Handling events in interactive Vega legends - race condtion - events

The linked chart contains only a legend and the legend works as follows:
clicking on a fruit name toggles it on and off
shift-clicking on a fruit name switches it ON and switches OFF all other fruit names
Legend display is controlled by two entities:
data set SELECTED remembers selected items
signal FILTERMODE toggles the type of the filter between include and exclude
Currently, if only one fruit name is ON, then a click on it switches it OFF (so all fruit names become OFF).
I would like to modify this behavior so that a click on the last enabled fruit name would switch everything ON.
(In other words - it would not be possible to deselect everything.)
In order to switch everything ON I only need to change the value of signal FILTERMODE to exclude. This is where I hit a snag.
I have tried the following in the signal definition:
"update": "event.shiftKey? 'include' : (length(data('selected'))? filtermode : 'exclude')",
This does not work. I am fairly sure this happens because of a race condition.
When I check for the length of data('source'), it is still non-empty.
So the sequence of events is the following:
update signal FILTERMODE (check if the data set SELECTED is empty - it is not)
update data set SELECTED (only now it has become empty)
What would be the most elegant work-around?

Try this instead. It is the same as your code but also checks the length of the array which your single line doesn't currently do.
You can now shift click melon and then click it normally and the filter mode will switch.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
"description": "A scatter plot example with interactive legend and x-axis.",
"width": 200,
"height": 200,
"padding": 5,
"autosize": "pad",
"signals": [
"name": "shift",
"value": false,
"on": [
"events": "#legendSymbol:click, #legendLabel:click",
"update": "event.shiftKey",
"force": true
"name": "clicked",
"value": null,
"on": [
"events": "#legendSymbol:click, #legendLabel:click",
"update": "{value: datum.value}",
"force": true
"name": "filtermode",
"value": "exclude",
"on": [
"events": "#legendSymbol:click, #legendLabel:click",
"update": "event.shiftKey? 'include' : (length(data('selected') == 0)? filtermode : 'exclude')",
"force": true
"data": [
"name": "source",
"values": [
{"fruit": "apple"},
{"fruit": "plum"},
{"fruit": "pear"},
{"fruit": "melon"},
{"fruit": "grape"},
{"fruit": "strawberry"}
"name": "selected",
"on": [
{"trigger": "clicked && (event.shiftKey)", "remove": true},
{"trigger": "clicked && (event.shiftKey)", "insert": "clicked"},
{"trigger": "clicked && (!event.shiftKey)", "toggle": "clicked"}
"scales": [
"name": "color",
"type": "ordinal",
"range": {"scheme": "category10"},
"domain": {"data": "source", "field": "fruit"}
"legends": [
"stroke": "color",
"title": "Fruit",
"encode": {
"symbols": {
"name": "legendSymbol",
"interactive": true,
"update": {
"fill": {"value": "transparent"},
"strokeWidth": {"value": 2},
"opacity": [
"test": "filtermode == 'exclude' && !indata('selected', 'value', datum.value)",
"value": 1
"test": "filtermode == 'include' && indata('selected', 'value', datum.value)",
"value": 1
{"value": 0.15}
"size": {"value": 64}
"labels": {
"name": "legendLabel",
"interactive": true,
"update": {
"opacity": [
"test": "filtermode == 'exclude' && !indata('selected', 'value', datum.value)",
"value": 1
"test": "filtermode == 'include' && indata('selected', 'value', datum.value)",
"value": 1
{"value": 0.25}

Are you checking the length of the correct array? It is hard to understand precisely what the desired behaviour is but if I add the code (depending on whether filter mode is include or exclude)
length(data('selected')) == 6
length(data('selected')) == 0
then it seems to work.


How can i form the property in compose to return int(0) if condition is true and not return anything if condition is false?

How can i form this expression to return int value of 0 if true and don't return the property if false? warehouse event is an array and the property is inside a compose.
if(contains(variables('WareHouseEvent'), 'OB_2910'), int(0), <not
return anything)
An alternative to the first answer is to always add and then remove it after the fact.
This is an example you can copy into your own tenant for testing.
"definition": {
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Logic/schemas/2016-06-01/workflowdefinition.json#",
"actions": {
"Compose_JSON_Object": {
"inputs": {
"AnotherProperty": "Another Value",
"TestProperty": "#variables('Data')"
"runAfter": {
"Initialize_Integer": [
"type": "Compose"
"Initialize_Integer": {
"inputs": {
"variables": [
"name": "Data",
"type": "integer",
"value": 0
"runAfter": {},
"type": "InitializeVariable"
"New_JSON_Object": {
"inputs": {
"variables": [
"name": "New Object",
"type": "object",
"value": "#if(equals(variables('Data'), 1), removeProperty(outputs('Compose_JSON_Object'), 'TestProperty'), outputs('Compose_JSON_Object'))"
"runAfter": {
"Compose_JSON_Object": [
"type": "InitializeVariable"
"contentVersion": "",
"outputs": {},
"parameters": {},
"triggers": {
"manual": {
"conditions": [],
"inputs": {},
"kind": "Http",
"type": "Request"
"parameters": {}
I have an integer variable at the top which stores a value of either 1 or 0.
Then in my compose, I add that value to a property in the compose statement.
Then beneath that, I set a new variable with the (potentially) updated object using an expression to determine if the added property should be removed or not.
You'd just need to adjust the condition portion of the IF statement with your expression.
if(equals(variables('Data'), 1), removeProperty(outputs('Compose_JSON_Object'), 'TestProperty'), outputs('Compose_JSON_Object'))
The property will be removed depending on the value of the Data variable.
One of the workarounds is that you can use Condition connector when if the mentioned condition satisfies it executes true block else it executes false. From there you can use the same Compose content.
Here is the screenshot of the logic app -
output :-

