debug a google apps script - debugging

I don't uderstand why my function doesn't recognize the 'e' from the onEdit function?
Do you have an idea?
Thank's a lot if you can help me
the error when i try to debug
function onEdit(e){
var feuille = e.source;
if(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getColumn()==7){ //the 7th column is the "+/-" column
var i = e.source.getActiveRange().getRow(); //i is the line of the change
var k = 408+i; // k is the line where we put the date
var l = 2; //l is the column where we put the date and the quantity
var cellDate = feuille.getRange(k,l);
while (isEmpty(cellDate)==false){ //the column of the date is incremented
feuille.getRange(k,l).setValue(new Date());
const stockDate = feuille.getRange(i,8).getValue();
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.getRange("G2:G403").setValue('0'); ////we reset the "+/-" column to zero

The onEdit(e) function is a simple trigger that is designed to run automatically when you hand edit the spreadsheet. In that context, the event object e is properly populated.
If you blindly run your onEdit(e) function in the script editor, the event parameter e is not populated, causing the error you mention.
You can debug your onEdit(e) function by writing a wrapper function that creates an object and uses it as parameter when calling onEdit(e), like this:
function testOnEdit() {
const e = {
source: SpreadsheetApp.getActive(),
Then debug the testOnEdit() function.
See event object.


google form script exclude sundays on dates choices

im making a script for making an apointment. I get the choices of appointmentt date from my spreadsheet using script. How to exclude sunday when i get the choices from my spreadsheet ? i cant find a way to remove the sunday.
here is the code
var ssID = "1hil07Z2wvTXH1szX9bNfPKVLDQVO36ACQFGOU6_VUI0";
var formID="1SD5BenAnNxNz-wtw0YPut6YdTf7a62zHn_z3VrTdTUU";
var wsData = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssID).getSheetByName("DATA");
var form = FormApp.openById(formID);
function main(){
var labels = wsData.getRange(1,1,1,wsData.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var options = wsData
.getRange(2, i+1,wsData.getLastRow()-1,1)
.map(function(o){return o[0]})
.filter(function(o){return o !== ""})
function updateDropDownUsingTitle(title,values) {
var title = "Tanggal Penjemputan";
var items = form.getItems();
var titles ={
return item.getTitle();
var pos = titles.indexOf(title);
var item = items[pos];
var itemID = item.getId();
function updateDropdown(id,values) {
var item = form.getItemById(id);
this is the form
THis is my spreadsheet
There are 3 ways to achieve your goal:
Use a non-Sunday formula in sheet
Add a weekday column to sheet and filter in script
getValues and new Date instead of getDisplayValues, filter Sunday and then Utilities.formatDate
You can use the following formula:
=ArrayFormula(TODAY()+FILTER({1;2;3;4;5;6;7}, WEEKDAY(TODAY()+{1;2;3;4;5;6;7})<>1))
See on Google Sheets
This will give you the next 7 days excluding Sunday.

Passing event objects from trigger function to another function

I decided to break this onEdit(e) trigger function up into multiple functions, but when I did, the event objects (e) portion got "lost." After messing with it for a while, I finally got it to work again, but I don't think it's the most efficient solution.
Any suggestions, or is this good enough? Basically, I just added var e = e; and that made it work again.
function onEdit(e){
if(e.range.getSheet().getName() == 'Estimate'){
var e = e;
Logger.log("Starting subCatDV...");
Logger.log("Finished subCatDV!");
Logger.log("Starting itemDV...");
Logger.log("Finished itemDV!");
Logger.log("Starting subItemDV...");
Logger.log("Finished subItemDV!");
if(e.range.getSheet().getName() == 'Items'){
Here is the function that didn't seem to be receiving the event objects
function subItemDV(e){
// Populate sub-item data validations
var estss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Estimate');
var itemss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Items');
var subItemDVss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('subItemDataValidations');
var activeCell = estss.getActiveCell();
Logger.log("I'm in subItemDV...");
Logger.log("Checking sheet name...");
if(activeCell.getColumn() == 3 && activeCell.getRow() > 1){
if(e.range.getSheet().getName() == 'Items') return;
Logger.log("Not in 'Items' sheet! Moving on...");
activeCell.offset(0, 1).clearContent().clearDataValidations();
var subItem = subItemDVss.getRange(activeCell.getRow(),activeCell.getColumn(),itemss.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var subItemIndex = subItem[0].indexOf(activeCell.getValue()) + 2;
Logger.log("Checking subItemIndex...");
if(subItemIndex != 0){
var subItemValidationRange = subItemDVss.getRange(activeCell.getRow(),4,1,subItemDVss.getLastColumn());
var subItemValidationRule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(subItemValidationRange).build();
activeCell.offset(0, 1).setDataValidation(subItemValidationRule);
Logger.log("Finished checking subItemIndex...");
So as not to inflate discussion in comments: you can safely remove the var e = e assignment from the script, as it does not affect the problems that your updated version of the script solved:
e is an event object that is constructed as a response to trigger being fired. Since in your case the trigger is an onEdit(e) trigger, event object is undefined until an edit is made in the target Spreadsheet (please, note that script-triggered edits do not count);
Even if you called the function with a parameter (like doSomething(e)), in case you either do not access the parameter via the arguments object, or explicitly define it in a function declaration function doSomething(e), the event object won't be persisted;
Also, you might've missed the e binding in the last subCatDV() call + the if statement can be optimized (btw, don't use the equality comparison, use the identity comparison instead, it will save you debugging time in the future):
var name = e.range.getSheet().getName();
if(name === 'Estimate') {
}else if(name === 'Items') { //identity comparison ensures type match;
Useful links
event object reference;
arguments object reference;

