Logistic regression (Verhulst's logic equation) - wolfram-mathematica

I need to build 2 graphics:
using logistic regression model
using the same model but with Allee effect
I tried using this formula in WolframAlpha
but it doesn't show any diagram, and looks like I do something wrong.
So I have 2 questions:
How should I write the logistic regression equation including Allee effect?
How should I write these formulas in WolframAlfa so that I can see the diagram?

Re. your expression
You could plot the following for various values of r, k and p0
(E^(r t) k p0)/(k - p0 + E^(r t) p0)
Obtained from
With reference to https://mathworld.wolfram.com/LogisticEquation.html


Tupper's Formula in Prolog

Prolog is said to be very bad for numerics.
Can we prove the contrary and like plot the following function?
We need to plot the formula where y in a range [k,k+17) for a very large k,
so bignums
could be helpful. But unfortunately the formula looks like a float formula.

Calculating marginal distribution from Discrete Joint Probability Distribution

My question is related to multivariable joint distribution. I have one source variable "x" and multiple receivers "y1" "y2" "y3". I have each joint distribution p(x,y1),p(x,y2), p(x,y3).
My question is how do I get p(x) from combination of the 3.
The issues in my mind are
If I calculate p(x) from p(x,y1). I already think that this should be exactly the p(x) obtained from other joint distributions. But in a real scenario, we have to estimate these distributions which would yield different marginal for p(x).
I do not have code yet but if someone can point out the direction then it would really be helpful
I worked on modeling sensors with belief networks in my dissertation. See: http://riso.sourceforge.net My dissertation is a little ways down on the page. A model for sensors which measure the same thing is described in Section 6.5.
In brief, when you have multiple measurements y1, y2, y3 of the same thing x, you can model the joint probability of all of them as p(x, y1, y2, y3) = p(y1 | x) p(y2 | x) p(y3 | x) p(x), where each p(y | x) is a measurement model, i.e., it represents the way that the measurement is a function of the thing being measured. Then the goal is to compute p(x | y1, y2, y3). It turns out that's proportional to p(y1 | x) p(y2 | x) p(y3 | x) p(x), with the constant of proportionality being whatever is needed to make the expression integrate to 1 over x. I.e., to combine information from multiple sensors, given this model, you multiply them together.
If you open a question on stats.stackexchange.com, I can say more about it. Hope this helps.

How the Symbolic State Exploration works in Symbolic Model Checking

The following algorithm is a rough sketch of model checking with Computational Tree Logic (CTL):
It is stated that:
The model-checking problem for CTL is to verify for a given transition system TS and CTL formula Φ whether TS |= Φ... The basic procedure for CTL model checking is rather straightforward:
the set Sat(Φ) of all states satisfying Φ is computed recursively, and
it follows that TS |= Φ if and only if I ⊆ Sat(Φ)
where I is the set of initial states of TS...
The recursive computation of Sat(Φ) basically boils down to a bottom-up traversal of the parse tree of the CTL state formula Φ.
So you essentially (from my understanding), you provide the system with a CTL formula Φ, which is a parse tree, and then it searches through the states, and through the CTL parse tree, and checks if any state satisfies Φ.
The question is:
In the Sat(Φ) method, roughly what happens (the symbolic stuff). They say (2) below, where S is states and A is atomic propositions. Wondering how they actually check the states, given that the program isn't actually running. It is (at least I think) Symbolic Model Checking. Wondering if one could explain roughly how the state checking works. It seems like some sort of input generation has to occur, but at the same time I'm thinking maybe it shouldn't occur.
The reason for it being hard to understand for me is this. Say one of the assertions is for a function addTricky(x, y) which is implemented like this:
function addTricky(x, y) {
if (y >= 1) return 3
return x + y
Then I would have a Boolean expression in some logic that says "before addTricky : z = 0. after z = addTricky(x, y) : y >= 1 -> z = 3 ; y < 1; z = x + y".
Basically trying to get at the question of patterns. If Sat(Φ) is doing basically what I just did in that Boolean expression, I wonder if it ever calls/invokes the function addTricky, or if it can do it all symbolically somehow. I don't see how that works yet, wondering if the basics of how the symbolic execution works could be explained a bit. To me I keep imagining it doing some sort of Unit Testing, like plugging in addTricky(1, 1) for example, and checking all the possibilities. Maybe that is "explicit state exploration" vs. symbolic exploration, not sure.
Thank you so much for the help!
(1) For each node of the parse tree, i.e., for each subformula Ψ of Φ, the set Sat(Ψ) of states is computed for which Ψ holds.
(2) Sat(a) = {s ∈ S | a ∈ L(s)}, for any a ∈ A
I think there are two parts to your question: 1) How to go from a software function to a transition system and 2) how is the transition system used to check satisfaction.
1) A transition system is basically an extension of a finite state automaton. If you have a function like you described, you first need to transform it into a transition system. This can be done, for example, by introducing states for each executable line of your code, and transitions between those states that follow the conditions of your code. At the transition system level you do not have the concept of function call, therefore you need to take care of this during the translation e.g., by in lining function definitions. This step is independent on how you verify the transition system. As you can imagine this can lead to pretty large transition systems.
There are other approaches, that are not based on transition systems, that simulate the execution of the program and collect symbolic constraints along the way. Symbolic execution is such an example.
2) Let's say that you inline your addTricky function and get something along these lines
L0: z=0
if (y>=1)
L1: z=3
L2: z=x+y
A possible TS is:
(L0: z=0) --[y >= 1]--> (L1: z=3)
(L2: z=x+y)
You have 3 executable statements and this leads to a TS whose symboiic states (S) are:
L0: Z=0; X=?; Y=?
L1: Z=3; X=?; Y>=1
L2: Z=X+Y; X=?; Y<1
where ? means any value. The power of this approach is that you can compactly represent all the values of X and Y in a single symbolic state.