Gaussian constraint in `normfactor`

I would like to understand how to impose a gaussian constraint with central value expected_yield and error expected_y_error on a normfactor modifier. I want to fit observed_data with a single sample MC_derived_sample. My goal is to extract the bu_y modifier such that the integral of MC_derived_sample scaled by bu_y is gaussian-constrained to expected_yield +/- expected_y_error.
My present attempt employs the normsys modifier as follows:
spec = {
"channels": [
"name": "singlechannel",
"samples": [
"name": "constrained_template",
"data": MC_derived_sample*expected_yield, #expect normalisation around 1
"modifiers": [
{"name": "bu_y", "type": "normfactor", "data": None },
{"name": "bu_y_constr", "type": "normsys",
{"lo" : 1 - (expected_y_error/expected_yield),
"hi" : 1 + (expected_y_error/expected_yield)}
"observations": [
"name": "singlechannel",
"data": observed_data,
"measurements": [
"name": "sig_y_extraction",
"config": {
"poi": "bu_y",
"parameters": [
{"name":"bu_y", "bounds": [[(1 - (5*expected_y_error/expected_yield), 1+(5*expected_y_error/expected_yield)]], "inits":[1.]},
"version": "1.0.0"
My thinking is that normsys will introduce a gaussian constraint about unity on the sample scaled by expected_yield.
Please can you provide me any feedback as to whether this approach is correct, please?
In addition, suppose I wanted to include a staterror modifier for the Barlow-Beeston lite implementation, would this be the correct way of doing so?
"samples": [
"name": "constrained_template",
"data": MC_derived_sample*expected_yield, #expect normalisation around 1
"modifiers": [
{"name": "BB_lite_uncty", "type": "staterror", "data": np.sqrt(MC_derived_sample)*expected_yield }, #assume poisson error and scale by central value of constraint
{"name": "bu_y", "type": "normfactor", "data": None },
{"name": "bu_y_constr", "type": "normsys",
{"lo" : 1 - (expected_y_error/expected_yield),
"hi" : 1 + (expected_y_error/expected_yield)}
Thanks a lot in advance for your help,

NiFi: ReplaceText alternatives to modify JSON

My NiFi application receives two kinda different types of JSON's.
First of them looks like:
"campaign": {
"resourceName": "customers/8952771329/campaigns/11381694617",
"status": "ENABLED",
"name": "Saint_Spring_Active Minerals_oct-nov_2020_trueview_skip_5766500views",
"id": "11381694617"
"metrics": {
"interactionEventTypes": [
"clicks": "6",
"videoQuartileP100Rate": 0.44493171079034244,
"videoQuartileP25Rate": 0.9747718298919024,
"videoQuartileP50Rate": 0.7339309987701469,
"videoQuartileP75Rate": 0.5337562301767105,
"videoViewRate": 0.4471109114825628,
"videoViews": "27872",
"viewThroughConversions": "0",
"contentBudgetLostImpressionShare": 0.0000013066088274492382,
"contentImpressionShare": 0.0999,
"contentRankLostImpressionShare": 0.9001,
"conversionsValue": 0,
"conversions": 0,
"costMicros": "9338700950",
"ctr": 0.00009624947864865732,
"currentModelAttributedConversions": 0,
"currentModelAttributedConversionsValue": 0,
"engagementRate": 0,
"engagements": "0",
"segments": {
"device": "CONNECTED_TV",
"date": "2020-12-20"
And second:
"adGroup": {
"resourceName": "customers/5404177717/adGroups/110501283582",
"campaign": "customers/5404177717/campaigns/11628802542"
"metrics": {
"interactionEventTypes": [
"clicks": "1",
"averageCpm": 95497428.02172929,
"gmailForwards": "0",
"gmailSaves": "0",
"gmailSecondaryClicks": "0",
"impressions": "4418",
"interactionRate": 0.00022634676324128565,
"interactions": "1"
"adGroupAd": {
"resourceName": "customers/5404177717/adGroupAds/110501283582~480227690139",
"status": "ENABLED",
"ad": {
"resourceName": "customers/5404177717/ads/480227690139",
"id": "480227690139",
"name": "20 sec perek"
"adGroup": "customers/5404177717/adGroups/110501283582"
"segments": {
"device": "DESKTOP",
"date": "2020-11-21"
I already have 2 tables in my database to save this data. I have an attribute table.name just to not create same block where's only table name is different.
My next block is FlattenJson. After this i'm using ReplaceText with search value (replacement value is empty string): (customers\\\/${client.customer.id}\\\/campaigns\\\/|customers\\\/${client.customer.id}\\\/adGroups\\\/).
Why this? From this line: "adGroup": "customers/5404177717/adGroups/110501283582" i only need last value 110501283582 as ad_group_id. And from this line: "campaign": "customers/5404177717/campaigns/11628802542" i only need 11628802542. ${client.customer.id} can be different, so i'm using EL features.
Also i need to change json value name adGroup to ad.group.id, for this i'm also using ReplaceText.
Can i do it faster without two ReplaceText processors?
Look at the following processors...I think using them can be an alternative:

