ERR_PNPM_ERR_PNPM_UNEXPECTED_PKG_CONTENT_IN_STORE The lockfile is broken! A full installation will be performed in an attempt to fix it - pnpm

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There was an edge case in an older version of pnpm (I don't remember exactly which, probably pre v6.30), where the store got corrupted. So I would suggest to
upgrade pnpm to the latest version
remove the store (to get the store location, run pnpm store path)
run pnpm install
If the lockfile is changed, it means the lockfile was broken, so commit the changed lockfile.


Proper way to handle a lock file on rebase conflict

Hi I am not sure if I am doing things correctly. Whenever I rebase an hit an issue with package.json and the lock file. I fix the package.json, but then delete the lockfile and just run pnpm i again.
But recently I noticed an issue where the lockfile in the master branch and a newly generated lockfile were different.
My team members were like, you should never try to generate a new lockfile. Just keep running pnpm i.
So am I doing this wrong, or do you think we actually have botched locking file in our master branch?
When there are conflicts, you may run pnpm install. pnpm will automatically resolve the conflicts and create a new lockfile that you may commit.
IMO, removing the lockfile and running pnpm install is also fine. However, some teams prefer to update dependencies as rarely as possible. If you remove the lockfile, newer versions of dependencies might be installed.
You may also try the resolution-mode=time-based setting. With this setting dependencies will be rarely updated. Even if you remove the lockfile.

`yarn add` installs stale version of local .tgz

I am using yarn to install a package from a .tgz. When I update the package and install it again, yarn uses an old cached version of the package. Here is a report from someone running into a similar problem. If I try to delete the package from the cache, it gives me errors, and if I use yarn cache clean it will clear the whole cache, which is also not what I want.
The reason the package is changing is that I am developing it, and don't want to bump the version number every five minutes. I read maybe newer yarn versions take the package hash into account when installing, but I am stuck with version 1.22.1 (actually jlpm which is JupyterLab's vendored version of yarn).
Is there a way to say yarn add package-0.1.0.tgz --dont-use-cache? Or should I just skip yarn and use npm, or something else on top?

How to remove a package from pnpm store, or force re-download it?

I use pnpm to manage npm project, and I modified the content of an installed package by accident, say, I cleared the content of node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js.
The problem is no matter how i reinstall jquery(pnpm install jquery), the content of this file is always empty. I even tried to delete jquery from pnpm store ~/.pnpm-store/, but that doesn't work(maybe I deleted wrong package)
Finally, I have to delete all the files in ~/.pnpm-store, to download everything, it fixes my problem, but I want to know if there is any easier way to do it.
{ My answer will cover pnpm v2.16.2 }
Short answer: run pnpm install --force. (pnpm update might work as well)
Long answer. When you just run pnpm install, pnpm compares the wanted shrinkwrap file (project/shrinkwrap.yaml) to the current one (project/node_modules/.shrinkwrap.yaml). They equal in your case, so node_modules is not touched.
When --force is used, packages are reverified and relinked from the store. Reverification means that its integrity is checked. You removed a file from jquery, so verification will fail and the package will be reunpacked to the store and relinked to node_modules.
Alternatively, you could remove your project's node_modules and run pnpm install. That would also check the integrity of jquery before linking it to the store.
That being said, I think pnpm install jquery should also probably verify the integrity of jquery. We'll create an issue for this in the pnpm repo.
And maybe we can add some additional commands for reverifying every package in node_modules and re-unpacking all modified dependencies.
A related command currently available is pnpm store status which prints a list of mutated packages

Is there any harm in using NPM and Yarn in the same project?

