#Mock RestTemplate not returning expected value - spring-boot

I am creating unit test for my service class:
public class SsaOpeningService {
private MockDataInitializer mockDataInitializer;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private String openSSAaccountUrl;
public CompletableFuture<AccountData> openSsa(
ApplicationDto items,
HttpHeaders headers,
BigInteger cifNo) {
log.info("Initializing headers");
HeaderRequest headerRequest = new HeaderRequest();
HttpHeaders header = headerRequest.initHeader(headers);
CurrentAcctReqBody request = CurrentAcctReqBody.builder()
log.info("Setting up entity for calling SSA opening.....");
HttpEntity<CurrentAcctReqBody> entity = new HttpEntity<>(request, header);
CurrentAcctResBody result = null;
try {
result = restTemplate
.postForObject(openSSAaccountUrl, entity, CurrentAcctResBody.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
if(result !=null && result.getError()==null) {
AccountData accountData = AccountData.builder().build();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(result.getRbkAccountDetail(), accountData);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(accountData);
return null;
My test class:
class SsaOpeningServiceTest {
#InjectMocks private SsaOpeningService ssaOpeningService;
#Autowired private MockDataInitializer dataInitializer;
#Mock private MockDataInitializer mockDataInitializer;
private static HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
private static HeaderRequest ekycHeaderRequest = new HeaderRequest();
public static void init() {
headers = ekycHeaderRequest.initHeader();
#Mock private RestTemplate restTemplate;
void createSsa() throws IOException {
CurrentAcctResBody result = JSONUtils
.getObjectFromJson(DCResourceLoader.getResourceAsString("casa/ssa-res.json"), CurrentAcctResBody.class);
ApplicationDto items = ApplicationDto.builder().build();
Application application = dataInitializer.initialize();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(application, items);
assertThat(ssaOpeningService.openSsa(items, headers, any(BigInteger.class))).isNull();
I have mocked my RestTemplate to return me the result I want. Problem is, it is not giving me the expected result. I have printed the result in both test class and service class. But in the service class it is always giving me null. I tried to give the most generic parameter when mocking but still doesnt work. The rest is working fine when running unit test EXCEPT for this part. Need assist on this. Thanks all!

class SsaOpeningServiceTest {
private SsaOpeningService ssaOpeningService;
private MockDataInitializer mockDataInitializer;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
void createSsa() throws IOException {
// some code
// some code


MockMvc response returns 404, expected response 201

I am new to unit testing REST API in Spring Boot.
I am expecting response status as CREATED but instead I am getting a PAGE NOT FOUND error.
Below is the code for:-
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { CommonConfig.class, SecurityConfig.class})
class UserControllerUnitTests {
private static ObjectMapper mapper;
private static final String URI = "/users";
MockMvc mvc;
WebApplicationContext webAppContext;
UserService userService;
MvcResult mvcResult;
static void setUp() {
mapper = new ObjectMapper();
void initialize() throws Exception {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webAppContext).build();
void shouldReturnStatusCreatedIfValidUserPassedForPostUser(long index) throws Exception {
int expectedStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED.value();
UserDAO returnUser;
UserDAO user = userList.get(index);
String jsonContent = mapper.writeValueAsString(user);
mvcResult = mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.post(URI)
//Mockito.verify(userService, Mockito.times(1)).addUser(Mockito.any());
int actualStatus = mvcResult.getResponse().getStatus();
Assert.assertEquals("Response status should be CREATED", expectedStatus, actualStatus);
jsonContent = mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString();
returnUser = mapper.readValue(jsonContent, UserDAO.class);
Assert.assertEquals("EncryptedPassword should not be returned", null,
User Controller.class
public class UserController {
UserService userService;
public UserController(UserService userService) {
this.userService = userService;
#PostMapping(path = "",
consumes = { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON },
produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public ResponseEntity<UserDAO> createUser(#Valid #RequestBody UserDAO user) {
String password = user.getEncryptedPassword();
UserDAO retreivedUser;
if(user.getId() != 0)
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
retreivedUser = userService.addUser(user);
if(retreivedUser != null)
return new ResponseEntity<>(retreivedUser, HttpStatus.CREATED);
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CONFLICT);
The full code can be found at https://github.com/vineethmaller/springboot-userservice
I spotted a few errors:
Get rid of ContextConfiguration
// #ContextConfiguration(classes = { CommonConfig.class, SecurityConfig.class})
class UserControllerUnitTests {
Specify correct mapping on the controller (no slash)
public class UserController {
You setup your UserService mock which is not used in the test. Did you mean #MockBean?
UserService userService;