Export crossfilter dataset to excel in dc.js

I made a visualization page using crossfilter.js and dc.js . I want to export the filtered dataset to excel. Is any way to do this.?
I think the best way to do this is to create another dimension and then call to get all the records (sorted by that dimension's key).
Jacob Rideout created a pull request for a new method to do just this without the overhead, but it was not accepted (doesn't look like it was rejected either ;):
But I doubt you will notice any performance penalty for creating the extra dimension. (Please comment on that PR if you do!)
function groupArrayAdd(keyfn) {
var bisect = d3.bisector(keyfn);
return function (elements, item) {
var pos = bisect.right(elements, keyfn(item));
elements.splice(pos, 0, item);
return elements;
function groupArrayRemove(keyfn) {
var bisect = d3.bisector(keyfn);
return function (elements, item) {
var pos = bisect.left(elements, keyfn(item));
if (keyfn(elements[pos]) === keyfn(item))
elements.splice(pos, 1);
return elements;
function groupArrayInit() {
return [];
var facts = crossfilter(data); //pass your mater dataset here.
var filteredRows = facts.groupAll().reduce(
filteredRows.value() will give you the crossfilted data. Every time the data is filteded, this function will give automatically five the filted output which you can use to export to excel using any jquery plugin.
Another way to find out filtered data is using below dc function:

Assigning functions to multiple slickgrids

Please help to solve this very annoying problem. I am using a for loop to iterate over an array of data and create multiple grids. It is working well but the filter function is not binding properly (it only binds to the LAST grid created) Here is the code:
// this function iterates over the data to build the grids
function buildTables() {
// "domain" contains the dataset array
for (i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) {
var dataView;
dataView = new Slick.Data.DataView();
var d = domains[i];
grid = new Slick.Grid('#' +, dataView, d.columns, grids.options);
var data =;
// create a column filter collection for each grid - this works fine
var columnFilters = columnFilters[];
// this seems to be working just fine
// Chrome console confirms it is is processed when rendering the filters
grid.onHeaderRowCellRendered.subscribe(function (e, args) {
$("<input type='text'>")
// respond to changes in filter inputs
$(grid.getHeaderRow()).delegate(":input", "change keyup", function (e) {
var columnID = $(this).data("columnId");
if (columnID != null) {
// this works fine - when the user enters text into the input - it
// adds the filter term to the filter obj appropriately
// I have tested this extensively and it works appropriately on
// all grids (ie each grid has a distinct columnFilters object
var gridID = $(this).parents('.grid').attr('id');
columnFilters[gridID][columnID] = $.trim($(this).val());
//##### FAIL #####
// this is where things seem to go wrong
// The row item always provides data from the LAST grid populated!!
// For example, if I have three grids, and I enter a filter term for
// grids 1 or 2 or 3 the row item below always belongs to grid 3!!
function filter(row) {
var gridID = $(this).parents('.grid').attr('id');
for (var columnId in grids.columnFilters[gridID]) {
if (columnId !== undefined && columnFilters[columnId] !== "") {
var header = grid.getColumns()[grid.getColumnIndex(columnId)];
return true;
dataView.setFilter(filter); // does it matter than I only have one dataView instance?
In summary, each function seems to be binding appropriately to each grid except for the filter function. When I enter a filter term into ANY grid, it returns the rows from the last grid only.
I have spent several hours trying to find the fault but have to admit defeat. Any help would be most appreciated.
yes, it matters that you have only one instance of dataView. and also sooner or later you will come up to the fact that one variable for all grids is also a bad idea
so add a var dataView to your loop, it should solve the problem

Cannot update label on Google Apps Script GUI Builder Interface at runtime

I have an interface that calls a script for spreadsheet creation using data taken from other spreadsheet. I want the interface to update its labels at runtime in order to give visual feedback to the user and let him know the script is running and it's not stuck. When I try to update the label I put in the interface, it doesn't update the first time, but updates correctly after myFunction() reaches its end. Which means I can see the message "Creation Completed", but the message "Creating file..." is never shown. Also, the button buttonCompile is never disabled so it seems that the instructions before myFunction() are not executed at all. How can I get the labels updated and the button disabled before myFunction() starts executing? (I already double-checked variable references)
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
app.add(app.loadComponent("File creation"));
var buttonCreate = app.getElementById('createBtn');
var handlerCrea = app.createServerHandler('createClickHandler');
return app;
function createClickHandler(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var label = app.getElementById('createLbl');
label.setText("Creating file...");
var buttonCompile = app.getElementById('compileBtn');
label.setText("Creation completed.");
return app;
The cause of this behavior is that the GUI is updated only after leaving a handler. A workaround is to use two handlers. The 1st one sets the label text to Creating file... and disables the button, the 2nd one executes the myFunction function, changes the text to Creation completed, and eanbles the button. Here is an example. It disables/enables the button and the worker handler simply waits 5 seconds.
function doGet(e) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var container = app.createHorizontalPanel().setId('container');
var btnPerformance = app.createButton("Performance Demo").setId('btnPerformance');
var handlerPerformance = app.createServerHandler('onBtnPerformanceClick');
var handlerWait = app.createServerHandler('onWait');
return app;
function enableControls(enable) {
var lstControls = [ 'btnPerformance' ];
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
for (var i = 0; i < lstControls.length; i++) {
var ctl = app.getElementById(lstControls[i]);
function onWait(e) {
return UiApp.getActiveApplication();
function onBtnPerformanceClick(e) {
return UiApp.getActiveApplication();
