Best practices to extend scalafx elements / classes - scalafx

I need to include in a series of VBox containers (which are in a FlowPane) a case class or a value containing database related references. Any recommendations on how to extend i.e. VBox container class with my own objects / values?


Guidelines of updating business network without breaking compatibility using Composer?

As updating business network could break your APIs and You may not able to fetch old data. We are looking for generic guidelines about what we should take care before updating business network and deploying using composer.
We will include this into the docs for the release next week...
Model Compatability
Composer models are expected to change and evolve over time. However some care and discipline must be applied when making model changes to ensure that existing instances are still valid with respect to the new model.
A model M' is compatible with model M if instances created with model M are valid with respect to model M'. If the instances are valid, then they may be deserialized using the Serializer.
The following terms are used throughout this document:
Class : the declaration of the structure of an asset, participant, transaction, concept or event
Instance : an instance of a class, for example if org.example.Vehicle is an asset (class), then org.example.Vehicle#ABC123 is an instance of an org.acme.Vehicle
Property : a member (or field) defined by a class, including a relationship. For example the class org.example.Vehicle may have a property called model of type string.
A class (the asset SampleAsset):
namespace org.acme.sample
asset SampleAsset identified by assetId {
o String assetId
--> SampleParticipant owner
o String value
An instance of the class:
"$class": "org.acme.sample.SampleAsset",
"assetId": "assetId:6463",
"owner": "resource:org.acme.sample.SampleParticipant#participantId:8091",
"value": "secret plant frequently ruler"
Evolution of Namespaces
A new class may be added to a namespace without breaking compatibility with pre-existing instances.
Evolution of Classes
This section describes the effects of changes to the declaration of a class and its properties on pre-existing instances.
Renaming a class will break compatability with any pre-existing instances of the class, or relationships to the class.
abstract Classes
If a class that was not declared abstract is changed to be declared abstract, then attempts to create new instances of that class will throw an error at runtime; such a change is therefore not recommended for widely distributed classes.
Changing a class that is declared abstract to no longer be declared abstract does not break compatibility with pre-existing instances.
An error is thrown at load time if a class would be a superclass of itself. Changes to the class hierarchy that could result in such a circularity when instances are loaded are not recommended for widely distributed classes.
Changing the direct superclass of a class type will not break compatibility with pre-existing instances, provided that the total set of superclasses of the class type loses no properties.
If a change to the direct superclass results in any class no longer being a superclass respectively, then errors may result if pre-existing instances have relationships to the modified class. Such changes are not recommended for widely distributed classes.
Class Properties
No incompatibility with pre-existing instances is caused by adding a property to a class if the property is either declared as optional or is assigned a default value. Adding new properties that are neither optional nor have a default will break compatability with any pre-existing instances of the class.
Changing the cardinality of a property (changing an array [] to a non-array or vice-a-versa) will break compatability with any pre-existing instances of the class.
Deleting a property from a class will break compatibility with any pre-existing instances that reference this field.
Changing the type of a property may cause an error if the property is used by a pre-existing instance.
Changing the validation expression of a property may cause an error if the property is used by a pre-existing instance.
Properties that are relationships follow the same rules as for other types.
Evolution of Enums
Adding or reordering constants in an enum type will not break compatibility with pre-existing instances.
If a pre-existing instance attempts to access an enum constant that no longer exists, an error will occur. Therefore such a change is not recommended for widely distributed enums.
In all other respects, the model evolutions rules for enums are identical to those for classes.

Best Practices: how to design Page Object test suites for multiple similar web sites

I'm starting to re-design all my test suites with the Page-Object model, but, every documentation or tutorial I've found show examples in single-site projects, and in my case, I have like 10 or more sites (and the list is growing, next year there will be like 20 or 30 sites) that share near 90% of the UI elements and data, and other sites that share like 50-80% of the UI elements and data. Also, the sites have mobile versions that have somewhat different UI elements from the Desktop versions, say they are 80% similar than the Desktop versions.
What is the best approach to design something with this scenario in mind? Should I design it like to have a different Page-Object class for every site and for Desktop/mobile versions? or should I group them in Desktop and Mobile versions respectively naming the elements with the prefix name of the Site? I cannot seem to found any standard for situations like this.
In a Page Object Model, you should ideally have 1 class for each screen/page which encapsulates all your objects and methods within that page.
Create a new page class for each screen. I would suggest have an abstract class for each page (with all the common say 90% objects defines ) and make sure your methods are overridable from the child classes. There can be multiple child classes of each page object abstarct class (eg different technologies Modile/Desktop) where you can override any method that doesnt use the common abstract method in that particular technology.
Maintain separate object classes(per page) which will maintain properties of all your objects in that page. To read more on page objects model visit:

How I can modularize Rails model?