I have been using npm for a personal project and just recently stumbled across yarn. Would there be any harm or "intended side effects" to switching to yarn's package manager in the same project where I had been using npm?
Although a few commenters here say its ok to mix both yarn and npm on the same project, after using yarn and npm and then yarn again, this is what yarn has to say about it:
warning package-lock.json found. Your project contains lock files generated by tools
other than Yarn. It is advised not to mix package managers in order to avoid resolution
inconsistencies caused by unsynchronized lock files. To clear this warning, remove
Since to me it is not any harm to using both them into one project.
I use npm and yarn (50/50) in dev environment.
But on ci/di i use only yarn because it is faster, and i reduce build minutes thanks yarn.
Also they both create different .lock file names.
Nobody told about the lock files.
Imagine you use yarn on dev environment, and yarn on your build/production servers. When you install a package using yarn, and your project works on your computer, you probably would want to keep it working on a production environment (your server).
That being sad, you would commit you yarn.lock file, that "saves" the exact versions of each package you have, when the project ran on your computer.
On your buid/production server you should call yarn install, but asking to keep all the same versions with --frozen-lockfile parameter. Some even say "yarn install --frozen-lockfile should be the default behavior", and I agree.
Then... another dev jump in the project you are working and install a package using npm (other than yarn). That new package will not be included in your yarn.lock file, but, a new package-json.lock file would be created, telling the exact packages versions it is using.
When that commit arrives on your build/production server, it will crash, fail, because that new package doesn't exist on yarn.lock file. Someone would need to pull that changes, call a yarn to install the dependences and update the lock file with the new package dependences, and push it again to the repo.
A quick point about using the lock file or not. If you call a 'yarn install' on your build/production server some weeks after the last install on your machine, the server would have many other new versions than your last "stable" version. It already happened to me many times.
I published recently the package-locks-checks, which help ensure you have not just one lock file but also locked each package version on your project.
There will be a point that one or both will no longer work and your project will be stuck at only using the existing lock file. Meaning, the issue probably will involve installation fails if you opt to reinstall without a lock file. And that also means failure to create a new lock file, so you are stuck with the existing one that you are trying to get rid off in the first place. We are actually encountering this issue in one of our projects. Because it is so big, no one tries to fix the issue and just rely on the existing lock file.
So, even if we say it's a rare case that it won't cause harm. Mixing npm and yarn should be avoided.
Here we may find a confirmation that Yarn's resolution algorithm is compatible with NPM resolution algorithm.
Inside a npm project (with package.json) if you run yarn it will read your node_modules folder (using the resolution algorithm) and create a yarn.lock file with your project's locked dependency tree.
Based on that I assume that they are compatible inside the same project.
Update 30/04/2021
My original reply refers to yarn 1 (classic), although I've just created a React app with create-react-app tool and it creates the project's repository with package.json + yarn.lock by default. Again, another demonstration that it's fine (even with the warning mentioned by Dave Pile).
At the end of the day this is a matter of putting both together to work and checking yourself...
Plus you get a warning from yarn as Dave Pile said because we have to push *-lock.json files changes you have to consider using npm version >= 7 to make sure whenever you install packages by npm it will update your yarn-lock.json file too.
Because whenever you install the packages either by npm or yarn depends on what you have chosen for updating a dependency in the package.json (Using tilde ( ~ ) which gives you bug fix releases and caret ( ^ ) gives you backward-compatible new functionality) it will update you.lock file and since you have to push it might happen that you have different version of lock files.

Yarn upgrade - Is the new version saved?

Say I have a package.json file in an existing project. In there I have "some-package": "^1.0-01",, however I know that the latest version is 1.0-02
So I do yarn upgrade. However, package.json is not update, and still references the -01 version. The yarn.lock file however shows this:
version "1.0-02"
Is this expected behavior? When someone else does the yarn command, which version will they get. If they get the latest version, isn't it misleading to show -01 in package.json?
According to the documentation here,
yarn upgrade
This command updates all dependencies to their latest version based on
the version range specified in the package.json file. The yarn.lock
file will be recreated as well.
The tricky part is based on the version range specified in the package.json
This means that if your package.json has defined a particular semver like you've said, upgrade will only upgrade it according to the range defined there, i.e. ^1.0-01 should upgrade to 1.0-02 in both your package.json and yarn.lock files.
Now you've said that this is happening only in your yarn.lock file. Yarn provides a utility for checking for such clashes called check
Could you try running
yarn check
in your repository and tell us your findings?
