging these workers' activities?
Assume the following:
1) At anytime we could be down to 1 single computer housing the hadoop cluster. The system will autoscale up and down as needed but has alot of down time where only 1 single computer is needed.
2) I just need the ability to access all of the workers logs without accessing the individual machine that worker is located at. Bare in mind, that by the time I get to read one of these logs that machine might very well be terminated and long gone.
3) We'll need easy access to the logs i.e being able to cat/grep and tail or alternatively in a more SQLish manner - we'll need real time ability to both query as well as monitor output for short periods of time in real time. (i.e tail -f /var/log/mylog.1)
I appreciate your expert ideas here!
Have you looked at using Flume, chukwa or scribe - ensure that your flume etc process has access to the log files that you are trying to aggregate onto a centralized server.
flume reference:
hope it helps.
Fluentd log collector just released its WebHDFS plugin, which allows the users to instantly stream data into HDFS. It's really easy to install with ease of management.
Fluentd + Hadoop: Instant Big Data Collection
Of course you can import data directly from your applications. Here's a Java example to post logs against Fluentd. Fluentd's Java library is clever enough to buffer locally when Fluentd daemon is down. This lessens the possibility of the data loss.
Fluentd: Data Import from Java Applications
High availability configuration is also available, which basically enables you to have centralized log aggregation system.
Fluentd: High Availability Configuration
