Spring Context is not updated SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication() - spring

We have Spring Framework 4.1.0.RELEASE project. Our project is ingrated with third-party Service. Authentication is implemented through OAuth 2.0.
Our clients create some entity within our site and the entity is pushed to the third-party Service through Http request. Access tokens are expired periodically. Each request to the third-party Service
goes through checkAuthorization() method, which checks 401 Response, exchange a new token and replace old/new tokens. The access tokens is stored in
public HttpResponse checkAuthorization(HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest, String accessToken) {
HttpResponse response = tokenExchange(
Json json = getJson(response);
String newAcceessToken = json.get("access_token");
ContextUser context = (ContextUser)oldAuth.getPrincipal();
Authentication newAuth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
context, oldAuth.getCredentials(), oldAuth.getAuthorities()
That process is working in the production site. But from time to time i encounter with that situation:
Several requests to the third-party Service has done with 401 Response within one minute. Differences are in milliseconds only. Corresponding request bodies are different. Requests are not the same. Each request in checkAuthorization() receives the same invalid token and each request update this token in checkAuthorization(). Despite of tokenExchange() was done with 200 Ok and the new token is set into ContextUser the next third-party request in checkAuthorization() receive the old token.
ContextUser context = (ContextUser) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
checkAuthorization(httpObject, context)
It is happen from time to time and in most cases it is working successfully. Third-party Service responded that no problem with their Service.
What is cause of this strange behaviour of updating access tokens?


How to enrich JWT in spring authorization server?

I have a SAAS server with microservice architecture. Authentication is done by the new Spring authorization server. For some domain situation, I want to be able to re-issue a JWT for a logged-in user without forcing the user to enter their password again to enrich their token with additional claims.
Having: Logged-in user with claim set A.
Required: Create a new token for the user with claim set B. (Without user intervention)
I'm looking for something like this:
public Authentication token() {
return jwtAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(
new BearerTokenAuthenticationToken(JwtUtil.getCurrentAuthenticationTokenValue())
Where JwtUtil.getCurrentAuthenticationTokenValue() extracts logged-in user token value from SecurityContextHolder. This setup creates no new token and returns the old one like no authentication process has been triggered.
But I cannot find a function/service that generates a new token in spring authorization server.
PS. I cannot use RefreshToken to get new AccessToken because my client is public and according to this, RefreshToken only is issued for confidential clients.
You can read about OAuth2TokenCustomizer in the docs. Here's an example of customizing the access token:
public OAuth2TokenCustomizer<JwtEncodingContext> tokenCustomizer() {
return (context) -> {
if (OAuth2TokenType.ACCESS_TOKEN.equals(context.getTokenType())) {
context.getClaims().claims((claims) -> {
claims.put("claim-1", "value-1");
claims.put("claim-2", "value-2");
In your case, you could issue a new request to the authorization endpoint (e.g. GET /oauth2/authorize?...) from the client to begin the authorization_code flow with different scopes or additional request parameters and use the customizer to add whatever claims you need. Based on the information you've provided, this would be the recommended way to use the authorization server to issue new tokens.
Adding custom endpoints to perform OAuth2-related actions (such as a custom /renew endpoint) without incorporating best practices and standards from the specification(s) would not be recommended.

How to force an oAuth token renewal (access-token + refresh token) with Spring boot keycloak adapter + spring security.?