Solve specific combination in propositional logic rule set (SAT Solver)

In the car industry you have thousand of different variants of components available to choose from when you buy a car. Not every component is combinable, so for each car there exist a lot of rules that are expressed in propositional logic. In my case each car has between 2000 and 4000 rules.
They look like this:
A → B ∨ C ∨ D
C → ¬F
F ∧ G → D
where "∧" = "and" / "∨" = "or" / "¬" = "not" / "→" = "implication".
With the tool "limboole" (http://fmv.jku.at/limboole/) I am able to to convert the propositional logic expressions into conjunctive normal form (CNF). This is needed in case I have to use a SAT solver.
Now, I would like to check the buildability feasibility for specific components within the rule set. For example, for each of the following expressions or combinations, I would like to check if the are feasible within the rule set.
(A) ∧ (B)
(A) ∧ (C ∨ F)
(B ∨ G)
My question is how to solve this problem. I asked a similar questions before (Tool to solve propositional logic / boolean expressions (SAT Solver?)), but with a different focus and now I am stuck again. Or I just do not understand it.
One option is to calculate all solutions with an ALLSAT approach of the rule set. Then I could check if each combination is part of any solution. If yes, I can derive that this specific combination is feasible.
Another option would be, that I add the combination to the rule set and then run a normal SAT solver. But I would have to do it for each expression I want to check.
What do you think is the most elegant or rather easiest way to solve this problem?
The best method which is known to me is to use "incremental solving under assumptions" technique. It was motivated by the same problem you have: multiple SAT instances (CNF formulae) which have some common subformulae.
Formally, you have some core Boolean formula C in CNF. And you have a set of assumptions {A_i}, i=1..n, where A_i is a Boolean formula in CNF also.
On the step 0 you provide to the solver your core formula C. It tries to solve it, says a result to you and save its state (lets call this state as core-state). If formula C is satisfiable, on the step i you provide assumption A_i to the solver and it continues its execution from the core-state. Actually, it tries to solve a formula C ∧ A_i but not from the beginning.
You can find a bunch of papers related to this topic easily, where much information is located. Also, you can check you favorite SAT-solver for the support of this technique.

Finite-state transducer that computes the relation

From http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/theory-bk/theory-bk-twoli1.html#30007-23021r2.2.4:
Let M = <Q, Σ, Δ, δ, q0, F> be the deterministic finite-state transducer whose transition diagram is given in Figure 2.E.2.
For each of the following relations find a finite-state transducer that computes the relation.
a. { (x, y) | x is in L(M), and y is in Δ* }.
b. { (x, y) | x is in L(M), y is in Δ*, and (x, y) is not in R(M) }.
Yes, this is HW, but I have been struggling with these questions and could at least use pointers. If you want to create your own c. and/or d. examples just to show me HOW to do it rather than lead me to the answers for a. and b. then obviously I'm fine with that.
Thanks in advance!
Since you don't indicate what progress you've made so far, I'm going to assume that you've made no progress at all, and will give overall guidance for how you can approach this sort of problem.
First of all, examine the transition diagram. Do you understand what all the notations mean? Note that the transducer is described as deterministic. Do you understand what that means? Convince yourself that the transducer depicted in the transition diagram is, in fact, deterministic. Trace through it; try to get a sense for what inputs are accepted by the transducer, and what outputs it gives.
Next, figure out what L(M), Δ, and R(M) are for this transducer, since the questions refer to them. Do you know what those notations mean?
Do you know what it means for a transducer to compute a certain relation? Do you understand the { (x, y) | ... } notation for describing the relation?
Can you modify the transition diagram to eliminate the ε/0 transition and merge it into adjacent transitions (which then might output multiple symbols at a single transition)? (This can help, IMHO, with creating other transducers that accept the same input language. More so with part b, in this case, than part a.)
Describe for yourself the transducers you need to create, in a way that's independent of the original transducer. Will these transducers be deterministic?
Create the transition diagrams for these transducers.