I'm implementing several classes which does not have data by itself, just logics. These classes implements access control policy to date which depends on several parameters taken from data from other models.
I initially try to find answer to "Where to store such classes?" here, and the answer was apps/models directory. That's ok, but I like to clearly separate these classes from ActiveRecord inherited classes in hierarchy, both as file and class.
So, I created classes inside Logic module, like Logic::EvaluationLogic or Logic::PhaseLogic. I also wanted to have constants which passed between these logics. I prefer to place these constants into Logic module too. Thus, I implemented like this:
# in logic/phase_logic.rb
module Logic
class PhaseLogic
def self.some_phase_control_code
# in logic/evaluation_logic.rb
module Logic
class EvaluationLogic
def self.some_other_code
Now, it work just fine with rspec (It passes tests I wrote without issues), but not with development server, since it can't find the Logic::PHASE_INITIAL constant.
I suspect it's related to the mismatch of the autoloading scheme of Rails and what I wanted to do. I tried to tweak rails, but no luck, ended-up with eliminating module Logic wrap.
Now the question I want to ask: How I can organize these classes with Rails?
I'm using 3.2.1 at this moment.
Posted a follow-up question "How I can organize namespace of classes in app/modules with rails?"
I am not sure whether I really understand your classes, but couldn't you create a Logic module or (I would rather do this:) PhaseLogic and EvaluationLogic objects in /lib directory?
It is not said that "Model" is always descendant of ActiveRecord. If the object belongs to "business logic" then it is a model. You can have models which do not touch database in any way. So, if your classes are "business objects", place them in 'app/models' and use like any other model.
Another question is whether you should use inheritance or modules - but I would rather think about including a module in PhaseLogic, and not about defining PhaseLogic in a module. Of course, all this depends heavily on the intended role of your objects.
Because in Ruby the class of object is not important, you do not need to use inheritance. If you want to 'plug' the logic objects into other objects, just take care that all '*Logic' classes have the required methods. I know that all I said is very vague, but I think I cannot give you some more concrete suggestions without knowing more about the role of these objects.
Ah, and one more thing!
If you find yourself fighting with Rails class autoloading, just use the old require "lib/logic.rb" in all the classes where you are using Logic::PHASE_INITIAL constants.
In this case I suppose that your problem was caused by different order of loading. The logic/evaluation_logic.rb has been loaded before logic/phase_logic.rb. The problem may disappear if you create logic.rb somewhere, where class autoloading can find it, and define these constants in that file.
Don't name your classes or modules Logic use specific names. Start with extracting logic into separate classes and then try to break them into smaller ones. Use namespaces to distinguish them from each other in lib folder, after this steps you would be able to extract some logic parts to separate gems and reduce codebase and complexity of application. Also take a look into presenter pattern.

Mongoid class with embedded_in and belongs_to entries

I am creating a Mongoid based application which will have a Class (called Question) whose Objects are stored in two different ways for different purposes. One group of those objects need to be stored in an N:N relationship with Class Page and another group of the same objects need to be stored as embedded (1:N) entries in a different Class (FilledPage).
I need to be able to copy a Question Object which has been referenced in a Page into a FilledPage and for the purposes of speed, I need that to be an embedded relationship.
I have tried creating a Superclass with the information and then two child classes, but I can't convert from one child class to the other without considerable work (and this same design needs to be used in a few other areas with much greater complexity).
Is there any way to support both embedding and references in the same class, or some other solution which will do similar.
Nothing block to have same class to be embedded or standalone. with reference. The limitation is about linking a master document to embedded document. It's not possible easily with mongodb, because your need get the master document and extract the embedded one.

How to extend an existing Ruby model to support persistence

I have a gem which implements my entire business logic, so that I can use it in different applications. Now, one of these applications requires persistence. How do I easily extend my existing Ruby models to support persistence? Should I monkey patch them?
To give you a bit of a background, my model objects are usually just built from XML or JSON files, but now I need to store them in an relational database.
Are there common patterns for this problem? Should I write new model objects that support persistence and map between my legacy objects and the new model objects or should I extend the existing ones to be representable in a database?
Any tips, hints, and links are highly welcome.
I am not sure that I fully understand your question. However, the DataMapper library can be very easily used to add persistence to an already existing object model after the fact, for two reasons:
It doesn't rely on class inheritance (like e.g. ActiveRecord does) but on mixin inheritance, and you can inherit from as many mixins you like, which means you won't have to change the inheritance tree of your object model just to add DataMapper to it.
The object-relational-mapping is declared explicitly in the model, not inferred from the data-store. This means that you can have very complex mappings between the data-store and your models, unlike the rather simple 1:1 table == class, row == object, column == attribute mapping of ActiveRecord.
Now, whether or not you will manage to keep the persistence aspect fully orthogonal, and e.g. in a separate gem, that's another question. You could indeed keep it in a separate library that just opens up all the model classes and include DataMapper::Resource and declare all the properties. This will allow you to still deploy your object model gem without persistence, but the persistence gem will obviously be rather tightly coupled to the object model gem.