I have a multi-tenant application (springboot keycloak adapter + spring security) secured by Keycloak. Given the multi-tenant nature of the project, I wrote a multi-client connector which works fine.
On the official Keycloak doc, it is recommended (for multi-tenant applications) to model each tenant as a new realm, but for me it works better to have multiple clients within the same same realm. This is due to following advantages:
Client scopes, groups and other configs can be shared
Users don't need to be duplicated on N different realms
SSO login works perfectly within same realm clients (by using bearer
services +CORS)
So, everything works fine except for 1 thing, my initial SSO access_token (which is then shared across all bearer-only services by means of CORS) is kind of big (it shows all the resources - tenants - and its roles within each resource/tenant).
I'd like to limit the size of the access_token, by means of using "scopes" to restrict the roles in the token to only those meaningful to the tenant where I'm logged in at that time. For this, I'm manually firing a Request to the auth server (outside of the standard functionality provided by springboot/spring security) with the goal of manually overwriting whatever access-token exists within my app, with the new one generated by my extra request.
My "new" token request looks similar to this:
SimpleKeycloakAccount currentUserAccount = (SimpleKeycloakAccount) auth.getDetails();
String authServerUrl = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getDeployment().getAuthServerBaseUrl();
String realm = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getDeployment().getRealm();
String resource = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getDeployment().getResourceName();
String refreshToken = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getRefreshToken();
String token = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getTokenString();
Http http = new Http( new Configuration(authServerUrl, realm, resource,
, null),
(params, headers) -> {});
String url = authServerUrl + "/realms/" + realm + "/protocol/openid-connect/token";
AccessTokenResponse response = http.<AccessTokenResponse>post(url)
.param("grant_type", "refresh_token")
.param("refresh_token", refreshToken)
.param("client_id", resource)
.param("client_secret", "SOME_SECRET")
// :) - response.getToken() and response.getRefreshToken(), contain new successfully generated tokens
My question is, how can I force my-app to change/reset the standard access-token & refresh_token obtained by the usual means, with these "custom created" tokens? or is that possible at all?
Thx for any feedback!
Further Information
To clarify more, lets analyze the behavior of a typical springboot/spring security project integrated with Keycloak:
You protect your endpoints with "roles" via configurations (either on the application.properties, or on the SecurityContext)
You know that this Spring application talks in the back channel with the Keycloak authorization server, that's how you become the access_token (But all this is a black box for the developer, you only know a Principal was created, a Security Context, Credentials; etc - everything happens behind the curtains)
Considering those 2 points above, imagine that you use an Http library to basically request a new token towards the auth server token endpoint like in the code above (yes filtered by scopes and everything). So the situation now is that though you have created a valid access_token (and refresh_token); since they were created "manually" by firing a request towards the token endpoint, this new token hasn't been "incorporated" to the application because No new Principal has been created, no new security context has been generated, etc. In other words, to the springboot application this new token is non-existent.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to tell sprinboot/spring security: "Hey pal, I know you didn't generate this token yourself, but please accept it and behave as if you'd have created it".
I hope this clarifies the intent of my question.
You can revoke a token using org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.token.ConsumerTokenServices#revokeToken method.
On the Autorization Server:
ConsumerTokenServices tokenServices;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/tokens/revoke/{tokenId:.*}")
public String revokeToken(#PathVariable String tokenId) {
return tokenId;
Of course, you'll have to secure this method since is a very sensitive one.
In the case that each tenant is a separate client you can just use keycloak's "Scope" mapping at each client. Just turn off Full Scope Allowed and your tokens will only contain the user's roles for that specific client (tenant).
"Scope Mappings" is a a non intuitive way of saying "Define what roles should go into the access token" :-)
When turned off the UI changes and you even can configure what other roles of other clients should additionally go into the access token.
Just to give some closure to this question:
No, there doesn't seem to be any elegant or intended way to force a manual token renewal by means of using springboot/spring security keycloak connector.
The Javascript connector can do this trivially like this:
// for creating your keycloak connector
var keycloak = Keycloak({
url: 'http://localhost:8080/auth',
realm: '[YOUR_REALM]',
clientId: '[YOUR_CLIENT]'
// for login in (change scopes list to change access capabilities)
var options = {
scope: [EMPTY_STRING_SEPARATED_LIST_OF_SCOPES] // <-- here specify valid scopes
keycloak.login(options); // <-- receive a new token with correctly processed scopes
Given how easy it is to do this with the Keycloak client JS adapter, and how obscure it is to do this with the springboot/spring security adapter, it follows following:
Security design seems intended to have 2 (Keycloak security) layers; the first is a front-facing public client (usually password protected), and the 2nd layer is composed of several bearer-only services which would ussually only accept acces-tokens. If for those bearer-only services you want to implement finner grained control via scopes, you achieve that trivially by using a javascript based Keycloak client (other connectors as explained won't deal nicely with the header modification necessary to deal with OAuth2 scopes).

