jHipster microservice Swagger-UI not available in registry / control center API tab - microservices

Microservice local project based on jHipster 7.8.1
control center
API Gateway
test microservice
Test microservice has classs with #RestController #RequestMapping("/api") #GetMapping("/cars") annotations.
Authorization with JWT Token. Base64-secret was updated, same value in every app.
I can see my test app and api gateway in control center and registry, but they are not visible in API tab.
I would like to see my test microservice app swagger visible via registry/control center API tab. What should i do to achieve that?

IMHO it's related to replacement springfox to springdoc - https://www.jhipster.tech/2022/01/02/jhipster-release-7.5.0.html. It looks that control-center hasn't been applied to this change.


Get swagger to authenticate with Azure AD + spring boot configuration

I have a spring boot REST service which is protected with Azure AD, so I'm using the Spring Boot Starter for Azure AD.
I'm also using the springdoc-openapi library to generate the API documentation. For now I'm hand writing the yaml file to describe the documentation.
I'm looking for help with getting swagger to authenticate with Azure AD so that I can try out the endpoints in the backend.
Is there someway to do this by either editing the yaml file or with the springdoc-openapi library?
For getting swagger to authenticate with Azure AD you need to create registered two web application one is for webAPI and another is for your swagger.Then you shoukd require Delegated Permissions for your Swagger Web Site to ‘Access’ your WebAPI.As swagger is in-built configured in the .Net 5.0 template so that we don't need to take care of documenting our APIs in this latest .Net 5.0.
You can refer this Document here they have given in steps how to authenticate swagger with azuread.
You can also refer this document for how Setup Swagger to authenticate against Azure Active Directory is provided by devloper community of .net

Spring starter security or spring cloud security How to secure an entire microservice architecture?

Currently in developer training, I am working on a personal project on spring. I started java 6 months ago, so there is a certain notion that I do not yet master. My trainer does not know spring at all, so he cannot help me.
I am also French and there is very little reliable documentation on spring (it is evolving quickly).
For example, I followed a French tutorial on microservices, and I used the ribbon and zuul proxy while they are currently in maintenance at spring. I started all over (new project) to recode in reactive webflux
I have several concerning spring starter security or spring cloud security
Spring cloud config (in connection with gitlab)
eureka server
admin server
2 business microservices
2 sub-module (model and repository)
I want all my microservices and the internal microservices (eureka, admin server, configserver) to be secure now. But I do not know how.
I want the microservice that consults config-server to identify themselves, and I also want the microservice gateway to identify itself to make requests to other microservices. Finally I want all my microservices to be protected.
Should we put spring-starter-security in microservice? Should we create a new microservice with spring-cloug-security?
Should we create a new spring-cloud-security microservice and add spring-start-security everywhere?
https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-security/2.2.x/reference/html/ Obviously I find this link not very explanatory
Thank you
In a microservice architecture that I have worked, we have always used the OAUTH2 specification for securing service.
OAuth2 is a token-based security framework that allows a user to authenticate themselves with a third-party authentication server. If the user successfully authenticates, they will be presented with a token that must be sent with every request. The token can then be validated back to the OAuth2 Server. The OAuth2 Server is the intermediary between the application and the services being consumed. The OAuth2 Server allows the user to authenticate themselves without having to pass their user credentials down to every service the application is going to call on behalf of the user.
Detail information for OAuth2 you can find in the following LINK .
I have implemented simple microservice architecture for demonstrating how services are connected with each other.
Here is the link LINK
Below is the image representing the architecture:

How to get principal - user information from a spring boot restApi which has security configured in to a client spring boot app?

I have two spring boot application. One is Rest and the other one is Spring boot web MVC app which consumes the Rest. The Rest has spring security configured and I want to login/logout from the client app. The client app has nothing but view and controllers to interact with the rest api.
I am using rest template to interact with the api now.
If the client app is not secured so any other anonymous app may do the same, and this is not security, it's a sieve ...
If you want to create a custom authorization/authentication, you can create own protocol and use tokens/JWT (possibly, OpenID or other global technology) and exchange information between applications.
But there is technology to do it all centrally and reliably - OAuth2, and Spring has it 'from the box' - authorization server, resource server, client. The most advantage - multiple applications (clients), one authorization - you create one user and can authenticate it on any client with the same credentials. You can customize it with JWT, and use any data in the access token and as a consequence get any information about principle/authorization.

API-first rest endpoint not listed in jhipster-gateway API section (swagger-ui)

Using jhipster 5.7.2
I created an api-gateway, and two micro-services.
In the first one, I created an entity and it works perfectly behind the gateway. The gateway displays the api endpoints for the generated entity.
I generated the second micro-service but this time I had already an api defined in a yml file so I chose 'API-first'.
My api was defined using open-api 3.
I successfully generated the code for my api, using the instructions there, and tested calling direcly my micro-service endpoint using curl : it worked as expected at this point.
The problem : when I put that micro-service behind the gateway, the gateway does not see the api. When I go to the api menu, my micro-service shows in the dropdown but when I select it, it shows no endpoints.
One weird thing I found while searching is that when I call the following url on my micro-service directly : http://localhost:8082/v2/api-docs (as pointed in the 'welcome page' of the micro-service), I get :
{"swagger":"2.0","info":{"description":"my micro-service API documentation","version":"0.0.1","title":"api-first micro-service API","contact":{},"license":{}},"host":"localhost:8082","basePath":"/"}
It says 'swagger 2.0' when my yml file declared openapi 3.0.1.
I searched and found this issue, which says :
Swagger UI very old version (2.2.10) is used which does not provide
the support for Open API
I though openapi was the problem, so I rewrote the yml file to swagger 2.0 and finally I have the same exact problem : micro-service API works but seems not visible to the gateway.
I'm starting to wonder if it's a problem on my side only.
By default, JHipster configures Swagger to only list API endpoints beginning with api. This is configured in application.yml, change default-include-pattern to include other paths. For example, to include endpoints beginning with either /api/ or /expires/, you can use the following:
default-include-pattern: /(api|expires)/.*

spring cloud oauth sso without authorize step

I have a spring cloud oauth #EnableAuthorizationServer that uses a jpa backend to store the accounts. I also have a couple of different clients, a website, an intranet and a ionic mobile app.
all the clients have separate client credentials inline in the oauth config block.
i have then tried to use the spring cloud sso to not have to login again.
my problem is that I want to remove the authorize step since all my clients are known to me and i simply want the user to be logged in across all my apps.
is this possible with spring cloud sso?
The authorization happens on the authorization server (so nothing to do with Spring Cloud). A UserApprovalHandler would do what you need, but the default one should work if you just set autoapprove=true (or a pattern matching te scopes you want to auto approve) in the client details. (Assuming your auth server is Spring OAuth.)
