Spring Cloud Gateway + Keycloak CORS not working - spring

I developed backend microservice application using Spring Boot and put API Gateway in front of microservices. To authenticate users I am using Keycloak.
Right now I am developing frontend application using Svelte, I configured my application.yml in gateway application like this:
- TokenRelay
- DedupeResponseHeader=Access-Control-Allow-Credentials Access-Control-Allow-Origin
allowedOrigins: "*"
allowedMethods: "*"
allowedHeaders: "*"
add-to-simple-url-handler-mapping: true
However, when I am trying to send AJAX request I get the CORS error.
Also I Have spring security (through org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client and org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server dependencies). I defined SecurityWebFilterChain as:
public SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
.oauth2Login(); // to redirect to oauth2 login page.
return http.build();
When putting build of frontend in static folder there is no CORS error, but for development I need developer node.js server on localhost on different port.
So, how to fix this cors issue?

You can create a class to define the Cors mapping like this:
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
The example above enables CORS requests from any origin to any endpoint in the application.
To lock this down a bit more, the registry.addMapping method returns a CorsRegistration object, which we can use for additional configuration. There’s also an allowedOrigins method that lets us specify an array of allowed origins. This can be useful if we need to load this array from an external source at runtime.
Additionally, there are also allowedMethods, allowedHeaders, exposedHeaders, maxAge and allowCredentials that we can use to set the response headers and customization options.
CORS With Spring Security:
If you use Spring Security in youproject, you must take an extra step to make sure it plays well with CORS. That's because CORS needs to be processed first. Otherwise, Spring Security will reject the request before it reaches Spring MVC.
Luckily, Spring Security provides an out-of-the-box solution:
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {


How to secure only swagger UI page " swagger-ui/index.html#/ " and all other API end points should not be authenticated in Spring boot

I have a requirement where I just need to secure the Swagger UI page. All other endpoints I have written in the application should not be authenticated.
For this, I am using the Spring security starter. I have the Security Config for Spring boot in place. I am trying to authenticate ("/v2/api-docs") because this is where we see all the endpoints in Swagger UI. And also I am trying to permit ("/calculator-controller/callCalculatorServiceUsingPOST") which I see in browser URL when I click on my end point Try it now button and also permitting ("/calculate") which is in my controller. To be safer, I have tried to permit all possible combinations, but no luck.
What Am I missing ???
#Configuration #EnableWebSecurity
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
"calculator-controller/**", "/calculate")

SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() returns null

I'm developing Spring boot and security web application with authorization and resource servers enabled. I have defined a set of users with roles assigned to them and have implemented roles based access to rest endpoints. Besides that my application has straightforward UI with web pages. Those pages display the same data that is on rest. I'm trying to implement the same roles based access to pages with ResourceServerConfig#configure and my current code:
public void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.defaultSuccessUrl("/login-successful", true)
This configuration works perfectly for REST controllers access with bearer token, but authorization with the login form leads to the redirect to the /login-successful and the message
Full authentication is required to access this resourceunauthorized is displayed.
The reason is that SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() for /login-successful request in spite it was correctly initialized in AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter#successfulAuthentication at the point of login form post. The same issue with other web pages in my app as well.
What should be added to the above configuration so that make it work for the REST and form login bought ?
Here is indicted that HttpSecurity configuration provided above is enough for authorization with form login to work correctly as far as .anyRequest().authenticated() should pass security context for all the resources in the application.
A similar case is described here but the reason over there is that an url was explicitly ignored in WebSecurity configurer.
The problem was in the fact that I was using deprecated #EnableResourceServer annotation that adds OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter. For the form login authorization flow this is incorrect and that filter was removing authentication object from the SecurityContext. Here is indicated that OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter shouldn't present in the filter chain for the form login authorization flow.
The reason why I was needed #EnableResourceServer annotation is that there are there is the bearer authentication flow in my application alongside with form login.
I replaced #EnableResourceServer annotation and ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter for the bearer authentication flow with Spring Security 5 resource server as http.oauth2ResourceServer() that is in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter ( see here ). Finally the solution is with the following two WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter-s:
For bearer authorization flow:
public class SecurityConfigRest extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
NimbusJwtDecoder jwtDecoder = Build custom JWT decoder;
.requestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/rest/**"))
and for the form login authorization flow:
public class SecurityConfigFormLogin extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http .requestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/view/**"))
.defaultSuccessUrl("/view/login-successful", true)
These two WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter-s make it possible to separate those two authorization flows.
As far as Spring Security 5 resource server supports only JWT or Opaque tokens ( see here ) it requires additional configuration. Here is a detailed description of such a configuration for Spring Security 5 resource server.