How to use Restcall with Spring Security

In my Spring MVC application I am using spring security. It works fine so far, but I have to admit, I do not understand all the details.
In the same application the user can call some controller functions by rest api. When the user (lets say Tom) does this, his authentication is lost. Instead the controller is called by user anonymous.
I tracked down that "user switch" to the code below. Variable restCall contains an url to my application. That call would work for user Tom, if he would place it in the browser directly. Using the restcall, the user changes to anyonymous.
1) Can I prevent that, when the calling User (Tom) was already logged in?
2) As those services should be called by a user that is not already browsing the web interface of the application, I would have to find a way to login by the rest call itself.
private void callWebservice(HttpServletRequest req, String restCall) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
ResponseEntity<String> response
= restTemplate.getForEntity(restCall, String.class);
//assertThat(response.getStatusCode(), equalTo(HttpStatus.OK));
You need, for example, a JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication.
Steps are the following:
1) Client does an authentication, a post request with username and password
2) If authentication is successful, server returns a token in which is coded the user
3) In your next call, GET or POST, you add JWT to your header, this way the server will know who you are, because server can decode the token, and can grant also the right authorities and functionalities

redirect to remote URL from spring zuul filter

I am trying to implement an API gateway using zuul proxy server.
Basically, what I want to achieve is that when a client send a request to resouce server through the gateway, the gateway simply check whether client session exist, if not it will redirect to SSO server for authentication. However the Zuul filter always get into resouce severs without redirecting to the SSO sever.
below are a snipped code to redirect to remote SSO
public Object run() {
try {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
HttpServletRequest request = RequestContext.getCurrentContext().getRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = RequestContext.getCurrentContext().getResponse();
// step 1: check to see whether session exist, if not redirect to federation for authentication
// if session already exist then adding sessionId to cookie to forwarding to targeting service
// TODO: comment out for now.
HttpSession currentSession = context.getRequest().getSession(false);
String samlAuthenWithRelayUrl = populateFedUrlWithRelay(request);
if (currentSession==null){
// redirect to federation with relay URL
context.setRouteHost( new URL(samlAuthenWithRelayUrl));
} else{
HttpSession httpSession =request.getSession();
context.addZuulRequestHeader(AppConstants.PHOENIX_COOKIE, "SESSION=" + httpSession.getId());
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// redirect to error page
return null;
Please advise if any missing part to achieve my goal, Thanks.
The API gateway should never redirect to Single Sign On service, IMO. The gateway is not intended to be accessed from a browser, but from a REST client library or from tools like Postman. If authentication fails, it should return a 401 response, not 302.
UNRELATED: Read if you have some kind of server side web UI framework that consumes the REST API (such as JSF)
For requests done to the view (UI Service), I had a similar problem with Zuul and Keycloak SSO. I just couldn't get the UI service behind Zuul have the OpenIdConnect standard flow properly executed. I ended up using Zuul just for the Rest API and letting the end user browser make requests to the UI service directly (I have a single instance).
Here you have my problem described in the Keycloak mailing list and what I tried to fix it in this Github repo.

Spring OAuth2: support auth and resource access with both SSO and custom auth server

