How integrate Selenium code in JMeter How this is achieve - jmeter

I create a maven project using selenium web driver in eclipse to automate one web-based application. Here I also used TestNG and the programming language Java. Now I want to integrate this selenium project into JMeter and want to do performance testing so how can I achieve this?

Although it's possible to kick off a TestNG test programmatically from JMeter's JSR223 Sampler using the code like:
TestListenerAdapter tla = new TestListenerAdapter()
TestNG testng = new TestNG()
testng.setTestClasses(new Class[] { YourClassWithTests.class })
I don't think you will get the results you're looking for.
The main limitations are:
In general it's not advised to use Selenium for performance testing
You won't get metrics and KPIs like number of concurrent users, connect time, response time, etc.
Test will be very resource intensive as one instance of browser requires 1 CPU core and a couple of gigabytes of RAM so the resource footprint will be immense.
So I would recommend converting your Selenium tests to "pure" JMeter, you can kick off JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and configure your Selenium tests to use JMeter as the proxy, this way JMeter will be able to intercept the relevant HTTP requests and create HTTP Request samplers which are lightweight comparing to the real browsers and this way you will get all the metrics.


Loadrunner web_custom_request analog in jmeter

I am pretty new to load testing and whole web thing.
Is there any way to implement things that this Vugen Loadrunner code do
In jmeter? The {PARAMETER} is just a String.
JMeter's equivalent would be HTTP Request sampler.
JMeter's Variables have a little bit different syntax so the equivalent configuration would be something like:
If you want to have full control there is also HTTP Raw Request sampler which can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
Also be aware that you can record your LoadRunner script using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just start JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and in LoadRunner's Runtime Settings set JMeter as the proxy:
When you run your LoadRunner test JMeter will capture the requests and save them under Recording Controller
More information: How to Convert LoadRunner Tests to JMeter
To send any kind of HTTP Request you can use HTTP Request Sampler
To start with use this practical example : build-web-test-plan and then move to advanced build-adv-web-test-plan
Parameterization in JMeter and
Correlation in JMeter
Being a performance tester/engineer/architect brings with it a core ability to recognize patterns associated with success and failure
I am pretty new to load testing and whole web thing.
This is a massive antipattern for success in this field. You need your foundation skills vetted and shored up. You really do need training and a mentor for a period of time.
If your management is asking you to perform in this role, then they should also ensure your path to success. If they are unwilling to fund your training and mentoring period, then I would recommend seeking new management who are more interested in your success and the success of the project.

My Jmeter Webdriver sampler test is too heavy on my machine. I'm planning to use selenium grid, with selenium grid ,will it make my test more lighter?

My Jmeter Webdriver sampler test is too heavy on my machine. I'm planning to use selenium grid, with selenium grid ,will it make my test more lighter? As of the moment while running my test on gui and non gui mode I'm encountering a web driver timeout , connection timeout, and an out of memory error. Will this approach help?
Have you tried to read WebDriver Sampler's documentation?
Note: It is NOT the intention of this project to replace the HTTP Samplers included in JMeter. Rather it is meant to compliment them by measuring the end user load time.
You should not be creating the main load using WebDriver Samplers, 99.99999% of the virtual users should be simulated on HTTP protocol level, WebDriver Sampler could be used only for specific use cases like OAuth login, checking client side performance, etc.
Check out How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article to learn how to properly setup JMeter for web applications testing so it would generate the same network footprint as the real user using the real browser.
If your have a form of a strict requirement to use the real browsers - consider switching to Distributed Testing as in case of Selenium Grid you will not be able to collect samplers execution metrics precisely.

Specflow (cucumber) for Load Test (Jmeter)

Is there a way to create JMeter load test plan from .feature files? I have been looking around and I did not find any existing framework or a way to use existing specflow's feature files to create JMX files.
I don't think this is currently supported.
If you use Specflow/Cucumber for running Selenium tests (or your tests use HTTP/HTTPS protocol(s) you can configure your WebDriver initialization to use JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder as a proxy for Selenium WebDriver instances so when you run your Specflow/Cucumber test JMeter will capture the requests coming from browsers and convert them into HTTP Request samplers.
This way you will be able to build a JMeter test plan out of your existing functional test and replay it with increased number of users. See How to Convert Selenium Scripts into the JMX Converter for more details.
As an alternative you can consider Ruby-JMeter DSL or Taurus tool which allow creating JMeter tests declaratively.

Angular 4 performance & stress test

I am looking for a way to performance and stress test my SPA.
I prefer an open source(free) tool to do so.
I have searched quite a lot( about the possibility to use Jmeter but i am still not sure if it is possible as this is an SPA and Jmeter works on the protocol level.
JMeter is not a browser as such it will not:
play URLs called through javascript.
report time taken in UI by javascript to display it
But the good news is that you can record all requests at HTTP protocol level,
all requests will be nested inside a Transaction Controller.
JMeter will play them sequentially and not in parallel.
response time will be sum of Main + child requests response time
Load simulation will not be highly impacted as parallelism due to load testing will be simulated
There is also JMeter Webdriver Sampler that allows you to use a Real Browser
So by combining both approach you should be able to:
- Simulate load on your target application
- Have an idea of User Experience response times through JMeter Webdriver Sampler
You can install both plugins using JMeter-Plugins plugin manager plugin.
Note there is a 3rd party plugin that provides parallel execution if you want the parallel execution but I'm not sure it's needed:

How to use JMeter WebDriver API programmatically from a java program.?

I want to conduct performance testing on a single page application.I want to do that programmatically .As I know performance testing for SPA includes both client_end page loading,java script execution time and server_end response time, against asynchronous Ajax calling.
I used JMeter API programmatically for running test script at server_end by following
How to create and run Apache JMeter Test Scripts from a Java program? this.
Now I want to run test script for client_end using JMeter WebDriver API programmatically.I follow this How to approach "end-client" performance testing on single-page (web) applications? but it doesn't give me enough information on how to use JMeter WebDriver API programmatically.
So my question is
How can I use WebDriver API programmatically? Any suggestion???
I would suggest the following
Use JMeter GUI and the script inside JMeter GUI like you did.
Save the script as *.jmx file
Use the following snippet for the automation
// Load existing .jmx Test Plan
FileInputStream in = new fileInputStream("/path/to/your/jmeterTest.jmx");
HashTree hash = SaveService.loadTree(in);
// Run JMeter Test