How to mock RestTemplate in Springboot app

This question has already been asked. The accepted answer doesn't work for me. Here is my code:-
My service is here:
public class PlantService {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
static String url = "http://some_url_?Combined_Name=Oak";
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
return builder.build();
public String getJson() {
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(url, String.class);
return response.getBody();
My unit test
class PlantServiceTest {
private PlantService plantService;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
void setUp() {
plantService = new PlantService();
void testGetJsonString() {
// arrange
String expectedJson = "Some json string";
ResponseEntity mocResponse = mock(ResponseEntity.class);
// act
when(restTemplate.getForEntity("url", String.class)).thenReturn(mocResponse);
String actualJson = plantService.getJson();
// assert
assertSame(expectedJson, actualJson);
When I debug and step into the actual code. I can see restTemplate is null and throws java.lang.NullPointerException. So how do I unit test this code?
I have tried your code running on my machine.
Please find the test running test class
class PlantServiceTest {
private PlantService plantService;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
String url = "http://some_url_?Combined_Name=Oak";
void setUp() {
void testGetJsonString() {
// arrange
String expectedJson = "Some json string";
ResponseEntity mocResponse = new ResponseEntity("Some json string", HttpStatus.OK);
// act
when(restTemplate.getForEntity(url, String.class)).thenReturn(mocResponse);
String actualJson = plantService.getJson();
// assert
assertSame(expectedJson, actualJson);
You can do the following:
Remove #RunWith annotation.
Annontate your test class with #RestClientTest from org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.client.RestClientTest.
Use MockRestServiceServer from org.springframework.test.web.client.MockRestServiceServer.
Mock the response of the server when being called in the test method, example:
public class MyTest {
private MockRestServiceServer server;
public void test() {
// setup
String expected = "test_value";
.andRespond(withSuccess(myJsonResponse, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
// act
String actual = myClient.fetch(myRequestDto);
// assert
assertThat(actual, equalTo(expected));
I'm using assertThat from hamcrest, you can use whatever you want to assert the correctness of the result.
You should use constructor injection in your PlantService. For instance:
public class PlantService {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
public PlantService(RestTemplate restTemplate){
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
And on your test you can just do:
plantService = new PlantService(restTemplate);
Your problem is the plantService = new PlantService(); You never inject into this selft created instance.
Solution 1
I usually do it like this:
private PlantService plantService = new PlantService();
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
Remove the setup method and run with Mockito instead of the SpringRunner.
Solution 2
If you need the SpringRunner you can do the following:
void setUp() {
plantService = new PlantService();
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(plantService, "restTemplate", restTemplate);
As I've worked with JUnit 5 in the last years, I'm not sure about the SpringRunner. In JUnit 5 I can use both extensions (Spring and Mockito at the same time). Maybe this also worked in JUnit 4.

Test a method that returns a ResponseEntity from a service class - Spring boot

I have a service method which returns a ResponseEntity<>, when I am testing the rest endpoint it always returns below error.The error says that it haven't return the expected json.
java.lang.AssertionError: No value at JSON path "$.status"
This is the method I'am using
void Should_ReturnOk_When_VerifyOtpIsSuccessful() throws Exception {
ResponseWrapper responseWrapper =
new ResponseWrapper(ResponseStatusType.SUCCESS, "SUCCESSFULLY_VERIFIED", null);
ResponseEntity<ResponseWrapper> responseWrapperResponseEntity =new ResponseEntity<>(responseWrapper,HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
.header("app-key", "xxxx")
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.status", is("S")))
Here ResponseWrapper is a model class
public class ResponseWrapper {
private ResponseStatusType status;
private String message;
private String data;
public ResponseWrapper(ResponseStatusType statusType, String message, String data) {
this.status = statusType;
this.message = message;
this.data = data;
Could you help me out to sort this issue.
Seems like the ResponseEntity does not return the JSON itself, it have other objects
Appreciate your input on this.
Test Class Initialization
public class OtpControllerTest {
private OtpServiceImpl otpService;
private Validator validator = new Validator();
private OtpRequestDto otpRequestDtoEmail = otpRequestDto();
private OtpVerifyRequestDto otpVerifyRequestDto = otpVerifyRequestDto();
private OtpController otpController;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
void setUp() {
otpController = new OtpController(otpService, validator);
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(otpController).build();
// test methods here
Thank you.

RestTemplate reads String data with "\" content (Even with StringHttpMessageConverter)

