Is there a way in Windows 10 to create a virtual link from an UNEXISTING file to an existing one? - windows

I'm using Windows 10 on a device that has only one SSD formatted with NFTS, the drive letter is C:\
I have an application that looks for a file located in D:\afolder\needed.file (I can't change this)
Is there a way to put the file needed.file in C:\ and create a virtual link so that this application thinks is working on D:\afolder\needed.file but transparently the OS is redirecting it to the file located in C: ?
I tried with the command
mklink /H D:\afolder\needed.file C:\needed.file
but I receive the error
Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.
Maybe it is because the drive D: doesn't exist at all on the device?
Is there a way to make it work?
NOTE: The SSD of the device is formatted with NTFS and I run the command mklink with admin privileges


Change File locations for iCloud Drive on windows 10

by default, iCloud Drive on Winows 10 stores files in C:\Users\xyz...\iCloudDrive.
To change the location, one can follow instructions found via google using mklink command e.g.
powershell -> cmd /c mklink /J “C:\Users\xyz...\iCloudDrive” “D:\iCloudDrive”
For me, this is not working.
Every try gives me an additional folder named "iCloud Drive Archive", when I apply in iCloud settings.
Any idea how to change the default location to a different drive
or solution to fix the "iCloud Drive Archive" problem when using mklink command?
Many thanks in advance!

How to map a network share folder to a local folder in Windows without additional Apps

Lets say there is a shared folder: \\server\share\folder1 containing Folder2\file.ext
I would like mount that folder to c:\somePath\someFolder
So that I can reference c:\somePath\someFolder\Folder2\file.ext
Best I can find is mounting to drive letter. :(
The access to the file is just an example. Let's just assume there are a few servers and a few files. Powershell or cmd is fine. Heck I would take cygwin too. :)
In cmd (run as as administrator) run the following command:
mklink /D c:\somePath\someFolder \\server\share\folder1

How do I autorun my Python script when I plug in my USB device?

I want to execute my Python script (at root, "autorun.pyw") whenever my USB device is plugged into a port.
I don't want to install any software. I am using Windows 10, and I have tried using an autorun.inf file.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
First Step: Install software
Restore the auto-run function To restore the "auto-run" function, the first thing we will need to do is download APO USB Autorun, a small free program that monitors the USB devices connected to the computer. Once installed, whenever you connect a USB storage device, such as a USB stick, it will check if there is an autorun.inf file inside the device and will run the configured program.
Second Step: Create autorun.inf
Create the autorun.inf file To automatically run a program from the flash drive, it needs to have two things, the program you want to run automatically and a script file that points to the program on the flash drive. Copy the executable file of the program you want to run to the pendrive. Then open the notepad, copy the text below and paste it into the notepad window to create the autorun script. [autorun]; Open = MEUAPP.exe ShellExecute = MEUAPP.exe UseAutoPlay = 1 Once you have pasted the text in the notepad, replace the text “MEUAPP” with the name of the program file you copied to the USB stick that will run automatically, as shown in the example below. Then, save the file to the USB stick named autorun.inf. Important: Make sure to select the option “All files (*. *)” In the “Type” field so that the file is saved with an INF extension and not a TXT extension. The flash drive should now contain the program's executable file and the autorun.inf file you just created. You can use the USB stick to place other files, but be sure to keep both files. Note: If the portable program has multiple files, you can copy its folder to the USB stick, just make sure to enter the path in the ShellExecute field. Ex: ShellExecute = PASTADOAPP \ MEUAPP.exe.
Final Step: Configure and run automatically
Run the program automatically: Once this is done, whenever you connect the pendrive to the computer, APO USB Autorun will detect your autorun.inf file inside the pendrive and will automatically run the program you have configured. Finally, note that you will need to install APO USB Autorun on all computers where you want to use autorun. Still, it can still be useful if you work on the same computers.

Copy a non-shared file on a local network with a windows command

I'm using Windows 8.
How can I copy a non-shared file from another pc on my home network (another IP)?
This command can copy files, but only shared files:
copy \\{ip address}\Downloads\example C:\example_folder
copy (where and what) to (here)
I'd like something like this. But I don't know how can I copy a non-shared File? Is there a simple windows command I can run to do this?
You could try mapping a drive first and then doing the copy, then deleting the mapping. e.g.
net use x: \\computer name\share name
copy x:\Downloads\example C:\example_folder
net use x: /delete
where x: is the drive letter to map to locally.
If you don't have a share name, you could use the drive letter in the format of c$ for the c: drive on the remote machine or d$ for d: e.g.
net use x: \\computer name\c$
You will probably need to have a login for the remote machine. If you do, do the following.
net use x: \\computer-name\share-name password /user:username
I can't test this at the moment as I'm on my Linux machine, but give it a go as a guide.
See for more details on mapping the drive

Can't copy files to UNC Destinations if BAT file is called via scheduled task

I have a bat file copying files from current machine to mapped network drive (one line, xcopy command).
It works when I RDP to server. However, when I run as a scheduled task, and configure it to run under the same user I'm logged in, it doesn't work and give error 0x4.
Is there a way I can achieve this?
I also try dsynchronize and it works when I click synchronized. When I run it as service same issue.
I was able to figure it out. Following batch files works under scheduler, even as local system account:
net use m: \\server\share /U:server\user password
xcopy C:\source m: /E /Y
It maps a network drive every time and then copy to that drive
It's possible to copy files to a UNC path without mapping as a network drive.
Just try to set the UNC path in quotes.
copy * "\\server\share"
Without the quotes, i got a "syntax error" running on Windows7 command line.
I had similar issue where I wanted to copy file(s) from a server to hundreds of other servers without mapping a remote drive to my local PC. I didn't have enough drive letters to map hundreds of remote machines to my local PC! I couldn't just map the remote drive and copy.
I thought I could use copy, xcopy, or robocopy, and specify my creds to the copy command. But none of the copy commands had any options to provide credentials to remote system.
Thanks to the post above, I was able to create a small batch file where I just loop through my hosts, and keep re-using just one drive mapping for all my hosts.
Here is my batch file...
echo #off
for /F %%j in (pchostslist1.txt) do (
net use z:\\%%j\c$ /user:domain\myusername mypassword
mkdir \\%%j\c$\tmp\mynewdir
xcopy c:\anyfile.txt \\%%j\c$\tmp\mynewdir
net use z: /delete
I had a similar issue and instead of using net use I simply needed to store the password as part of the scheduled task. You'll notice that it says it only has access to local resources if it's ticked.
Who maps the network drive? And are you using the mapped name, instead of the underlying UNC native path? Because it sounds like the mapped drive is setup in your login script, which doesn't run if you're not logged in. So, in a scheduled task, you do have the correct credentials for the UNC path, but no mapped drive letter.
