How to fetch schema from graphQL API endpoint - graphql

I need to fetch a schema from graphQL API endpoint.
So the result must be a string like:
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
type Home {
user: User!
address: String
country: String!
type Query {
MyUsers: User!
Is it possible to do by using codegen?

It really depends on the GraphQL server you are using, Some GraphQL servers provide a GraphQL Explorer. The GraphQL Explorer is a page where you can manually input GraphQL queries into the page such as Graphiql
Other way is to try out graphql-cli you can do with the below command,
get-graphql-schema ENDPOINT_URL -j > schema.json


Querying all objects in Amplify mock api and getting null

I am using Amplify in a simple use case to mock an existing frontend. I have a cutdown schema.graphql as follows:
input AMPLIFY { globalAuthRule: AuthRule = { allow: public } }
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
getAirports: [Airport]
type Airport #model {
id: Int! #primaryKey
code: String!
city: String!
country: String!
The getAirports query is intended to return all the airports. I run amplify mock api and it generates all the resolvers.
When I navigate to http://localhost:20002, I can see the option to use getAirports, however it returns null even when data is present in the mocked database. The response is
{"data":null,"errors":[{"message":"Cannot return null for non-nullable field Query.getAirports.","locations":[{"line":2,"column":3}],"path":["getAirports"]}]}
I'm curious how I can write the schema to have a getAirports query in a way that it returns data a full list of Airports similar to listAirports which is created by default.

Apollo Graphql - Send query to multiple hosts serving same schema but subset of data

I have 2 graphql services, each serving a subset of data with the same schema.
Service1 has a list of Users with ID 1-10,000
Service2 has a list of Users with ID 10,001-20,000
My User Type looks like
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
Each service has a graphql query to resolve a user.
type Query {
fetchUser(id: ID!): User
fetchUsers: [User!]
Is there a way that apollo can query both services and merge the results,
So I dont have to query each service individually?

How to update single data when using Fauna and GraphQL

I have some problems when using Fauna and GraphQL
When I use GraphQL to update data, all parameters are required
For example
// Schema
type User {
username: String!
password: String!
phone: String!
// Mutation
mutation {
updateUser(id: "xxxxx", {"phone": "+886 110220330"}){
// Error
But I only want to update the phone data this time, how can I skip other parameters?
Although it can solve the problem when I delete the Not null of all attributes in User type,
But it doesn't look like a good way and safe
// after
// Schema
type User {
username: String
password: String
phone: String
There is a preview feature that you can use by adding a header to your GraphQL query.
X-Schema-Preview: partial-update-mutation
Once you do this, you will have access to a new mutation called partialUpdateUser which will make all of the input values optional.
See the docs for more information:

Should we add the backend graphql schema in the case of Apollo Client?

I'm using backend node server with the Apollo graphql (Server side) and on the client, I'm using Apollo Client as well.
I created a few client specific types in my client Schema for Apollo client but I'm wondering:
Should I do the same for backend Types (models)? Just to add some sanity, etc.
Let me explain it a bit detailed with an example:
Here is the client schema: (Client specific types)
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
type System {
showSignInModal: Boolean!
type Robot {
name: String!
status: String!
type Member {
name: String!
isLogged: Boolean!
type Author {
id: Int!
posts: Int!
name: String
input AuthorInput {
id: Int!
posts: Int!
name: String
I have a query that fetches the user data from the server (Server specific data)
so should I describe the whole User type in my schema as well?
import gql from "graphql-tag";
export const GET_USER_SHORT_DATA = gql`
mutation getUserShortData {
me {
Thanks for any advice!
I assume you're using mongoose for your database operations. Your main types should be defined in your mongoose schema as GraphQL is just a query language meant for "getting only what you want". So, you should add the same types in both the places. In your mongoose code for database handling & In your GraphQL Schema for query fetch support.
For Client side, if you're using a typed language like typescript, then you should define them in the client side too so as to prevent bugs & get better IDE suggestions.

AWS-Amplify API module: how to make GraphQL fields unique?

AWS-Amplify provides a couple of directives to build an GraphQL-API. But I haven't found out how to ensure uniqueness for fields.
I want to do something like in GraphCool:
type Tag #model #searchable {
id: ID!
label: String! #isUnique
This is an AWS-Amplify specific question. It's not about how to do this with generic GraphQL. It's very specifically about how to do this with AWS-Amplify's API module. (
Hey thanks for the question. This is not yet possible by default using the amplify-cli but you could do this yourself using pipeline resolvers and an extra index on your DynamoDB table. The steps to do this are as follows:
Create a GSI on the table where the label is the HASH KEY.
Create a pipeline resolver on the Mutation.createTag field in your schema. You can turn off the auto-generated Mutation.createTag mutation by changing your #model definition to #model(mutations: { update: "updateTag", delete: "deleteTag" }).
Create a function named LookupLabel that issues a Query against the new GSI where the label = $ctx.args.input.label. If this returns a value, throw an error with $util.error("Label is not unique"). If it returns no values then continue.
Create a function named CreateTag that issues a PutItem against the Tag table.
Add those two functions in order to your pipeline resolver.
You can read more about pipeline resolvers here
As of writing amplify does not yet support custom & pipeline resolvers but you can read more about the feature here as it will be supported in the future. For now you can add the resolver manually in the AWS AppSync console or via your own CloudFormation template that targets the id of the API created by Amplify. It would also be helpful if you create an issue here ( and tag this as a feature request because it would be possible to automate this with an #unique directive but this would need to be planned.
Update: now you can use #primarykey and #index annotations:
profile #model {
email #primaryKey - has to be unique
so if you needed something like:
profile #model {
email: String! #hasOne
email #model {
email: String! #primaryKey
if you are on an older version see below
I will eventually be testing this out to see if this works but you might be able to do something like rename the id to a string!
type Tag #model #key["id"] {
id: String!
type Customer #model #key(fields: ["email"]) {
email: String!
username: String
this second one is taken directly from the docs:
The docs were updated recently so hopefully they are easier for everyone to understand.
If you need a more advanced workflow with allot of keys, and stuff like that then you just have to separate things out and make more types for example:
type Customer #model {
id: String!
email: Email! #hasOne
username: String
type email #model #key(fields: ["email"]) {
email: String!
