VS Code action to trigger debug hint - vscode-debugger

I'd like to get free of mouse when coding.
One of the things that stands in my way currently is debugging. Besides the obvious things like running and stepping, I'd like to be able to trigger whatever is shown when hovering over something.
I already can do Show Hover, but that doesn't work with the debugger. Is there anything else I can use for VS Code to do what I need it to do?


Visual Studio method/variable menu keeps disappearing (Also not sure what terminology I should use to find related answers)

I would like to demonstrate the problem I am having via this video on my google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RcDn1UQtbcWwILkaDaf5MgI-5PL6NS0-/view?usp=sharing
Part 1 of the video) I do not do anything with the method menu for a moment so I may attempt to read its information. Something happens that causes it to close.
Part 2 of the video) I try to see if I can use my mouse to try and select from the method menu. However, something also happens that causes the method menu to close.
Part 3 of the video) I am trying to quickly use the down arrow key to browse through the options, but some process seems to happen as my cursor turns into a loading circle, causing me to actually go down lines of code using the down arrow key.
I have never encountered this before, and I am not sure what is causing this. There were a few times earlier today when I could use the down arrow key and leave the method menu on for a bit to read more information and things seemed fine for a moment, and then there are other times like these when the method menu is disappearing on me. I'm not sure how to search this up because I'm not really sure what appropriate terminology I should use when trying to see who else has had this problem.
I am using Visual Studio Community 2019, version 16.9.4 with the .NET Framework version of 4.8.04084

Visual studio way to label watching value

I am curious is there any way to label value of object in watch window - to help in readability? (Like in the picture)
It will be really helpful to debug.
I tried double click on name and changed it, but it looks like we cannot change it.
How would I like to use it
Thanks a lot!
The feature you want to use is the datatips in debugging.
We hover over a variable to see its value, and it was different from the debugging watch window.
The feature you want to get in the watch window would be hard now.
This document shared us the general features in the debugging watch window:
If you really want to get this request, one idea is that you could submit a feature request to the product team:

how to change how the window looks in visual basic

So basically what I am trying to do is in Visual Studio I am trying to change how the VBS window will look instead of the way that it is now because I have seen it done before where people make the window look cool without having the bar or anything. Thanks hopefully I explained it correctly please let me know if you need further infomation.
A window without a title bar doesn't really look cool. And even if it did, it would suddenly stop looking cool the instant that the user tried to move it someplace else on their screen. So I don't recommend doing this.
But if you want to do it anyway, investigate the FormBorderStyle property of your form. You'll see it in the Properties Window at design time. You can pick any of the available options, but if what you're aiming at is an window with no borders, you'll want to select FormBorderStyle.None.

Firefox Web Developer Tools - how to see the code associated with a button

I'm not really sure how to best word this, but let's say I'm on a web page and when I click a certain button, something undesirable happens. Like a whole bunch of content disappears. Is there a way in the Firefox debugging tools where I can insert a watch on that button so when I click it, the debugger will pause the JS execution and show me exactly where in the code it's executing the stuff I don't want?
(note: obviously this is code I did not write, otherwise I'd know where to look to fix the problem)
Yes, in the debugger there is an events pane, and you can break when a specific event is triggered. The documentation is here:
Firefox has a good built-in profiler - you can click the start profile, and click it again to end, and see what parts of the code are running the most.
This is really helpful in finding performance problems too.

Fields in the XAML editor Property window becoming un-responsive

Edit: I see "Silverlight -" is in front of my question, which I realize may have something to do with the alphabetical order of my tabs... really Visual Studio 2013 should be in front, anyone know if that can be changed?
I've been using the newer Visual Studio 2013 for about a week now, and I've found some quirks with it. The one that seems to happen the most is when I'm in the XAML editor working on something, suddenly if I go over to the property window I can't enter anything. I'm not running/debugging. I can type stuff in the regular XAML code editor window.
Even stranger, one of the times, I could get the cursors to appear in the fields. I typed a bunch of junk and just one character from what I types appeared. Another time I couldn't enter values into the properties, but I could double click on an event in the events window and create a new event handler. Just a minute ago I had the opposite, where I couldn't double click in the events window.
I think VS 2013 introduced async handling of more things, could it be related to that? Or perhaps because I'm using Silverlight? Right now my only workaround is to restart VS, does anyone have any knowledge about this? Anyone else experienced this?
I'm going to submit a bug report, but it would be a while before there's a patch, so I'm wondering if maybe someone understand the problem better and has a workaround? Or maybe just confirm that this exists and that I'm not crazy/my computer's haunted.
I should mention another weird thing that happened two nights ago. I thought it was some how my doing, but I never figured out how I could have managed it without noticing. I was working on a piece of code, went to run after changing a few lines, and suddenly I had a ton of compiler errors. I go over to a user control I haven't touched in hours and suddenly the main LayoutRoot grid is completely empty. Luckily I'd committed to source control, but still...
I found an easy way to deal with this problem. It happens a lot after debugging so what I did was I created a batch file on my desktop containing this line taskkill /f /im XDesProc.exe and I run it every time the properties start misbehaving. Its the quickest way to reload the designer's functionality. I submitted this bug to microsoft they claim it will be included in the next update.
Me and another guy are developing a silverlight app and having the same exact problem. I accidentally found where the bug lies and how to mess with it to allow you to type "very briefly". Apparently this has something to do with tooltips. If you hover over anything in the property window when this bug is happening and allow a tooltip to popup while your cursor is blinking in a field, for the duration that the tooltip is up you can resume typing normal. As soon as the tooltip times out and disappears you can't type. So the only way you can edit or search properties is while a mouse tooltip is floating active. Very unusual. Can't seem to find any kind of tooltip settings in the program and the situation is very hard to find on google because search results assume your talking about programming tooltips. As far as I know we have had this issue since before release candidate. We are currently on official update 1 with the same problem persisting.
