Oauth2 and OpenId Connect Implementation - spring-boot

We are trying to implement an application where UI is in angular and backend is in Spring boot.
We need to implement openId and oauth2 in our application.
Backend api's needs to be more secure.
I am just confusing which oauth flow to be used either authorization grant flow and password grant flow.
Can any one suggest me which one need to use in this scenario and why?

Storing tokens in the front end is not recommended. It also distributes token handling logic across FE and BE because BE will have to validate tokens on each request anyway.
Therefore to avoid handling and refreshing tokens in the frontend and to simplify the overall architecture, you can implement authorization code flow in Spring Boot. This will also reduce the risk of XSS exposure in the FE.
You could implement a dedicated endpoint that initiates the flow and receives code from identity server. It then exchanges this code for id token and stores it. Then it creates an HttpOnly, strict SameOrigin session cookie for the front end. From that point onwards all calls to the API inside your Spring Boot will automatically carry this cookie without any additional code on the FE.
To eliminate token storage on the BE, you could even put token inside the cookie. However, the token may be quite large and may need to be broken into chunks. This would not affect FE in any way.
You will need to check token expiry on each API call inside the BE and refresh token in the backend as well. This will keep user session seamless. If token can not be refreshed due to revocation or refresh token expiry, the API would have to return 401 and the FE would need to initiate re-login.


JWT in Cookies - do I need a refresh token?

I'm implementing security for my React SPA using Spring Security on the backend. After a lot of reading, I opted for the following approach :
HTTPS everywhere
POST /login takes credentials returns JWT_TOKEN & XSRF_TOKEN in cookie form. I build the JWT_TOKEN myself whereas Spring Security handles the XSRF_TOKEN. Both cookies are Secured and SameSite=Strict. The JWT token is HttpOnly.
Subsequent API calls require the X-XSRF-TOKEN header. This is read from the aforementionned cookie. Both are sent and Spring Security compares them. JWT is automatically sent and checked in a Filter.
Every time a XSRF token is used, Spring Security generates a new one to prevent session-fixation attacks
XSS protections are applied by Spring Security
So now I'm wondering about refresh tokens. I'm reading a lot of contradictory info out there. Do I need them with this setup? If so how best to handle this ?
Many Thanks
In general, as its name says, the refresh token changes from one token to another. Typically they are used in OAuth protocol-based authentication. They are useful when an access token has expired, but the user's session is still valid.
First, JWTs are a great choice for access tokens. They have claims that match the access tokens requirements, such as: exp, iat, jti, sub, etc. But, when using a cookie-based authentication there is no need for access tokens and possibly no need for JWT.
As you said, your JWT_TOKEN is being set as an HttpOnly cookie, which means that only the server has access to it. JWT is useful for sharing the initial state between the client and server, and vice-versa. If your server is just taking it to look up the database, you don't need a JWT, you are just using a session concept, and keeping session data on a JWT may not be a good practice.
Second, if your authenticated cookie data will live at /login and die at /logout, there is no need for refresh tokens. Refresh tokens are an exchange key for short-life access tokens. Instead, your cookies keep the session live and don't need to be exchanged by something else.
For example, if the user uses the /login route to exchange your username and password for one short life access_token. He may need the refresh_token to get a new access_token without needing to send his username and password again.
If you are using the OAuth protocol or similar, refresh tokens are essential to provide a more seamless experience for your users and avoid the inconvenience of repeatedly having to re-enter their credentials. But even on OAuth, they are not mandatory.

Spring Boot authorization using JWT

Am I correct in the following thought process?
For a native app I'm building I want to implement a backend in Spring Boot.
This backend will be secured using Spring Security. Since I will manage and develop everything myself (the backend, the native app(s) and the web app for backend management) securing everything with JWT would be sufficient and implementing a full oauth server would be a bit overkill.
I have implemented the JWT token generation in my backend at this moment. On user sign in, the backend returns a json object containing some user details as well as an access token and a refresh token. The access token will be short lived, the refresh token will be long-lived (speaking about months of life time, maybe even indefinite unless revoked).
Is it correct that the refresh token could theoretically also be used as the access token? Or should I set some value/data in the refresh token that identifies it as a refresh token only (so can't be used to access resources, only to generate new access token)?

