Using client separately in python pyrogram - client

I have got this problem with pyrogram
app = Client("session",
How can i send message via bot not userbot ?

for using a bot and a userbot separately in same time you should do this :
#bot.on_message ...
your code
your code
or you can use 2 threads with using threading mudule.


What is the keep_alive library and will it work?

I saw a question for a discord bot and it was using a library called "keep_alive". How can I import it to my bot if it does keep the bot online?
The below code is the keep_alive code which prevents your repl from dying by creating a flask server. You should use uptime-robot to make the server gets pinged in a certain amount of time to make it work for long time without stopping.
from flask import Flask
from threading import Thread
app = Flask('')
def main():
return "Your bot is alive!"
def run():"", port=8080)
def keep_alive():
server = Thread(target=run)
You should create a keep_alive and paste the above code there and then add keep_alive.keep_alive() in your main file to make it work.
You can refer this youtube-video to understand how to use that

Laravel Notification System

I use a simple Query Code to display Toastr in my application. This is the code:
document.getElementById("test").onclick = function() {
priority : 'success',
title : 'yassine Jennane',
message : 'yassine jennane test toster'
My problem is when there is another user connected in my application, he isn't receiving the notification at the same moment as the first one do. Why?
Link of the notification script + demo: jQuery & Bootstrap Based Toast Notification Plugin
This won't work like that. You need to create Event Classes and Broadcasting Channels. Further you need to have some node.js side so that the notifications are shown live on the client side.
You probably don't have experience in this subject, so I would suggest to do following things:
Have a look at following in the documentation:
Watch following tutorial on laracasts:
Of course you can have a look at some other tutorials you find on the internet.
The plugin you're using is a Jquery plugin that makes toasts in user browser, it works only for connected user, if you want to show notification for all the users using your application, you should use Cloud Messaging service, Firebase is good one. Client for Appcelerator (Titanium Application iOS)

I am building a Titanium based mobile application (iOS) in Appcelerator and want to connect it to Node.js( based server. For that I need a client side file which.
I tried to import the client side JS using 'require',
var io = require(''); //JavaScript Downloaded from here:
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000');
I am getting the following error:
Script Error: Module "" failed to leave a valid exports object
Please let me know where I am going wrong or what is the way to use in Appcelerator.
Thanks In Advance.

Using script to fire Xcode bot

Is there a way to manually fire existing Xcode bots using shell scripts? I have a manual bot and I'd like to fire it based on certain custom logic criteria.
You'll need to do a couple of things:
Firstly, I'm going to call your Xcode Server's IP address XCS_IP, usually localhost if you're on the machine where Xcode Server's running.
Find out the ID of the bot: in Terminal, run curl -k "https://XCS_IP:20343/api/bots". Copy the output to some editor and find the value for key _id for your bot, will be something like 6b3de48352a8126ce7e08ecf85093613. Let's call it BOT_ID.
Trigger an integration by running curl -k -X POST -u "username:password" "https://XCS_IP:20343/api/bots/BOT_ID/integrations" -i
Where username and password are credentials of a user that is allowed to create bots on the server, an admin will do.
If you're interested in more details, I have an app in Swift that uses that API and many more:
And checkout my article on how to find Xcode Server's API "documentation":
TL;DR? On your Mac, look at /Applications/, where you can find the available APIs.
Hope this helped.
Apple has added documentation for the Xcode server API that you can use to trigger bots.
Below is some example code on how you can make a python script that triggers a bot.
import requests
xcodeIP = ''
def main():
botName = "name of bot"
def runBot(botName): + '/api/bots/' + getBot(botName)["_id"] + '/integrations', auth=('username', 'password'), verify=False)
def getBot(botName):
botIDRequest = requests.get(xcodeIP + '/api/bots', auth=('username', 'password'), verify=False)
bots = botIDRequest.json()["results"]
for bot in bots:
if bot["name"] == botName:
return bot
if __name__ == "__main__":

xmpp ruby client for google cloud messaging service

I'm trying to write a xmpp implementation in Ruby for GCM CCS.
My code
require 'xmpp4r'
sender_jid ='')
client =
client.connect('', 5235)
after client.connect .... I get this error :
fatal: No live threads left. Deadlock?
Any ideas?
client.use_ssl = true
solves this