how to IP white list /oauth/check_token endpoint in spring security

I have two applications (war), one acting as a Resource Server and other is my Auth Server running on two different servers. I am using client_credentials grant_type. I need to white list the IP of my resource server so that nobody else can access the "/oauth/check_token" end point directly using post-man or browser or any other user-agent. Here is the code snippet from auth server :
public class AuthorizationServerConfig extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer security) throws Exception {
.allowFormAuthenticationForClients().realm(REALM + "/client");
some other configuration code related to ClientDetails and tokenStore.
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET,"/oauth/check_token").access("isFullyAuthenticated() and hasIpAddress('')").accessDecisionManager(accessDecisionManager)
.and().exceptionHandling().accessDeniedHandler(new OAuth2AccessDeniedHandler());
I found a way to whitelist IP in spring :
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
But this is not helping in my situation because it is only checking for fullyAuthenticated(). I want all the resource server should be authenticated and authorized before accessing "/oauth/check_token"
I have referred to a similar kind of problem : How to find users' IPs in Spring Security? but it wasn't helping me because in that question they were trying to authorize a resource server Api, but in my case i want to authorize spring-security default endpoint i.e; /oauth/check_token
On further debuggin I found that if I remove .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET,"/oauth/check_token").access("hasIpAddress('')").accessDecisionManager(accessDecisionManager)
i am still able to use /oauth/check_token endpoint.
Then I tried to change fullyAuthenticated to permitAll() in AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer.checkTokenAccess("permittAll()"); it started allowing everybody to access check_token endpoint. Which implies it isn't even reading the configuration from .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET,"/oauth/check_token")
Now I am confused how to configure hasIpAddress() and do we need to explicitly mention antMatcher("/oauth/check_token") or it is provided by default.
You can model it like this, which keeps both requirements - IP whitelisting and all requests are authenticated. You can remove the localhost access rule if not needed:
.antMatchers(GET, "/oauth/check_token")
.access("isFullyAuthenticated() and
or hasIpAddress(''))")

Spring Boot Custom Authorization Header request not going through at all

So I have a Spring Boot application and I am sending a request to it using PostMan. It is using Spring Security along with JWT for authentication. I'm trying to get authorization to work but am running into issues. Spring is able to login the user and return a token fine. But when I put the token in the header it's not working at all. I get no response from the server. When the token is removed, it works fine. Right now all requests should be able to go through regardless of being logged in or not.
My Spring Web Configuration:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class WebSecurity extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.addFilter(new JWTAuthenticationFilter(authenticationManager()))
.addFilter(new JWTAuthorizationFilter(authenticationManager()));
The REST path I'm trying to access:
public class ThreadService {
#RequestMapping(value="/list", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public List<ThreadDetails> getThreadList() {
return threadDao.getThreadList();
The failed GET request I'm issuing after I have logged in and gotten a token:
GET /api/thread/list HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Authorization : Bearer (JWT token here)
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 69565839-4806-b4f6-9a03-11382a80c7da
The above request works fine when there is no Authorization in the header.
Not sure it is exactly the problem I was facing.
When I want to communicate with the restservice exposed by spring boot application, the "Authorization" is not set. I followed the steps which are required to communicate but the value wont be passes through header.
The solution I found, the "common-codec" library was missing. Once I add the dependency in my web application, it start sending the "Authorization" in header to my spring boot application.
Hope this helps to someone.

spring security permitAll still considering token passed in Authorization header and returns 401 if token is invalid

I am using spring security oauth in my project. I am excluding some urls from authentication by configuring in spring security ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter. I added http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers(url).permitAll().
Now, what I am seeing is that, if I don't pass the Authorization header to these urls, it is not authenticated. And the API is called properly.
If the call is made with an Authorization header, then it validates the token and fails the call if the token is not validated.
My question is what do I need to do so that the token is ignored in the request for which I have permitAll.
Spring OAuth2 will intercept all url with header: Authorization Bearer xxx.
To avoid Spring OAuth2 from intercept the url. I have created a SecurityConfiguration which has higher order than Spring OAuth2 configuration.
#Order(1) // this is important to run this before Spring OAuth2
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
return super.authenticationManagerBean();
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
List<RequestMatcher> requestMatchers = new ArrayList<RequestMatcher>();
// allow /api/public/product/** and /api/public/content/** not intercepted by Spring OAuth2
requestMatchers.add(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/api/public/product/**"));
requestMatchers.add(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/api/public/content/**"));
.requestMatcher(new OrRequestMatcher(requestMatchers))
.antMatchers("/api/public/product/**", "/api/public/content/**").permitAll()
The above configuration allows /api/public/product/** and /api/public/content/** to be handled by this configuration, not by Spring OAuth2 because this configuration has higher #Order.
Therefore, even setting invalid token to above api call will not result in invalid access token.
As per spring-oauth2 docs https://projects.spring.io/spring-security-oauth/docs/oauth2.html
Note: if your Authorization Server is also a Resource Server then there is another security filter chain with lower priority controlling the API resources. Fo those requests to be protected by access tokens you need their paths not to be matched by the ones in the main user-facing filter chain, so be sure to include a request matcher that picks out only non-API resources in the WebSecurityConfigurer above.
So define WebSecurityConfigurer implementation with higher order than ResourceServerConfig.
In case you are dealing with Reactive Spring webflux, from SooCheng Koh's answer.
#Order(1) // this is important to run this before Spring OAuth2
public class PublicSecurityConfiguration {
public SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http.build();
It's not a bug it's a feature :)
As already mentioned by other people, even if you have permitAll, Spring Security will still check the token if there is a header "Authorization".
I don't like the workaround on the backend with Order(1) so I did a change on the frontend simply removing the header "Authorization" for the specific request.
Angular example with interceptor:
export class PermitAllInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
constructor() {}
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
req = req.clone({ headers: req.headers.delete('Authorization') });
return next.handle(req);
and then just register the interceptor in app.module.ts:
useClass: PermitAllInterceptor ,
multi: true