JWT with JDBC token store vs JSESSION ID

I have implemented a spring boot application which does authentication and authorization using Spring OAuth2.
I am using JDBC token store to main the token issued to the client for performing Custom claim verification and some other user status verification during application run-time.
The question is, since i had used traditional JSESSIONID with CSRF token, i cannot find any advantage with the new OAuth standards because after login i would store the user details in the session and retrieve it whenever needed similarly for OAuth i store the User details in the JWT token itself and decode the token every time to get the user information, also i need to hit the database anyway for custom claim verification such as JTI verification .
Everyone says JWT is for stateless application but with JDBC token store i'm holding all the token that is issued to each client. Also there is an additional overhead to purge the expired token which will be done automatically with Session. Also i'm using refresh token as the way to implement session timeout.
Therefore can anyone explain me, when should i use JSESSIONID and when to use JWT ? My application is running on AWS architecture.
From my experience, cookie-based authentication sufficiently complicates scaling and load-balancing. If you have authenticated via the first service replica, your cookie will be not appliable to another replica, cause all sessions are stored in memory. So, if you want to scale your service in the future, session-based authentication can make things much more complex.

Cache OAuth2 tokens in SpringBoot application?

I am implementing a Spring Boot application, in which the methods are calling third party REST endpoints. This REST API is accessible after OAuth2 authentication. That is why I retrieve tokens from the third party (various users can use my application and respectfully call the REST endpoints) and use these tokens for authorization in order to call the endpoints. But in the current implementation this happens before every call. That is why I would like to ask for advice how to cache these tokens and whether this is a good practice at all? Also the tokens expire in 1 hour.
You should not cache access tokens on the backend of a web application ,if you can store them client side and send them with each request.
In case you don't have possibility to store it at client side (possible case your API is talking to some message client like USSD,SMS etc),It will be expensive to get an OAuth access token, because it requires an HTTP request to the token endpoint. This case is a good example where you can cache tokens whenever possible.
You can make use of REDIS if you have multiple instances.
REMEMBER : Tokens are sensitive data, because they grant access to a user's resources. (Moreover, unlike a user's password, you can't just store a hash of the token.) Therefore, it's critical to protect tokens from being compromised. You can make use of encryption.Do check below links for more details :
As per Auth0 Token Best Practices
Store and reuse.
Reduce unnecessary roundtrips that extend your application's attack surface, and optimize plan token limits (where applicable) by storing access tokens obtained from the authorization server. Rather than requesting a new token, use the stored token during future calls until it expires. How you store tokens will depend on the characteristics of your application: typical solutions include databases (for apps that need to perform API calls regardless of the presence of a session) and HTTP sessions (for apps that have an activity window limited to an interactive session). For an example of server-side storage and token reuse, see Obtaining and Storing Access Tokens to Call External APIs in our Github repo

How to implement Logout feature using jwt tokens in spring boot backend(using rest end points) Implementation

Iam new to spring security and i was going through spring boot jwt and the process but i dont know how to use logout feature through jwt .
For example when a user click logout at after that time using that token we can not access the secured Rest end points.
Now i want is implementation of logout functionality using JWT(Spring Boot Rest Api)that is used in real time projects and the code for it.
Please if any one can provide me the github link to the solution
or can send me the code at
and anything related to latest spring security projects real time (Backend)
and also of oAuth2 material please send me i need this
On logout, you can perform the following actions
Remove the token from the client
You can remove the token from Client (Local storage, Session/Cookie). Note that it will not prevent the client access as you removing from only client side and for server, it is still valid Token
Maintain Token blacklist
When a client performs logout action. Add that token to blacklist and for next request check token is in a blacklist. If yes then prevent the access. As you have to check for every request it will be costly for large applications
Short expiry time
If you keep the token expiry times at short enough intervals and have the running client keep track and request updates when necessary, It will be working as a complete logout system. The problem with this method is that it makes it impossible to keep the user logged in between closes of the client code (depending on how long you make the expiry interval).
You can also refer this for Details