Dependent field in Laravel Nova using Nova Dependency Container

I'm quite new to Laravel Nova, and I'm trying to implement dependent fields but there's no easy solution to it. I want to display a checkbox if a certain value is selected in a select dropdown.
After a little searching, I found this: https://github.com/epartment/nova-dependency-container. I'm trying to use this, but something's not working right. I'm using Laravel v5.7 and Nova v1.3.2. Hence, I've installed v1.1.2 of this package.
I followed the installation guidelines and have written the following code:
namespace App\Nova;
use Epartment\NovaDependencyContainer\HasDependencies;
use Epartment\NovaDependencyContainer\NovaDependencyContainer;
class Submission extends Resource
use HasDependencies;
public function fields(Request $request)
$fields[] = Select::make('Route', 'route')->options([
0 => 'First Name',
1 => 'First Name / Last Name',
2 => 'Full Name'
$fields[] = NovaDependencyContainer::make([
Text::make('Title', 'title')
])->dependsOn('route', 2);
return $fields;
I can see the field Route with the right options and values. However, when I select 'Full Name', the dependent field Title is not displayed.
When I see the JSON response of the fields, this is what I get:
"component": "select-field",
"prefixComponent": true,
"indexName": "Route",
"name": "Route",
"attribute": "route",
"value": null,
"panel": null,
"sortable": false,
"textAlign": "left",
"options": [
"label": "First Name",
"value": 0
"label": "First Name / Last Name",
"value": 1
"label": "Full Name",
"value": 2
"component": "nova-dependency-container",
"prefixComponent": true,
"indexName": "",
"name": "",
"attribute": "",
"value": [],
"panel": null,
"sortable": false,
"textAlign": "left",
"fields": [
"component": "text-field",
"prefixComponent": true,
"indexName": "Title",
"name": "Title",
"attribute": "title",
"value": null,
"panel": null,
"sortable": false,
"textAlign": "left"
"dependencies": [
"field": "route",
"value": 2
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. Would be great if someone could guide me here. Or if there's another solution that works.

Custom colors when generating a pie chart from JSON

I'm trying to create a pie chart with a custom set of colours using Am4Charts and the createFromConfig method.
I've followed the tutorial here but the chart keeps appearing with it's default color set.
Here is a sample of the JSON I've tried:
"innerRadius": 100,
"colors": {"list": ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff" ]},
"data": {
"0": {
"pot": "Within 8 days",
"value": "£111,119.70",
"1": {
"pot": "9 - 17 days",
"value": "£225,537.73"
"2": {
"pot": "18+ days",
"value": "£720,279.85"
"legend": [],
"xAxes": [
"type": "CategoryAxis",
"title": {
"text": "pot"
"dataFields": {
"category": "pot",
"title": {
"text": "Month"
"renderer": {
"labels": {
"rotation": 190,
"verticalCenter": "middle",
"horizontalCenter": "left"
"series": [
"type": "PieSeries",
"dataFields": {
"value": "value",
"category": "pot"
"ticks": {
"disabled": true
"labels": {
"disabled": true
Can somebody see where I've gone wrong?
Update 2:
Fixed in 4.0.0-beta.85.
Make sure you clear your browser cache after upgrading. And feel free to contact us again if you are still experiencing this issue.
Update 1:
Response from amchart contributor/CTO Martynas Majeris (https://github.com/martynasma):
Looks like there are two issues: documentation is wrong and there's a bug that prevents it from working :)
I updated the docs. It should say this:
// ...
"series": [{
// ...
"colors": {
"list": [
Also, fixed bug in dev version. New version will be released within 1-2 days.
This might be a bug and I have opened an issue on amchart github. I will update this once I get a response: https://github.com/amcharts/amcharts4/issues/577
By the way, I do think your configuration JSON has couple issues:
data is an array, not an object
legend is an object, not an array
This is what I used to create the pie chart demo for the opened issue:
// Create chart instance in one go
let chart = am4core.createFromConfig({
"colors": {
"list": ["#ff0000","#00ff00", "#0000ff"]
// Create pie series
"series": [{
"colors": ["#ff0000","#00ff00", "#0000ff"],
"type": "PieSeries",
"dataFields": {
"value": "value",
"category": "pot"
// Add data
"data": [{
"pot": "Within 8 days",
"value": "£111,119.70"
}, {
"pot": "9 - 17 days",
"value": "£225,537.73"
}, {
"pot": "18+ days",
"value": "£720,279.85"
// Add legend
"legend": {},
"innerRadius": 100
}, "chart", am4charts.PieChart);
