Rundeck parse option based on another option value - ansible

I need rundeck to parse an option based on the value selected in another option. I have an option ${option.env} and other options like ${option.id_dev}, ${option.id_qa}
I want to achieve something like below for extra-vars, so that "env" option value determines which id(dev or qa) to read.
ansible-playbook /build.yml -e id=${option.id_${option.env.value}}
Is this possible or Could I pass extra-vars like a conditional case based on env value ?. I'm using rundeck 3.0.X
Update :
To give clear info, If I select 'dev' for the option 'env', I need to use its value like ${option.id_${option.env.value}} , so it translates to ${option.id_dev} to get other option in the command line

You can use cascade remote options in a tricky way. The explanation is at the end of this answer.
I made a little example to see how to achieve this:
The branches.json file (referenced on the job options as "branches"):
{"name":"branch1", "value":"branch1.json"},
{"name":"branch2", "value":"branch2.json"},
{"name":"branch3", "value":"branch3.json"}
The branch1.json is the first tentative value of the branches option:
{"name":"v1", "value":"1"},
{"name":"v2", "value":"2"},
{"name":"v3", "value":"3"}
The branch2.json is the second tentative value of the branches option:
{"name":"v4", "value":"4"},
{"name":"v5", "value":"5"},
{"name":"v6", "value":"6"}
The branch3.json is the third tentative value of the branches option:
{"name":"v7", "value":"7"},
{"name":"v8", "value":"8"},
{"name":"v9", "value":"9"}
Full job definition to test:
- defaultTab: summary
description: ''
executionEnabled: true
id: ed0d84fe-135b-41ee-95b6-6daeaa94894b
loglevel: INFO
name: CascadeTEST
nodeFilterEditable: false
- enforced: true
name: branches
valuesUrl: file:/Users/myuser/branches.json
- enforced: true
name: level2
valuesUrl: file:/Users/myuser/${option.branches.value}
ExecutionLifecycle: null
scheduleEnabled: true
- fileExtension: .sh
interpreterArgsQuoted: false
script: |+
# getting the options
# this just an example
echo "this an example: ${first%%.*}.$second"
scriptInterpreter: /bin/bash
keepgoing: false
strategy: node-first
uuid: ed0d84fe-135b-41ee-95b6-6daeaa94894b
As you see, the value of the first option is always a file name, if you take the value directly you always obtain an "option1.json" like string, so, the trick here is to cut the file extension and take only the name as the value, for that, I used this approach.
So, with the first selection value and the second one, you can do anything later in a script, for example, launch the ansible-playbook command in the inline script.
Check the example result.
The closest way is just using two options and concatenating them in the command step but isn't possible to get the option value inside the other one as you say.
Just like this:
- defaultTab: nodes
description: ''
executionEnabled: true
id: 4e8df698-c7ca-4a10-9f70-bc68c1007a10
loglevel: INFO
name: NewJob
nodeFilterEditable: false
- enforced: true
name: env
value: qa
- qa
- prod
- stage
valuesListDelimiter: ','
- enforced: true
name: id_dev
value: '1'
- '1'
- '2'
- '3'
valuesListDelimiter: ','
ExecutionLifecycle: null
scheduleEnabled: true
- exec: echo ${option.env}_${option.id_dev}
keepgoing: false
strategy: node-first
uuid: 4e8df698-c7ca-4a10-9f70-bc68c1007a10
(the cascade option is another approach)


Azure Pipelines - "While parsing a block mapping, did not find expected key" when setting variables

I have a strange problem that I can't seem to get my head around. I am trying to define some variables for use as part of the job that will deploy bicep files via Azure CLI and execute PowerShell tasks.
I get this validation error when I try and execute the pipeline: While parsing a block mapping, did not find expected key
The line that it refers to is: - name: managementResourceDNSPrivateResolverName
On the research that I have done on this problem, it sounds like an indentation problem but on the face of it, it seems to look fine.
- job: 'Deploy_Management_Resources'
vmImage: ${{ parameters.buildAgent }}
- name: managementResourceDNSPrivateResolverName
value: 'acme-$[ lower(parameters['environmentCode']) ]-$[ lower(variables['resourceLocationShort']) ]-private-dns-resolver'
- name: managementResourceGroupManagement
value: 'acme-infrastructure-rg-management'
- name: managementResourceRouteTableName
value: 'acme-$[ lower(variables['subscriptionCode']) ]-$[ lower(variables['resourceLocationShort']) ]-route-table'
- name: managementResourceVirtualNetworkName
value: 'acme-$[ lower(variables['subscriptionCode']) ]-$[ lower(variables['resourceLocationShort']) ]-vnet-internal-mng'
The error message ...parsing a block mapping, did not find expected key is usually a side-effect of malformed yaml. You'll see if often with variables if you have mixed formats of arrays and property elements
variables: # an array of objects
# variable group reference object
- group: myvariablegroup
# variable template reference object
- template: my-variables.yml
# variable object
- name: myVariable
value: 'value1'
# variable shorthand syntax
myVariable: 'value1' # this fails because it's a property instead of an array element
While it doesn't appear that the sample you've provided is malformed, I am curious about the use of $[ ] which is a runtime expression. The expression $[ lower(parameters['environmentcode']) ] refers to parameters which is are only available at compile time.
$[ lower(parameters['environmentCode']) ] to ${{ lower(parameters.environmentCode) }}

