ElasticSearch High Search response times on new Machine - elasticsearch

I have 4 EC2 machines in ElasticSearch Cluster.
Configuration: c5d.large, Memory: 3.5G, Data Disk: 50GB NVME instance storage.
ElasticSearch Version: 6.8.21
I added the 5th machine with the same configuration c5d.large, Memory: 3.5G, Data Disk: 50GB NVME instance storage. After that, Search requests are taking more time than earlier. I enabled slow logs, which shows only shards that are present on the 5th node are taking more time for search. Also, I can see high disk Read IO happening on new node when I trigger search requests. The iowait% increases by the number of search requests and goes up to 90-95%. All old nodes do not show any read spikes.
I checked elasticsearch.yml, jvm.options and even sysctl -A configurations. there is no diff between config on new nodes vs old nodes.
What could be the issue here?


maxtimeout Reached - Indexing a document Elastic Search

recently when I try to index a document. The request, response with max-timeout reached
after a certain point in time, and it starts indexing again.
Now, I'm trying to find the root cause of that issue. The only thing I'm able to find is one of my master nodes was down at that time. will it result in that timeout issue?
the infra details of my elastic search are:
run in Kubernetes
3 data nodes - each node spec(ram 64GB memory limit 32GB) - heap size - 28GB disk size - 1TB
3 master nodes - each node spec(ram 16GB memory limit 4GB) - heap size - 4GB disk size - 10GB
Found the cause of it
which is due to all masters being down at that time
because of multiple issues:
heap dump saving (out of mem in storage)
because of storage sharing trying to dump heap data with the same name(which throws file exist error)

Elasticsearch and Fluentd optimisation for log cluster

we are using Elasticsearch and Fluentd for Central logging platform. below is our Config details:
Elasticsearch Cluster:
Master Nodes: 64Gb Ram, 8 CPU, 9 instances
Data Nodes: 64Gb Ram, 8 CPU, 40 instances
Coordinator Nodes: 64Gb Ram, 8Cpu, 20 instances
Fluentd: at any given time we have around 1000+ fluentd instances writing logs to Elasticsearch coordinator nodes.
and on daily basis we create around 700-800 indices and which total to 4K shards on daily basis. and we keep maximum 40K shards on cluster.
we started facing performance issue on Fluentd side, where fluentd instances fails to write logs. common issues are :
1. read time out
2. request time out
3. {"time":"2021-07-02","level":"warn","message":"failed to flush the buffer. retry_time=9 next_retry_seconds=2021-07-02 07:23:08 265795215088800420057/274877906944000000000 +0000 chunk=\"5c61e5fa4909c276a58b2efd158b832d\" error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchOutput::RecoverableRequestFailure error=\"could not push logs to Elasticsearch cluster ({:host=>\\\"logs-es-data.internal.tech\\\", :port=>9200, :scheme=>\\\"http\\\"}): [429] {\\\"error\\\":{\\\"root_cause\\\":[{\\\"type\\\":\\\"circuit_breaking_exception\\\",\\\"reason\\\":\\\"[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be [32274168710/30gb], which is larger than the limit of [31621696716/29.4gb], real usage: [32268504992/30gb], new bytes reserved: [5663718/5.4mb], usages [request=0/0b, fielddata=0/0b, in_flight_requests=17598408008/16.3gb, model_inference=0/0b, accounting=0/0b]\\\",\\\"bytes_wanted\\\":32274168710,\\\"bytes_limit\\\":31621696716,\\\"durability\\\":\\\"TRANSIENT\\\"}],\\\"type\\\":\\\"circuit_breaking_exception\\\",\\\"reason\\\":\\\"[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be [32274168710/30gb], which is larger than the limit of [31621696716/29.4gb], real usage: [32268504992/30gb], new bytes reserved: [5663718/5.4mb], usages [request=0/0b, fielddata=0/0b, in_flight_requests=17598408008/16.3gb, model_inference=0/0b, accounting=0/0b]\\\",\\\"bytes_wanted\\\":32274168710,\\\"bytes_limit\\\":31621696716,\\\"durability\\\":\\\"TRANSIENT\\\"},\\\"status\\\":429}\"","worker_id":0}
looking for guidance on this, how we can optimise our Logs cluster?
Well, by the looks of it, you have exhausted your parent circuit breaker limit of 95% of Heap Memory.
The error you mentioned has been mentioned in the elasticsearch docs -
[1]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/fix-common-cluster-issues.html#diagnose-circuit-breaker-errors
. The page also refers to a few steps you can take to Reduce JVM memory pressure, which can be helpful to reduce this error.
You can also try increasing this limit to 98%, using the dynamic command -
PUT /_cluster/settings
"persistent" : {
"indices.breaker.total.limit" : "98%"
But I would suggest this be performance tested before applying in production.
Since your request is 30GB, which is a bit too much, for a more reliable solution, I would suggest increasing your log scrapers frequency, so that it makes more frequent posts to ES with smaller-sized data blocks.