I've found similar issue but it's unanswered, so I suppose I'm going to duplicate question a little.
I am using Spring OAuth2 to implement separate resource and custom authentification servers.
I've already configured interaction with auth server through issuing&validating JWT tokens and everything seems fine.
Now I'm trying to add SSO functionality but really stuck with it. I've researched the official Spring examples and attached guide but it is very short worded when it comes to connecting SSO part with custom server authentication. And actually author uses only external provider resource ('user' info) to show process.
I think it is normal thing to have all this SSO means of authentication and also custom registration. I can see it works well with stackoverflow for example.
I am loking for directions where to find any info about handling on resource server different kind of tokens issued by multiply SSO providers and also from custom auth server.
Maybe I can use auth chain to do this and some mean to distinguish token format to know how to process it. Is it possible with Spring OAuth2? Or I need to do this magic somehow manually?
For now I have just one 'maybe strange' idea:
To not involve my own resource server with this SSO stuff at all. After receiving Facebook (for example) token - just exchange it for api JWT token with custom auth server (associating or creating user on the way) and then work with resource server on standard basics
I've found at least something. I've read about configuring filters in authorization chain and translate given social tokens to my custom JWT-s as 'post authenticate'(not a crazy idea after all). But it mostly done with SpringSocial.
So now question is: how to do that?
Forgot to say that I am using Password Grant for authentication on custom server. Clients will be only trusted application and I do not even sure about browser client (thinking about only native mobile options). Even if I decide to have browser client I'll make sure it's going to have backend to store sencetive information
Ok, so after struggling to implement such behavior I've stuck with two different libraries (Spring Social & OAuth2). I decided to go my own way and do it with just Spring OAuth2:
I have the resource server, authentication server and client(backed up by Java and uses OAuth2 Client library, but it can be any other client) - my resources can be consumed only with my own JWT auth token given by my own auth server
in a case of a custom registration: client obtains JWT token(with refresh token) from auth server and sends it to the res server. Res server validates it with public key and gives the resource back
in a case of SSO: client obtains Facebook(or other social platform token) and exchanges it for my custom JWT token with my custom auth server. I've implemented this on my auth server using custom SocialTokenGranter(currently handles facebook social token only. For every social network I'll need separate grant type). This class makes an additional call to facebook auth server to validate token and obtain user info. Then it retrieves the social user from my db or creates new and returns JWT token back to the client. No user merging is done by now. it is out of scope for now.
public class SocialTokenGranter extends AbstractTokenGranter {
private static final String GRANT_TYPE = "facebook_social";
GiraffeUserDetailsService giraffeUserDetailsService; // custom UserDetails service
GiraffeUserDetailsService giraffeUserDetailsService,
AuthorizationServerTokenServices tokenServices,
OAuth2RequestFactory defaultOauth2RequestFactory,
ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService) {
super(tokenServices, clientDetailsService, defaultOauth2RequestFactory, GRANT_TYPE);
this.giraffeUserDetailsService = giraffeUserDetailsService;
protected OAuth2Authentication getOAuth2Authentication(ClientDetails clientDetails, TokenRequest request) {
// retrieve social token sent by the client
Map<String, String> parameters = request.getRequestParameters();
String socialToken = parameters.get("social_token");
//validate social token and receive user information from external authentication server
String url = "https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=" + socialToken;
Authentication userAuth = null;
try {
ResponseEntity<FacebookUserInformation> response = new RestTemplate().getForEntity(url, FacebookUserInformation.class);
if (response.getStatusCode().is4xxClientError()) throw new GiraffeException.InvalidOrExpiredSocialToken();
FacebookUserInformation userInformation = response.getBody();
GiraffeUserDetails giraffeSocialUserDetails = giraffeUserDetailsService.loadOrCreateSocialUser(userInformation.getId(), userInformation.getEmail(), User.SocialProvider.FACEBOOK);
userAuth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(giraffeSocialUserDetails, "N/A", giraffeSocialUserDetails.getAuthorities());
} catch (GiraffeException.InvalidOrExpiredSocialToken | GiraffeException.UnableToValidateSocialUserInformation e) {
// log the stacktrace
return new OAuth2Authentication(request.createOAuth2Request(clientDetails), userAuth);
private static class FacebookUserInformation {
private String id;
private String email;
// getters, setters, constructor
And from class extending AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter:
private TokenGranter tokenGranter(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) {
List<TokenGranter> granters = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(endpoints.getTokenGranter()));
granters.add(new SocialTokenGranter(giraffeUserDetailsService, endpoints.getTokenServices(), endpoints.getOAuth2RequestFactory(), endpoints.getClientDetailsService()));
return new CompositeTokenGranter(granters);
public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer) throws Exception {
.allowFormAuthenticationForClients() // to allow sending parameters as form fields
Every JWT token request is going to 'host:port + /oauth/token' url
Depending on 'Grant type' the server will handle such requests differently. Currently I have 'password'(default), 'refresh_token' and 'facebook_social'(custom) grant types
For default 'password' Grant type the client should send next parameters:
clientSecret (depends of the client type. Not for single-page clients)
scope (if not explicitly set in auth server configuration for current client)
For 'refresh_token' Grant type the client should send next parameters:
clientSecret (depends of the client type. Not for single-page clients)
For 'facebook_social' Grant type the client should send next parameters:
facebook_social_token (custom field)
Based on the client design the way to send these requests will be different.
In my case with test Java based client which uses Spring OAuth2 library to obtain the social token I do the token exchange procedure with the redirect in controller(controller being invoked using url defined in facebook dev page configuration).
It can be handled in two stages: after obtaining facebook social token JavaScript can make a separate explicit call to my auth server to exchange tokens.
You can see Java client implementation examples here, but I doubt that you're going to use Java client in production:https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-boot-oauth2/
