Pytorch lightning callback for switching dataloader_idx - pytorch-lightning

Is there a callback or something similar used when incrementing the dataloader index? The reason is that I have defined multiple dataloaders and I would like to start a new run with weight and biases for each dataloader.

Engineer from W&B here.
One thing you could do is update the dataset in the setup callback of your datamodule.
However, could you please share a snippet of your code. I don't think I entirely understand what you're trying to do.


Tensorflow memory issue

I have a problem with tensorflow.
I need to create several model (e.g. neural networks), but after the computation of the parameters of such models, I will create new models, and I won't need the previous models anymore.
Seems that tensorflow is not able to recognize which model I am still using, and which ones are without reference anymore, and I don't know in which way should I delete the previous models. As result the memory keep increasing its size, until the system kills my execution, which, obviously, is something that I would like to avoid.
How do you think I should deal with this problem? What's the correct way to 'delete' the previous models?
thanks in advance,

How to use AVAudioPlayerNode with AVMutableComposition

The AVAudioEngine and related AVAudioNode objects seem to be quite powerful for audio processing but it's difficult to see how to automate parameter changes with them. I'm sure there must be something more effective than manually using a Timer to change values, as a crude example.
AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters includes a method setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:toEndVolume:timeRange: but I cannot see how I could integrate that with AVAudioPlayerNode (connected with AVAudioEffectNodes) and use that method to fade the volume over time. Instead, I have only seen examples of AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters working with AVMutableCompositioninstances and none of them include AVAudioNode objects.
Can anyone post or link to some code samples that combine the use of AVAudioNodes with setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:toEndVolume:timeRange: or explain best practices for automating parameter changes on a node over time?
Many thanks
The AVAudioEngine is a real-time engine, but AVMutableComposition seems to be a non-real-time object. Thus incompatible. An alternative is to build and insert your own fader real-time AUAudioUnit node..

How to interface blocking and non-blocking code with asyncio

I'm trying to use a coroutine function outside of the event loop. (In this case, I want to call a function in Django that could also be used inside the event loop too)
There doesn't seem to be a way to do this without making the calling function a coroutine.
I realize that Django is built to be blocking and a therefore incompatible with asyncio. Though I think that this question might help people who are making the transition or using legacy code.
For that matter, it might help to understand async programming and why it doesn't work with blocking code.
After a lot of research I think these solutions could be helpful:
Update your legacy code to use asyncio:
Yes i know that it can be hard and painful, but it might be the sanest choice. If you are wanting to use Django like I was... Well, you've got a lot of work to do to make Django async'd. I'm not sure it is possible, but I found at least one attempt: (Though, in a youtube video the author explained all the shortcomings of this).
use asyncio.async or asyncio.Task:
These items will enable you to run something async inside of blocking code, but the downfall here is that you will not be able to wait for them to finish without doing something ugly like a while loop that checks if the future has completed... ugh, but if you don't need the result, that might work for you.
About case #2: Blocking code should be at least wrapped with .run_in_executor.

Vectored Referencing buffer implementation

I was reading code from one of the projects from github. I came across something called a Vectored Referencing buffer implementation. Can have someone come across this ? What are the practical applications of this. I did a quick google search and wasn't able to find any simple sample implementation for this.
Some insight would be helpful.
I think some more insight on your specific project/usage/etc would allow for a more specific answer.
However, the term is generally used to either change or start an interface/function/routine with the goal that it does not allocate another instance of its input in order to perform its operations.
EDIT: Ok, after reading the new title, I think you are simply talking about pushing buffers into a vector of buffers. This keeps your code clean, you can pass any buffer you need with minimal overhead to any function call, and allows for a better cleanup time if your code isn't managed.
EDIT 2: Do you mean this

Is midiOutPrepareHeader a quick call?

Does midiOutPrepareHeader, midiInPrepareHeader just setup some data fields, or does it do something that is more time intensive?
I am trying to decide whether to build and destroy the MIDIHDR's as needed, or to maintain a pool of them.
You really have only two ways to tell (without the Windows source):
1) Profile it. Depending on your findings for how long it takes, have a debug-only scoped timer that logs when it suddenly takes longer than what you think is acceptable for your application, or do your pool solution. Though the docs say not to modify the buffer once you call the prepare function, and it seems if you wanted to re-use it you may have to modify it. I'm not familiar enough with the docs to say one way or the other if your proposed solution would work.
2) Step through the assembly and see. Don't be afraid. Get the MSFT public symbols and see if it looks like it's just filling out fields or if it's doing something complicated.