Why does Elasticsearch allow you to specify multiple disk partitions in the .yml file if it doesn't balance shards across partitions?

This is follow-up to a questions I asked previously here.
I have a cluster with three data nodes and one head node. The hard-drive on each data node has three partitions: /data1, /data2 and /data3. I configured my elasticsearch.yml on the head node like this:
path.data: /data1/elasticsearch, /data2/elasticsearch_2, /data3/elasticsearch_3
My existing index is stored in /data1/elasticsearch on each node. However, when I disable replication and try to load the data for my new index I trigger the low watermark cluster setting; the /data1 doesn't have enough space.
Looking through the Elasticsearch documentation I found this warning:
Elasticsearch does not balance shards across a node’s data paths. High disk usage in a single path can trigger a high disk usage watermark for the entire node. If triggered, Elasticsearch will not add shards to the node, even if the node’s other paths have available disk space. If you need additional disk space, we recommend you add a new node rather than additional data paths.
So my questions is: Why does Elasticsearch allow you to specify multiple paths for data storage if it doesn't allocate shards to the next empty path on the node?
The option to use multiple data paths won't be allowed anymore, this feature has some problems, for example the one you mentioned and the fact the kibana could show the wrong free space when using multiple disks on the same node.
The use of multiple data paths is planned to be deprecated in version 7.13 and removed in version 8.0 according to this github issue.
According to the same issue:
(...) multiple-data-paths is a feature that has a very high cost (numerous bugs and deficiencies in its design), relatively few users, and most importantly, better alternatives that are standard outside of Elasticsearch.

Elastic search kubernetes Sudden rise in data disk usage

Deployed elastic search Kubernetes in GKE. With 2GB memory and 1GB persistence disk.
We got an error out of storage exception. After that, we have Increased to 2GB on the next day itself it reached 2GB, but we haven’t run any big queries. Then again we have increased the persistence disk size to 10 GB. After that, there is no increase in the data persistence disk storage.
On further analysis, we have found total Indices take 20MB of memory unable to what are the data in the disk.
Used elastic search nodes stats API to get the details on disk and node statistics.
I am unable to find the exact reason why memory exceeds and what are the data in the disk. Also, suggest ways to prevent this future.
It is continuously receiving data and based on your config it creates multiple copies of indices and may create a new index daily. Check the config file.
if the elasticsearch cluster fails each time it creates a backup of data so you may need to delete old backups before restarting the cluster.

how does elasticsearch decide how many shards can be restored in parallel

I made a snapshot of an index with 24 shards. The index is of size 700g.
When restoring, it restores 4 shards in parallel.
My cluster is a new cluster with only one machine w/o replica nodes.
The machine is AWS c3.8xlarge with 32 vCPUs and 60G memory.
I also followed How to speed up Elasticsearch recovery?.
When restoring, the memory usage is full. How does elastic search decide how many shards can be restored in parallel?
I was wondering how I can tune my machines' hardware config to make restore faster. If my cluster has more machines, can the restoring speed be improved linearly?
Basically, for ES 6.x there are two settings that decide how fast is the recovery for primary shards:
cluster.routing.allocation.node_initial_primaries_recoveries Sets the number of primary shards that are recovering in parallel on one node. Defaults is 4. So, for a cluster with N machines, the total number of recovering shards in parallel is N*node_initial_primaries_recoveries (See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/shards-allocation.html#_shard_allocation_settings)
indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec Decides how much storage is loaded on recovery per single index. Default is 40mb. (See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/recovery.html)