How can I fix yaml error: Block mapping value not allowed here

I copied Semaphore's config of GoReleaser and saved it as .semaphore/semaphore.yml but when I run it on Semaphore, I can see:
Unprocessable YAML file.
Error: {{:throw, {:yamerl_exception, [{:yamerl_parsing_error, :error, 'Block mapping value not allowed here', 30, 20, :block_mapping_value_not_allowed, :undefined, []}]}}, "# .semaphore/semaphore.yml.\nversion: v1.0\nname: Build\nagent:\n machine:\n type: e1-standard-2\n os_image: ubuntu1804\n\nblocks:\n - name: \"Test\"\n task:\n prologue:\n commands:\n # set go version\n - sem-version go 1.11\n - \"export GOPATH=~/go\"\n - \"export PATH=/home/semaphore/go/bin:$PATH\"\n - checkout\n\n jobs:\n - name: \"Lint\"\n commands:\n - go get ./...\n - go test ./...\n\n# On Semaphore 2.0 deployment and delivery is managed with promotions,\n# which may be automatic or manual and optionally depend on conditions.\npromotions:\n - name: Release\n pipeline_file: goreleaser.yml\n auto_promote_on:\n - result: passed\n branch:\n - \"^refs/tags/v*\"\n"}
How can I fix it?
In this last part:
- name: Release
pipeline_file: goreleaser.yml
- result: passed
- "^refs/tags/v*"
The indentation of pipeline_file and auto_promote_on is wrong – both need to be at the same level as name.

YAML Can local variables be mixed with group-variables AND have their naming simplified?

This is my first time working with YAML, but I am running into an issue where it seems like if I want to include a variable-group (i.e., signing certificate password) with local pipeline-related variables then I cannot use the simplified naming convention where the variable's name and value can both be defined and set on the same line.
For example, wat I want is something similar to this (I made sure spacing is correct in the YAML):
solutionName: Foo.sln
projectName: Bar
buildPlatform: x64
buildConfiguration: development
major: '1'
minor: '0'
build: '0'
revision: $[counter('rev', 0)]
vhdxSize: '200'
- group: legacy-pipeline
signingCertPwd: $[variables.SigningCertificatePassword]
But, this results in a parsing error. As a result, I have to use a denser, but more bloated looking, format of:
- name: solutionName
value: Foo.sln
- name: projectName
value: Bar
- name: buildPlatform
value: x64
- name: buildConfiguration
value: development
- name: major
value: '1'
- name: minor
value: '0'
- name: build
value: '0'
- name: revision
value: $[counter('rev', 0)]
- name: vhdxSize
value: '200'
- group: legacy-pipeline
- name: signingCertPwd
value: $[variables.SigningCertificatePassword]
It seems like the simplified naming format is only available if I use it for local variables, but if I add a variable-group then the simplified format goes away. I have tried searching the web for a solution for this, but I am not able find anything useful for this. Is what I am trying to achieve possible or no? If yes, how can it be done?
Unfortunately mixing the styles is not possible, but you can work around that using templates:
# pipeline.yaml
- stage: declare_vars
- template: templates/vars.yaml
- group: my-group
- template: templates/inline-vars.yaml
inline_var: yes!
and_more: why not
- job:
- pwsh: |
echo 'foo=$(foo)'
echo 'bar=$(bar)'
echo 'var1=$(var1)'
echo 'inline_var=$(inline_var)'
# templates/vars.yaml
foo: bar
bar: something else
# templates/inline-vars.yaml
- name: vars
type: object
default: {}
${{ each var in parameters.vars}}:
${{var.key}}: ${{var.value}}
templates/vars.yaml is just simply moving variables to another file.
templates/inline-vars.yaml lets you define inline variables using the denser syntax together with referencing groups, but there's additional ceremony of writing template:, parameters:, vars:.

azure devops variables from task to templates

I need to pass the variables into templates. For example, the output of Small (found below) should be passed as input to medium. How is this possible?
template: windows-tests.yml
integration_tests: ["Small", "Medium"]
check_status: "$(Powershell1.var)"
In addition to the above, I would like to add
o/p from build step will be stored in checkstatus variable and will be passed to template.
Powershell1.var will be used by small test and then generated a value which needs to be used by medium.
I need to pass the variables into templates.
You can refer to this document for instructions on how to pass variables in templates.
the output of Small (found below) should be passed as input to Medium.
Here is the script:
- name: Medium
type: {data type of `Medium`}
default: {defualt value of `Medium`}
template: {template file}
Medium: $(Small)
I would like to add o/p from build step will be stored in checkstatus variable and will be passed to template.
Here is the script:
- name: check_status
type: string
default: "$(Powershell1.var)"
template: {template file}
check_status: "$(Powershell1.var)"

Use globbed string in YAML

I am looking for a way to dynamically set the key using the path of the file below.
For example if I have this YAML:
- fields:
queue_name: <somehow get the globbed string below in here>
- /var/log/casino/*.log
type: log
- "producer:6379"
key: "%{[fields.queue_name]}"
And then I had a file called /var/log/casino/test.log, then key would become test.
Im not sure that what you want is possible.
You could use the source field and configure your Redis output using that as the key:
- "producer:6379"
key: "%{source}"
This would have the disadvantage of being the absolute path of the source file, not the basename as your question asks for.
If you have a small number of possible basename patterns, and want a queue for each. For example, you have files:
and wanted to have three queues in redis test, foo and bar you could use the source field and the conditionals available in the keys configuration of redis output something like this
- "producer:6379"
key: "default_key"
- key: "test_key"
source: "test"
- key: "foo_key"
source: "foo"
- key: "bar_key"
source: "bar"