I am working with Spring Framework 4.3.6.RELEASE
For testing purposes through RestTemplate how a consumer, if the HTTP DELETE method fails because the entity does not exist, I need return an error message in raw format or String. It because 'normally' DELETE does not require mandatorily neither Accept nor Content-Type. I don't want complicate the user setting the Accept either for XML or JSON
My #Test method fails with the following error
Expected: is "The entity does not exist"
but: was "\"The entity does not exist\""
Observe the \" part
In the server side, I have declared:
public StringHttpMessageConverter stringHttpMessageConverter(){
StringHttpMessageConverter converter = new StringHttpMessageConverter();
converter.setSupportedMediaTypes(Arrays.asList(new MediaType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
return converter;
And is registered:
public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
With a #ControllerAdvice, working together with a method annotated with #ExceptionHandler, a ResponseEntity<Object> object is created with the following approach in some place to establish the Content-Type
headers.setContentType(new MediaType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
When I print the error message in the server side it prints without \" part
The RestTemplate for testing purposes is created with:
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(new MockMvcClientHttpRequestFactory(mockMvc));
Therefore why the \" part arrives to RestTemplate?
How it can be fix it.? What missing configuration is need it?
Test Class declaration
#ContextConfiguration(classes={RootApplicationContext.class, ServletApplicationContext.class})
#TestExecutionListeners(listeners={LoggingTestExecutionListener.class}, mergeMode=MergeMode.MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS)
public class PersonaDeleteOneRestControllerClientBadRequestTest {
Some variables in that class:
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
private RestTemplateClientSupport restTemplateClientSupport;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private static RestTemplateResponseErrorHandler restTemplateResponseErrorHandler;
Some creations:
public static void setUp_(){
restTemplateResponseErrorHandler = new RestTemplateResponseErrorHandler();
public void setUp(){
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext).build();
restTemplate = restTemplateClientSupport.deleteOneBadRequest(mockMvc);
The RestTemplate part is:
public class RestTemplateClientSupport {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestTemplateClientSupport.class.getSimpleName());
private final List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> customConverters;
public RestTemplateClientSupport(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> customConverters){
this.customConverters = customConverters;
private RestTemplate createRestTemplateWithListHttpMessageConverter(MockMvc mockMvc){
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(new MockMvcClientHttpRequestFactory(mockMvc));
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().removeIf(converter -> {
logger.info("Removing: {}" , converter.getClass().getSimpleName());
return true;
return false;
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().removeIf(converter -> {
logger.info("Removing: {}" , converter.getClass().getSimpleName());
return true;
return false;
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().removeIf(converter -> {
logger.info("Removing: {}" , converter.getClass().getSimpleName());
return true;
return false;
return restTemplate;
Note: I am using restTemplate.getMessageConverters().removeIf(Predicate<>.. because I need remove these 3 default converters and add my own one created.

How to test spring rest operation exchange

I have a problem with test of my method which use RestOperation exchange method. When i'm trying to mock response i get an error:
ResponseEntity cannot be returned by toString()
toString() should return String
If you're unsure why you're getting above error read on.
Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because:
1. This exception *might* occur in wrongly written multi-threaded tests.
Please refer to Mockito FAQ on limitations of concurrency testing.
2. A spy is stubbed using when(spy.foo()).then() syntax. It is safer to stub spies -
- with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.
Below is my class, which i want to test
public class AuthGateway {
AuthorizedHttpEntityFactory authorizedHttpEntityFactory;
RestOperations restOperations;
private String authPath;
private String basicAuthPath;
private String tokenName;
private String userProfileUrl;
private String homeownerUrl;
public UnpackedToken authenticate(String token) throws ResourceAccessException, AuthException {
MultiValueMap<String, String> formData = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
formData.add(tokenName, token);
HttpEntity httpEntity = authorizedHttpEntityFactory.getAuthorizedHttpEntity(formData);
Map map = null;
try {
ResponseEntity<Map> entity = restOperations.exchange(authPath, HttpMethod.POST,
httpEntity, Map.class);
map = entity.getBody();
} catch (RestClientException e) {
Map<String, Object> result = map;
return new UnpackedToken(result);
and Test class
public class AuthGatewayTest {
private ResponseEntity<Map> entity;
private RestOperations restOperations;
private LinkedMultiValueMap linkedMultiValueMap;
private AuthorizedHttpEntityFactory authorizedHttpEntityFactory;
private AuthGateway authGateway;
private String token;
private Integer userId = 1;
private String role = "ROLE_PRO";
private UnpackedToken unpackedToken;
private Map<String, Object> map;
private RestClientException restClientException;
private AuthException authException;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
restClientException = new RestClientException("Test exception");
authException = new AuthException("Test exception");
token = "token-token";
map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("UserId", userId);
map.put("authorities", Collections.singletonList(role));
entity = new ResponseEntity<>(map, HttpStatus.OK);
unpackedToken = new UnpackedToken(map);
public void testAuthenticateSuccessfully() throws Exception {
HttpEntity httpEntity = new HttpEntity("body");
Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.<HttpMethod>any(), Mockito.<HttpEntity<?>>any(), Mockito.<Class<Map>>any())).
Mockito.doNothing().when(linkedMultiValueMap).add(any(), any());
assertEquals(this.unpackedToken, authGateway.authenticate(token));
What is wrong with this mock?
Weird, when i change mock line into:
Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.<HttpMethod>any(), Mockito.<HttpEntity<?>>any(), Mockito.<Class<Map>>any())).
thenReturn(new ResponseEntity<>(map, HttpStatus.OK));
then it starts working properly...
