JMeter zoomed out too far - jmeter

If I startup JMeter it is zoomed out way too far on my big screen. I can zoom in a lot times, but isn't there a setting to correct this?:

Assuming your operating system is windows system: \bin\
open \bin\jmeter.bat
set JVM_ARGS=%JVM_ARGS% -Dswing.plaf.metal.controlFont=Dialog-20
set JVM_ARGS=%JVM_ARGS% -Dswing.plaf.metal.systemFont=Dialog-20
set JVM_ARGS=%JVM_ARGS% -Dswing.plaf.metal.userFont=SansSerif-20
set JVM_ARGS=%JVM_ARGS% -Dswing.plaf.metal.smallFont=SansSerif-20
4.start jmeter
Options -> Look and Feel -> Metal
5.restart jmeter
Set to the appearance from the beginning of Darklaf, which will be restored after reboot. Therefore, on high-resolution screens, setting it to Metal mode should be a good way.

You should be using the latest version of JMeter so try upgrading to JMeter 5.4.3 or even to nightly build
Try upgrading your Java runtime to the most recent version, it might be the case it's Java unable to properly render the elements due to lack of high resolutions support
Play with jmeter.hidpi.mode and jmeter.hidpi.scale.factor JMeter Properties, see Toolbar Display related ones in JMeter Documentation
Your "big" screen isn't very informative, going forward include screen resolution and ppi.


JDK Flight Recorder on CI/CD Plattform

I am currently using JDK Flight Recorder with JDK 11 and came across some trouble in the CI/CD Plattform. Unfortunately, there is not too much documentation on the new Flight Recorder, but rather on the older one, which was still developed under Java.
When I try to start tests directly from the IDE, everything works fine and I get my recording files.
When I try to do the same thing, automatically, in the CI/CD Plattform, it causes time out and a lot of different indefinite failures, among them: trouble creating the file, the file is not even written, etc.
The JVM commands I used are the following (I put extra spaces for better readability):
-XX:StartFlightRecording= name="UiTestServer", settings="profile", dumponexit=true, filename=""+System.getenv("CI_PROJECT_DIR") + "flightRecording/javaFlightRecorder.jfr"
The commands are the same that the IDE uses automatically, when starting the flight recording with right click on the specified test.
Does anybody know, whether the Flight Recorder has problems with such systems or specific services which might run parallely to it? I heard of some profiling tools, that are unable to perform on CI Plattforms.
If you need more detail, just ask me. Though, it might happen that I cannot tell anything related to the project.
Bit late as an answer, but JFR can definitely run in CI/CD environments. I have successfully attached JFR to our JMH microbenchmarks and published the results as artifacts in Atlassian Bamboo. Our Bamboo agents are running on AWS, so JFR itself should be good for most cloud environments.
JFR has been built to work in production systems, but if you want guarantees of low overhead (<1%), you should use the default settings, not profile.
'profile' is for a shorter period of time, i.e. 10 minutes, where it may be OK with additional overhead to gain more insight.
This is what I would recommend, for JDK 11 and later:
$ java -XX:StartFlightRecording:filename=/path
There is no need set dumponexit=true if a filename has been specified.
-XX:+FlightRecorder is only needed before JDK 8u40.
You can set a name if you like, but it's typically not needed. If you want to use jcmd and dump a recording, the name can be omitted.

Selenium - change resolution on node service

I am using Selenium 3.01 on windows server 2012 R2.
The tests are running remotly via webdriver.
The problem is when a node runs as a service the resolution is too small and the tests keep failing.
When running the node as a process while logged in everything is good because the resolution is much better.
I can see the big difference when taking snaps on failure.
How can I change the resolution?
Are not working because the server's resolution is smaller.
Any ideas?
Thank you
I solved the issue.
I am using a Virtual Machine over VMware ESX.
First of all I noticed that when logging in through the console and trying to change the resolution, the maximum resolution was quite smaller than expected.
To maximize the max resolution I followed this VMware KB.
Now, change the default resolution by editing registry values:
Navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\VIDEO\{Address of primary video card}\0000\
Find DefaultSettings.XResolution That is your X axis. Edit as a Decimal to what you want it to be. IE 1152.
Find DefaultSettings.YResolution. That is your Y axis. Edit as a decimal to what you want it to be. IE 863.
Restart, and you're done.
In addition, make sure your Selenium node runs as Local System with Allow service to interact with desktop.
Now you may change chrome window resolution via your code:
Think that is a service limitation, we had issue like that, solution was to start node from command line.
Connect to remote machine
Start node from command line
Close connection (not by logging out, but by clicking 'X' button)
This way you'll leave your session hanging, if you want this command to be executed automatically you may try and add batch file to your startup.

Why does Intellij freeze upon maven pom changes only when the project panel is showing?

I know that I should ask this question to the developers of Intelli IDEA and indeed I just did:
However, since IDEA is such a fine program and so many people are happily using it, I was wondering if maybe this is a known issue that could be avoided or resolved.
I searched a lot and there are a number of spurious reports in this direction, but nothing clear.
So these are the steps that allow me to reproduce the problem even after a clean restart of IDEA:
1) Make IDEA use up all the allocated memory (-Xmx750)
- I use Intellij on OSX Yosemite (MacBook Air) and its allocated memory must be used up entirely before this effect shows.
- Typically I can reach this by opening a couple of projects and changing maven selecting some maven profiles.
- Then the OSX Activity monitor would say the Intellij process uses e.g. 900m real memory.
2) Ensure the project panel is showing and make changes to the pom and then click "import changes".
- Indexing and import will go at normal speed.
- Then Intellij will stop to indicate any ongoing processes and the UI freezes for about 30 seconds with highest CPU (> 100%) usage.
- Also a little wheel is showing in the top right corner of said project panel.
3) If I hide the project panel, the UI does NOT freeze and is immediately responsive.
Thank you.
Because the project panel is updated on EDT, see and vote:

Get available X11 video modes without extensions

I've been searching around and can't find a solution for this. The official NVIDIA Tegra 2 Linux SDK (L4T) doesn't include both XRandR or the VideoMode X11 extension for querying available video modes. My next thought was to parse the log file for video modes. Of course most of the time it's at /var/log/Xorg.0.log but I'd rather not always make that assumption. The XF86misc extension provides a way to get the log path but that extension is also not installed by default.
So I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other way to figure out what video modes are available and also what the current video mode of the display is.
The core X protocol does not mention modes. You have to use extensions. There's nothing wrong with that, that's what extensions are for.
Also, remember that there's no guarantee that the machine you're displaying on is the same machine as you're running on, so parsing the X log file is destined to fail if your app ever runs across the network.

How to get a window with specified resolution system settings independent

I am testing a GUI (Swing based) interface and need to do it with special screen resolution. Is there any way to keep original system resolution and display the window of the application under test with specified resolution (system independent) ? Any tool for that kind of things?
You can use VMWare or a similar tool to run a virtual machine. These usually allow you to specify the screen resolution.
